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JUNE 2019

2 WHAT IS THIS? Every-
one’s favorite undead metal
head explains it all...
Narrative game-play rules
for players and GM alike.
Hair Metal Horror #1 was created for the Feb-

ruary 2019 “Zine Quest” event. Thanks to our
backers, this project was successfully funded in CHARACTERS Almost
the first three days of the Kickstater campaign. ready to play. Just add a
backstory and Action point.
I would like to thank the backers, my family,
John Harper, Vandel J. Arden, Rachelle Dube,
Sean Richer, and the members of the RPG com-
munity who offered feedback and support.
22 CORN FEST Rides,
livestock, funnel cake, and
Without you this zine would not exist.
almost certain death!


your breath, but don’t trig-
ger the animatronic band!


bar, a hardware store, and a
murder cult.

Where it all began, and
ends...(and free cable).

Copyright © 2019 Aaron Frost

This work is based on Blades in the Dark (found at,
product of One Seven Design, developed and authored by John Harper, and licensed for
our use under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license:
“Terror of the Stratosfiend” used with permission from the creator Sean Richer.
“Dino Wrangers” used with permission from the creator Rachelle Dube.
WHAT IS THIS? Your friends will play the charac-
ters, and will progress through the
Greetings, fellow creepsters. If you story as they help to tell it.
are reading this, then you either
backed the Kickstarter campaign So first order of business, gather
and have some sense of what you some friends. You will need at
have gotten yourself into, or you least one, but hopefully you can
waited around like a chump to get scrounge up four of them (or more
it some other way... depending on how many bonus
characters were unlocked in the

Your pack of dexters will need

some six-sided dice, or simply
“dice” as non-dorks call them. You
can buy them or loot them from a
board game you probably already

Each issue contains a terrifying

tale that is yours for the telling.
Using the Quick-Play rules on the
Well, just leave it to your new pal following pages, your gaggle of
Grunge to explain the particulars. armchair raconteurs will decide
the fate of the characters they have
Hair Metal Horror is a narrative selected through the course of
role playing game set in the their actions.
excessive 80’s, at the height of
Glam Metal glory. The rogues gallery of flawed freaks
the players have to choose from are
Since you bought the book, you nobody’s heroes, but they aren’t
are likely planning to be the “Game exactly helpless either.
Master”, the person presenting
the settings and playing the roles Don’t go all soft on me when
of everyone who is not one of the it comes time to kill them off!
provided characters. Otherwise The players have a whole slew of
you are probably a filthy cheater... resources to negate or lessen the
I like you already! consequences they so rightfully
deserve (until they use them up)!

THE GAME STRUCTURE create the harrowing story to-
Hair Metal Horror is, at its heart, gether (“Let’s run through the food
a survival horror game. The char- booths and grab a propane tank!”). It
acters are put into terrifying or is likely that the characters will
dangerous situations right from never explore many of the loca-
the start, or will soon stumble into tions within a setting in a single
them. play-through.

Each adventure has a few Set- THE PLAYERS

tings, and within each of those Each player takes on the roll of
settings are several Locations. It one of the pre-generated Char-
can be helpful to think of this in acters included with the game.
terms of a board game, where the They create a short backstory for
characters move from Location to the character with a given set of
Location in a manner that suits established facts (Lead singer of
their needs or sensibilities within Luftkuss, Teenage Metalhead,
a given Setting until they discover Hardcore BonPyre fan, etc.) and
the means to reach a new Setting clues from their provided action
or escape the scenario alive. scores and special abilities.

Progressing from one Location Once the background is written,

to another will almost certainly the player can then use it to justify
require the characters to overcome adding an extra point to one of the
obstacles (outrun or stand and character’s Actions.
fight murderous cultists, sneak
behind a row of parked vehicles THE GAME MASTER
as a patrol of inhuman lizard-folk The GM establishes the dynamic
skulk nearby, leap from rooftop to world around the characters. The
rooftop to avoid detection from GM plays all the non-player char-
below). acters in the world. The GM helps
organize the conversation of the
Overcoming these obstacles is game and keeps it interesting and
paramount to the characters’ sur- terrifying.
vival and potential escape from the
scenario. The GM is not in charge of the
story, but rather presents interest-
The Game Master (GM) is provided ing opportunities for the players,
with an overview for each setting and then follows the chain of ac-
and its locations, and the players tions and consequences wherever
help to flesh out the details as they they lead.
The Characters
Each Player Character (PC) begins
with Actions and Attributes (or This character has one dot (out of four) in fi-
resistances), a Stress tracker with nesse and traverse, so they would get to roll one
8 or more bars, a tracker for Harm six-sided die when attempting these actions.
to note the number and severity Actions are read from left to right,
of any wounds they have suffered, and the number of dots an ac-
one or more Special Abilities, and tion has indicates the amount of
starting equipment. six-sided dice they can roll when
attempting that action.
Finesse: Perform dexterous acts
involving fine motor skills (driving, Body: Consequences from physical
picking a lock). strain or harm.
Traverse: Running, jumping, Mind: Consequences from deception
climbing. or understanding.
Fight: Using physical violence to at- Nerve: Consequences from mental
tack another and defend yourself. strain or willpower.
Wreck: Destroy things (break down
a door, smash a computer). The Attributes (Body, Mind, and
Nerve) are read from top to bot-
Hunt: The ability to avoid detection
tom in the first column of circles.
or stalk another (throwing/ shooting,
The number of filled in circles
(dots) indicates the number of dice
Study: Use resources to gain more a character can roll when trying to
information about a subject (re- resist a consequence with one of
search, search a book or database). the Attributes.
Survey: Scan a location for poten-
tial hazards or beneficial features.
Tinker: Jury rig, repair, or craft
items or machines.
Command: Use your presence to
intimidate or convince others to do
your bidding.
This character has a total of two dots in Body, so
Sway: Use your charm or appear- they would roll two six-sided die when attempt-
ance to beguile others into doing your ing to resist a consequence with this Attribute.


Each character has a special re-

serve called stress. Characters can
take stress to resist consequences
they don’t want to accept, and also
to “fuel” special actions such as
pushing themselves or aiding oth-
ers. Once each character has taken
all of their available stress, any
further situations that would re-
quire taking stress will cause level
1 harm to the character. A limited SPECIAL ABILITIES
amount of stress can be regained Each character can choose one or
during the course of the adventure more Special Abilities from those
if the character is able to find a provided on their character sheet.
source of Respite. Special Abilities might improve
the character, reduce conse-
HARM quences, or modify the character’s
chance for success.

Each character has a few objects
at the start of each adventure that
One consequence characters may make logical sense for them to
suffer is physical or mental in- possess at that moment in time.
jury (falling from a roof, getting Characters can acquire more gear
slashed by claws, becoming over- and equipment, or use up/ lose
whelmed with stress). Characters their starting gear as the story
can take two light (level 1) injuries, progresses. Small items add +1 the
two moderate (level 2) injuries, and characters load, two handed items
one severe (level 3) injury. A level 4 add +2, and larger items add +3.
injury is lethal, as is taking an ad- Carrying a normal load (4-5) is
ditional injury after all of the level more conspicuous than light (1-3),
1, 2, and 3 injury spaces are filled and a heavy load (6) will slow you
with previous injury descriptions. down (less effect or worse position
with running/ sneaking).

ACTION ROLL Essentially, the effect level tells
When a character does something “how much” this action can accom-
challenging, the player makes an plish: will it have a limited, stan-
Action roll to see how it turns dard, or great effect?
out. If their action is something
the character could be expected to The GM’s choice for effect level and
simply accomplish, then no Action position can be strongly influenced by
roll is needed. the player’s choice of action rating. If a
player wants to bypass an electric lock
STATING THE GOAL by Wrecking it, well...maybe that’s
A character’s goal is the concrete possible, but the GM wouldn’t be crazy
outcome they will achieve when to say it’s a desperate roll and prob-
they overcome the obstacle at ably limited effect. Seems like Tinker-
hand. ing would be a lot better for that. The
players are always free to choose the
CHOOSE AN ACTION RATING action they perform, but that doesn’t
The player chooses which action mean all actions should be equally
rating to roll. risky or potent.


Once the player chooses their ac- You can normally get two bonus
tion, the GM sets the position for dice for an action roll (some special
the roll. The position represents abilities might give you additional
how dangerous or troublesome the bonus dice).
action might be. There are three
positions: Controlled, Risky, and For one bonus die, another charac-
Desperate. ter can aid you. They take 1 stress,
say how they help you, and give
By default, an action roll is risky. you +1d.
If the situation seems more dan-
gerous, make it desperate. If it For another bonus die, you can
seems less dangerous, make it either push yourself (take 2 stress)
controlled. or you can accept a Devil’s Bar-
gain (you can’t get dice for both,
GM SETS THE EFFECT LEVEL it’s one or the other).
The GM assesses the likely effect
level of this action, given the fac-
tors of the situation.

THE DEVIL’S BARGAIN Each 4/5 and 1-3 outcome lists sug-
The GM or another player can of- gested consequences for the char-
fer you a bonus die if you accept a acters. The worse your position
Devil’s Bargain, agreeing to some (controlled, risky, desperate), the
negative aspect that occurs regard- worse the consequences are.
less of the outcome of the roll. You
make the deal, pay the price, and The GM can inflict one or more of
get the bonus die. these consequences , depending
on the circumstances of the action
Devil’s Bargains could include: roll. Characters have the ability
yy Collateral damage, unintended to avoid or reduce the severity of
harm. consequences that they suffer by
yy Betray another character. resisting them.
yy Start or tick a troublesome
clock. When you narrate the action after
yy Suffer Harm. the roll, the GM and player collabo-
rate together to say what happens
The GM has final say over which in the scene. Tell us how you avoid
Devil’s Bargains are valid. being detected by the tentacled horror.
Tell us what you say to convince the
ROLLING THE DICE bartender to let you in the back room.
The Action roll does a lot of work
for you. It tells you how well the DOUBLE DUTY ROLLS
character performs as well as how Since non-player characters
serious the consequences are for (NPCs) don’t roll for their actions,
them. an action roll does double-duty:
it resolves the action of the char-
If you roll a 6 on one of your dice, acter as well as any NPCs that are
your action succeeds. If you roll involved. The single roll tells us
more than one 6, the action is a how those actions interact and
critical success. which consequences result. On a
6, the character wins and has their
If the highest die roll is 1-3, it’s up effect, On a 4/5 it’s a mix-both the
to the GM to decide if the charac- Character and the NPC have their
ters action has any effect or not, or effect. One a 1-3, the NPC wins and
if it even happens at all. Usually, has their effect as a consequence
the action just fails completely. on the character.

yy 1d for each Action rating dot.
yy +1d if you are being Aided by another character
yy +1d if you Push yourself -or- you accept a Devil’s Bargain.

CONTROLLED - You act on your terms. You exploit an advantage.

Critical: You do it with increased effect.
yy 6: You do it.
yy 4/5: You hesitate. Withdraw and try a different approach, or else
do it with a minor consequence: a minor complication occurs, you
have reduced effect, you suffer lesser harm, you end up in a risky
yy 1-3: You falter. Press on by seizing a risky opportunity, or withdraw
and try a different approach

RISKY- You go head to head, you act under fire. You take a chance.
Critical: You do it with increased effect.
yy 6: You do it.
yy 4/5: You do it, but there’s a consequence: You suffer harm,
a complication occurs, you have reduced effect, you end up in a
desperate position.
yy 1-3: Things go badly. You suffer harm, a complication occurs, you
end up in a desperate position, you lose this opportunity.

DESPERATE- You overreach your capabilities. You’re in serious


yy Critical: You do it with increased effect.

yy 6: You do it.
yy 4/5: You do it, but there’s a consequence: you suffer severe harm, a
serious complication occurs, you have reduced effect.
yy 1-3: It’s the worst outcome. You suffer severe harm, a serious com-
plication occurs, you lose this opportunity for action.

In Hair Metal Horror, you achieve matches the action at hand-great,
goals by taking actions and fac- standard, or limited? Each effect
ing consequences. But how many level indicates the questions that
actions does it take to achieve a should be answered for that effect,
particular goal? That depends on as well as how many segments
the effect level of your actions. The to tick if you’re using a progress
GM judges the effect level using clock (p. 10).
the profiles below. Which one best

You achieve more than usual. How does the
Great extra effort manifest? What additional ben- 3
efit do you enjoy?
You achieve what we’d expect as “normal”
Standard with this action. Is that enough, or is there 2
more left to do?
You achieve a partial or weak effect. How is
Limited your impact diminished? What effort re- 1
mains to achieve your goal?

ASSESSING FACTORS has lower quality than a ravenous

Three factors may modify the ef- zombie or were-lizard, a baseball
fect level: Potency, Quality, and bat would even the score, and a
Scale. If a character has advantage chain saw would give the character
in a given factor, consider a higher advantage (and likely improved ef-
effect level. If they have disadvan- fect during a fight).
tage, consider a reduced effect
level. Scale represents the might or
number of opponents, size of an
Potency considers particular area covered, or scope of influence.
weaknesses, taking extra time, or Larger scale can be an advantage
a bigger risk. A character is more or disadvantage depending on the
potent if the street lights are out as situation. The large scale of a foot-
they sneak past a possessed neigh- ball field would reduce the effect
borhood watch patrol. of trying to spring across it, while
ganging up on a single opponent
Quality represents the effective- or attempting to Sway a hardcore
ness of tools, weapons, or other re- fan of your band would likely have
sources. A character with bare fists increased effect.
PROGRESS CLOCKS A complex obstacle is a 4-segment
A progress clock is a circle divided clock. A more complicated obstacle
into segments. Draw a progress is a 6-segment clock. A daunting
clock when you need to track obstacle is an 8-segment clock.
ongoing effort against an obstacle
or the approach of impending When you create a clock, make it
trouble. Throughout each adven- about the obstacle, not the meth-
ture, clocks will be suggested for od. A clock for escaping a trailer
the GM, but they are always free park filled with cannibal bikers
to create their own as the stories should be “escape”, not “sneak out
evolve. of trailer park”, as the characters
can attempt to overcome them in a
variety of ways.

Each character begins with a clock

on their character sheet. For some
characters, completing these
clocks is a positive thing, while for
others it can be disastrous!

Some examples of clock types in-

clude the following:

The GM can use a clock to rep-
resent a progressive danger, like
suspicion growing during a se-
duction, the proximity of pursu-
ers in a chase, or the alert level
of guards on patrol. In this case,
when a complication occurs, the
GM ticks one, two, or three seg-
ments on the clock, depending on
the consequence level. When the
clock is full, the danger comes to
fruition—the guards hunt down
Generally, the more complex the the intruders, activate an alarm,
problem, the more segments in the release the hellhounds, etc.
progress clock.

RACING CLOCKS How to survive
Create two opposed clocks to rep- The characters have a number
resent a race. The PCs might have of resources at their disposal to
a progress clock called “Escape” postpone an untimely death. The
while the cannibal bikers have a players can choose to resist an
clock called “Cornered.” If the PCs effect, use flashbacks to gain an
finish their clock before the bikers advantage, Push themselves to
fill theirs, they get away. Other- achieve greater results on a roll,
wise, they’re cornered and can’t reduce their position for greater
flee. If both complete at the same effect, make a Devil’s Bargain for a
time, the PCs escape, but the bik- greater chance of success on an ac-
ers know where they ran off to. tion, or help one another by work-
ing together in four possible ways.
You can also use racing clocks for
an environmental hazard. Maybe RESIST
the PCs are trying to find their When a character suffers a conse-
way out of a burning Megla-Mart quence that you don’t like, you can
before the entire structure is en- choose to resist it. Resisting is al-
gulfed in flames! ways effective. The GM will tell you
if the consequence is reduced in
LINKED CLOCKS severity or avoided altogether, and
You can make a clock that unlocks then you will make a resistance
another clock once it’s filled. For roll to see how much stress your
example, the GM might make a character suffers as a result using
linked clock called “Trapped” after one of your character’s attributes
an “Alert” clock fills up. When you (Body, Mind, or Nerve) based on
fight a horrific fiend, it might have the nature of consequences.
a clock for “Defense” and then a Body: Consequences from physical
linked clock for “Vulnerable.” Once strain or harm
you overcome the “Defense” clock, Mind: Consequences from decep-
then you can attempt to overcome tion or understanding
the “Vulnerable” clock and defeat Nerve: Consequences from mental
it. You might affect the “Defense” strain or willpower.
clock with violence in skirmish, or
you lower its defense with decep- Your character suffers 6 stress
tion if you have the opportunity. As when they resist, minus the high-
always, the method of action is up est die result from the resistance
to the players and the details of the roll (if your higher roll was 4, you
fiction at hand. would suffer 1 stress. If you get a
critical result, clear 1 stress!
FLASHBACKS After the stress is paid, a flash-
The rules don’t distinguish be- back action is handled just like any
tween actions performed in the other action. This may entail a roll
present moment or those per- because there is danger, risk, or
formed in the past. You can invoke trouble involved. It could require a
a flashback to roll for an action in fortune roll (Did I find a taxi com-
the past that impacts your current pany that would drive all the way out
situation. here?), or it may not call for a roll at
all, simply pay the stress and it’s
The Game Master sets a stress cost accomplished.
when you activate a flashback:
Flashbacks are not time travel, and
0 Stress: An ordinary action for cannot undo something that has
which you had easy opportunity: happened in the current moment.

“He might be a crazy cultist, but I “The sheriff couldn’t have just shot me
remember this guy from the bar the because I’m going to throw his revolver
other night. I think he was head over in a river in a flashback.”
heels and buying me drinks all night.
No way he’s going to rat me out. I am BETTER POSITION/EFFECT
going to roll Sway to see if I remember After factors are considered and
this correctly.” the GM has announced the effect
level, a player might want to trade
1 Stress: A complex action or un- position for effect, or vice versa.
likely opportunity: “I played cards For instance, if they’re going to
with these guys last night and spiked make a risky roll with standard
their drinks. They can probably barely effect (the most common scenario,
stand up right now. I am going to roll generally), they might instead
Finesse for that action.” want to press their luck and make
a desperate roll but with great ef-
2 Stress: An elaborate action that fect.
involved special opportunities or
contingencies: “I hated flying here in “This zombie won’t go down easy.
that small commuter plane, and called Instead of just hitting it during the
around for a taxi to pick me up at the fight, I am going to focus all of my
hotel after the show. It should be there strikes at the thing’s head, hoping
in an hour!” to take it down quicker.”

PUSHING YOURSELF Set up: A character can roll an ac-
Characters can use stress to push tion prior to another character’s
themselves for greater perfor- action to improve their position or
mance. For each bonus you choose increase the effect of the action.
below, take 2 stress (each can be
chosen once for a given action): “I am going to roll Sway to charm
the sheriff in the parking lot, and
-Add an extra die (+1d) to your roll. then you sneak into his office and
-Add +1 Level to your effect. grab those files!”
-Take action when incapacitated.
Protect: A character can choose to
take the consequences for another
WORKING TOGETHER character’s failed roll.
The characters can work together
in different ways to increase their “Oh man! I see him throwing the
odds for survival. hatchet and push you out of the way
using my leather jacket to lessen the
Lead: A character can choose to impact when it hits me instead.”
be the “leader” of an action. All
characters involved in the action RESPITE
roll the same action, and the best Each adventure has safe spaces
result is used, however the leader and consumables that can offer the
will take one stress for each char- characters a chance to catch their
acter that failed (a roll of 1-3) their breath, calm down, and recover a
roll. “On the count of three, I’m going bit, clearing stress in the process.
to kick open the door and then we all To clear stress during respite,
bum-rush the flesh eating clown out roll dice equal to your character’s
there!” lowest attribute (Body, Mind, or
Nerve). Clear stress equal to your
Aid: A single character can choose highest die result.
to take one stress to grant another
character an extra die (+1d) on an
Action roll. “I am going to knock back
the tentacles with my guitar so you
have a better chance of kicking it in its
fleshy underbelly!”

Throughout the course of this This is an optional rule that can be
adventure, the characters will be used to make the game more tense
pursued by Williams, the Elder and difficult. The GM turns on a
Were-Lizard (a lethal and terrify- playlist of Glam Metal songs and
ing fiend). Its progress in tracking after 4 songs are played, they tick
down the characters is simulated the “Hunted” clock once, all char-
with an 8 Segment “Hunted” clock. acters must roll to resist terror (us-
ing Nerve) or take stress, and both
Two 8-segment clocks must be of the two “hero” characters (Gator
filled in order to defeat Williams. and Thor) must tick their special
character clocks once.

Z A Spotify playlist has been created

for this purpose, or just to help set
the mood while playing. You can
STAMINA HEALTH find it here:
Certain events will prompt the GM Hair Metal Horror #1
to tick this clock, but the clock can
also be ticked by the GM at any
time as a consequence or compli-
cation due to poor character rolls
if it makes narrative sense to do
so (using a firearm, causing large-
scale destruction or explosions).

CHARACTERS (VICTIMS) Clock is completely filled in, the
The following pages contain the characters are fully alert and aware
player characters central to the of their present situation. At this
story “Fooling”. Each player will as- point each character ticks a new
sume the roll of one of the charac- Action point of their choosing,
ters or “heroes”, and do their best and also unlocks a second Special
to ensure they survive the night. Ability.

Select one Special Ability for each “HEROES”

character, and write a backstory Two special characters have been
short enough to fit on an index unlocked thanks to the backers of
card. Try to include both posi- the Kickstarter. These characters
tive and negative aspects of your already have extra action points
character’s past, as these can be assigned, and their players can
leveraged when using flashbacks select two Special Abilities from
or Devil’s bargains. the beginning of the game.

Deiter spent some time in jail for “Thor” is the grizzled roadie for the
burglary, and one time he broke into a band, and has been in this busi-
luxury apartment with locks just like ness for too long. His actions and
this. I want to call a flashback to that available special abilities reflect
time with hopes of improving his past. Unlike the members of
my position now. the band, his countdown clock
reflects old injuries. When it is
Use this backstory to justify as- completely filled, he must remove
signing an extra point to one of the one point from his Traverse ac-
character’s Actions. tion, and take a level 1 wound (no
resisting) to reflect this.
The four members of the band have Gator Hawkins is a travelling
countdown clocks on their char- carnival worker, and specializes
acter sheets that represent their in breaking things. His insidious
current state of impairment as countdown clock reflects his cow-
the adventure begins. The source ardice. Once it is completely filled,
of this impairment (lack of sleep, Gator will do anything to survive.
excessive partying. etc.) is up to
the players to decide. Whenever a At this point, whenever Gator uses
character makes an action roll with “betray another character” in a
a Desperate position, they can tick Devil’s Bargain, he gains 2 bonus
a segment of this clock. Once the dice and clears 1 stress.
‰‰bodacious +1d when attempting to
Sway someone that would find Lola attractive. nn Cash ($250)
nn Pepper Spray
‰‰Book it Ignore “Less Effect” for having oo Electric
minor injures when attempting to run.
‰‰As if Tick the Special box to reduce harm
by one level.

‰‰final girl When Lola attacks from hid-

ing or springs a trap, gain +1d to the roll.

‰‰Front Man When Stefan leads an
action, reduce any stress incurred by -1. nn Pill bottle
‰‰clydesdale Tick the armor box to nn Butterfly
reduce harm by 1 level. knife
oo Electric
‰‰full leathers Take +1d to resistance Guitar
rolls with Nerve vs terror.

‰‰to the max Tick the special box to

push yourself without taking stress.

‰‰Big Time Tick the special box to push
yourself without taking stress. nn Drumsticks
nn Cash ($50)
‰‰Chill Gain +1d when resisting as long the
Fog of War clock is not completely filled.

‰‰foolhardy Take +1d to resistance

rolls with Nerve vs terror.

‰‰F**K you watson Gain +1d to

an attack action after taking harm.

‰‰unsung Gain +1d to Hunt rolls for
sneaking or hiding. oo Base Guitar
oo Full Leathers
‰‰Dexter Gain increased effect when (Armor)
using the Study action.

‰‰Chill Pill Tick the special box to clear

3 stress.

‰‰jet Gain increased effect when using

Traverse to cross large open spaces.

‰‰unlicensed electrician Gain
increased effect when weaponizing electricity. nn Wire Cutters
nn Revolver
‰‰Hero When Protecting a band member, (4 rounds)
gain +1d to the resistance roll.

‰‰Grizzled Tick the special box to avoid

ticking the “old injuries” clock once.

‰‰blaze of glory Gain +1d to attack

actions (Fight/ Hunt) when outnumbered.

‰‰Wrecking Crew Effect is doubled
when using Wreck vs machinery. nn “Adjustable
jaw hammer”
‰‰Squirrel-cat +1d when using Tra- (a wrench)
verse to climb or balance. nn Key ring for
carnival ride
‰‰Thrillbilly Tick the special box to control pan-
avoid ticking the cowardice clock once. els.

‰‰This one time... -1 stress cost when

using a flashback.




THE STAGE across the stage and presents himself
The adventure/ nightmare begins before a microphone. You try not to
at the stage location. The charac- laugh as the old vet in olive drab garb
ters have just finished playing their grips the stand, wrapped in brightly
first set of the night at around 8:00 colored scarves.
pm. The sun has set (at 6:42 pm)
and it is partly cloudy. A rainstorm
“I would like to thank everyone
that blanketed the town for the
for their hard work with the fest
last three days has passed, but
this year, some of you even work-
occasional drops are beginning
ing through the rain to make this
to fall. As a result, the ground
happen. As the world around us
here is mostly slick mud and large
changes, it is important to remind
puddles. A full moon is currently
our youth that there is no place
obscured by cloud cover and lights.
better than Liberty Grove. You sure
won’t find a finer celebration in Los
Angeles or Berlin!”

The crowd claps and cheers.

“We cannot stand idly by while our

youth are corrupted, after what
happened with Jane.”

The townsfolk gathered around the

stage begin chanting “Shame,
shame” over and over again.

Williams turns towards you, and

Despite the fifty degree fall weather, fumbles in his pocket to pull out a luger
you wipe the sweat from your eyes un- pistol.
der the intense heat of the stage light-
ing. Before you can exit, some towns-
“I pried this out of the cold hand
folk begin helping a man in his sixties
of one of your ‘Opas’ and as far
up onto the stage.
as we, here in Liberty Grove are
concerned, there’s only two good
He is wearing an outdated military
kinds of kraut; sauerkraut and a
uniform with the name “Williams”
dead kraut!”
on the jacket. The elderly man walks
All characters must make a Nerve
Resistance roll, suffering 6 stress
minus the highest die value rolled.
Each character may tick a segment
on their “Fog of War” clock as well.

Several townsfolk begin to trans-

If one or more of the band-mem-
form before you. Their limbs seem
bers are not controlled by players,
to elongate as they thrash about,
then choose one as the old man’s
their pale skin replaced by thick
target. They are killed by the shot.
green scales, their heads now
reptilian with rows of jagged teeth.
If all of the characters are con-
Clenched fists sprout curved claws
trolled by players, select one at
as lengthy tails begin flailing
random and inflict serious harm
about in the mud.
(level 3), allowing them to resist
and lower it to level 2 harm.
Place a two-segment clock called
If you are using “transformation” on the game
the optional rule table and tick the first segment.
“SpeedMetal”, start
the playlist now! The characters’ first actions will
be largely unopposed and may not
require an action roll at all de-
pending on the complexity. Fleeing
Time seems to be moving in slow into the corn maze right away will
motion as the character, or non- result in a time bonus to complete
player character who was shot it, which could result in fewer
falls to the floor. Several men are hazards.
already rushing the stage as the
old veteran points his gun in the Some items that can be obtained
direction of a second target. “Take in this area include:
them into ...” he utters before falling
the ground on the stage himself. yy Luger pistol with 8 rounds.
As some of the men begin to move yy William’s house keys.
towards him, they also fall down yy Full magazine for M1A1 sub-
on the stage. In fact half of the machine gun (p. 30).
townsfolk standing around the yy Pyrotechnics canisters (2)
stage fall to the ground and begun
convulsing in the mud.
No matter what the characters As the bipedal reptiles begin to rise
decide to do, after they execute from the mud, other townsfolk,
their actions tick the second (and who seem largely unphased by
final) segment of the transforma- any of this, began moving towards
tion clock. you, fanning out in a clear attempt
to corral and capture you. The
Consider that each of the char- only clear exit lies behind you, the
acters has, or can easily access a entrance to the corn maze.
makeshift weapon (musical instru-
ments/ mic stands/ etc.) but these
can easily be broken as a conse- Introducing the “Lead” action
quence or complication during an
action. The players must decide who will
lead the “Traverse” action as the
All of the Were-Lizards are now group flees into the corn maze.
fully transformed, and it is time to Once this has been decided, all
introduce a new, 8 segment players roll a number of dice equal
“Hunted” clock! to their Traverse rating. The
highest result is used for all of the
**RAILROAD WARNING** characters, allowing them to stay
This next section is a “railroad”, but together.
with the good intention of serving
as a tutorial for players new to the The leader must mark one point
system. It is intended to demon- of stress for each character that
strate the usefulness, and the cost, rolled a 3 or lower on their roll, as
of working together using the trying to shepherd a half panicked
system rules, and ensures that the group is a stressful affair to say the
characters will be exposed to some least. The position for this Action
information regarding the town, is “risky”, and the effect is “stan-
the Were-Lizards, and Williams dard”.
The results of this roll are used in
Players and GMs familiar with the following pages to help deter-
Blades in the Dark can skip this mine how long the characters are
step, and simply allow the charac- stuck in the maze before finding
ters to choose the characters’ next an exit, and how many areas and
actions/ location (corn maze, grub potential hazards they might en-
hub, the Yeti ride, or the livestock counter.

“Corn MAZE” If the characters used their free
When the characters enter the action in the “stage” location
maze, One character must lead (p. to flee directly into the corn
13) the group, risking stress but maze, subtract an additional 5
keeping the group together. seconds from the total time.

The player for this character will To determine what the characters
complete the maze on the previous discover in the corn maze, roll 1d6
page while the Game Master tracks to determine which area is discov-
how many seconds it takes from ered, and then roll a second d6 to
start to finish. The player must not determine what they encounter in
lift their pencil or pen from the that area. (a roll of 3, followed by a
paper once they start. roll of 2 would indicate the “sacri-
ficial altar” area, with one Were-
The completion time is modified Lizard lurking there. Consult the
by the greatest effect level of the following pages for the results.
Traverse action roll, and the ad-
justed completion time is used to 30 Seconds or less: Roll 2d6 three
determine the total number of 2d6 times to determine what they un-
rolls that must be made to deter- cover in the maze.
mine what the characters discover
in the maze. 30-50 Seconds: Roll 2d6 four times
to determine what they uncover in
the maze.
Great Effect: Subtract 10
seconds from the actual time it
50-70 Seconds: Roll 2d6 five
takes a player to complete the
times.+1 Were-Lizard added to any
encounters while in the maze.
Standard Effect: Use the
actual completion time. 71+ Seconds: Roll 2d6 six times, +1
Limited Effect: Add 5 sec- Were-Lizard added to any en-
onds to the actual time it takes counters, and tick the master “No
a player to complete the maze. Escape” clock once.
No Effect: Add 10 seconds to
the actual time it takes a player
to complete the maze.

WERE-LIZARDS Melee weapons improve the effect
Confrontations with Were-Lizards by one level, firearms improve the
are always dangerous. If the num- effect by 2 levels, but the “Hunted”
ber of were-lizards is equal to or clock is ticked each time a gunshot
greater than the characters, then can be heard.
the position is Desperate and the
effect is Limited. Otherwise start Each Were-Lizard can be overcome
with (Risky/ Standard). with a single successful Fight roll (1
tick of effect)

(1) RECRUIT WILLIAMS A crude mural depicts a young Williams

in an army uniform walking away from Liberty Grove. Orders assign-
ing him to “The Banishers”, a special forces company, a love letter from
“Cathy” urging him to be careful in the war, and an old, frayed jump
rope can be found here.
2d6 result
1, 1 1-3 (1d6/2) Were-Lizards.
1, 2 1 Were-Lizard.
1, 3 Cultist with a shotgun (3 extra shells).
1, 4 3 Cultists stabbing a tourist to death.
1, 5 Were-Lizard fan wearing a Luft-Kuss t-shirt.
1, 6 A panicked tourist trying to hide behind the mural.

(2) PARATROOPER A mural depicting a more heroic Williams para-
chuting down towards a crude approximation of Germany. An M3 trench
knife with scabbard, a WWII “Cricket” clicker, a letter from “Cathy”
breaking up with Williams, and an assortment of German “armed forces
eagle” patches can be found here.
2d6 result
2, 1 1-3 (1d6/2) Were-Lizards.
2, 2 1 Were-Lizard.
2, 3 Bloody, screaming tourist: tick the “Hunted” clock once.
2, 4 A dead tourist tangled in corn row razor wire- bled out.
2, 5 3 ticks of effect to overcome.
2, 6 Cultist pretending to be a tourist/ victim.

(3) SACRIFICIAL ALTAR The stone altar with a blood soaked flat
slab can be found here. The area is illuminated by lit candles and 3 oil
lanterns. A Long metal knife, resembling something from an ancient
civilization, but made from sharpened scrap metal, and an unopened can
of Respite (p. 13) cola with bloody fingerprints can be found here.
2d6 result
3, 1 1-3 (1d6/2) Were-Lizards.
3, 2 1 Were-Lizard.
3, 3 A dead carnival worker (friend of Gator- Gator ticks Cow-
ardice clock upon discovery).
3, 4 Were-Lizard stuck in a “Corn on the Cob” mascot suit.
3,5 Reporter hiding behind altar- assigned to cover the corn fest.
and Her cameraman was ripped apart in the Midway. Needs to
3, 6 get his footage and tries to convince the characters to help.

(4) CAR GRAVEYARD A larger clearing containing several disabled
cars, covered in tattered tarps. The vehicles are jammed in next to one
another with no space in between. The plates are all from out of state or
from other counties in Iowa. The car graveyard houses the vehicles of
previous victims and butts up against a 15’ corrugated aluminum wall. A
Tire iron leaning against a rusted out car can be found here.
2d6 result
4, 1 1-3 (1d6/2) Were-Lizards.
4, 2 1 Were-Lizard.
4, 3 “Slip and Fall”. Thor must tick “old injuries” clock once.
4, 4 A tourist hiding in a 1981 Dodge Aries K.
4, 5 A Were-Lizard stuck in a 1975 Chevrolet Camaro.
4, 6 A cultist with a rifle sniping from a rusted out 1948 Hud-
son Commodore.

(5) OPERATION EIDECHSEN This plywood “masterpiece” depicts

Williams and other soldiers engaged in a firefight with cartoonish Were-
Lizards wearing red Nazi armbands. An M1A1 Thompson submachine
gun with the magazine removed, and a memorial plaque with the names
of fallen “Banishers” (Williams was the only survivor) can be found here.
2d6 result
5, 1 1-6 (1d6) Were-Lizards.
5, 2 1-3 (1d6/2) Were-Lizards.
5, 3 Two middle aged cultists discussing how Williams liberated
Germany’s greatest treasure (the lizard totem).
5, 4 A screaming tourist, set ablaze. Tick “Hunted” clock once.
5, 5 A collection of various German “Thule” insignia patches.
5, 6 A lone cultist wearing a paper mache lizard head.

(6) WAR HERO An image of Williams walking towards Liberty Grove,
carrying a strange lizard totem over his shoulder is depicted here. 16
childrens’ paintings from the local elementary school depicting Williams
as the town hero, Honorable Discharge papers for Williams dated January
1946, and a WWII six cell ammo belt pouch filled with old, crumbling
Were-Lizard teeth can found here.
2d6 result
6, 1 1-6 (1d6) Were-Lizards.
6, 2 1-3 (1d6/2) Were-Lizards.
6, 3 1 Were-Lizard.
Becca, a teenage girl spray-painting the word “Monster”
6, 4 over the mural. She was Jane’s (who ran away) girlfriend,
6,5 and was supposed to leave with her but changed her mind.
or She hates Williams and the town, and can provide info on
6, 6 what is going on/ help the characters if they can keep her


After all rolled areas have been re-
solved, the characters will discover
the exit to the maze. If they never
discovered the same area twice,
they will exit to the “Yeti” location.

If they did visit the same area of

the corn maze more than once, roll If the characters exit back at the
one six sided die (1d6) to deter- “Stage” location, tick the “Hunted”
mine where they exit from. clock once. 1d3 (1d6/2) Were-
Lizards can be found skulking
Add one to the die roll for each about in this location, and must be
time they visited a location more overcome or bypassed in order to
than once. If the modified total is progress through the fairgrounds.
more than 6, they exit the maze
through the entrance, back in the Characters can return to the maze
“Stage” location. or head to the Yeti, Grub Hub, or
Livestock locations from here.

Perils Walled In
In each of the following Corn The carnival grounds are enclosed
Fest locations, there are features in a large wall made of vertical
indicated that can be rolled for, or sheets of galvanized aluminum. It
simply chosen by the Game Master is not possible to scale these walls,
to set the strange mood. or break through them with make-
shift melee weapons, but they
Each location should also include could be breached with a signifi-
1-3 Were-Lizards, 1-6 cultists, or cantly stronger destructive force.
some combination of the two that
must be dealt with or avoided in
order to progress through the loca- relentless
tion. How the characters choose to While the cultists can be killed
do this is completely up to them, or otherwise incapacitated, the
but erring on the side of caution Were-Lizards have regenerative
will likely give them the greatest abilities, and even those that have
chance for escape. been “killed” or defeated will rise
again and rejoin the hunt for the
It is possible to reason with or in- characters.
timidate cultists, or even establish
some sort of favorable connection This means revisiting locations
with one or more of them using that have been previously “cleared”
flashbacks. The characters have of enemies will force the charac-
been stuck in town for two days ters to deal with any Were-Lizards
waiting for the weather to improve again, and they will really be angry
so they can perform and get out with the characters now!
the heck out!

Tourists/ out of towners that are

being hunted or killed by the cult-
ists and Were-Lizards throughout
the adventure all arrived on a bus.
The bus has been relocated and
cannot be discovered as a possible
means of escape.

THE yeti midway
An assortment of carnival style
If Gator Hawkins is a games can be found here (ring
player character, he can toss, shooting gallery with pellet
enter play here. guns, high striker “strength test”
with heavy mallet, ski-ball, bal-
A staple of 80’s carnivals, the Yeti loon wall with blunted darts, etc.).
consists of a small chain of con- Most of the prizes are some varia-
nected cars (6) that roll around a tion of plush lizard doll.
circular track with uneven eleva-
tions at high speed while lights The entrance to the fairgrounds
flash and glam metal rattles the (located in the South end of the
speakers. The ride is mostly con- Midway) is blocked by two barb
tained inside a circular pavilion. wire topped gates chained togeth-
er and guarded by two cultists with
The crowd here is a mix of Were- shotguns. It is possible for the
Lizards, cultist townies, and one or characters to escape here.
two hapless “out of town” victims
that picked the wrong carnival to
Roll Feature
Cotton candy machine
Roll Feature 1 + human head = bloody
Cultists holding a victim’s disgusting!
1 head over the tracks. Were-Lizard stuck in a
Were-Lizard leaping off 2 dunk tank.
2 ride towards characters at Were-Lizard atop a Por-
high velocity. 3 tolet “hiss-screeching” at
Were-Lizard stumbling the moon.
3 off “The Yeti” and Were-Lizard still wear-
vomiting. 4 ing a polka dot covered
Botched Were-Lizard clown costume.
4 with an elderly woman’s Kissing booth with a
head, hissing ferociously. 5 Were-Lizard snout jutting
A conflicted cultist who out.
5 really loved the band’s *Video recorder with
performance. 6 Were-Lizard footage on
Cultist security guard 8mm cassette.
6 with a blood-spattered
* Can be found if characters are
night stick.
searching for it per “side quest”.
STRATOFIEND the ride. The axe will swing over
The Stratofiend is an enclosed the cars, possibly striking anyone
“haunted house” style ride, and the or anything that is not fully seated
only way to progress to another in one of the cars.
area is through it.
The Everlasting Trident
A “talking” shotgun is mounted on The bat demon with solar panel
a pipe jutting out of the front of wings featured outside the ride is
the first car in the 5 car “train”, and painted on the wall. Below, a man-
narrates the ride (There is a 50% nequin with arms extended to the
chance it is accidentally loaded) painted night sky is surrounded
weaving a tale of a dark future by mannequins dressed as soldiers
filled with alien invaders and ten- wielding plastic assault rifles.
tacled imposters, one jump scare
at a time. As the cars roll past the scene, a
bright light shines down on the
The crowd outside the entrance central mannequin and spreads
consists of cultists cheering on a out to cover the surrounding “sol-
Were-Lizard as it devours an tour- diers” as strobe lights flash. Any
ist. The ride is just beginning as Were-Lizards present in the area
the characters enter the area, and will retreat from either the bright
jumping into/ onto the small train spotlight or the strobe lights.
of cars that is entering the ride’s
enclosed area is easy. The Stratofiend ride exits to the
Midway location. If the characters
Fiendish “Strato-Man” fail or choose not to exit, they will
A bearded mannequin in a tattered be taken through a narrow, dark
trench coat with a dozen slightly tunnel with no head room, and
animatronic rubber tentacles brought back to the beginning of
emerging from its midsection, the ride.
dangling over the ride’s track. A
Were-Lizard attacks from the op-
posite side of track. The “Stratofiend” ride borrows
its name and theme from the
Dominator Gladiator “Terror of the Stratosfiend” Zine
A huge, one-eyed monstrosity in Quest Kickstarter project, and is
an oddly suggestive harness strad- included with the permission of
dles the track, wielding a massive Orbital Intelligence LLC and
axe. Bladed tentacles are suspend- Sean Richer, the author.
ed from the ceiling, looming over
arcade Grub Central
A large, mud-spattered tent hous-
ing somewhere between 30 and 40 If Gator Hawkins is a
arcade games on wooden pallets to player character, he can
keep them above the wet ground enter play here.
can be found here. A bundle of
electrical cords is routed out of the This location contains a dozen or
back of the tent, and then routed so food tents serving typical carni-
over the tall metal wall due to the val fare including hot dogs, funnel
ground being so wet. They can be cake, turkey legs, etc.
climbed to escape the fairgrounds.
1d6 small propane tanks, boiling
fryo-lator grease, and 1d6 Were-
Roll Feature
Lizards can be found here.
1 Were-Lizard lifting a
Dino-Wrangler arcade
machine above its head
and then hurling it into
another machine.
2 Distracted teen cult-
ists gathered around an
arcade machine.
3 Electrified puddle.
4 A tourist smashed in the
mud under a machine.
5 Were-Lizard astride a
motorcycle arcade ma-
6 Oblivious cultist asking
to trade a crinkled dollar.

The “Dino-Wrangler” arcade

machine borrows its name from
the “Dino Wranglers” Zine
Quest Kickstarter project, and is
included with the permission of
Rachelle Dube, the author.

livestock tents Ferris Wheel
The ferris wheel provides an op-
If Gator Hawkins is a portunity for the characters to
player character, he can escape the confines of the walled-
enter play here. in fairgrounds. The wheel must
complete one rotation before the
This location houses livestock pens characters will be able to attempt
as well as a school art exhibit. The to leap off, and over the outer wall.
artwork features images either In that time, Were-Lizards will
glorifying “Williams the Hero” or, scale the wheel, intent on killing
perhaps most disturbing, kinder- the characters.
garten finger paintings of Were-
Lizards ripping people apart. Sabotaging the ride could also
result in the wheel breaking free
Near the animal pens, an electric and creating a breach in the alumi-
cattle prod can be found. num wall, allowing the characters
another opportunity to escape, but
This is a larger location, and will this will also alert the Elder Were-
take more effort/ effect to traverse Lizard (Williams) to their location
through. and cause the “hunted” clock to be
ticked twice.
If the livestock pens are opened
the animals will flee into the Grub
Roll Feature
Central and Stage Locations.
Small Were-Lizard child
1 in a cornflower blue dress
Roll Feature holding a lizard doll.
1 3 Were-Lizards devour- Cultist with a small hold-
ing wailing livestock 2 out revolver.
2 Were-Lizard struggling to Tourist leaping from the
kill a bull. ferris wheel to their death
Were-Lizard swallowing 3 while trying to escape a
a small pig whole. Were-Lizard.
4 3 live tourists tied up in Cultist screaming at the
an animal pen. 4 moon for not being cho-
Electrical short near the sen to be a Were-Lizard.
hanging paper artwork. 5 Torso of dead tourist.
6 Elder Lizard Screech. A flyer: “They are going
Tick the “Hunted” clock!
6 to kill you! Leave Now!”




Bubb’s Diner Bites” can be found here. Eating
On the road leading from the fair- them will restore/ clear a charac-
grounds to town, near the highway ter’s a ticked “Special” box.
this “family friendly” restaurant
can be found. The sign and lights Office: Food pantry shelves
are off, and the front door is largely fill this space, with a small
locked. Bubb’s Diner attracts out- office area in the Northeast cor-
of-towners and travellers due to its ner. There is a phone in the office,
proximity to the highway. but it has been rigged to require
some sort of “fuse” or plug to work.
These strangers are observed There are two breaker panels here,
closely, and provide a source of oc- a small breaker that powers the
casional victims for the cult. cooler, and a main breaker panel
with several unmarked switches
The restaurant is a source of Re- for everything else.
spite (p. 13), allowing the charac-
ters to clear some stress points. A trap door with an electric lock
in the floor here leads to a small,
Reception: The door here is damp basement with empty steel
locked, but can be opened with cages.
little effort (2 levels of effect).
If Becca was not encountered in
Bar: A long bar lines the left the Corn Maze, she can be discov-
(West) wall, and wooden tables and ered in one of the cages, having
chairs fill the remainder of this been locked up after trying to
space. A dozen bottles of alcohol warn out-of-towners of the danger
can be found here. they were in. She can explain that
Williams brought some strange
Family Dining: A spacious totem back from the war, and how
dining area with booths lining the each year a few loyal cultists are af-
walls and wooden tables arranged flicted with the lizard-lycanthropy.
within the room. A stage with life-
less, animatronic “animal” band is Turning on any breakers will cause
located in the Southeast corner. the outdoor sign to illuminate, and
activate the animatronic band.
Kitchen: The kitchen contains Even if turned off, 1-3 Were-Liz-
the grill line, prep stations, pantry ards will smash through the front
shelves, and a walk-in cooler that entrance after the characters have
also houses a small walk-in freezer. rested to clear stress or met Becca.
A case with “Blue Ribbon Brownie



liberty grove Liberty Auto
The small “downtown” of liberty Liberty auto is open, and a car is
grove consists of large houses, raised on the singular lift with its
and a few small businesses. The wheels removed. A phillips head
houses belong to the most promi- screwdriver is located on a work-
nent families, and are locked and bench along with a used distribu-
alarmed. Overall, this setting will tor cap (taken from the characters’
be fairly dark and quiet, with no tour van).
Were-Lizards present unless the
characters alert them or were fol- The toilet flushes from a small
lowed from another location. bathroom in the garage, and a
mountain of a man steps out wip-
If the characters attempt to break ing his grease stained hands on
into any of these “undescribed” a rag. The mechanic will smash
locations, the alarms will trigger, the distributor cap with a wrench
and Were-Lizards will rapidly oc- if the characters have not already
cupy the downtown area. Tick the grabbed it.
“Hunted clock” twice .
The Mechanic is tough, and re-
quires 3 “ticks” of effort to defeat
Roll Feature
if the characters fight him. If the
Drunk cultist staggering characters flee, he will begin honk-
1 out of the lounge, cursing ing the horn of the car that is on
Williams. the lift to alert other cultists and
Upstairs light in a house Were-Lizards (treat as if a house
2 quickly turning out as the alarm had been triggered).
characters notice it.
Streetlights leading to the If the characters took the distribu-
3 Williams home seem to tor, he will be sure they are flee-
flicker red for a moment. ing to the Hotel where their van is
A river of blood flow- located.
ing down Liberty street
from Williams house In the garage, the characters can
with an ancient Central find an assortment of wrenches
4 - 6 American hunting party and other tools that can be used
in a wooden canoe. The as makeshift weapons, along with
hunters turn to face the a butane torch, electrical wires,
characters, and then the and car batteries.
“vision/ illusion” ends.

liberty hardware The characters can go wild here
This brick , two story building ap- crafting weapons and traps if they
pears like a small, defensible for- so choose, as long as the Were-Liz-
tress, with all of the second story ards haven’t been alerted to their
windows having been bricked up. presence.

The second story is a large, single pinehill lounge

room space that houses unused Unlike Bubb’s Diner, this is strictly
decorations for town events, a local dive bar.
stored in boxes, and has a stairway
leading to the roof. The bartender (Becca’s uncle) will
offer them a “last drink” (untick
The hardware store contains ev- special box for each character), but
erything you could expect a rural figures they should resign them-
hardware store to have (farm tools, selves to their grim fate. If asked,
feed, fertilizer, etc.). There are no he will suggest the hardware store
guns, but the characters will be is probably the most defensible
able to find ammunition for any location, or maybe they could trash
firearms they might have acquired. William’s house before the Were-
Lizards finally get them.

the williams home Cathy finally chose to end things.
An old, wooden two story home It can be determined that Cathy
with a basement. This is where was kept alive in Williams’ base-
things start to get really strange ment for quite some time.
due to the close proximity of the
ancient Thule lizard-totem. The upstairs has a bathroom and
a single bedroom. This door is
The front porch is covered with locked but can be forced open eas-
draping American flags, and the ily. Inside there is not a bed, but
front door is unlocked, as none rather a pile of old laundry and in
would dare enter the elder Were- the center of the room, the stone
Lizard’s home uninvited. Thule lizard-totem. The totem
weighs nearly 100 pounds, and is
The house smells of mothballs, the size of a small suitcase.
with all the original, now antique,
furniture. The floors are slightly If the characters touch the totem,
uneven and creak in several loca- tick the “Hunted” clock 3 times,
tions. On the main floor there is a which will likely lead to a show-
kitchen, small dining area, a parlor down with the elder Were-Lizard
or family room, and an unused himself in the house.
guest room that is cluttered with
unused household items. The totem can be destroyed, which
will break the lycanthropic curse,
In the basement the word “Harlot” for the townsfolk... The room will
is painted on a wall in large letters, fill with a yellow swirling mist and
with a skeleton in a threadbare overwhelming madness...
dress chained to it. A desk with Breaking News! (Name of one of
letters to and from “Cathy”, dated the survivors), a founding mem-
during the early 1940’s sits against ber of the Metal band “Eidechsen”
a wall, as well as buckets and a pile is in custody today after what
of empty cans. The letters detail appears to be a mass grave site
the deterioration of the relation- has been uncovered in (his/her)
ship between Williams and Cathy, Hollywood Hills estate.
who appears to have been his While the names of the victims
hometown sweetheart before he are still being withheld, it ap-
entered the war. pears that the mystery of dis-
appearances surrounding the
Studying the letters reveals that band’s performances for the last
Williams grew cold and even decade may have been solved.
threatening in his responses until
Bargain Motel For each attempt, tick the “Hunt-
The “Bargain Motel” is a simple ed” clock once.
building with an office and nine
rooms connected to one another If the characters do not have the
facing a small parking lot. The distributor cap, they can choose
band members are the only occu- to flee towards the highway. Roll
pants. The group of tourists that 1d6. On a roll of 6, a passing car
were witnessed fleeing or being can be flagged down, allowing
murdered in the adventure arrived them to escape. On a 1-5, no car
in a bus for the event, and were not comes, and tick the “Hunted” clock
staying in town. once. This continues until either
a car comes, or the Hunted clock
This bus was moved and is no- is filled, forcing the characters to
where to be found in the adven- fight the Elder Were-Lizard as well
ture. The tour van the band uses as 1d6 additional Were-Lizards to
is in the parking lot, but it will the death.
not start. Opening the hood will
reveal that the van has been sabo- Alternatively, the characters can
taged. The distributor cap has been flee back to town (tick the “Hunt-
removed (and is located in the ed” clock once) and face their fate
Liberty Auto garage). from a more defensible location/
destroy the totem/ etc.
If the characters have the distribu-
tor cap and the screwdriver, they Facing the Were-Lizards is prob-
can attempt to install it, but even ably futile, as they are regenera-
then they may connect the spark tive, and their total numbers never
plug wires to the wrong points on really decrease. They don’t stay
the distributor cap, preventing the “dead” for long before they recover
van from starting. and rejoin the hunt. The excep-
tion would be if the characters can
This is one action (tinker) that somehow kill the Elder Were-Liz-
cannot benefit from the Lead tac- ard, the remaining Were-Lizards
tic. One character must try, with at would likely slink away in shock
best the help of another character and horror at the loss.
(+1 die to the roll, but the aiding
character takes 1 stress). The char-
acters must gain 5 ticks/ levels of
effect total in order to successfully
install the distributor cap.

Software Bloke, Angel Garcia “Hijos del Rol”,
The Creative Fund, Adam Vass, Joe Perry, John Coates,
Matthew, Eric Bloat, Ryan Dukacz, Contesse, Andy B,
der Skischuh, Lee Rosenbaum, Ezra Homison,
Lloyd Rasmussen, Jonathan Korman, anonymous1452,
Seth A Spurlock, James Williams (no relation), Andrey,
Patrice Mermoud, 9thLevel , Roger Rebisz, Fraser Simons,
Samjoko Publishing, Nicola Urbinati, Owen Thompson,
Jay Peters, Sam Zeitlin, Taylor , Schubacca,
LawErrick, Nivlac, Preston Treadwell, ScOtt Frost,
Odd Bard Games, Crazed Sheep, Cody Frost,
Magnus Lima, Cameron McDowell, Ian Campbell,
Sam Hastings, Emmo Lütringer , Shane, Jennifer Coffin,
Robert G. Male, M Stuart, Colby Elliot, David Bresson,
Shonas Kibbee, Sean Christopher Charles Richer , Paul
Groudas, Jr., Jonathan Ly Davis, Mathew Breitenbach,
Two Silver Denarii, LLC, Kettle&&Clock,
Candida Norwood, Frankschtaldt, Craig Campbell,
Shawn M, Patrick O’Leary, Matthew S, Chelsea Clifton,
Guest 1508968570, Al Kennedy, Chris Rule, Jack Krause,
Liam Caffrey, Colla Marco Domenico, John Harper ,
Will Helms, Stras Acimovic, Jaan Eerik Sõmermaa,
Chuck Dee, Scott Krammer , Greg Barnsdale,
Filthy Monkey, Sara Breda da Silva, Abigail ,
Lukas Myhan, Zach Norton, Sean Nittner ,
Adam Wendlowsky, Richard Rivera, Daniel Lofton,
Mendel , Joshua Lewis, Edgar Johnson, Paul Boothroyd,
Andreas Sewe, Matt Rogers, Eric Brunsell, Clinton Rowe,
Anna Wallin, Jonathan Harmon, Matthew Hale,
Bill Adcock, Angelina Mak, David May, Matt Caulder ,
Ed Dexter , Michelle, Scott P McClellan, Atlas,
zak ralston, Bill Sundwall, Manwell Hung, Rachelle Dube,
Dylan, Gerald Rose, Kisa Griffin, Dominique,
Daniele Di Rubbo, Flavio Mortarino,
Paulo André Vieira, Demicanadian, Ian McFarlin,
Giblert Isla, Leslie J. Faison, Herman Duyker ,
Jacob Leo Buehler , Paul Kalupnieks,
Ausstatterer , Evan Edwards

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