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Today, the media plays a key role in enhancing contemporary cultural globalization, which is the

process of transmitting, values, commodities, and ideas for the extension and intensification of
social relations throughout the world. Social media especially plays an important role in this
cultural globalization process; which through Internet, it connects all the countries around the
world. Through social media, it is more visible how widespread cultural globalization emerges.
From clothing, entertainment, and food to intangible cultural elements, people from different
countries can experience diving into the cultures of other countries. This happens with the help
of media, specifically social media which 59% of the entire world’s population is using.

In a more in-depth analysis, global culture can be analyzed through the three perspectives on
global cultural flows– cultural integration/convergence, cultural differentialism, and cultural
hybridity. The phrase cultural convergence emphasizes homogeneity and describes how cultures
have a tendency to alter and adapt when frequently exposed to other cultures. Cultures will
become more similar the more they interact with one another. Cultures will converge more
quickly and thoroughly as levels of interaction rise, becoming increasingly similar in their
attitudes, ideologies, works of art, and other aspects. An illustration of this that can be seen on
social media is a Netflix show that is created from a certain country but caters to an audience
with different nationalities; this has gradually ingrained itself into their daily lives and their
cultures become more similar to each other. Cultures are fundamentally distinct from one another
and are only impacted by global flows, according to cultural differentialism. The differences
between North and South Korea can be found on social media once you search them. Although
they are both parts of the Korean peninsula, they are still far different from each other, from their
clothing to technology, values, and politics. Lastly, the merging of regional and international
cultures is emphasized by cultural hybridity. This perspective focuses on the thought that
globalization is a creative process that produces hybrid entities that cannot be reduced to either
the global or the local. Music can be used as an example of this. On different social media
platforms, cultural hybridity can be found in music where the language, as well as other cultural
elements, are mixed to create something that people from both countries from which these
cultural elements originate would enjoy.
To summarize their differences, cultural integration/convergence emphasizes that cultures have a
tendency to become more similar as they share more technology and organizational structures.
Cultural divergence, on the other hand, is the propensity for cultures to differ more and more
through time. Lastly, the process by which an innovative concept is spread from one group to
another over distance and time is known as cultural hybridity. In this perspective, the term
“glocalization” is developed to put emphasis on the integration of local and global cultures.
Glocalization, or the interaction of the global and local that produces distinctive results in
various geographic places, is a significant idea. 

The focal points of how global culture flows must be understood to have a better comprehension
of how is it affecting everyone. It is also important to understand that social media has a very
deep impact on cultural identity and cultural globalization in contemporary times. Finally, social
media fosters these three perspectives discussed and its role has a lot to contribute to the impact
of cultural aspects on globalization.

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