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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

The researcher aimed to discuss the different school-based factors on

student competency among the grade 11 students of Mati Doctors Academy. This

is composed of the brief introduction on the components and what to expect

towards the research process. Foreign and local literature are enumerated to

support the aim of the study.

In today’s existing competitive environment, education has not only

become a main player of the industry and need by the people, but it is also an

investment into the national economy by the parents and the children who are

enrolled in educational institutions. In particular, the quality of education is an

important predictor of national development both in public and private sectors.

the quality of education must be considered while devising strategies aimed to

attract and retain students. With this in mind, attracting and retaining students in

an educational institution involves customer satisfaction and service quality

(Hammer, 2018).

Education is an enlightening experience, it is an essential part of the lives

of the people, and it is something that everyone can take wherever it has. Our

education system has been great in this country. There are lots of ways to get

education nowadays, the government and our people have made an effort into

finding ways to give education to the students, and are continuing to find ways

which can make it better (Wanyama, 2021).

Senior high school is a stage where students can discover what career will

want to be taking in the future; it is a decision-making and confusing process to

most. Online and traditional education share many qualities. Students are still

required to attend class, learn the material, submit assignments, and complete

group projects. While educators still have to design curriculums, maximize

instructional quality, answer class questions, motivate students to learn, and

grade assignments. Despite these basic similarities, there are many differences

between the two modalities. Traditionally, classroom instruction is also known as

teacher-centered and requires passive learning by the student, while online

instruction is often student-centered and requires active education (Rivera,


Education is one of the main foundations for the student’s progress. A

poor grade is a substandard performance in an activity, usually academic, in

which an individual is graded on. There is a variety of reasons and circumstances

a student receive a poor grade. Poor grades may be the result of a variety of

factors including, the students suffer from a mental deficiency, lack of

understanding, poor teaching educator, and lack of motivation or is dealing with

personal issues which, in turn, affects their performance in school (Mehta, 2019).

Poor grades prove to be a continuous and prevalent issue among

students. Bothered students rarely receive poor grades due to their lack of

cognitive prowess. Generally speaking, students are fully capable of earning

sufficient grades in academics, but consciously choose not to put forth the

necessary effort needed to do so. Failure at school and grade retention is a

serious concern among children, and their parents (Macalino, 2019).

In this era of globalization and technological revolution, education is

considered as first step for every human activity. It plays a vital role in the

development of human capital and is linked with an individual’s well-being and

opportunities for better living. The student’s performance also plays an important

role in producing the best quality graduates who will become great leader and a

man power for the country. A student’s level of intelligence is said to be reflected

by the grades that one’s attains. When a student gets a high grade, it is

concluded that one has learned a lot, and if not, the student would most likely

have attained lesser learning. In this matter, the academic performance of

students in most schools has become an object of inquiry of researchers

nowadays. It has become a top priority among educators who have vowed to

make a difference locally, regionally, nationally and globally (Kim, 2018).

With the above-mentioned literature presented, the researcher would like

to further investigate the School Based Factors on Students Competency among

the Grade 11 Senior High School Student of Mati Doctors Academy. This

research paper seeks to explore the school based factors that influence student

competency in learning. It will examine the evidence from current literature and

draw conclusions about the impact of school related factors on student

performance. The research will also review existing data on different school-

based variables such as teacher quality, socio-economic background, class size,

etc. and how they affect student competency. Finally, this paper will suggest

ways to improve the existing system of education through analysis of current

trends and policies.

Theoretical Framework

The research will further employ theory that can support the literature and

flow of the study. The research paper can be a daunting, as it requires extensive

knowledge of the subject matter and the ability to convey this knowledge through

well-structured arguments. To make the research paper effective, the researcher

employ theories that support the literature and the flow of the study. This means

utilizing existing academic theories in order to explain and provide evidence for

the claims the researchers are making. By selecting appropriate theories and

applying them to the research, this can ensure that it is well-structured and

provides a solid foundation for the research further exploration.

The Social learning theory proposed by Albert Bandura, emphasizes the

importance of observing, modeling, and imitating the behaviors, attitudes, and

emotional reactions of others. Social learning is a theory of learning process

social behavior which proposes that new behaviors can be acquired by observing

and imitating others. It states that learning is a cognitive process that takes place

in a social context and can occur purely through observation or direct instruction,

even in the absence of motor reproduction or direct reinforcement. In addition to

the observation of behavior, learning also occurs through the observation of


rewards and punishments, a process known as vicarious reinforcement. When a

particular behavior is rewarded regularly, it will most likely persist; conversely, if a

particular behavior is constantly punished, it will most likely desist. The theory

expands on traditional behavioral theories, in which behavior is governed solely

by reinforcements, by placing emphasis on the important roles of various internal

processes in the learning individual.

In the 1941s, B. F. Skinner delivered a series of lectures on verbal

behavior, putting forth a more empirical approach to the subject than existed in

psychology at the time. In them, he proposed the use of stimulus-response

theories to describe language use and development, and that all verbal behavior

was underpinned by operant conditioning. He did however mention that some

forms of speech derived from words and sounds that had previously been heard

(echoic response), and that reinforcement from parents allowed these 'echoic

responses' to be pared down to that of understandable speech. While he denied

that there was any "instinct or faculty of imitation". Skinner's behaviorist theories

formed a basis for redevelopment into Social Learning Theory.

Social Learning Theory integrated behavioral and cognitive theories of

learning in order to provide a comprehensive model that could account for the

wide range of learning experiences that occur in the real world. As initially

outlined by Bandura and Walters in 1963, the theory was entirely behavioral in

nature; the crucial element that made it innovative and increasingly influential

was its emphasis upon the role of imitation. Over the years, however, Bandura

shifted to a more cognitive perspective, and this led to a major revision of the

theory in 1977.

Figure 1. The Social Learning Theory


The environmental component refers to the context in which the behavior

occurs. More than a person's physical environment, this includes their social

environment as well. Specifically, what people are present (or absent) and the

attitudes, beliefs, and ideas these people hold. So if the child from the previous

example gets yelled at by a teacher for talking in class, it not only has an effect

on them but on the classroom environment for the rest of the students, not to

mention the teacher.

According to the concept of reciprocal determinism, a person's behavior is

influenced through cognitive processes and environmental factors such as social

stimuli. For example, say a child acts out because they don't like school. This

results in the teacher reprimanding the child, which may cause the child to act

out even more.

The individual component includes all the characteristics that have been

rewarded in the past. Personality and cognitive factors play an important part in

how a person behaves, including all of the individual's expectations, beliefs, and

unique personality characteristics. The behavior itself is something that may or

may not be reinforced at any given time or situation. If the previous student

knows that their teacher is more likely to reward them if they wait the end of the

school day to misbehave, they'll likely tailor their behavior.

The purpose of this research paper is to explore how social learning

theory can be utilized on school-based factors among student competency. This

paper will examine the holistic similarities between social learning and student

competency, and discuss how teachers, parents and other educators can use

this theory to promote higher levels of academic success. Additionally, the study

will look at potential challenges that schools may face when utilizing social

learning theory in order to boost student competency. Finally, it will provide

potential solutions for overcoming these obstacles.

Conceptual Framework

In a research paper, it is important to define the relationships between

variables in order to better understand the results. Representation of these

relationships can be done through graphical methods such as scatter plots and

line graphs or through statistical methods such as correlation and regression

analysis. These representations help researchers make better sense of their data

and draw meaningful conclusions from it. Representing these relationships also

helps identify any outliers or anomalies that might be present in the data set

which could potentially skew the results of the study.

A research paper is an important academic document that provides insight

into a particular topic. It can be written in either a visual or written form, and

usually requires a literature review of existing studies on the topic. The research

paper should also include an analysis of the data gathered, along with any

conclusions or implications drawn from it. Research papers are often used by

universities to assess students’ understanding and ability to effectively

communicate their findings.


School Based Factors Student Competency

 Educational Accessibility  Knowledge

 Curriculum Design  Skills

 Teaching Approach  Attitude

 Teachers Influence

 School Peer Influence

 School Climate


 Age

 Sex

 Religion

 Tribe

Figure 2. The Conceptual Framework of the Study


In any research paper, there is always a variable that stands alone and

isn't changed by the other variables you are trying to measure. This variable is

known as the independent variable and it is used to measure the effect of other

variables on an outcome. For instance, in a study about the effects of exercise on

health, the independent variable would be exercise while health would be the

dependent variable since it is affected by exercise. It is important to identify and

control for independent variables when conducting research in order to ensure

accurate results.

If learning materials are not accessible to learners, then learners' abilities

won't be accessible to educators. Education should be challenging for all

learners. If it wasn't, there would be little incentive for students to continuously

develop their skills and abilities any further than necessary. Accessibility in

education gives all people the same access to educational experiences, services,

and information, whether a person has a disability or not. Another important

element is the ease of access for students who need these features and

accommodations. It must be easy for students who need accessibility

accommodations or technologies to find and use them.

Curriculum design focuses on the creation of the overall course blueprint,

mapping content to learning objectives, including how to develop a course outline

and build the course. Each learning objective is met with assessment strategies,

exercises, content, subject matter analysis, and interactive activities. Curriculum

development is a process of improving the curriculum. Various approaches have


been used in developing curricula. Commonly used approaches consist of

analysis, design, selecting formation and review.

A teaching approach comprises the principles and methods used by

teachers to enable student learning. These strategies are determined partly on

subject matter to be taught and partly by the nature of the learner. Teaching

approach is an integral part of the learning process. It encompasses a set of

principles, beliefs and ideas about the nature of learning, which are then

translated into the classroom. It helps to shape the way teachers interact with

their students and guides their instructional decisions in order to create an

effective learning environment. The teaching approach also plays an important

role in ensuring that learners are able to acquire knowledge quickly and

effectively. By choosing an appropriate teaching approach, teachers can help

ensure that their students develop strong foundational skills, gain valuable

knowledge and develop critical thinking skills.

Teachers have a very significant, lifelong impact on all of their students.

This impact involves not only the teaching of particular academic skills, but as

importantly, the fostering of student self-esteem. Reinforcing self-esteem in the

classroom is associated with increased motivation and learning. Teaching is one

of the most important and influential professions in the world. Throughout a

teacher’s career, they will have the opportunity to shape young minds and impart

knowledge that will last throughout their students’ lives. Teachers have an

enormous responsibility to make sure that their students are learning valuable

skills, both academically and emotionally, that will prepare them for success in

the future. A teacher’s impact on their students can be lifelong, as those lessons

stay with them and guide them through their life journey.

Peer influence is when you choose to do something you wouldn't

otherwise do, because you want to feel accepted and valued by your friends. It

isn't just or always about doing something against your will. You might hear the

term 'peer pressure' used a lot. Peer influence is an important part of growing up

and can have a big impact on how we view ourselves and our values. It is when

we choose to do something we wouldn’t normally do, because we want to feel

accepted and valued by our friends. This could range from trying a new activity,

to taking part in risky behavior such as drinking or drug use. Peer influence can

be positive or negative – it is up to us to decide which path we take.

School climate refers to the quality and character of school life. School

climate is based on patterns of students', parents' and school personnel's

experience of school life and reflects norms, goals, values, interpersonal

relationships, teaching and learning practices, and organizational structures.

School climate is often referred to as the social atmosphere of a setting or

learning environment in which students have different experiences. School

climate is a key factor in determining the academic success of students. It is an

important indicator of how well a school is functioning and can affect student

learning, engagement, behavior, and emotional well-being. The quality of school

climate can be determined by observing the relationships among students,

teachers, administrators, and other staff members; the physical environment; and

policies and procedures that affect the overall atmosphere. School climate also

includes factors such as student sense of safety, orderliness, respect for

diversity, and sense of belongingness within the school community.

In the world of statistics and research, a dependent variable is something

that is affected by and depends on other factors. It is typically measured or

observed in experiments to demonstrate the relationship between independent

variables and outcomes. Dependent variables can be used to measure the

success of a project or to understand how different factors interact. By

understanding the relationship between dependent and independent variables,

researchers can gain valuable insight into how changes in one variable may

affect another.

Knowledge are the things you know. Knowledge is different from skills in

that it consists of the facts, information, or theoretical understanding of subjects.

By acquiring knowledge your level of intelligence, wisdom and overall ability to

understand social, economic and other various concepts improves. Building

knowledge is a lifetime pursuit. Knowledge consists of everything you’ve

managed to absorb from school, work, friends, and your environment.

Skills are your ability to perform tasks. An individual acquires their skillsets

through training, experience or natural abilities. Skills are different from

knowledge because knowledge is a prerequisite to skills. You must have the

knowledge to perform skilled work, and you can’t perform skilled work without

knowledge. After you become proficient with the skills you have chosen to

develop, you are now becoming your own master of success. You have become

the teacher and not the student. Whether it’s the interpersonal skills you need to

communicate with teammates, the skills needed to close a sale, or the time

management skills required to complete your objectives and goals for a project,

your skill sets help you execute actions to further your success.

This definition is the most nuanced and broad in its application. An

important factor to consider when thinking about your attitude is that it isn’t

necessarily about having a “good” or “bad” attitude, but how your awareness of

your own outlook and state-of-mind on a given task influences your performance.

Attitude is one of the most important factors of learning because while knowledge

and skills go a long way, attitude is what keeps you going. Attitude can also

determine your level of enthusiasm, which is another key factor in staying

motivated to expand your knowledge, attitude, skills, and habits.

Statement of the Problem

A problem statement is an important part of any research project. It is a

concise and concrete summary of the problem that the researcher seeks to

address. It outlines the purpose and scope of the research project, identifies the

area of investigation, and provides a hypothesis or statement of need. The

problem statement is also used to communicate with stakeholders such as

potential funding sources, potential collaborators, and other stakeholders who

may be interested in the research project. In this way, it serves as a concise

summary of the research question or issue that needs to be addressed in order


to achieve success with the research project. Thus, the following statement was


1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex;

1.3 Religion; and

1.4 Tribe?

2. What is the extent of School Based Factors among Grade 11 Students

of Mati Doctors Academy in terms of:

2.1 Educational Accessibility;

2.2 Curriculum Design;

2.3 Teaching Approach;

2.4 Teachers Influence;

2.5 School Peer Influence; and

2.6 School Climate?

3. What is the extent of Student Competency among Grade 11 Students

of Mati Doctors Academy in terms of:


3.1 Knowledge;

3.2 Skills; and

3.3 Attitude?

4. Is there a significant relationship between School Based Factors and

Student Competency among Grade 11 Students of Mati Doctors

Academy Student?

Research Hypothesis

A research hypothesis is an educated guess about the relationship between two

or more variables. It is a statement of expectation or prediction that can be tested

by research. This hypothesis states that a change in one variable will cause a

change in another variable. It can either be confirmed or refuted through

systematic observation and testing, such as through experiments and surveys.

By testing the hypothesis, researchers can gain valuable insights into how

different variables interact with each other and form theories about how they

affect certain phenomena. Research hypotheses play an important role in

scientific research, helping researchers to refine their understanding of a

particular phenomenon or process. Based on the above presented problems, the

research hypothesis thus

Ho1: There is no significant relationship between School Based Factors

and Student Competency among Grade 11 Students of Mati Doctors Academy


Scope and Delimitation

The scope of a study describes how deeply the research area will be

investigated in the work and establishes the limitations that the investigation will

operate. Delimitations are the parameters set by the researcher to determine

what to include and what to leave out of the research study.

The study will be conducted at Mati Doctors Academy Grade 11 students,

the school will be enough to provide necessary data to gather and answer

problems presented. By gathering enough data, the school will be able to answer

complex questions about their students’ performance as well as make strategic

decisions about the future of their school district. This means that having access

to enough data will be essential for schools in order to provide necessary

information necessary for problem solving.

Significance of the Study

The success of this study is highly beneficial to the following person,

group and organization.

Mati Doctors Academy Administration, the result of the study will help the

school administration in planning and revising the curricular program of the

school in relation to the differences of students’ competency.

To the guidance counselors, they will be given information as bases in

guiding and counseling student with low academic performances.


To the classroom teachers, they will be guided to be flexible in dealing and

handling student with different economic background and will be given bases on

what are the things to do to improve the academic performances of the students

who are in the lower-class family.

To the students, students will develop self-confidence to excel

academically motivated by their parents. Students will be confident in uplifting

their academic status as a result of the motivation and support from their parents.

Students also will be encouraged to study more.

To the parents, that this may serve as basis on supporting the child

education and learning process. This may also identify the gap that the parents

may fill for the student to transform their learning.

To the future researchers, this research can be a reference for their study.

This will guide them on the success of their study.

Definition of Terms

The following are the terms and their meaning which are made by the

researcher in the purpose of helping the readers for easily understanding.

Educational Accessibility is defined as educators must ensure that all

learning materials are accessible and up-to-date in order for learners to be able

to benefit from them. Accessibility in education gives all people the same access

to educational experiences, services, and information. Students who need

accessibility accommodations or technologies to find and use them. Access to

learning materials is essential for learners as it provides them with the resources

they need to learn and develop their skills. Without access to these materials,

learners won’t be able to reach their full potential.

Curriculum Design is defined as the process of creating an overall

blueprint for a course, mapping content to learning objectives, and developing

activities and assessments. It is a critical part of the educational process, as it

ensures that learners are exposed to relevant material that will enable them to

meet their learning objectives. In order for curriculum design to be successful, it

must be based on the needs of the learner and should incorporate appropriate

instructional methods. It is a complex process that requires careful planning and

thought in order to ensure an effective course design. Commonly used

approaches consist of analysis, design, selecting formation and review.

Teaching Approach is defined as teaching approach comprises the

principles and methods used by teachers to enable student learning. These

strategies are determined partly on subject matter to be taught and partly by the

nature of the learner. Teaching approach is an integral part of the learning

process. The teaching approach also plays an important role in ensuring that

learners are able to acquire knowledge quickly and effectively. By choosing an

appropriate teaching approach, teachers can help ensure that their students

develop strong foundational skills, gain valuable knowledge and develop critical

thinking skills.

Teachers Influence is defined as a very significant, lifelong impact on all of

their students. Reinforcing self-esteem in the classroom is associated with

increased motivation and learning. Teaching is one of the most important and

influential professions in the world. Teachers have an enormous responsibility to

make sure that their students are learning valuable skills, both academically and

emotionally, that will prepare them for success in the future. A teacher’s impact

on their students can be lifelong, as those lessons stay with them and guide them

through their life journey.

School Peer Influence is defined as when you choose to do something

you wouldn't otherwise do, because you want to feel accepted and valued by

your friends. Peer influence is an important part of growing up and can have a

big impact on how we view ourselves and our values. It is when we choose to do

something we wouldn’t normally do, because we want to feel accepted and

valued by our friends. Peer influence can be positive or negative depending on

how the students is being influenced. Peer influence is an important aspect of

social behavior, especially among adolescents. It can be a powerful force in

making decisions and forming opinions.

School Climate is defined as School climate refers to the quality and

character of school life. School climate is often referred to as the social

atmosphere of a setting or learning environment in which students have different

experiences. School climate is a key factor in determining the academic success

of students. It is an important indicator of how well a school is functioning and

can affect student learning, engagement, behavior, and emotional well-being.

The quality of school climate can be determined by observing the relationships

among students, teachers, administrators, and other staff members


Knowledge is defined as the things you know. Knowledge is different from

skills in that it consists of the facts, information, or theoretical understanding of

subjects. Knowledge consists of everything you’ve managed to absorb from

school, work, friends, and your environment. Knowledge is the basis of

understanding and wisdom, and it can be said that knowledge is "the things you

know" Knowledge can be gained through experience, study, observation, or


Skills is defined as the ability to perform tasks. Skills are different from

knowledge because knowledge is a prerequisite to skills. You must have the

knowledge to perform skilled work, and you can’t perform skilled work without

knowledge. Skills are an important part of our lives as they enable us to perform

tasks efficiently. Having the right skill set is essential for achieving any goal in life

and helps us to stand out among others with similar qualifications.

Attitude is defined as the most important factors of learning because while

knowledge and skills go a long way, attitude is what keeps you going. Attitude

can also determine your level of enthusiasm, which is another key factor in

staying motivated to expand your knowledge, attitude, skills, and habits. Attitude

is one of the most important factors in learning because it provides the motivation

and drive to keep going when the going gets tough. Without the right attitude, we

can easily become discouraged and give up when faced with a difficult challenge.

Attitude also plays an important role in how we approach any given task.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

A review of related literature is an important part of conducting research. It

involves synthesizing the existing knowledge on a specific topic or research

question and examining its implications for current practice. A comprehensive

review of the literature can provide context and insights into how to interpret

results, identify gaps in current knowledge, and develop hypotheses for further

exploration. By critically assessing the existing literature, researchers can gain a

better understanding of the methods used to conduct research on a topic and

develop evidence-based conclusions that are relevant to their own study.


Peetsma et al. (2018) reported a general decline in student performance

in a cross-sectional study of 12- to 16-year-olds across four countries: the

Netherlands, Switzerland, Czech Republic and eastern parts of Germany.

Student performance was assessed using report card grades in mathematics and

the mother tongue on the last report card of the year. These school grades were

made comparable across countries. Mean scores of investments and


performance level decreased with increasing age (i.e. three consecutive age

cohorts). A limitation of this study with regard to a developmental perspective on

performance is that the concepts were investigated in a cross-sectional study

Gawande, E.N. (2018) studied the relationship between achievement

motivation and scholastic achievement of higher secondary students of Class XI

and found that the correlation between achievement-motivation and scholastic

achievement of urban students was at higher level than that of rural students.

(ii)There was no significant difference in the coefficient of correlation of

achievement-motivation and scholastic achievement of non-backward and

backward students. (iii) Boys were more achievement motivated than girls. (iv)

The mean difference in the scores of scholastic achievements in boys and girls

was not significant.

Mehta A.P(2019) Studied on the achievement motive in high school boys

the important findings were (i)the achievement level of boys in Delhi are higher

than that in madras. (ii) The boys whose father educational level was either high

or low showed higher n-achievement level than those whose father received only

secondary education. (iii) The achievement related motive showed negative

correlation with n-achievement with the total school performance and with the

self-expected vocational success. Whereas the measures on achievement

related values showed positive correlation with their three variables (iv) the rural

boys showed higher score on achievement values than the urban boy

Nayak, B.P. (2020) Studied on achievement motivation and level of

aspiration of tribal and non-tribal children in the age-group of 7-11 years was

done and major findings were – (i) Advantaged and disadvantaged groups

differed significantly with respect to their locus of control, self-esteem, academic

motivation and scholastic achievement (ii) Advantaged girls as compared to the

disadvantaged had better internal locus of control, self-esteem (higher score on

general, social, home and school sub-areas of self-esteem scale) academic

responsibility (towards self and schools) academic motivation, good study habits,

positive attitude towards schools, high educational aspirations and higher

scholastic achievement. At three different levels (high, average and low) of locus

of control, self-esteem academic responsibilities and academic motivation, the

subjects identified as advantaged and dis-advantaged when compared to their

scholastic achievement, showed a uniform pattern of results.

Gohfied (2020) found positive correlation between motivation and

achievement specifically, young student with higher academic intrinsic motivation

has significantly high achievement and intellectual performance. She also found

that early intrinsic motivation correlated with later motivation and achievement

and later motivation is the predictable from early achievement (Gohfied 1990). It

was found that perceived academic competence was positively related to intrinsic



Academic Performance of a students was one of the most important role

performed by a student, however some are not able to maintain or to show their

ability to increase their academic performance. According to Peetsma et al.

(2018) the general declining of the academic performance of students in some of


the four countries is because of the cross-sectional study. On the other hand,

Gawande E.N. (2018) revealed that the performance of those urban students

compared to the rural students has no significant difference. But according to

him boys were more achievement motivated than girls. Same study revealed by

Mehta A.P (2019) was that boys achievement level from Delhi is higher than that

in madras. Another study by Nayak, B.P (2020) reveals that girls is also

motivated in regards to the level of aspiration and with the respect to their locus

of control, self-esteem and good study habits. It was clear to say that from the 5

foreign related studies students are more motivated to achieve good or high

academic performance. Gohfied (2020) found positive correlation between

motivation and achievement specifically, young student with higher academic

intrinsic motivation.

Local Studies

The purpose of the study by Kim et al. (2018) was to obtain a fuller

understanding of the association of dietary behaviors, physical status, and socio-

economic status with academic performance in Korean teenagers. The subjects

in the study were 6,463 boys and girls in grades 5 (10 –11 years old), 8 (13 –14

years old), and 11 (16 –17 years old). The academic performance of students

was strongly associated with dietary behaviors, especially with regularity of three

meals even after control for parents’ education level. Regular breakfast and lunch

were more important in grades 5 and 8, while regular dinner was more related

with academic performance in grade 11. These results were the first to

demonstrate an association between regularity of all three meals and academic


performance. This study showed that not only regular breakfast, but also regular

lunch and dinner are associated with academic functioning of teenagers.

However, the reason why regular meals are related to academic performance

was not clear.

Rivera (2019) investigated the relationship of the level of academic

performance. Most of the respondents belong to the low-income families; Most of

their parents finished high school; the level of academic performance of the

students is good; the economic status and parents’ educational attainment do not

affect the academic performance of pupils. As inferred from the observations and

studies conducted by Ayson, Acosta, Bernardo, Mariano, Quizon and Rivera

discussed and showed distinct similarities and differences with the present study

in several aspects. The present study and the previous studies differed in the

number of respondents and the year when the research was conducted. They

likewise differ on the causes of factors that affect the academic performance. The

researcher considered that there should be an answer to the reasons of the

pupils’ low or high performance. The researcher further recognized the need to

identify and examine those factors contributing to the decline of the quality of

basic public education, hence, this study. Based on the foregoing discussion, the

researcher found it vital to identify the factors affecting the academic

performance of the intermediate pupils in selected public schools in Porac East


In a study conducted by the School of Economics of De la Salle University

in 2019 as indicated in the volume II of Policy Brief, based on household data,, it


was empirically verified that the magnitude of household income does not

significantly affect school participation. Tereso Tullao Jr. and Rivera, John Paulo

(2019) found out that as the income of household’s increases, they will also

increase their expenditures on normal goods and services including education.

According to Hammer (2018) the home environment is as important as

what goes on in the school. Important factors include parental involvement in

their children’s education, how much parents read to young children, how much

TV children are allowed to watch and how often student’s change schools.

Achievement gap is not only about what goes on once students get into the

classroom. It’s also about what happens to them before and after school. Parents

and teachers have a crucial role to play to make sure that every child becomes a

high achiever. Results indicate that parent education and encouragement are

strongly related to improved students’ achievement.


According to Kim et al (2018) academic performance of students was

strongly associated with dietary behaviors, especially with regularity of three

meals even after control for parents education level. This mean that if teenagers

had taken three meals then they will be able to understand and this is also the

reason why regular meals are related to academic performance. Meanwhile,

Rivera (2019) investigated the relationship of the level of academic performance

and the findings were economic status and parents educational attainment do not

affect the academic performance of pupils. Same study conducted by Economics

of De la Salle University (2019) the result gathered were revealed that household

income does not significantly affect school participation. Tereso Tullao Jr. and

Rivera, John Paulo (2019) found out that as the income of household increases,

they will also increase their expenditures in normal goods and services including

education. According to Hammer (2018) the home environment greatly affects

the performance of pupils especially the parental involvement. In this matter,

Parents and Teachers have a crucial role to play to make sure that every child

become a high achiever.

It has become a focus of study of different policymakers, researchers and

practitioners to see and found the experience of students in higher education. As

the number of students enrolled in higher education is increasing globally, it has

become necessary to understand they experience higher education in different

national, institutional and disciplinary settings.

National Union of students in 2018 conducted a broad survey in UK

universities to find out overall experiences of students about university they study

in. Some of the result showed that many of the students were seeing university

as a mean to an end, means they wanted something out of university, very few

students (29%) reported that they wanted to experience university. Similarly,

31% chose the university they study because of the less travel distance from

their home. 81% of the students were well satisfied with resources and facilities

they were provided with their course work and studies only 54& students were

satisfied with the practical facilities at the university whereas majority of students

responded with unsatisfaction. 75% students were employed as well as

studying. Almost 46& of them were reliant.


A study conducted by Wanyama (2021) in Kenya Investigated school-

based factors which influence student’s performance at Kenya Certificate of

Secondary Education in Narok North Districts. It was a descriptive survey

research. Findings of the study revealed that the major school-based factor

which was influencing the performance of students were inadequate learning

materials. Similarly, some school also identified lack of availability of adequate


Another study in Uganda by Nannyonjo in 2019 suggested that

qualification training teacher, age and experience and duration in a school

affected students’ performance along with the supervision styles and

administration style implied by principal of a school.

One study by Tinklin and Hall (2019) reported findings of disabled

students’ experiences in higher education in Scotland. All higher education

institutes were consulted for policies and regulations for disabled students faced

obstacle in 5 areas of their higher education, assumption of normality and levels

of awareness were the major 5 areas of obstacle. In most cases, instead of

removing obstacles, only assistance is provided to disabled students to pass

through such obstacle. This research also acknowledged of the positive steps

taken to improve the obstacles and improving access of disabled students.

A study by Karemera in 2022 found out that student’s performance highly

depends on the facilities available at university such as computer labs, libraries

and transport etc. And it affects their satisfaction level for university too.

Similarly, Young in 1999 also suggested that students who avail the library of

university achieve more academically then students who do not.


National Union of students in 2018 conducted a survey to measure and

find out the overall experiences of students and the result they gathered is that

students see universities as a mean to an end. On the other hand, Wanyama

(2021) conducted a study and the result revealed was the major subjects in

school is the factor that influence students performance and same school

identified lack of availability of adequate teachers. In that matter, another study

conducted in Uganda by Nannyonjo in 2019 which suggested that teachers

should have a qualification training experience and duration in school. Tinklin and

Hall also conducted a study and the reported findings of disabled students were

given a consideration due to their assumption of normality and levels of

awareness. Last study conducted by (Karemera, 2022) found that the students’

performance highly depend to the facilities availability such as computer and


Local Literature

Senator Edgardo J. Angara (LDP) revealed a 3-point agenda to revive the

quality education, as well as to address the problem of Filipino competitiveness

in the global work force industry. “Higher Education has now become

international. Today, we train people not just for our work force need. We train

them for the world. And when people from other countries come here, they will

come here to look for the global-quality graduates,” said Angara.

Another research findings cited by Macalino et. al (2019), the Philippine

Journal of Education (2018) stated that quality classroom instruction largely

depends on quality teachers, schools and learners. The bulk of accountability

however lies to teachers being indispensable character in the teaching learning

process. No one has a better influence in learning than the teacher. In fact, the

quality of the school and quality of classroom instruction is very much dependent

upon the quality of teachers who teach in school essentially, quality output

emanates from the quality inputs.


Senator Edgardo J. Angara revealed that to revive a quality education we

have to train not just for our work force but we have to train them for the world so

that when people from other countries come here, they will come here to look for

the global-quality graduates. Macalino et. Al stated that quality classroom

instruction largely depends on quality teachers, schools and learners.


Chapter 3

Research Methodology

Research Design

The study will be Quantitative research, a research strategy that focuses

on quantifying the collection and analysis of data. This type of research is based

on numerical data and statistical methods to identify trends, correlations, and

relationships between different variables. It can help in understanding how

people think, feel or behave in relation to a specific issue or topic. Quantitative

research strategies are often used in social sciences, as well as other fields such

as marketing, economics, health care, and business. The main advantage of

quantitative research is that it allows researchers to measure the relationships

between different variables and look for patterns or trends over time. In order to

do this effectively, researchers have to collect large amounts of data which can

be analyzed using statistical methods such as regression analysis or correlation

analysis. This type of research is especially useful when trying to answer

questions about how certain things affect others in the real world.

Furthermore, Descriptive research is an important tool used to describe

characteristics of a population or phenomenon being studied. It helps

researchers understand the behavior or characteristics of the population or

phenomenon being studied and can be used to answer questions about how a

certain group behaves, what attitudes they have, and how their behavior has

changed over time. Descriptive research can also provide insight into why certain

phenomena exist and what factors contribute to their occurrence. By using

descriptive research, researchers are able to gain a better understanding of the

population or phenomenon in order to make more informed decisions regarding


Research Locale

The study entitled “School Based Factors on Student Competency” aims

to promote tangible and reliable information. Thus, the school the researcher has

chosen to conduct our study is at Mati Doctors Academy situated at National

Highway, Dahican, City of Mati headed by Dr. Norberto M. Teodoro the School

Principal. Mati Doctors Academy is a sister school of Mati Doctors College which

offers Kindergarten up to Senior High School. Mati Doctors Academy is

envisioned by the Department of Education as one of the institution capable of

producing quality of education.


The school is an important factor to consider when it comes to student

competency. It can affect the quality of learning that the students receive as well

as their attitude towards studying. An ideal school should be able to provide a

safe and conducive environment that allows students to learn and grow. In

addition, the school should also have teachers who are knowledgeable,

experienced, and committed to helping students succeed. By looking at various

school-based factors such as curriculum, teaching methods, resources, and

facilities, one can determine whether a school is suitable for study or not.

Thus, the Mati Doctors Academy Grade 11 students will be suitable for the

said study.

Location Map

Image 1. The Mati Doctors Academy

Research Respondents

In this research, respondents provide the total numbers of the participants

that will be included in the study. Respondents are the bases of trustworthy

response in the research findings.


ABM 46
GAS 49
TVL 34
Total 356
Table 1. List of Grade 11 Enrollee SY: 2023-2024

The following respondents will be Three Hundred Fifty-Six Grade 11

Students of Mati Doctors Academy. They will be representing the entire

population. Before we conduct a survey, we need to convince and encourage

them to participate.

Data Collection

The sample will be representative of the population and the researcher will

use Non-Probability Sampling and Judgment (or Purposive) Sampling. Non-

probability sampling is a sampling method in which not all members of the

population have an equal chance of participating in the study. Each member of

the population has a known chance of being selected.

Judgment sampling also known as selective, or subjective, sampling, this

technique relies on the judgment of the researcher when choosing who to ask to

participate. Researchers may implicitly thus choose a “representative” sample to

suit their needs, or specifically approach individuals with certain characteristics.

Research Instrument

Research Instrument is the general term that researchers use for a

measurement device. This is to help distinguish between instrument and

instrumentation, consider that the instrument is the device and instrumentation is

the course of action. The research is focused on the school-based factors on

student competency. Thus, this instrument will be used for this study:

A. Research Questionnaire

The questionnaire will be the major instrument used in this study so that

we are secure despondence to certain questions. The questionnaire that will be

used in this study was designed to obtain information on the school-based

factors on student competency of the respondents. Open-minded questions will

be used to give the respondents the opportunity to give their responses and

suggestions. The questionnaire we’ve prepared was develop by reading

reference materials and related about the research topic.

The questionnaire will be divided in three different parts. Part 1 is the

respondent’s profile. This includes the Age, Sex, Religion and Tribe. Part 2 is the

school-based factors; this includes Educational Accessibility, Curriculum Design,

Teaching Approach, Teachers Influence, School Peer Influence, and School

Climate. Part 3 is the Student Competency; this includes Knowledge, Skills and


A.1 The Respondents Profile of the grade 11 students of Mati Doctors Academy.

This covers the profile of the respondents which is 356 from Mati Doctors

Academy. This includes the Age, Sex, Religion and Tribe.

A.2 The Extent of School-based factors among Grade 11 Students of Mati

Doctors Academy

This includes Educational Accessibility, Curriculum Design, Teaching

Approach, Teachers Influence, School Peer Influence, and School Climate. This

use will be operationalized according to the following scales of 4 (Strongly

Agree), 3 (Agree), 2 (Disagree) and 1 (Strongly Disagree). The following were

the verbal interpretation of level of scales for the collected responses of


Range of Means Descriptive Level Interpretation

3.26 – 4.0 Strongly Agree This means that school-based

factors is always manifested.
2.26 – 3.25 Agree This means that oftentimes
school-based factors
1.26 – 2.25 Disagree This means that seldom
school-based factors is
1.0 – 1.25 Strongly Disagree This means that school-based
factors is not manifested.

If learning materials are not accessible to learners, then learners' abilities

won't be accessible to educators. Education should be challenging for all

learners. If it wasn't, there would be little incentive for students to continuously

develop their skills and abilities any further than necessary. Accessibility in

education gives all people the same access to educational experiences, services,

and information, whether a person has a disability or not. Another important

element is the ease of access for students who need these features and

accommodations. It must be easy for students who need accessibility

accommodations or technologies to find and use them. Curriculum design

focuses on the creation of the overall course blueprint, mapping content to

learning objectives, including how to develop a course outline and build the

course. Each learning objective is met with assessment strategies, exercises,

content, subject matter analysis, and interactive activities. Curriculum

development is a process of improving the curriculum. Various approaches have

been used in developing curricula. Commonly used approaches consist of

analysis, design, selecting formation and review. A teaching approach comprises

the principles and methods used by teachers to enable student learning. These

strategies are determined partly on subject matter to be taught and partly by the

nature of the learner. Teaching approach is an integral part of the learning

process. It encompasses a set of principles, beliefs and ideas about the nature of

learning, which are then translated into the classroom. It helps to shape the way

teachers interact with their students and guides their instructional decisions in

order to create an effective learning environment. The teaching approach also

plays an important role in ensuring that learners are able to acquire knowledge

quickly and effectively. By choosing an appropriate teaching approach, teachers

can help ensure that their students develop strong foundational skills, gain

valuable knowledge and develop critical thinking skills. Teachers have a very

significant, lifelong impact on all of their students. This impact involves not only

the teaching of particular academic skills, but as importantly, the fostering of

student self-esteem. Reinforcing self-esteem in the classroom is associated with

increased motivation and learning. Teaching is one of the most important and

influential professions in the world. Throughout a teacher’s career, they will have

the opportunity to shape young minds and impart knowledge that will last

throughout their students’ lives. Teachers have an enormous responsibility to

make sure that their students are learning valuable skills, both academically and

emotionally, that will prepare them for success in the future. A teacher’s impact

on their students can be lifelong, as those lessons stay with them and guide them

through their life journey. Peer influence is when you choose to do something you

wouldn't otherwise do, because you want to feel accepted and valued by your

friends. It isn't just or always about doing something against your will. You might

hear the term 'peer pressure' used a lot. Peer influence is an important part of

growing up and can have a big impact on how we view ourselves and our values.

It is when we choose to do something we wouldn’t normally do, because we want

to feel accepted and valued by our friends. This could range from trying a new

activity, to taking part in risky behavior such as drinking or drug use. Peer

influence can be positive or negative – it is up to us to decide which path we

take. School climate refers to the quality and character of school life. School

climate is based on patterns of students', parents' and school personnel's

experience of school life and reflects norms, goals, values, interpersonal

relationships, teaching and learning practices, and organizational structures.


School climate is often referred to as the social atmosphere of a setting or

learning environment in which students have different experiences. School

climate is a key factor in determining the academic success of students. It is an

important indicator of how well a school is functioning and can affect student

learning, engagement, behavior, and emotional well-being. The quality of school

climate can be determined by observing the relationships among students,

teachers, administrators, and other staff members; the physical environment; and

policies and procedures that affect the overall atmosphere. School climate also

includes factors such as student sense of safety, orderliness, respect for

diversity, and sense of belongingness within the school community.

A.3 The Extent of Student Competency among Grade 11 Students of Mati

Doctors Academy

This includes Knowledge, Skills and Attitude. This use will be

operationalized according to the following scales of 4 (Strongly Agree), 3 (Agree),

2 (Disagree) and 1 (Strongly Disagree). The following were the verbal

interpretation of level of scales for the collected responses of respondents:

Range of Means Descriptive Level Interpretation

3.26 – 4.0 Strongly Agree This means that Student

Competency is always
2.26 – 3.25 Agree This means that oftentimes
Student Competency
1.26 – 2.25 Disagree This means that seldom
Student Competency is
1.0 – 1.25 Strongly Disagree This means that Student

Competency is not manifested.

Knowledge are the things you know. Knowledge is different from skills in

that it consists of the facts, information, or theoretical understanding of subjects.

By acquiring knowledge your level of intelligence, wisdom and overall ability to

understand social, economic and other various concepts improves. Building

knowledge is a lifetime pursuit. Knowledge consists of everything you’ve

managed to absorb from school, work, friends, and your environment. Skills are

your ability to perform tasks. An individual acquires their skillsets through training,

experience or natural abilities. Skills are different from knowledge because

knowledge is a prerequisite to skills. You must have the knowledge to perform

skilled work, and you can’t perform skilled work without knowledge. After you

become proficient with the skills you have chosen to develop, you are now

becoming your own master of success. You have become the teacher and not

the student. Whether it’s the interpersonal skills you need to communicate with

teammates, the skills needed to close a sale, or the time management skills

required to complete your objectives and goals for a project, your skill sets help

you execute actions to further your success. This definition is the most nuanced

and broad in its application. An important factor to consider when thinking about

your attitude is that it isn’t necessarily about having a “good” or “bad” attitude, but

how your awareness of your own outlook and state-of-mind on a given task

influences your performance. Attitude is one of the most important factors of

learning because while knowledge and skills go a long way, attitude is what

keeps you going. Attitude can also determine your level of enthusiasm, which is

another key factor in staying motivated to expand your knowledge, attitude, skills,

and habits.

Research Procedures

In order for us to succeed in this endeavor certain steps are needed to be

followed: First, the research will make a self-made questionnaire which will guide

the researchers in their quest on finding answers to this research. Next the

researchers will find two at least two experts to validate the self-made


A pre-test on specific area shall be made accordingly. This will be followed

by a communication letter will be secured by the researchers, and this will be

submitted within the month of June 2023 to the Mati Doctors Academy, School

Principal, Dr. Norberto M. Teodoro.

Once approve the researchers will identify the 356 respondents from the

Grade 11 Students of Mati Doctors Academy to be selected in the research. They

will be oriented about the entire research process. After the orientation 356

respondents will be asked the following research instruments which are a set of

question and after they will be interviewed accordingly. Lastly, the researchers

will now gather data.

Statistical Treatment

To interpret the date effectively, the researcher will employ the following

statistical treatment. The Percentage, Weighted Mean and Person Correlation

are the tools use to interpret data.

1. Percentage

This will employ to determine the frequency counts and percentage

distribution of personal related variables of the respondents.

Formula: % =F/N

% is the percentage

F is the Frequency

N is the total number of respondents

100 is a constant value

2. Frequency

Frequency distribution tells how frequencies are distributed over values.

Frequency distributions are mostly used for summarizing categorical variables.

That's because metric variables tend to have many distinct values.

The frequency distribution is the basic building block of statistical analytical

methods and the first step in analyzing survey data. It helps researchers (a)

organize and summarize the survey data in a tabular format, (b) interpret the

data, and (c) detect outliers (extreme values) in the survey data set.

3. Average Weighted Mean


This will be use to determine the assessment of the respondents with

regards to their personal profiles.

Formula: X =Fx/N

X is the weighted mean

F is the frequency

X is the weight of each item

N is the number of cases

4. Person Correlation

Is the covariance of the two variables divided by the product of their

standard deviations The form of the definition involves a "product moment", that

is, the mean (the first moment about the origin) of the product of the mean-

adjusted random variables; hence the modifier product-moment in the name.

The population Person correlation coefficient is defined in terms of

moments, and therefore exists for any bivariate probability distribution for which

the population covariance is defined and the marginal population variances are

defined and are non-zero. Some probability distributions such as the Cauchy

distribution have undefined variance and hence ρ is not defined if X or Y follows

such a distribution. In some practical applications, such as those involving data

suspected to follow a heavy-tailed distribution, this is an important consideration.

However, the existence of the correlation coefficient is usually not a concern; for

instance, if the range of the distribution is bounded, ρ is always defined.



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Part I. Respondents Profile:

Age: Sex:
Religion: Tribe:

Part II. Extent of School Based Factors among Grade 11 Students of Mati
Doctors Academy

Direction: Please respond to the statements honestly by indicating the degree to

which item describes. There is no right and wrong answer. Check ( ∕ ) the space
provided in each item. Please do not leave any question item unanswered.

4 Strongly Agree - always manifested

3 Agree - often times manifested

2 Disagree – seldom manifested

1 Strongly Disagree – not manifested

School-Based Factors
Educational Accessibility 1 2 3 4
1. Educators must ensure that all learning
materials are accessible and up-to-date in order
for learners to be able to benefit from them.
2. Accessibility in education gives all people the
same access to educational experiences,
services, and information
3. Students who need accessibility
accommodations or technologies to find and use
4. Access to learning materials is essential for
learners as it provides them with the resources
they need to learn and develop their skills.
5. Without access to these materials, learners
won’t be able to reach their full potential.

Curriculum Design 1 2 3 4
1. Curriculum design is the process of creating an
overall blueprint for a course, mapping content
to learning objectives, and developing activities
and assessments.
2. It is a critical part of the educational process, as
it ensures that learners are exposed to relevant
material that will enable them to meet their
learning objectives
3. In order for curriculum design to be successful, it
must be based on the needs of the learner and
should incorporate appropriate instructional
4. It is a complex process that requires careful
planning and thought in order to ensure an
effective course design.
5. Commonly used approaches consist of analysis,
design, selecting formation and review.
Teaching Approach 1 2 3 4
1. A teaching approach comprises the principles
and methods used by teachers to enable
student learning
2. These strategies are determined partly on

subject matter to be taught and partly by the

nature of the learner.
3. Teaching approach is an integral part of the
learning process.
4. The teaching approach also plays an important
role in ensuring that learners are able to acquire
knowledge quickly and effectively.
5. By choosing an appropriate teaching approach,
teachers can help ensure that their students
develop strong foundational skills, gain valuable
knowledge and develop critical thinking skills.
Teachers Influence 1 2 3 4
1. Teachers have a very significant, lifelong impact
on all of their students.
2. Reinforcing self-esteem in the classroom is
associated with increased motivation and
3. Teaching is one of the most important and
influential professions in the world.
4. Teachers have an enormous responsibility to
make sure that their students are learning
valuable skills, both academically and
emotionally, that will prepare them for success in
the future.
5. A teacher’s impact on their students can be
lifelong, as those lessons stay with them and
guide them through their life journey.
School Peer Influence 1 2 3 4
1. Peer influence is when you choose to do
something you wouldn't otherwise do, because
you want to feel accepted and valued by your
2. Peer influence is an important part of growing up
and can have a big impact on how we view
ourselves and our values.
3. It is when we choose to do something we
wouldn’t normally do, because we want to feel
accepted and valued by our friends.
4. Peer influence can be positive or negative
depending on how the students is being
5. Peer influence is an important aspect of social
behavior, especially among adolescents. It can
be a powerful force in making decisions and
forming opinions.

School Climate 1 2 3 4
1. School climate refers to the quality and
character of school life.
2. School climate is often referred to as the social
atmosphere of a setting or learning environment
in which students have different experiences.
3. School climate is a key factor in determining the
academic success of students.
4. It is an important indicator of how well a school
is functioning and can affect student learning,
engagement, behavior, and emotional well-
5. The quality of school climate can be determined
by observing the relationships among students,
teachers, administrators, and other staff

Part III. Extent of Student Competency among Grade 11 Students of Mati

Doctors Academy

Direction: Please respond to the statements honestly by indicating the degree to

which item describes. There is no right and wrong answer. Check ( ∕ ) the space
provided in each item. Please do not leave any question item unanswered.

4 Strongly Agree - always manifested

3 Agree - often times manifested
2 Disagree – seldom manifested
1 Strongly Disagree – not manifested

Knowledge 1 2 3 4
1. Knowledge are the things you know.
2. Knowledge is different from skills in that it
consists of the facts, information, or theoretical
understanding of subjects.
3. Knowledge consists of everything you’ve
managed to absorb from school, work, friends,
and your environment.
4. Knowledge is the basis of understanding and
wisdom, and it can be said that knowledge is

"the things you know"

5. Knowledge can be gained through experience,
study, observation, or instruction.
Skills 1 2 3 4
1. Skills are your ability to perform tasks.
2. Skills are different from knowledge because
knowledge is a prerequisite to skills.
3. You must have the knowledge to perform skilled
work, and you can’t perform skilled work without
4. Skills are an important part of our lives as they
enable us to perform tasks efficiently.
5. Having the right skill set is essential for
achieving any goal in life and helps us to stand
out among others with similar qualifications.
Attitude 1 2 3 4
1. Attitude is one of the most important factors of
learning because while knowledge and skills go
a long way, attitude is what keeps you going.
2. Attitude can also determine your level of
enthusiasm, which is another key factor in
staying motivated to expand your knowledge,
attitude, skills, and habits.
3. Attitude is one of the most important factors in
learning because it provides the motivation and
drive to keep going when the going gets tough.
4. Without the right attitude, we can easily become
discouraged and give up when faced with a
difficult challenge.
5. Attitude also plays an important role in how we
approach any given task.









MAY 2023





Background of the Study 1

Theoretical Framework 4

Conceptual Framework of the Study 8

Statement of the Problem 14

Research Hypothesis 16

Scope and Delimitations 16

Significance of the Study 17

Definition of Terms 18



Research Design 32

Research Locale 33

Research Respondents 35

Data Collection 35

Research Instrument 36

Research Procedures 41

Statistical Treatment 42


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