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Hello, all my dear friends and family.

INTRO. I’ll take a few minutes to thank you for your company on this magical and historic night for me. None of
you are here by chance... each of you has come with me at different times in my life. You have shared laughter
and tears with me, but most of all, you have seen me grow.

1) First of all, I want to thank my family. For, even in the distance, always being together; for the noisy
dinners, for your several and constant unsolicited opinions. That makes us family, it strengthens us.
To my parents for your eternal advice. Your guidance and wisdom. For being tireless. Thank you for
your permanent and unconditional support. I love you so much

2) To my friends, the sisters that one chooses; There have been hours and hours of laughter, of
confidences, of illusions, and of surprises. For those days of fixing the world. Thank you for the
numerous hours of unpaid therapy.

3) To my 4 children. My greatest teachers. I love you infinitely and unconditionally. For you, it is worth
inventing what does not exist. Take time from where there is none. Invest even in what I would never
think of. You are my engine, my inspiration to be better every day. You are my unconditional love.
You are my joy, for you, I would do everything. I'd give my life.

4) To my partner in this adventure of life and also in the longest trails, my husband. You are my support,
my refuge. You are my strength. Thank you for constantly saying yes. For overcoming your own fears
and discovering new places, stories and people together. Thank you for trusting me entirely in your
most vulnerable moments. I love you forever.

5) I close by thanking God, always for enlightening my life. For giving me the strength and will to keep
going. For guiding me with wisdom to learn the lessons, overcome obstacles and always put me on
the perfect path (even if we don't understand it).

CONCLUSION. Looking back, there is no doubt that time flies, isn’t it? 45 years have passed. Full of a little bit
of everything. And they are gone like a sigh. And, after all, here we are... celebrating life. Today I want us to
toast to that. And because we are all happy.

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