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I would like to let you know that, the extent to which you think the

thoughts of God, to that same extent you have the power of God. The
position of God in your life is power: power of love, power of being faithful
and power of forgiveness. Right now in whatever state you are in, be filled
with the power of love, be filled with the power of faithfulness, be filled
with the power of forgiveness, in the name of Jesus Christ.

When you have a prophetic picture of your life you will look beyond your
present situation and see the glory of God. Remember your human
understanding must give way for spiritual enlightenment, in order for you
to have the maturity that comes from faith. Right now begin to ask Jesus
Christ to reveal to you the prophetic picture of your life, of your future, in
the name of Jesus Christ.

If you are conscious of your faith in Christ Jesus, you will not be moved by
the happenings around you, rather you will go closer to God and he will
make all things good for you at His appointed time. Right now ask God to
give you the grace to be conscious of your faith during your trying times,
in the name of Jesus Christ.

In Mark 4:36-41, the Living Word of God on the lips of Jesus Christ,
prevailed over the law of nature, such that the raging storm became still
and the seas were calm. By the power of spoken Word, any wind of
trouble in your life, be still in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Any wind of
trouble in your family, health, career, marriage, place of work, be still in
the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Any spirit troubling the joy and peace in your health, in your marital
home, finances, career, be captured right now in the name of Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus Christ you are the repairer and the restorer of life, Whatever
the enemy might have stolen in the lives of your people let it be restored
in the name of Jesus Christ. That stolen joy in your home, be restored,
that stolen good health be restored, that stolen peace, be restored; that
stolen success, victory, career, be restored in the mighty name of Jesus

Receive the peace and joy of Jesus Christ in your spirit, soul and body in
the name of Jesus Christ. The joy of the Lord is your strength; the peace
of the Lord is your comfort. Receive the peace and joy that comes from
Jesus Christ, in your life, business, marriage, career, in the name of Jesus

Jesus Christ, said, come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest.
Right now, receive rest from your troubles, receive rest from your worries,
receive rest from every burdens: be it financial burdens, physical,
emotional, psychological burdens, receive rest, in the name of Jesus

It is well with your spirit soul and body; it is well with your home, family,
marriage, career, destiny in the name of Jesus Christ we pray.

The joy of the Lord is your strength, thank You lord for restoring their joy
and strength. Thank you Lord for restoring their peace; thank you Lord for
restoring their good health, for healing their broken hearts, for restoring
their shattered marriages, for recovering their lost destinies, for
multiplying the fruit of their wombs, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Thank you lord for giving them a new hope, a new dream, a new vision,
and a new strength to further their cause. Thank you Lord for
strengthening their desire and determination to trust and obey you in the
name of Jesus Christ.

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