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English Connect 2 May14th


How are you?
1. I will learn to talk about my feelings and why I feel them.
2. I will learn to ask you how you feel.
3. I will learn to show empathy.
1. How does Luis Vance describe his two daughters?
2. How does Luis’s wife describe him?
Feelings and Emortions

happy sad angry afraid/scared bored

tired frustrated embarrassed surprised mad

Conversation 1

Conversation 2
A: “How are you feeling?
B: “I’m bored .”
A: “Why are you bored ?”
B: “Because it’s raining and I can’t play soccer outside.”
Conversation 1
A: When do you feel happy?”
B: I feel happy when I see my family.

A: Why are you happy?

B: I'm happy because I have a beautful family.

“When do you feel ______?”

“Why are you ______?”
Conversation 3

A: “How are you feeling?

B: “I’m angry!”
A: “Why are you angry?”
B: “I’m angry because ______.”
1. What does Shawni like to do?
2. How does Shawni feel if she doesn’t “catch the moments”?

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