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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

Removals Questions as a Compliance to GeoE 406 – Mineralogy, GeoE 404 – Structural

Geology, ChE 420 – Qualitative and Quantitative Chemistry, and GeoE 407 – Principles of

Presented and Submitted by:

Payonga, Ralf L.
BSGeolEng - 2201

Presented to:
Mr. Abel Angel R. Ablang

May 2023
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200


1. As a Civil Engineer, explain what Jetties, Groins, Breakwaters, & Seawalls are.
In order for a shore to withstand erosion and to prevent the excessive sand movement, a
process called hard stabilization is used, and the following terms above belong to the
processes done in hard stabilization:
Jetties- are used as a pair that are usually extended in ocean in order to prevent
deposition over a specific area.
Groins-are built perpendicular to the direction of the beach in order to prevent
losing sand and sediments.
Breakwaters- are installed near the coastline where boats are stored in order to
prevent the massive waves by creating a zone where the waves are calm.
Seawalls- are built parallel the shoreline to prevent the breaking force of massive
2. As a Civil Engineer, explain what Terracing, Rock Bolting, Slope Drainage, Retaining
Walls, & Barriers?
Terracing involves cutting a slope by creating a series of steps to reduce the
steepness of slopes, and to prevent erosion.
Rock Bolting is a reinforcement used to maintain stability of rock formations.
Slope Drainage is used in order to redirect the water flow into a more stabilized
area in order to maintain the stability of the slope and to prevent erosion.
Retaining walls are used to keep the soil stable in a steep area, while retaining
barriers are used to prevent debris and rocks from falling to a specific area by
catching them.
3. Causes of Ice Age and explain each why.

The ice age is caused by the variations in the earth’s orbit (eccentricity), the
change in the tilt in the earth’s axis (obliquity) and the wobbling of the earth’s
axis over time (precession).

4. Composition of the Atmosphere in % or ppm.

Gas Composition in ppm
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

Nitrogen 78, 084

Oxygen 20, 946
Argon 9340
Carbon Dioxide 389
Other Gases
Neon 18.2
Helium 5.24
Methane 1.5
Krypton 1.14
Hydrogen 0.5

5. Discuss each horizon of soil and their composition and activities.

• Topsoil
o O Horizon- composed of organic materials
o A Horizon-minerals combined with humus
o E Horizon- eluviated layer
• Subsoil
o B Horizon- composed of clay transported from above
• C Horizon- composed of partially altered clay material
• R Horizon- bedrock
6. Discuss the difference between the Principle of Uniformitarianism and Catastrophism.
The Principle of Uniformitarianism is a principle proposed by Sir Charles Lyell
and Sir James Hutton that states, “The present is the key to the past,” indicating that
geologic events that occurred in the past can occur in the present, with different
magnitude, time and intensity; whereas the Principle of Catastrophism is a
principle proposed by Sir James Ussher that the current state of Earth’s geologic
features is a result of previous catastrophic events.
7. Discuss the five (5) spheres in the climate system.
a. Atmosphere-the sphere that is mainly gaseous
b. Biosphere-the sphere where all of the living organisms are located
c. Lithosphere-the layer composed of rocks, mountains, and plains
d. Cryosphere-the Earth’s icy layer, comprises of ice, ice sheets, glacier, and
e. Hydrosphere-the spere containing the Earth’s water system
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

8. Discuss the layers of the Earth and its composition, including the boundaries.
a. Crust-(~7km thick-Oceanic Crust; ~35km thick- Continental Crust) is composed
of basaltic rock and andesitic and granodioritic rocks respectively; and the
uppermost layer of the Earth
b. Mohorovicic Discontinuity- the boundary between crust and upper mantle
c. Upper Mantle-(660km thick) consists of lithosphere, asthenosphere and transition
zone; made of peridotite
d. Repiti Discontinuity- the boundary between crust and upper mantle
e. Lower Mantle- (from depth of 660km to the top of the core, at the depth of 2900
km) composed of perovskite; rocks are very hot and capable of extremely gradual
f. Gutenberg Discontinuity- the boundary between lower mantle and outer core
g. Outer Core- the liquid layer of Earth; composed of iron and nickel, responsible for
the magnetic field of Earth
h. Lehmann Discontinuity- the boundary between outer and inner core
i. Inner Core-composed of solid iron and nickel caused by the immense pressure
9. Discuss the process that formed Volcanic and Plutonic rocks. Give three rock samples for
a. Volcanic rocks are extrusive igneous rocks that are formed by lava solidifying on
the Earth’s surface. (e.g., andesite, obsidian, basalt)
b. Plutonic rocks are intrusive igneous rocks that are formed by crystallization of
magma underneath the Earth’s subsurface. (e.g., granite, gabbro, peridotite)
10. Discuss the rock cycle in detail.
Rock cycle is a never-ending cycle where it starts with the formation of magma.
When magma solidifies in earth’s surface of crystallizes in earth’s subsurface, it
forms into igneous rocks. When the igneous rock experienced weathering, and
transported into deposition zones, and gradually compacted and solidified, it forms
into a sedimentary rock. When the sedimentary rock is subjected to pressure and
heat, it turns into a metamorphic rock. When the metamorphic rock can either form
into a sedimentary rock or igneous rock when it uplifted, weathered, transported
and deposited, or when it melted.
11. Discuss the three (3) modes of sediment transportation.
a. Suspension- carrying along water
b. Saltation- skipping or bouncing
c. Sliding or Rolling-the sliding and rolling if the water is incapable of carrying the
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

12. Discuss the three (3) paths taken by solar radiation.

a. Absorption-solar radiation is consumed by objects
b. Reflection- solar radiation is bounced off a surface after being received
c. Transmission-passing of light through a specific material

13. Discuss the three boundaries in plate tectonics.

The convergent plate boundaries involve the colliding of two plates, or moving of
two plates together, resulting in formation of mountain systems and the formation
of subduction zones due to subduction of denser plate. Divergent plate boundaries
involve pulling apart of two plates, causing seafloor spreading. Transform plate
boundaries involving the sliding movement of two faults, creating fault lines that
generates earthquakes.

14. Elaborate the difference between Rock Fall, Slump, Debris Flow, Earth Flow?
a. Rockfall- involves the movement of rocks downslope
b. Slump- the sliding of mass of rock and other unconsolidated mass along a curved
c. Debris flow-a rapid movement of soil, regolith and sediments combined with
d. Earth flow-involves movement of land mass that during occurrences of

15. Enumerate the 24 active volcanoes and their places.

Babuyan Claro Babuyan Island
Banahaw Laguna-Quezon
Biliran Leyte
Bulusan Sorsogon, Bicol
Bud Dajo Sulu
Cabalian Southern Leyte
Cagua Cagayan
Camiguin de Babuyanes Babuyan Island
Didicas Babuyan Island
Hibok-Hibok Camiguin
Kanlaon Negros Oriental-Occidental
Leonard Kniasef Davao del Norte
Iraya Batan Island
Iriga Camarines Sur
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

Isarog Camarines Sur

Makaturing Lanao del Sur
Matutum Cotobato
Mayon Albay
Musuan Bukidnon
Parker South Cotabato
Pinatubo Boundaries of Pampanga, Tarlac and
Ragang Cotabato
Smith Babuyan Island
Taal Batangas

16. Explain the Big Bang Theory & Solar Nebular Hypothesis? Include those who proposed
a. The big bang theory is proposed by Georges Lemaitre, stating that the universe is
formed by a collision of two astronomical bodies, leading to formation of stars
and other bodies.
b. The Solar Nebular Hypothesis is proposed by Immanuel Kant and Pierre Simon
de Laplace, explaining that the solar system was formed by a solar nebula, a
single rotating cloud that contracted, creating a protosun and gradually formed
into planets due to gravitational pull according to its composition

17. Explain the concept of Goldilocks zone.

The Goldilocks zone is referred to as the habitable zone, where the distance from a star is
relatively enough, for water to exist in the planet’s surface. The planets in the Goldilocks
zone are capable of supporting and sustaining life.
18. Explain the differences between euphotic, dysphotic, and aphotic zone.
a. Euphotic- uppermost part of the ocean (up to 200m below the surface) there is
enough life for photosynthesis and most marine life inhabits this zone.
b. Dysphotic- minimum amount of sunlight received, only enough for
c. Aphotic- the layer where there is no sunlight. It is divided into different zones:
midnight zone (bathypalegic zone), abyss (abyssopalegic zone), and hadal zone
(hadopelagic zone)

19. Give eight (8) Global Warming Effects and discuss each.
1. Rising temperatures- The global average temperatures increases exponentially.
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

2. More frequent heatwaves: Because of global warming, some regions will see more
heatwaves, which could lead to more wildfires.
3. The Changing Arctic- Sea level rise can be a result of glaciers, ice sheets, and sea ice
melting due to global warming.
4. Sea level rising- Sea levels rise as ice melts and ocean water expands as a result of
warming temperatures, which raises the possibility of coastal flooding.
5. Increasing Ocean Acidity- it can be harmful to marine life for the ocean to become
more acidic as it takes in more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
6. Changes in precipitation patterns- global warming may result in more frequent
droughts in certain areas and more intense rainfall in others.
7. Shifts in plant and animal ranges- plant and animal ranges may vary as a result of
changing precipitation patterns and rising temperatures.
8. More intense storms- tropical cyclones can produce more wind and rain as a result of
global warming.

20. Give me only five (5) corrections to lessen the risks of destruction of structures on an Ice
a. Knowing how much ice is present and where it is located
b. Avoid removing insulating vegetation mat
c. Avoid constructing roads and buildings
d. Avoid building heated structures directly on a permafrost that contains high proportion
of ice
e. Place buildings and other structures on piles, like stilts.

21. Give me six (6) properties of Minerals and discuss each.

a. Luster- ability of mineral to react with light
b. Streak-the true color of mineral; color in its powdered form
c. Color-the color of mineral in naked eye
d. Cleavage- ability of mineral to break in its weak point
e. Hardness- resistance of a mineral to scratching
f. Piezochromism-ability of mineral to change color when struck

22. Give me the nine (9) soil orders here in the Philippines, from least to greatest in Volume.
a. Histosols
b. Oxisol
c. Andisol
d. Mollisol
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

e. Vertisol
f. Entisol
g. Alfisol
h. Ultisol
i. Inceptisol

23. Give me three rocks for each rock types and give characteristics for each.

Igneous Rocks
a. Obsidian- is an extrusive igneous rock that has glassy in nature, and has a cooncoidal
b. Diorite - is an intrusive igneous rock that is formed by the slow cooling underground
of magma. It has a phaneritic in texture and composed of sodium-calcium plagioclase,
quartz and biotite.
c. Rhyolite-contains in potassium and sodium. Commonly composed of 69 or more
percent of silica. It has an aphanitic texture, and it is a felsic igneous rock.

Sedimentary Rocks
a. Limestone – is a sedimentary rock composed of calcium carbonate, that effervesces
when it comes to contact with HCl solution
b. Conglomerate-is a sedimentary rock that are composed of several rounded rocks that
are cemented together.
c. Mudstone – Shale that breaks into chunks or blocks, detrital sedimentary rock.

Metamorphic Rocks
a. Schist – is a rock with medium to coarse-grained texture, with a highly developed
b. Marble- is a rock that is metamorphic form of limestone and is a medium grained rock
with a scale of hardness of 3.
c. Slate- is a rock that is a metamorphic form of shale.

24. Glaciers erode the land in two ways: Plucking and Abrasion, what's the difference?
a. Abrasion- sliding of ice and rock fragments over a bedrock.
b. Plucking- glaciers loosens and lifts blocks of rock and incorporates it to the ice
during its flow in a bedrock surface

25. How do Heating and Cooling, affect the concrete and asphalt of our roads?
Heating is responsible for the expansion of concrete and asphalt, while cooling is
responsible for the shrinkage of roads. If the roads are subjected to heating and cooling
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

repetitively, it will cause the road to be more brittle, leading to breaking and bumpy roads,
as we experience in our roads in our country.
26. How does Silica content affect the Viscosity and Eruptive Behavior of a volcano?

The silica content affects the viscosity and behavior of eruption such that when there is a
low silica content in magma, it causes the lava to be free flowing, leading to fluid-like flow
of lava. The more the silica content, the more the viscosity that will lead to more explosive

27. Layers of Atmosphere in order.

a. Troposphere
b. Stratosphere
c. Mesosphere
d. Thermosphere
e. Exosphere

28. Recite the Moh's scale of hardness.

Mineral Hardness Indicators
Talc 1
Gypsum 2 Fingernail – 2.5
Calcite 3 Copper Coin – 3.5
Fluorite 4
Apatite 5 Glass/Knife – 5.5
Feldspar 6 Steel Nail – 6.5
Quartz 7
Topaz 8 Drill Bit – 8.5
Corundum 9 Tungsten-carbide tip - 9
Diamond 10

29. What are three (3) types of faults? And Differentiate Left & Right Lateral.
a. Normal-hanging wall is lifted
b. Reverse-the foot wall is lifted
c. Strike-Slip-sliding past each other
The difference bet. left lateral and right lateral is the movement of the fault left-
laterally or right-laterally; however it may change depending where you stand in.

30. What are the difference between typhoons, hurricanes, & cyclones?
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

a. Typhoons-term of strong depression formed in western Pacific region

b. Hurricanes- tropical cyclones exceeding 300kph
c. Cyclones- term of strong depression formed in Indian Ocean

31. What are the factors influencing chemical weathering? Explain each.
a. Temperature-the rate increases with higher temperatures
b. Precipitation- more water, the more the reaction
c. Total surface area-the process increases with the area of the rock and the open
d. Composition of rock or mineral substance-the reaction and rate of weathering
depends on the composition of rocks and mineral substance
e. Time-the final element affecting weathering

32. What are the five (5) types of desserts?

a. Subtropical Deserts
b. Interior Deserts
c. Coastal Deserts
d. Rain Shadow Desert
e. Polar Deserts

33. What is a soil and it's composition by volume?

The soil is the outermost, loose layer serving as one of the important elements in an
ecosystem. It consists of biotic and abiotic proceses. It is composed of mineral material
and organic matter, water, and air. The mineral material consists of 45%, organic material
consists of 5%, and 25% both water and air.

34. What is Chemical Weathering and discuss each sample of Chemical Weathering?
Chemical Weathering involves the chemical composition of rocks being altered.
A. Carbonation: happens when rain, which is naturally a little acidic due to atmospheric
carbon dioxide (CO2), reacts with a calcium carbonate (CaCO3), such as chalk or
limestone. Ca(HCO3)2, or calcium bicarbonate, is created by the reaction.
B. Hydration: occurs when an anhydrous mineral combines with water to form a new
mineral. When a mineral's crystalline structure is combined with water, a hydrate is
C. Hydrolysis: Water destroys a mineral's chemical bonds as opposed to forming a new
mineral. It is a reaction of breakdown.
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

D. Oxidation: takes place when oxygen combines with another element to create a new
chemical. Rust, for instance, is created when iron and oxygen react.
E. Spheroidal Weathering: weathered rock with a more rounded or spherical shape.

35. What is Isostasy? Discuss the three models and it's names.
Isostasy- is the state of equilibrium of the Upper Crust and Mantle, wherein the thickness
and density affects the elevation and flotation of crust.
a. Airy’s model-elevation of structure is proportional to its roots
b. Pratt’s model-density is inversely proportional to the elevation of the geologic
c. Vening Meinesz’s model-lithosphere is elastic and bends depending on the density
of the overlying structure.
36. What is Mechanical Weathering and discuss each sample of Mechanical Weathering?
Mechanical Weathering can be also called as physical weathering, involves breaking
down of rocks into smaller pieces without destroying/altering its physical composition
a. Frost Wedging – as water freezes, it expands exerting a force great enough to break
b. Salt Crystal Growth – split rock is created by the growth of salt crystals
c. Sheeting – large mass of granite is exposed by erosion caused by the expansion of
crystalline rock
d. Unloading – process of great reduction in pressure.
e. Biological Activity – widens in fractures in rocks and aids process of mechanical

37. What is uniformitarianism and who proposed it?

The Principle of Uniformitarianism is a principle proposed by Sir Charles Lyell and Sir
James Hutton that states, “The present is the key to the past,” indicating that geologic
events that occurred in the past can occur in the present, with different magnitude, time
and intensity.
38. What's the difference between Aphanitic, Porphyritic, & Phaneritic textures?
a. Aphanitic (coarse-grained), porphyritic (fine-grained), phaneritic (distinctively
39. What's the difference between P-wave and S-wave?
P-waves are waves that pass through solids and liquids while S-waves can pass through
solids only.
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

1. Contrast pahoehoe and aa lava flows.
a. Pahoehoe-less viscous lava that are free-flowing
b. Aa-viscous lava that are thick
2. Differentiate Ionic from Covalent Bond, and give one example for each bond.
a. Covalent bond- involves sharing of electrons (bond of water (H2O)
b. Ionic bond-transfer or reduction of electrons (formation of NaCl)
3. Differentiate Relative from Absolute Dating.
a. Relative dating involves the placement of rocks in a proper sequence of
b. Absolute dating involves using range of years/period in order to indicate the
actual date of the rock/structures
4. Discuss Bowen's Reaction Series in detail. Including the minerals in Continuous &
Discontinuous Series.
The Bowen’s reaction series involves the process of formation and crystallization of
minerals under a certain temperature. The discontinuous series involves olivine, pyroxene,
amphibole, and biotite mica, while the continuous series consists of plagioclase feldspar
that are gradually changing into calcium-rich feldspar and sodium-rich feldspar. At the
lowest point of the diagram, the quartz is located, meaning that the quartz crystallizes at
the lowest temperature.
5. Discuss Steno's Law of stratigraphy
a. Law of Superposition- the layer above a reference layer is younger than the
reference layer and the layer below a reference layer is older than the reference
b. Law of Original Horizontality- the sediments are originally deposited in a
horizontal manner
c. Law of Inclusion- the rock adjacent to the rock containing the inclusion is older
than the rock with inclusion
6. Discuss the 3 methods of intrusions; melting, stopping, injection
a. Melting: The country rock (surrounding rock), may melt as magma rises, opening
a conduit for the magma to continue rising.
b. Stopping happens when country rock fragments break off and fall into the magma
c. Injection is the action of forcing magma into already-existing rock layers.

7. Discuss the differences; Mafic (Basaltic), Intermediate(Andesitic), Felsic(Granitic)

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

a. Mafic (Basaltic) a dark silicate minerals and calcium-rich plagioclase feldspar (no
quartz), contains high percentage of ferromagnesian minerals.
b. Intermediate (Andesitic) rocks contain composition between granitic and basaltic
and at least 25% dark silicate minerals, mainly amphibole, pyroxene and biotite
c. Felsic(Granitic)- light-colored silicates (quartz and feldspar) and contain about
10% dark silicate minerals and rich in silica about 70% of its major constituent.

8. Discuss the Stages of Deformation

The stress and strain affect deformation. Upon the deformation, there is a elastic
region where the material will recover easily. Upon reaching the yield point, the
material will be plastic that will cause permanent strain. The ultimate strength is
between the yield point and the rupture point, where it is the utmost limit of the
material before rupturing at its rupture point.
9. Discuss the three (3) kinds of differential stress.
a. Normal stress: acts perpendicular to a reference surface.
b. Shear stress: acts parallel to a reference surface.
c. Deviatoric stress: The non-hydrostatic of stress, expressed as total stress with
mean stress subtracted from the normal stress components.
10. Discuss the three (3) types of unconformities.
a. Disconformity: An erosional contact between two rock units that are parallel to
one another. The parallel and seemingly continuous rock units make it challenging
to distinguish.
b. Nonconformity: An erosional contact between sedimentary rocks and earlier
igneous or metamorphic rock. It depicts a significant gap in the geologic record
where the younger sedimentary rocks hid the older igneous or metamorphic rocks
after they were exposed at the surface and degraded.
c. Angular unconformity: When two rock units are eroded together, the older rock
unit is tilted or folded, and the younger rock unit is deposited on top of it.
Typically, the younger rock unit is parallel to the older rock unit's surface.

11. Distribution of water in the hydrosphere.

Oceans – 97.2 %
Glaciers – 2.15%
Groundwater – 0.62%
Freshwater lakes – 0.009%
Saline lakes and inland areas – 0.008%
Soil Moisture – 0.005%
Atmosphere - 0.001%
Stream Channels – 0.0001%
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

12. Dry unconsolidated grains will form a pile with a slope angle determined by what? What
is the angle of this for dry sand?
Angle of repose is the angle where dry unconsolidated grains will pile up. The angle of
repose of dry sand is calculated to be 35 degrees.
13. Enumerate the 24 active volcanoes and their places.
Babuyan Claro Babuyan Island
Banahaw Laguna-Quezon
Biliran Leyte
Bulusan Sorsogon, Bicol
Bud Dajo Sulu
Cabalian Southern Leyte
Cagua Cagayan
Camiguin de Babuyanes Babuyan Island
Didicas Babuyan Island
Hibok-Hibok Camiguin
Kanlaon Negros Oriental-Occidental
Leonard Kniasef Davao del Norte
Iraya Batan Island
Iriga Camarines Sur
Isarog Camarines Sur
Makaturing Lanao del Sur
Matutum Cotobato
Mayon Albay
Musuan Bukidnon
Parker South Cotabato
Pinatubo Boundaries of Pampanga, Tarlac and
Ragang Cotabato
Smith Babuyan Island
Taal Batangas

14. Evidence for continental drift.

The evidence of continental drift is the presence of identical fossils of plants and
animals in two different continents, indicating that the two continents are possibly
adjoined back then.
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

15. Explain how Graben and Horst are produced.

Graben is produced when a certain fault block is down-dropped while horst is
produced when a fault block is uplifted.

16. Explain the process of Liquefaction.

Liquefaction occurs when the ground behaves like water/fluid. Due to the
movement induced by earthquake, the sand and other sediments tend to weaken
and move, causing water to enter the soil and weakens it.
17. "Feldspar minerals make up about how many percent of Earth’s crust?
Feldspar minerals make up 51% of the Earth’s Crust
Silicate minerals make up about how many percent of Earth’s crust?"
Silicate minerals make up 91% of the Earth’s Crust
18. Give 5 intrusive bodies or plutons and discuss each.
a. Dikes – are discordant structures created when magma is violently expelled through
cracks and slashes through bedding surfaces and other host rock formations.
b. Sills – when magma takes advantage of flaws in other rock structures or between
sedimentary strata, almost horizontal, concordant bodies are created.
c. Laccoliths – volcanic rock that has been forcibly injected between sedimentary
strata to cause the beds above to arch while leaving the beds below to remain
relatively flat.
d. Batholiths – Mammoth linear formations several hundred kilometers long and
more than 100 kilometers wide are among the largest intrusive igneous masses.
e. Stocks – Smaller plutons may resemble fragments of much bigger intrusive rocks
that, if fully exposed, would be categorized as batholiths.

19. Give atleast seven (7) classes under the Hexagonal Crystal System.
a. Disphenoidal
b. Pyramidal
c. Dipyramidal
d. Scalenohedral
e. Ditetragonal Pyramidal
f. Trapezohedral
g. Ditetragonal-Dipyramidal

20. Give five Metamorphic Rock and give their possible parent rocks.
a. Slate-Shale
b. Serpentine-Olivine
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

c. Marble-Limestone
d. Schist-Granite
e. Phyllite-mudstone, shale, or claystone

21. Give four (4) specific folds and describe them each.
a. Anticlines-Concave/upfold
b. Syncline-Convex/trough
c. Domes- Older rocks at the center
d. Basins- Younger rocks at the center

22. Give me five (5) sedimentary environments and discuss each.

a. Beaches – form where activity is strong consist mainly of pebbles and cobbles
b. Caves – develop in limestone are sites where CaCO3 is deposited as dripstone
c. Sand Dunes – consist of well-sorted sand grains deposited by wind.
d. Tidal Flats and Lagoons – are areas where fine clay particles or carbonate-rich muds
pile up.
e. Deep Marine Environments – frequently contain debris that was carried by strong
underwater currents of suspended silt adjacent to the continental slope.

23. Give the names of the six (6) mineral groups with one mineral example each.
a. Silicates- Olivine
b. Carbonates- Dolomite
c. Sulfates- Gypsum
d. Oxides- Hematite
e. Halides-Salt
f. Sulfides- Pyrite

24. Give the seven (7) classes under the Tetragonal Crystal System.
a. Disphenoidal
b. Pyramidal
c. Dipyramidal
d. Scalenohedral
e. Ditetragonal Pyramidal
f. Trapezohedral
g. Ditetragonal-Dipyramidal

25. How do columnar joint form?

Columnar joints are formed when an igneous rock cools down and develop shrinkage
fractures that causes elongated and pillarlike columns to be produced.
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

26. In Geological Time Scale, recite the Era's in Precambrian, in order, from oldest to latest.
a. Eoarchean
b. Paleoarchean
c. Mesoarchean
d. Neoarchean
e. Paleoproterozoic
f. Mesoproterozoic
g. Neoproterozoic

27. Name the Phaneritic and Aphanitic Rocks under the Felsic, Intermediate, Mafic, &

Composition Felsic Intermediate Mafic Ultramafic

Phaneritic Granite Diorite Gabbro Peridotite
Aphanitic Rhyolite Andesite Basalt Komatite

28. Recite the Earth's crust top 10 most abundant elements and their percentage.
Element Abundance Percent by Weight
Oxygen 46.1%
Silicon 28.2%
Aluminum 8.23%
Iron 5.63%
Calcium 4.15%
Sodium 2.36%
Magnesium 2.33%
Potassium 2.09%
Titanium 0.565%
Hydrogen 0.14%

29. Recite the Moh's Scale of Hardness and their Chemical Formula.
Mineral Hardness Chemical Formula
Talc 1 C
Gypsum 2 Al2O3
Calcite 3 Al2SiO4(F,OH)2
Fluorite 4 SiO2
Apatite 5 KAlSi3O8
Feldspar 6 Ca5(PO4)
Quartz 7 CaF2
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

Topaz 8 CaCO3
Corundum 9 CaSO4 . 2H2O
Diamond 10 Mg3Si4O10(OH)2

30. The eight (8) most abundant elements in the continental crust. Give the percentages by
Element Abundance Percent by Weight
Oxygen 46.6%
Silicon 28%
Aluminum 8.1%
Iron 5%
Calcium 3.6%
Sodium 2.8%
Potassium 2.6%
Magnesium 2.1%

31. The second-most-common mineral in Earth’s crust is?

32. Two (2) evidences of movement on faults.
a. Fault Scarps
b. Slickenslides and Slickenlines
33. What are the four (4) factors that affect metamorphism? Explain each.
a. Heat: The chemical reactions that lead to the recrystallization of minerals and
alterations in the texture of rocks are propelled by heat. Most metamorphism is
heated by internal Earth heat.
b. Pressure: The size and direction of mineral grains within a rock can vary as a
result of pressure. Differential stress and confining pressure are the two types of
pressure that can impact metamorphism. While differential stress is greater in one
direction than the other, confining pressure is delivered uniformly in all
c. Chemically active fluids: Fluids, primarily water with dissolved ions, can speed
up ion migration and hence enhance metamorphic reactions. These fluids have the
ability to infuse the rock with fresh chemical elements that lead to the emergence
of fresh minerals.

34. What are the four (4) types of metamorphism? Explain each.
a. Contact or Thermal Metamorphism – occurs when rocks are “baked” and
b. Hydrothermal Metamorphism – occurs when hot, ion-rich fluid circulate through
fissure and cracks in rock.
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

c. Regional Metamorphism – occurs when Earth’s crust is intensely deformed along

convergent plate boundaries.
d. Impact Metamorphism – occurs when meteorites strike Earth’s surface.

35. What are the period within the Paleozoic Era?

a. Cambrian
b. Ordovician
c. Silurian
d. Devonian
e. Carboniferous
i. Mississipian
ii. Pensylvanian
f. Permian

36. What are the seven (7) Earth's Major Lithospheric plates?
a. North American Plate
b. South American Plate
c. Pacific Plate
d. African Plate
e. Eurasian Plate
f. Australian Plate
g. Antarctic Plate

37. What are the Size Range of the ff in millimeters? Boulder, Cobble, Pebble, Sand, Silt,

Particle Name Size Range

Boulder >256
Cobble 64-256
Pebble 4-64
Granule 2-4
Sand 1/16-2
Silt 1/256-1/16
Clay <1/256

38. What is the difference between, ore, protore, & gaunge and what determines their status?
a. Ore-minerals with economic value, and profitable due to passing in the cutoff
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

b. Protore-borderline between ore and gangue; with potential to rise in economic

c. Gangue-minerals with no economic value; didn’t pass the cutoff grade

39. What is the size range in millimeters of the following; Boulder, Cobble, Pebble, Granule,
Sand, Silt, Clay?

Particle Name Size Range

Boulder >256
Cobble 64-256
Pebble 4-64
Granule 2-4
Sand 1/16-2
Silt 1/256-1/16
Clay <1/256

40. What is the special case of reverse fault?

The special case of reverse fault is a thrust fault that inclines with an angle of 15 degrees.

41. What is the wavelength of blue and red light?

a. Blue light-470nm
b. Red light-665nm

42. What's the difference between Alluvial Fans and Deltas?

a. Alluvial Fans-fan-shaped deposits along steep mountain fronts
b. Deltas-sediment-charged streams enter the waters of lake, sea or ocean.

43. What's the difference between Anticline, Syncline versus Antiform, Synform.
Anticline and Syncline refers to the concavity and convexity of folding in a
defined time, while antiform and synform refers to the term that are used to define
folding in an undetermined time.

44. What's the difference between breccia and conglomerate?

Breccia is composed of cemented rocks/minerals that are angular, while
conglomerate consists of rounded rocks/minerals caused by severe weathering.
45. What's the difference between Phenocrysts & Groundmass from Clasts & Matrix? Give
rock samples that shows these elements.
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

a. Phenocrysts- composed of well-formed crystals embedded in an igneous rock’s

finer-grained groundmass, with glassy in texture and visible to the naked eye
(e.g., rhomb porphyry).
b. Clasts are bits of pre-existing minerals or rocks making up a sedimentary rock.
Matrix is a fine-grained material that holds the clasts together (e.g., conglomerate)
46. What's the difference between Porosity and Permeability?

Porosity is the percentage of the total volume of rock or sediment that consists of pore
spaces while permeability is the ability to transmit a fluid.

47. What's the difference between Pumice and Scoria? In detail.

Pumice is a felsic igneous rock with a glassy texture that forms when there is a large gas
escape through silica-rich lava to generate frothy mass. It is less dense than scoria and has a
lighter color; while scoria is found in a size range of lapilli and is a byproduct of basaltic

1. Give the three formulas for Linear Strain; Elongation, Stretch, Quadratic Elongation.

2. Give the eight strain markers.

a. Pisolites
b. Ooids
c. Fossils
d. Burrows
e. Reduction spots
f. Pebbles
g. Vesicles
h. Pillow structures in volcanic rocks

3. What are the four types of fracture?

a. Opening
b. Sliding
c. Tearing
d. Closing
Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan, Batangas City, Philippines 4200

4. Explain the process of nucleosynthesis.

The process of nucleosynthesis involves the fusion of Hydrogen and Helium atoms
forming other elements.
5. Give the Class, Symbol, & Principal Minerals for Irons Meteorite
Class Symbol Principal Mineral
Hexahedrite Hx Kamacite
Octahedrite O Kamacite, Taenite
Ataxites D Taenite

6. Draw in the screen the periodic Trends of Elements.

7. Recite the Goldschmidt's geological classification of elements.

a. Lithophile- Rock-loving
b. Siderophile- Iron-loving
c. Chalcophile- Ore-loving
d. Atmophile- Gas-loving
8. On the basis if concentration, elements are classified into three, what are those?
a. Major >1.0 wt%
b. Minor 0.1-1.0 wt%
c. Trace <0.1 wt%
9. What is a Harker Diagram?
Harker Diagram is a graphical presentation used to analyze and compare chemical
composition of rocks.
10. What compound is the basis of parental magma?
Sodium Oxide (NaO)

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