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A Royal Guard Charles remembered the first time

he fell in love with Diana. Diana is a good

princess, she treats people well, also
Charles. Diana once revealed on a TV show
how comfortable she was with Charles.
Until Charles was invited by Diana to eat at
a fancy restaurant. they eat romantically also
express the feelings between them there.
However, fate was not on their side, the
This was the worst day for Charles royal family rejected their love. Their love
Arthur, a royal guard, he was rejected by the story became the talk of the whole country.
royal family to be Princess Diana's husband. The public was disappointed with the royal
Charles and Diana had liked each other for a family's decision and supported their love
long time, they were even engaged. but it story so much that they got married.
was not welcomed by the royal family.
One day, the royal family will go
Charles worked for 7 years as a royal guard
on summer vacation to Scottish Highland.
and 2 years as the princess's personal
"Charles, do you accompany the princess
bodyguard. His life at Buckingham Palace is
during this summer vacation?" That's Harry,
not easy, he is widely blasphemed because
Charles's friend who is also a royal guard.
of his love affair with the princess.
“Yeah,,,I do, and you?”, “me too”, said
Harry. "Alright, everyone gets ready!" said Diana’s car. Charles, Harry and several
the squad leader from a distance. Diana guards tried to block the intruder. However,
came with her summer clothes, “You look the sound of the bomb first sounded in the
so beautiful, my lady” said Charles while air. However, the sound of a bomb was first
opening the car door. “Thank you, Mr. heard in the air. it was a suicide bombing, he
Charles,” said Diana with her lovely smile. detonated it on purpose. Harry and the 3
After everyone got into the car, some guards who tried to block died on the spot. a
bodyguards did the release of the family puff of smoke covered the area around
who were going on vacation. Wellington Arch, "Diana,,,,, my lady!!!"
shouted Charles.
Arriving at Wellington Arch which
is only 0.6 miles from Buckingham, the With serious injuries Charles tried
security to run to the car where Diana was. Diana's
control center car was thrown 5 meters from its initial
saw the position. "Oh my God," Charles grumbled,
suspicious finding Diana unconscious, he immediately
action of a carried her out of the car. he saw another
person in a royal family secured from the bombing area.
black hat 'WOOSH' a shot almost hit them. Charles
barging into immediately took cover beside the
the front of Wellington Arch building. he looked around
to trace the origin of the shot. 'WOOSH' shot shot almost hit Charles. 3 More getting
from the sniper rifle almost hit him. closer to Charles and Diana to the side of
'WOOSH' the shot from the sniper hits the wall. Charles emerged from the side of the
wellington arch wall. he finally finds gunfire wall and knocked one of them down. They
coming from a building at a crossroads and immediately changed their gun to knife then
tries to return fire. "Charles, do you copy? tried to stab Charles. ‘JLEB’ 1 stab hit
report your position!", the control center Charles's thigh “akh,,,” Charles groaning in
tried to communicate. "This is Charles, pain. Charles hit back with his punch. The
someone tried to shoot princess and me, in fight continues until Charles succeed take
the building at 5 o'clock" “okay Charles, down the enemies.
hold your position and wait for help!”.
‘NEE NAW NEE NAW’ help is
From a distance a car contained 4 coming. Charles came to Diana who was
enemies with assault rifles, came towards still unconscious. Help came to get the
them. The enemies got off the vehicle medical mattress to take Diana for
holding a weapon. Charles prepared to greet treatment. Charles helped carry Diana to the
them with a gun in his hand. medical bed and bring her to the ambulance.
‘TRETETETET’ gunshot, a fistfight by "I failed to take care of you Diana" said
opening fire between them took place. Charles while holding Diana's hair.
'BANG' Charles succeed to shoot one of
them right in the head. ‘TRETETETET’
Time passes quickly, Diana who is the public who kept their love story from
being treated is gradually improving. beginning to end are happy with the
Charles visited Diana to the place where she decision. the wedding was held in St. Paul
was being cared for with fruits. Charles saw and was attended by many important people
Diana sleeping on his bed, "Charles?", said including heads of state from other
Diana noticing Charles' arrival, “yes, it’s me countries. The wedding ceremony was
my lady”, Charles stepped closer to Diana. televised globally and was watched by more
"I'm sorry for failing to take care of you" than 750 million people. their wedding was
"No Charles, you didn't fail, you don't need dubbed the "wedding of the century".
to apologize. look, I'm still good now". with
tears starting to fall, Charles embraced All things that are difficult if fought
Diana. “ I love you, Diana” in earnest will surely pay off. it is hard at
first, but it will be passed with our sincerity.
However, After hardship comes ease
2 weeks after
that, the royal
family finally
approved the
marriage between
Charles and
Princess Diana.

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