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SPANISH Basic Course CUMULATIVE GLOSSARY SPANISH-ENGLISH ENGLISH-SPANISH January 1998 DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Spanish Basic Course, Lessons 1-35, was developed by Ms. G. Adams Ms. C. Barbudo Dr. R. Cucalén Mr. A. Pérez (starting with Lesson 24) under the direction of Ms. D. Tovar, Academic Coordinator, School of European and Latin American Languages, assisted by Ms. B. Darrah. Our thanks to those members ofthe Spanish Department, both civilian and military, who contributed activities and participated in the review process. We gratefully acknowledge the guidance and support of DCI-C. Permission to use text and graphics in the Spanish Basic Course has been received from the following copyright holders: Diario de las Américas (Miami, Florida) El Comercio (Lima, Peru) EI Diario de Hoy (San Salvador, El Salvador) EI Universo (Guayaquil, Ecuador) Excelsior (Mexico City, Mexico) La Nacién (San Jose, Costa Rica) La Vanguardia (Barcelona, Spain) Military Review (Fort Leavenworth, Kansas) Mr. Bob Thaves (creator of the cartoon strip Frank & Ernest) Permission to use copyrighted material was granted on the condition that it be used exclusively for nonprofit educational purposes within the United States Government. Further reproduction is unauthorized. INTRODUCTION This cumulative glossary contains the same vocabulary as listed in the lessons’ Glosario sections. In the lessons the vocabulary is listed in categories or sections to help you remember it more easily. In this volume it is presented in alphabetical order. Note the following: © The definite articles for Spanish nouns are listed after the noun for ease of use. © English verbs in the English-Spanish part are identified by a (v) after the entry. ¢ The lesson number at the far right of each entry shows where a word was first introduced to allow you to go back to the lesson and refresh your memory about the context in which it was used. This cumulative glossary will be helpful in reviewing course vocabulary. It will also be a .g00d tool to use for translation and transcription tasks you will be assigned. Keep in mind that many words listed here have additional meanings; this book is only course- related. For additional help, consult a commercial dictionary or ask your teacher. TABLE OF CONTENTS Part 1: Spanish-English Glossary Part 2: English-Spanish Glossary .. Page 1 Page 57 PART 1 Spanish - English afines de... Alalalas... ala derecha de ala izquierda de amano derecha amano izquierda amedia asta amediados de... a menos que amenndo anivel del mar ano ser que aprincipios de... a prueba de balas ~A que hora? altima hora aveces abandonar abastecimientos, (16s) Abrazos. abrigo, (el) abril abrir abrocharse el cinturén de seguridad absorver abuela, (la) abuelo, (el) abuso, (el) aC acabar acabarse acampar at the end of... At... o’clock to the right of to the left of on the right hand on the left hand at half-mast towards the middle of... unless often at sea level unless at the beginning of ... bulletproof At what time? last minute sometimes to abandon ‘supplies . 18) . 23) 5EBELS > Se 2 se EEE er aeasa ras = SRREBLLREONS accesorio, (el) accidente, (el) aceite de oliva, (el) aceite, (el) aderezo, (el) adiccién, (la) adicto/a adiés administrar admirar adolescente, (eVal) adoptar adquitir (ie) aduana, (la) aeropuerto, (el) afectar afeitarse aficionado, (el) afirmativo agarrar agencia, (la) agosto agotamiento, (el) agradecimiento, (el) agregar agricola agricultor, (el) agricultura, (1a) agua caliente, (el) agua dulce, (el) accessory accident olive oil accelerator to counseV/advise event to agree to remember sexual harassment to goto bed attitude activity to move forward/advance g0 ahead/ahead to lose weight besides addiction good-bye to admire adolescent to adopt to acquire/purchase to affect/concem to shave affirmative to grab/seize/grasp August exhaustion gratitude to add agricultural agriculture/farming hot water freshwater @.6) «17 @. 21) @.11) @.27) CL. 24) (L. 34) @.21) @. 18) 28) 1.33) @. 14) €.21) .29) @. 22) @. 23) @.27) 11) @. 33) L. 33) @. 32) agua fria, (el) agua potable, (el) agua salada, (el) agua, (el) aguacate, (el) ‘Aguila, (el) aguja, (la) ahorrar aire puro, (el) aislarse aii, (el) ajo, (el) al aire libre al capacidad al final de... al lado de al mando de al menos al principio de... ala, (el) alambrada, (la) alcalde, (el) alcaldesa, (1a) alegrarse alejarse de aleman alfabetizacion, (la) alfombra, (la) algodén, (el) alguien aliado/a, (eV/la) alianza, (Ja) alicates, (los) alimento, (el) almacén, (el) almorzar, (ue) almuerzo, (el) alojamiento, (el) alquilar alquiler, (el) Alto y claro, alto/a altura, (la) alumno/a, (eVla) ama de casa cold water drinking water saltwater water avocado eagle needle to save (money) clean/pure air to isolate oneself/go into seclusion chili garlic outdoors capacity at the end of ,.. beside/next to in command of at least at the beginning of ... wing/orim barbed wire mayor mayor to be happy/glad to move away from German literacy carpet cotton somebody allied alliance pliers food store to have lunch Tunch lodging torent rent/lease Loud and clear. tall height/altitude pupil/student housewife amable amarillo/a amayoresta, (eV/la) ambiente, (el) ambos amenaza, (la) amenazar ametralladora, (la) amor patrio, (el) amplio/a analfabetismo, (el) analfabeto/a, (eV/la) anélisis de sangre, (el) anaranjado/a ancho, (el) ancho/a anciano/a, (eV/la) ancla, (el) andar andar en bicicleta anfitrion, (el) anfitriona, (la) animal, (el) anoche antagonismo, (el) antecedentes penales, (Ios) anteriormente antes (de) que antes de antiguo/a antimonio (Sb), (el) antipitico/a, anuncio, (el) afio pasado, (el) aio, (el) apagar aparecer apartado postal, (el) apartamento, (el) apellido, (el) apodo, (el) apostar (ue) apoyar apoyo, (el) gun patriotism/love of one’s country extensive/wide illiteracy illiterate person blood test orange (color) width/breadth wide/broad elderly person anchor to walk/ride to ride a bike host hostess animal last night antagonism criminal records before/previously before before old/ancient antimony (Sb) unpleasant announcement to add last year year to tum off to appear post office box apartment last name nickname to bet/gamble to support/lean support 4 ZYIBLY PRPPRRPARR gate pee aprender toleam “17 apretar (ie) to press/squeeze/tighten L.33) aprobar to approve @.32) aqui here @.3) arabe Arabic 2) arbol, (el) tree @.4) arco, (el) goal L.27 area, (el) area €.22) arena, (la) sand/arena (22) arma, (el) ‘weapon, . 23) armado/a, (eV/la) armed person .17) armadura, (Ia) suit of armor (L.34) armamento nuclear, (el) nuclear armament ©. 33) armario, (el)/closet, (el) closet 4) armarito, (el) cupboard, (L.4) armas de destruccién en masa, (las) weapons of mass destruction (34) armas de destruccién masiva, (Jas) . weapons of mass destruction (34) amisticio, (el) armistice L.31) arquitecto/2, (eVla) architect (.3) arreglar to arrange/fix 4) arrestar to arrest/detain L.19) arroz, (el) tice 1p artesania, (la) handicraft (L. 28) artilleria, (la) artillery (L. 34) artista, (el/la) artist 3) asado, (el) roast 12) asado/a Toasted 1) asaltar to assault 17) asalto a mano armade, (el) armed assault 17) ascender (ie) to be promoted/go up L.19) ascensor, (el) elevator @.4) asegurar to assure/make sure/insure (L. 18) aseo urbano, (el) city cleaning/sanitation (L. 18) asesinar to murder/assassinate .17) asesinato, (el) murder «17 asi in this/that way/like this/that/thus/so/such (L. 22) asiento, (el) seat 13) asistir (a) to attend (to) (L. 16) asta de la bandera, (el) flagpole L. 34) asunto, (el) issue/matter (L. 28) atacar to attack (L.23) ataque aéreo, (el) air attack (L. 23) ater to tie (L. 24) atentado terrorista, (el) act of terrorism 17) aterrizaje, (el) Janding (. 13) 5 aterrizar aterrorizar atleta, (Va) atmésfera, (la) atraceién, (la) atraco, (el) atraer atrapar atravesar (ie) atropellar atin, (el) audifonos, (los) auge, (el) aula, (el) aumentar aumento, (el) aunque auto, (el) autobis, (el) automévil, (el) automovilismo, (el) autoridad, (la) avalancha, (la) avance, (el) avanzado/a avanzar aviador/a, (eV/la) avién de reconocimiento, (el) avién, (el) ayer ayuda humanitaria, (1a) ayuda, (la) ayudar azotar aztecas, (los) aziicar, (eV/la) azul bahia, (la) bailar baile, (el) bajar bajo bajo/a bala, (la) balazo, (el) to land to terrify athlete atmosphere attraction assault/robbery to attract/lure to catch/trap to cross/go through/span/run through to run over tuna earphones peak/climax/boom classroom to increase/aygment increase even though/if car bus cat car racing authority avalanche advance advanced/progressive to advance aviator/pilot reconnaissance plane airplane yesterday humanitarian help help/aid/assistance to help to whip/lash/beat Aztecs sugar blue bay to dance ball/dance to go down/descend under/underneath short bullet shot baleén, (el) balsa, (la) banano/a, (eV/la) barberia, (1a) barbero, (el) barcaza, (la) barco de vela, (el) arco, (el) barrio, (el) base, (la) basquetbol, (el) basura, (la) batalla, (la) batallén, (el) bate, (el) bateria, (la) bail, (el) bautizo, (el) bayoneta, (la) beber bebidas alcohélicas, (las) béisbol, (el) bélico/a Dbeneficiar biblioteca, (la) bicicleta, (la) bien bienestar social, (el) bienestar, (el) bigote, (el) billete, (el) billete, (el) billetera, (la) bistec, (el) blanco, (el) blanco/a balcony raft banana bankrupcy bank armed band/group/militia flag to bathe bathtub bathroom cheap/inexpensive beard barber shop barber Janding craft, sailboat ship/boat neighborhood base basketball garbage battle battalion bat battery bicycle fine/okay welfare wellbeing moustache ticket (transportation) bill (money) wallet beefiteak target white @.4) (L.22) @.21) . 32) “9 @. 29) @.2) a8) “4 @.4) @.2) @. 12) @. 12) 23) . 34) 13) @. 12) . 18) boina, (la) boleto, (el) bolsa, (la) bomba, (la) bombardeo, (el) bombardero, (el) bomberos, (los) bonito/a borrador, (el) bosque, (el) bosquejo, (el) botas, (las) botella, (la) botica, (la) botiquin, (el) botén, (el) boxeo, (el) brazo, (el) ‘broma, (la) brijula, (la) bucear Buen viaje. Buenas noches. Buenas tardes. Buenos dias. buque de guerra, (el) Duque, (el) bus, (el) buscar buzén, (el) caballeria, (1a) caballero, (el) caballo, (el) caber cabeza, (la) cabeza, (la) cacao, (el) cada cadaver, (el) cadena perpetua, (la) to block/blockade/obstruct blouse mouth hom (vehicle) marriage/wedding beret ticket (transportation) stock market/stock exchange/purse/bag bomb bombing/bombardment bomber firemen pretty eraser ‘wood/forest . sketch/outline boots bottle drugstore/pl first-aid kit button/push button boxing am joke compass to dive/skin-dive/scuba dive Have a good trip. Good night. Good afternoon. Good moming. eared ship/vessel bus to look for/search/seek mail box cavalry gentleman horse to fit head head cacao everyleach corpse life sentence caer caerse café café, (el) caja, (la) cajero, (el) calcetines, (Ios) calculadora, (la) calefaccién, (la) calendario, (el) calentar (ie) calidad de vida, (la) calidad, (la) caliente calle, (la) calma, (la) calmar calor, (el) calzado, (el) cama doble, (a) cama, (la) camara de fotos, (Ia) camarero/a, (eV/la) camarones, (los) cambiar cambiar dinero cambiar un cheque cambiarse cambiarse cambio y fuera cambio, (el) camilla, (la) caminar camién, (el) camioneta campo de batalla, (el) ‘campo de concentracién, (el) campo de deportes, (el) to fall to fall/fall down brown coffee box cashier socks calculator heating calendar to heat up quality of life quality hot street calm/calmness to calm heat footwear double bed bed camera waiter/waitress to change clothes to move from one house to another over and out change stretcher to walk truck (Mexico=bus) pickup truck/station wagon shirt T-shirt campground peasant/farm worker/country person battle field concentration camp sports field 9 Eve PRPRPRAPR Sees ae BY8s 8) PPRRR SBBE 3 @. 23) BOOS GIRYE ym vo campo de golf, (el) campo, (el) Canal de Panama, (el) canas, (las) cancelar cancha de tenis, (la) cancha, (la) candidato/a, (el/la) cansado/a cansarse cantar cafia de azticar, (la) cafién, (el) capa de ozone, (la) capacidad, (Ia) capilla, (la) capitalismo, (el) capitular capo, (el) capturar cara, (la) Caramba! carbén, (el) cércel, (la) carecer cargar carifio. carnaval, (el) carne molida, (la) came, (la) camiceria, (la) cainicero, (el) caro/a carpinteria, (la) carpintero, (el) carrera de autos, (la) carrera de caballos, (la) casa de huéspedes, (la) country/field boarding house €.21) . 18) 14) . 26) 1) @. 11) 12) 12) @.6) L.12) @.3) 27) @.27) C. 28) @.27) 13) 13) «.9) @.9) @. 14) casa, (la) casado/a casarse asco, (el) casi casilla postal, (Ia) castigo, (el) castillo, (el) catarro, (el) catdstrofe, (a) caudaloso causa, (Ia) causar cautiverio, (el) caza, (el) cazar cebolla, (la) celebraciones, (las) eélebre cena, (la) centro cultural, (el) centro de vehiculos, (el) centro, (el) cepillarse, (el pelo) cepillo de dientes, (el) cepillo, (el) cerca de cerebro, (el) cerrado/a cerrar (ie) cerro, (el) cerveza, (la) cese de fuego, (el) champs, (el) Chao. chaqueta, (la) charla, (la) cheque de viajero, (el) cheque sin fondo, (el) cheque, (el) chica, (la) chico, (el) house married ‘to get married helmet almost post office box punishment castle head cold catastrophe large/mighty (river) ccause to cause captivity fighter plane, to hunt onion celebrations famous/renowned/noted/celebrated dinner to have dinner censorship centigrade caltural center ‘motor pool center/downtown/middle to brush (one's hair) toothbrush brush near/nearby/close to brain closed to close chile, (el) chimenea, (la) chino chocar choclo, (el) chofer, (el) choque, (el) chuleta de cerdo, (Ia) ciclismo, (el) cielo, (el) cientifico/a, (eV/la) cigarzillo, (el) cine, (el) cinta, (la) cinta, (la) cinturén de seguridad, (el) cinturén, (el) circulo, (el) ita, (la) ciudad, (la) ciudadano/a, (eV/ia) civil civilizacién, (Ja) clase, (Ia) clima, (el) clinica, (la) cobarde, (eV/la) cobre (Cu), (el) coea, (la) coche, (el) coche-bomba, (el) cocina, (la) cocina, (la) cocinar cocinero/a, (eV/la) code, (el) coger cohete, (el) cola, (la) coleccién de sellos, (la) célera, (el) colonia, (a) color claro color obscuro combate, (el) colony/eau de cologne light color datk color combat 12 combatir combustible, (el) comedor, (el) comedor, el ‘comenzar (ie) comer comida congelada, (la) comida, (la) comienzo, (el) comisariato, (el) cémo Como esta Ud.? {Como ests? {Cémo me escucha? como no Como se dice... Cémo se escribe Cémo se lama? cémoda, (la) cémodo/a compaiiero/a de clase, (eV/la) compaififa, (la) competencia, (la) complicarse componer comportarse comprar compuerta, (la) computadora, (la) comunicacién, (la) comunismo, (el) con con cuidado con tal (de) que concierto, (el) concretar conde, (el) condecoracién, (la) condenar condiciones de vida, (las) condimento, (el) condominio, (el) confiscar conflicto, (el) congelado/a to combat/fight fuel mess/chow hall dining room to start tocat frozen food food/meal/dish beginning base exchange/PX how How are you (form.)? How are you (fam.)? How do you hear me? ofcourse How do you say... How do you spell... ‘What is your name? to get complicated to compose/consist oftrepair to behave ‘to buy floodgate (canal) computer communication communism with carefully provided that concert to state an idea/sum up/specify count service tibbon to sentence/condemn/conviet living conditions condiment condominium to confiscate conflict frozen 13 @. 22) @. 19) @.12) @.31) L.31) @.31) conocer conocimiento, (el) conquista, (la) conquistador/a, (eV/la) conquistar consciente consecuencia, (la) consultorio, (el) contaminacién ambiental, (la) contaminacién, (la) contaminar contar (ue) contento/a contestar contraataque, (el) contrabando, (el) contrato, (el) control de natalidad, (el) control remoto, (el) conversar convoy, (el) copa, (la) coraje, (el) corazén, (el) corbata, (Ia) cordial cordillera, (la) coreano correo aéreo, (el) correo certificado correo, (el) correr correspondiente corrida de toros, (la) corromperse corrupto/a cortar cortina, (la) corto/a cosas, (las) to know/be acquainted with knowledge conquest conqueror to conquer conscious consequence to obtain/get/get hold of advice to keep/preserve to consider to build/construct physician's office pollution contamination to pollute/contaminate to tell a story/count happy to answer counterattack smuggled goods/contraband contract birth control Temote control to converse/chat/talk convoy cup/wine glass. courage heart tie warm/friendly/cordial @.17) .28) @. 19) 19) 24) 31) @. 18) 24) 22) @. 24) VESUNnes Bee PPP 588 os L.6) cosecha, (Ia) coser ‘costa, (la) costar (ue) costillas, (las) costumbres, (las) crecimiento demografico, (el) creer Creo que no. Creo que si criar criarse crimen, (el) criminal, (el) Cristo {Cuénto vale? cuartel general, (el) cuartel, (el) cuarto de baiio, (el) cuarto, (el) cuarto/a cuchara, (la) cuchillo, (el) cuello, (el) cuenta corriente, (la) cuenta de ahorros, (Ia) cuenta, (la) cuero, (el) cuerpo, (el) cuidar population growth to think/believe I don't think so. I think so. to raise/reat/breed to be brought up crime criminal Jesus Christ , crucial to cross notebook city block square picture ‘what/which when/at what time when/whenever how many times as soon as/the sooner how much How much is it? How long does it take? How much is it? ‘How much is it? headquarters barracks bathroom, room fourth spoon knife neck checking account savings account bill (check)/account leather body/corpse/corps to look after/care fortake care of 15 VSELBRRDORS 358 PREP SE85 ea cultivar cultivo, (el) cultura, (Ia) cumpleaiios, (el) cumplir afios cumplir una promesa cumplirse una prediccién cufiada, (la) cutiado, (el) curarse ama, (la) dafiar daiiino/a daiio, (el) dar dar érdenes dar una caminata darse cuenta (de) darse una ducha datos personales, (los) ac de de esta manera de mal humor Denada. eDe parte de quién? de repente debajo de deber deber, (el) deber, (el) debido/a a decada, (la) decidir décimo/a decir (i) declarar dedicarse dedo del pie, (el) dejar de + infinitive dejar un mensaje/recado to cultivate/grow/farm cultivation/farming culture birthday to have a birthday to keep a promise to have a prediction come true sister-in-law brother-in-law to get well Jady to damage dangerous/harmful damage/harm togive to give orders to take a walk to realize to shower personal data AD. from/of this way angry Youre welcome. Who's calling? a9 delante de in front of delgado/a thin delicioso/a delicious delincuente, (el) criminal delito, (el) misdemeanor democracia, (1a) democracy demorar to take/lastidelay dentista, (eV/la) dentist dentro de inside denunciar to denounce/accuse departamento, (el) apartment/department depende it depends deportar to deport deporte, (el) sport deportista, (eV/la) athlete/sportsperson depositar un cheque to deposit a check derecho, (el) right/prerogative derechos humanos, (los) ‘human rights derrame, (el) spill derrocar to overthrow/oust from office/topple derrotar to defeat derrumbarse to collapse derrumbe, (el) landslide/collapse er to disappear/vanish desaparecido/a, (eV/la) missing person desarrollar to develop desarrollo, (el) development desastre, (el) disaster desayunar to have breakfast desayuno, (el) breakfast desbordarse to overflow desbrocharse el cinturén de seguridad to unfasten the seat belt descansar to rest descargar to unload descomponerse to go out of order/break down/decompose desconocido/a unknown, descripcién, (la) description descubridor/a, (eV/a) discoverer descubrimiento, (el) discovery descubrir to discover/uncover descuento, (el) discount desde from/since desear to desire/want desechable disposable desechos industriales, (los) industrial waste 17 @.4) @.2) 12) @.17) @. 17) 32) . 13) desembarcar desembarco, (el) desembocar desempefiar desempleado/a desempleo, (el) desértico/a desfilar desfile, (el) desierto, (el) desigualdad, (1a) desmayarse desorden piblico, (el) despedidas, (las) despedir despegar despegue, (el) despejado/a desperdiciar desperdicios, (los) despertador, (el) despertarse (ie) desplazar despliegue de tropas, (el) después (de) que después de destacado/a destacado/a destacar desterrado/a destinado/a destinatario, (el) destino, (e!) destorillador, (el) determinacién, (1a) detris de deuda extema, (la) devolver Dia de los Difuntos, (el) Dia de los Muertos, (el) to land landing to flow/runend to carry out fulfill unemployed unemployment barren to march to faint public disorder/unrest farewells to dismiss/say good-bye tolsee off to take off take-off clear ‘to waste ‘waste/garbage/waste products alarm clock to wake up to displace/move deployment after after detached/stationed distinguished/prominen/outstanding to stand out/point out/detach (troops) exiled detached/stationed receiver destination/destiny screwdriver skill to return/to take back something All Souls’ Day All Souls’ Day 18 @. 13) eyusessys & a & @. 28) Dia de los Reyes Magos, (el) Dia del Trabajo, (el) dia siguiente, (eV/al) diario, (el) io/a diccionario, (el) diciembre dictadura, (la) dientes, (los) dificil diversiones, (las) divertirse (ie) dividir divorciado/a divorciarse doblar docena, (la) doctor/a, (eV/la) doctrina, (la) doler (ue) dolor de cabeza, (el) dolor, (el) domicilio, (el) dominacién, (la) domingo, (el) donde dorado/a dormir (ue) Epiphany/Day of the Three Kings/Magi Labor Day/May Day the following day journal/newspaper daily dictionary December dictatorship teeth difficult dynamite money God address disco : ae speech to discuss/argue dissemination costume/disguise ‘to enjoy to decrease/diminish to fire/shoot (a weapon) to have a good time to divide divorced to get divorced to tumn/fold dozen doctor/physician doctrine to hurvache headache pain/ache home address domination Sunday where golden tosleep 19 26) (L. 26) @.172 @.14) (L.21) ay @.2) ©. 32) C.8) @. 18) 18) @.3) (L. 19) a) w.27 . 28) . 16) @.21) (L. 34) CL. 26) dormitorio, (el) dos veces dramaturgo/a, (eV/la) drogas, (Jas) drogueria, (la) ducha, (la) ducharse dudar duefio/a, (eV/a) dulees, (los) durar durazno, (el) duro/a echar de menos echar una carta ecologia, (la) economato, (el) economia, (la) econémico/a edad, (la) edificio, (el) efectivo efecto invernadero, (el) eficaz ejecutar ejercicios fisicos, (los) elecciones, (las) electricidad, (la) electricista, (el) elegante elegir (i) elote, (el) embajador, (el) embarcar emblema, (el) emboscada, (la) embrague, (el) emergencia, (la) emigrante, (el) emigrar emocionarse empeorar emperador, (el) ‘empezar (ie) empleado/a, (eV/la) bedroom two times/twice playwright drugs drugstore/pharmacy shower to shower to doubt owner sweets/candies to last peach hard/harsh to miss to mail a letter ecology base exchange/PX economy/economics economical/cheap/inexpensive age building soldier greenhouse effect efficient to execute/perform/put to death physical exercises elections electricity electrician elegant to choose/select/elect com ambassador to embark emblem ambush clutch emergency emigrant to emigrate to be touched to worsen. emperor to start employee 20 32) 34) CL. 28) 19) . 16) (L. 3) empleo, (el) empresa, (la) empresatio/a, (eV/al) empujar en en cuanto en efectivo en el extranjero enel siglo... en ese momento en la actualidad en las afueras encantar encender (ie) enchufar encima de encontrar (ue) encuesta, (la) endosar un cheque enemigo, (el) energia nuclear, (la) energia solar, (1a) enero enfermarse enfermedad, (la) enfermero/a, (eV/a) enfermo/a enfrentarse enmascarado/a, (eV/la) enojado/a enriquecer entiquecerse ensalada, (la) enseguida ensefianza, (la) entablillar entendido enterado enterrar (ie) entonces entrada, (Ia) entrar entre entrege especial/inmediata, (Ia) entregar employment enterprise/company businessperson to push in/at as soon as incash abroad inthe... century... at that moment currently/at this time on the outskirts to love/take pleasure in to tum on to plug in on top of to find/encounter/come upon poll/survey to endorse a check enemy nuclear energy solar energy Jamuary to get sick disease/illness nurse sick/ill to confront masked person angry to enrich to enrich oneself salad right away teaching/education to splint understood understood to bury/inter then entrance/entry/admission/ticket to enter between special delivery to hand in/give/deliver 21 C. 28) @.18) 18) (L. 18) a) L.29) (L.14) 18) 19) 32) ©. 23) L.24) @.4) @.4) a4) @. 18) (L. 33) @.9) @.17) @.33) 33) (. 24) (. 24) @.3) 19) .23) @.17) @. 12) . 28) (L. 29) @.11) 28) 24) . 23) (L.23) . 33) @.8) a.4) @. 13) @.4) @.9) (. 13) entrenamiento bisico, (el) envejecimiento, (el) envenenar enviar epicentro, (el) epidemia, (1a) épocha, (la) equipaje, (el) equipo de rescate, (el) equipo, (el) equitacién, (Ia) erupcién volcénica, (la) Esla.. /son las... es preci es una léstima escala Richter, (1a) escala, (la) escalera, (la) escalofiio, (el) escapar escape, (el) escaso/a esclusa, (la) escoger escombros, (los) escondido escopeta, (la) escribir escribir un cheque escritor/a, (el/la) esctitorio, (el) escritura, (la) escritura, (la) escuadrén de la muerte, (el) escuchar escudo, (el) escuela primaria, (la) escuela secundaria, (la) escuela, (la) esforzarse (ue) esgrima, (la) esmeraldas, (las) espada, (la) espaguetis, (los) espalda, (la) to make an effort/strive/do one’s best fencing emeralds ‘sword spaghetti back 26) 34) 28) L.28) @.2) @.33) @.27) @.21) 34) a.) @. 24) espaiiol espejo, (el) esperanza de vida, (Ia) esperanza, (la) esperar esperar un rato espicie, (la) esposa, (la) esposo, (el) esqui, (el) esquiar esquina, (la) establecer estacién de buses, (la) estacién de trenes, (la) estacién, (la) estacionamiento, (el) estado civil, (el) estado de dnimo, (el) estado de emergencia, (el) estreno, (el) estudiante, (eV/a) estudiar estudioso/a estupefaciente, (el) to wait a while species wife husband skiing to ski comer to establish/settle bus station train station , season parking lot tmarital status mood state of emergency stamp shelf tin (Sn) tobe to be frozen to be on duty to be on vacation to be detached/stationed to be detached/stationed to be hiding/hidden to be tired to be situated/located ‘statue height ewe SEBELSEIS EK LESREL ZIT SY SI NUL gespper PRPRPRRAPRRPRRPRAPRPRRRRRPRRRPRRRAR eas = @.22) estupendo evacuar evangelizacién, (la) evento, (el) evitar examen, (el) exceso, (el) excursién, (la) excusado, (el) exigir existir éxito, (el) éxodo, (el) explosién, (la) explotar exportacién, (1a) exportar expresién idiomética, (1a) extenso/a extranjero/a, (eV/la) extrafiar fabrica, (la) fabricar facil facturar el equipaje facultad, (la) Fahrenheit falda, (la) falla mecénica, (la) fallecer falsificacién, (la) falta, (la) faltar familia, (la) famoso/a farmacéutico, (eV/Ia) farmacia, (Ia) faro, (el) fatigado/a fauna, (la) fe, (la) febrero fecha, (la) feola fidelidad, (la) fantastic/marvelous/wonderful/great to evacuate christianization event to avoid test/examination excess excursion toilet to demand to exist success exodus explosion to exploit/explode exportVexportation to export idiomatic expression extensive/vast/large foreigner to miss factory to manufacture/make/build/fabricate easy to check in the luggage faculty Fahrenheit skirt mechanical failure fiebre tifoidea, (la) fiebre, (la) fiesta de disfraces, (1a) fiesta, (la) filtro de aceite, (el) filtro de aire, (el) fin de semana pasado, (el) fin de semana, (el) final, (el) financiamiento, (el) firmar flan, (el) fllecha, (la) flexibilidad, (la) flor, (la) flora, (la) flota, (Ia) folleto de informacién, (el) formacién profesional, (la) formacién, (la) formarse formulario, (el) fortalecimiento, (el) fésforo, (el) fotografia, (la) fracasar fractura, (la) fracturar francés franja, (la) frazada, (la) frecuentemente freir (i) freno, (el) frente, (el) fresa, (la) fresco/a fiijoles, (los) fio, (el) frio/a frito/a frontera, (la) fruta, (la) fruteria, (la) frutilla, (la) typhoid fever fever costume party party/celebration/holiday oil filter air filter last weekend cold border/frontier fruit fruit shop Res fuego, (el) fuente de informacién, (la) fuerte fuerte, (el) Fuerzas Armadas, (las) fumar funcién de teatro, (la) funciona fundar furioso/a fusil, (el) fiitbol americano, (el) fitbo!, (el) galleta, (a) galones, (los) ‘ganaderia, (Ia) a ganadero/s ganado vacuno, (el) ganar garaje, (el) ‘garganta, (la) ‘gas natural, (el) gaseosa, (la) gasolinera, (Ia) gastar gato, (el) generacién, (la) g generoso/a gente, (la) ‘geografia, (la) geometria, (la) gerente, (eV/la) gimnasio, (el) girar un cheque globo, (el) gobemador, (el) gobernar (ie) gobierno, (el) golf, (el) golpe de estado, (el) golpe, (el) golpear gordo/a gorra, (la) fire information source strong fort armed forces to smoke theater show in working order to establish furious gunfrifle football soccer cookie/cracker stripes cattle raising/stock breeding cattle raising cattle/livestock geeEEye grabadora, (la) Gracias, grado (el) graduarse gran granada, (la) grande granizar granizo, (el) gratis gratuito/a grieta, (la) stipe, (la) gris gritar grito, (el) la ‘grupo étnico, (el) guano, (el) guantes, (los) guerrillero/a, (el/la) guia de teléfonos, (la) guiso, (el) gustar haber habitacién, (la) habitante, (el) habito, (el) hablador/a hablar hablar por teléfono hacer hacer amistades hacer cola hacer ejercicios fisicos hacer escala hacer la cama hacer la maleta hacer una llamada tape recorder ‘Thank you. rank/degree ‘to graduate grand/great grenade dig/arge to hail hail free (of charge) fiee (of charge) crack/erevice/fissure influenza/flu grey to shout/yell/scream (auilitary/guard) duty civil war war band of guerrillas guerrilla fighter phone book © stew to like to be/have room inhabitant habit talkative to talk to talk on the phone to do/make to make friends to wait in line to exercise to make a stopover to make the bed to pack to make a phone call 7 BResZSLERRESS SLL8 PPPRPPRRPRRRRRPRRPRAR SoS BERR® P © “33 @.1 hacerse dafio hacha, (el) hacia hambre, (el) hamburguesa, (Ia) hasta Hasta la vista. Hasta luego. Hasta mafiana. Hasta pronto. hay hay que hecho, (el) hectdrea, (Ia) helado, (el) helicéptero, (el) hemorragia, (la) hereditario/a herencia, (la) herida, (la) herido, (el) herir (ie) hermana, (la) hermano, (el) herramientas, (las) hervir (ie) hielo, (el) hierba, (Ia) hierro (Fe), (el) higado, (el) hija, (la) hijo, (el) himno nacional, (el) hinchado/a historia, (la) hogar, (el) hoja, (a) Hola. hombre de negocios, (el) hombre rana, (el) hombre, (el) hombro, (el) homicidio, (el) honesto/a honor, (el) hamburger tofup to/as far as/until/till See you. See you later. See you tomorrow. ‘See you soon, there is/there are one has to/we have to/it is necessary to facVevent/matter hectare ice cream helicopter hemorthage/bleeding hereditary inheritance/heritage ‘wound ‘wounded person to wound/injure sister brother hools to boil shoulder homicide/murder/manslaughter honest honor 28 @.21) 34) 23) @. 24) . 19) @.2) @. 34) hora, (la) horizontal home, (el) hospedaje, (el) hospital, (el) hostilidad, (Ia) hotel (el) hotel de lujo, (el) hoy huelga, (la) hhueso, (el) huésped, (eVla) huevo, (el) huir hhumanidad, (Ia) ‘hhumedad, (la) hiimedo humo, (el) hundirse huracén, (el) idemtficado/a idemtificar ideologia, (la) idioma, (el) iglesia, (la) ilegal imagen, (la) imperialism, (el) imperio azteca, (el) impermeable, (el) implantar importacién, (la) importante importar imprenta, (la) impresionarse impuesto, (el) inauguracién, (la) inaugurar incas, (los) incendio forestal, (el) incendio, (el) incentivo, (el) incluido/a incémodo/a hour horizontal oven lodging hospital hostility hotel five-star hotel today strike bone hotel/house guest ees to flee/escape humanity humidity humid smoke/fumes to sink hurricane identified to identify ideology I church/Catholic church illegal Incas forest fire fire incentive included uncomfortable/inconvenient 29 SY BB5RERSS incomunicado/a inconsciente incrementar independencia, (1a) indicar indigena, (e/a) industria, (la) industrializado/a infancia, (la) infectar infiltrar inflacién, (a) influencia, (la) influir informacién, (1a) informer informe meteoroldgico, (el) ingeniero/a, (el/la) inglés instituto, (el) insuficiencia, (Ia) insurgente, (el) integrante inteligente intendencia, (1a) ‘intentar interesante intermediario, (el) intéxprete, (eV/la) interrogador/a, (eV/a) interrogar interrumpir Intestino, (el) intoxicacién, (a) inundacién, (la) inundar invasién, (la) cut off/without means of communication (L. 22) unconscious to increase independence to indicate/point out native/indigenous industry childhood to infect supply office to try/attempt/intend interesting middleman interpreter interrogator to interrogate to interrupt intestine food poisoning flooding/flood to flood/inundate 30 CL. 24) 31) L.16) 31) (L. 19) @.21) @.21) 18) 24) @.29) . 28) (.34) @.34) 13) e PBegosgyseesy ey cvs Bevvepepes fs 8 invitado/a, (eV/la) invitar involucrado/a involucrar inyeccién, (Ia) ir ira iral extranjero ir de excursion ir de vacaciones irlandés, (el) irlandesa, (Ia) ise isla, (la) italiano izar izquierdista jabén, (el) jamén, (el) ‘Japonés jardin, el) jefe de gobierno, (el) jefe/a, (Va) Jinete, (el) joven Joya, (la) Joyeria, (la) Joyero, (el) jubilado/a Juego, (el) jueves, (el) juez, (el) jugador/a, (eV/a) jugar (ue) jugar ala pelota jugo, (el) juguete, (el) io, (el) to invent invention investment to invesvinvert/reverse investigation winter house guest to invite involved to involve injection/shot togo to goto to go abroad to go on an excursion to go on vacation Irishman Irishwoman to go away/leave island Italian (language) to hoist/aise/haul up left wing/leftist soap ham Japanese (language) garden head of government boss jockey young jewel jewelry shop jeweler retired game Thursday judge player to play (a sport) to play soccer juice toy judgment/rial July 31 junio juntaa juntar jurar justicia, (la) justo/a La linea esta ocupada. laboral laboratorio, (el) Jadrén, (el) lavabo, (el) : lavado de dinero, (el) lavaplatos, (el) lavar lavarse los dientes Jealtad, (la) Teche, (la) Jechuga, (Ia) lectura, (la) leer Iejos de Tema, (el) lengua, (1a) Jentamente ento/a Jetras, (las) letrero, (el) levantar pesas levantarse ley, (la) leyenda, (la) liberar libertad de prensa, (la) libertad, (la) libertar libra, (la) June next to to gather/mite/join/put together to swear/take an oath justice just/correct/exact The line is busy. labor (-related, adj.) laboratory thief lake Jamp wool torch spear to throw/launch pencil long can bathroom sink money laundering dishwasher ‘to wash 21) Ssa5e PRRRPRPRRRRRPRPRPR SLSEYEHOIC SSR ss 11) libre librerfa, (la) libreta de cheques, (Ia) libro, (el) licencia de manejar, (1a) licenciado/a, (eV/ia) licuar der, (el) liderazgo, (el) limite, (el) limpiar lingtiista, (eV/la) listo/a literatura, (1a) litro, (el) liviano/a Mama, (la) Hamada a larga distancia, (Ia) Hamada local, (1a) Uamada por cobrar, (1a) Hamar por teléfono Hanta de repuesto, (la) Ianta, (la) Uanura, (la) Ilave, (la) lave, (la) Megada, (la) llegar egar a tiempo legar tarde lenar evar evar a cabo Horar Hover (ue) Ituvia, (la) locola locutor/a, (eV/la) lograr lucha libre, (la) Tucha, (la) luchar luego lugar, (el) Tuna de miel, (la) free bookstore checkbook book drivers license graduate/Bachelor to liquefy leader leadership boundary/border/limit to clean linguist arrival to arrive to be on time to be late to fl/fl out/fill in/fill up to wear/carryhake to carry out @. 16) @. 12) maletero, (el) manco/a, (eV/la) ‘andar mandatario, (el) mandato, (el) mando, (el) manejar manera de ser, (la) manera, (1a) manga, (la) manganeso (Mn), (el) manguera, (la) manifestacién, (1a) maniobra, (Ia) mano, (la) mantel, (el) mapa, (el) maquina de escribir, (Ia) maquinaria, (la) mar bravo, (el) mar, (el) marcador, (el) marear marchar marea, (la) mareado/a marido, (el) moon Monday blinker/turn signal light/ traffic light machismo wood/timber/lumber mother godmother dawn com malaria suitcase ‘trunk (vehicle) one-armed/handed person to send/order/command chief executive/president command/mandate ‘command to drive/handle/operate/manage way of being manner/way/style sleeve manganese (Mn) hose demonstration maneuver hand tablecloth Keep me informed. Stand by. butter apple tomorrow moming marino, (el) marisco, (el) martes, (el) martillo, (el) marzo més que/de mascar mascara de gas, (la) maéstil, (el) matar mayas, (los) mayo mayor mayor parte, (la) mayoria, (la) mecénico, (el) medalla, (la) medianoche, (1a) medias, (las) médico, (eV/la) medida, (la) medio ambiente, (el) medio, (el) mediodia, (el) medios de transporte, (los) medir (i) mejor mejorar melocotén, (el) meindigo/a, (eV/la) menot menos cuarto menos que mensaje, (el) mensajero/a, (eV/la) mercado, (el) mes pasado, (el) mesa de noche, (Ia) mesa, (la) meseta, (la) mestizo/a ‘meta, (la) meter un gol sailor/seaman seafood Tuesday more than gas mask mast/pole to kill registration marriage/wedding Mayas older/major . @.2) BYOLYSELLeey 8) PRPRRPPRRERRAR Ryne metralla, (la) mi amor microondas, (el) miedo, (el) miembro, (el) mientras mientras que mientras tanto miércoles, (el) militar, (€V/ia) miillonario/a mina, (la) minero/a minuto, (el) mirar mirarse (al espejo) miseria, (la) misil, (el) mismo/a mochila, (la) molinos de viento, (los) monarca, (el) monarquia, (12) moneda, (1a) monja, (la) montafias, (las) montafioso/a montar a caballo morado/a morder (ue) morir (ue) mortero, (el) mosquete, (el) mostrador, (el) mostrar (ue) motivo, (el) moto, (a) motor, (el) mover (ue) mucha gente muchacha, (la) muchacho, (el) mucho mudarse mudarse shrapnel my love/honey microwave fear member while/during while/as long as meanwhile/ in the meantime Wednesday service member/military millionaire mine ne minute to look at/watch to look at oneself (in the mirror) misery/extreme poverty missile same back pack windmills monarch monarchy coin/currency tomove lots of people young woman/maid young man/servant much to change clothes move:change residence/location 36 muebleria, (la) muelle, (el) muerto, (el) mujer, (la) mula, (el) mulato/a multiplicar mundo, (el) municiones, (las) mutieca, (la) muro, (el) miisculo, (el) misica, (la) muy muy bien nacer nacimiento, (el) nacién, (la) nacionalizar nadar naranja, (la) narcotrafico, (el) nariz, (la) NASA, (a) natacién, (1a) naturaleza, (Ia) negativo negocio, (el) negro/a nervioso/a nevar (ie) niebla, (la) nieta, (la) nieto, (el) nieve, (la) nifia, (la) nnifiez, (la) famiture store pier/dock/whart dead person woman/wife drug runner/person who transports drugs mulatto to multiply world ammunition/munitions wrist/doll wall/rampart muscle music very very well, to be bom birth nation to nationalize to swim orange drug trafficking/dealing nose NASA ee nature to sink/be wrecked/be shipwrecked navigable navigator to navigate/sail Christmas mist/fog to need to deny/refuse negative business/trade black @.2) ZLovvsse nifio, (el) niquel (Ni), (el) ‘No comprendo. no dar el brazo a torcer no funciona no muy bien No se preocupe. No sé. noche, (1a) nocivo/a nombre, (el) norte, (el) noticia, (la) noveno/a novia, (la) noviembre novio, (el) ube, (la) nnuera, (Ia) ‘Nuevo Mundo, (el) nuevo/a numero de teléfono, (el) mnitmero equivocado, (el) niimeros ordinales, (los) munca oficina de abastecimiento, (la) daughter-in-law New World new ‘telephone number ‘wrong number ordinal numbers never target object obligatory play (stage) work/piece of work laborer obstacle to obtain ocean idleness/leisure/spare time eighth October occupation busy to be in charge offlook after/see to to occur OAS west office supply office 38 @.2) VBLIVY VeLge BBSYLELS 9) oficio, (el) ofrecer ofdo, (el) oir ojalé ojos, (los) ola, (la) oleada, (la) oleoducto, (el) olimpiadas, (las) olla, (la) olvidar émnibus, (el) OMS (la) ondear operacién aerotransportada, (la) ‘operacién anfibia, (la) ‘operacién de reconocimiento, (Ia) operacién de rescate, (Ia) operacién terrestre, (la) optimista ordenar oreja, (la) organizar orgullo, (el) orientarse otoiio, (el) otra vez évalo, (el) pais subdesarrollado, (el) pala, (la) palabra, (la) palanca de cambios, (Ia) Palido/a palma de la mano, (la) pan, (el) Panaderia, (la) panadero, (el) trade to offer inner ear ‘to hear God willing eyes wave wave oil pipeline olympics pot to forget bus WHO to wavelfutier air transportation operation amphibian operation reconnaissance operation to order/command/arrange/put in order car to organize pride to orient (oneself)/get one’sbearings fall/autumn another time/again oval sheep patience father Parents godfather finance (office) to pay underdeveloped/third world country shovel VELLSENge NEBBOLLEL ER ReS faa tad antes tate pl oat banat $8 y 4) pantalla, (la) pantalones cortos, (los) pantalones, (los) papa, (el) ‘Papa, (la) papel higiénico, (el) papel, (el) papel, (el) Papeleria, (la) Paperas, (las) paquete, (el) para que a partido politico, (el) partido, (el) partir pasaje de ida y vuelta, (el) pasaje, (el) pasajero/a, (el/la) pasaporte, (el) pasar pasar la aspiradora pasarlo bien Pasatiempo, (el) pasear Pasillo, (el) pastel de manzana, (el) pasteleria, (la) pastilla, (Ja) Pata, (la) patear Patinaje, (el) screen/lampshade shorts pants Pope potato toilet paper role/part beats stationery store mumps package so that windshield parachute paratrooper . bumper stop/parade whereabouts/destination umbrella to seem/appear to look like wall couple (of people) relative Part oe to participate political party game/match to leave/divide/split round-trip ticket ticket (transportation) passenger passport to pass/go by/happen to vacuum to have a good time pastime/hobby apple pie pastry shop tablet/lozenge leg/foot (animal or object) to kick skating 40 @. 33) patinar Patio, (el) patria, (la) patrocinar patrén/a, (eV/ia) patrulla, (la) avo, (el) az, (la) peine, (el) pelea de gallos, (la) pelear pelicula, (la) peligro, (el) pelo castafio pelo corto pelo lacio pelo largo pelo negro pelo rizado pelo-rubio pelo, (el) pelota, (la) peluqueria, (la) peluquero/a, (eV/la) pena de muerte, (Ia) pensar (ie) pensar + infinitive pensién, (la) peor Pequefio/a pera, (la) perder (ie) perder contacto perder el sentido perderse Perdone. Periodico, (el) permiso, (el) permitir to skate patio homeland to sponsor boss/patron/master patrol ‘turkey peace chest pedal piece to ask for/request/order to comb one's hair comb cockfight to fight/battle/quarrel/struggle movie/film danger brown hair short hair straight hair long hair black hair curly hair blond hair hair ball hairdresser's shop hairdresser death penalty to think of/about to intend/plan bed-and-breakfast inn/boarding house/ pension worse small pear to lose/waste/miss to lose contact to lose consciousness to get lost/be lost, I beg your pardon. newspaper permission/permit/license to permit/allow 41 @.27) L.14) L. 33) (L. 14) pero perro caliente, (el) perro, (el) persona sin hogar, (1a) personaje, (el) pertenecer esa, (la) pesar pescaderia, (la) pescado, (el) pescar pesimista eso, (el) pesquero/a petréleo, (el) picadura, (la) picante picar Pico, (el) pie, (el) piedra preciosa, (la) pierna, (la) pilar, (el) pimienta, (la) pintarse pintor/a, (el/la) Pinza, (la) Pifia, (la) piscina, (la) piso, (el) pista, (la) pistola, (la) pizarra, (la) pizarrén, (el) placa del nombre, (la) plaga, (la) planchar planear planta nuclear, (1a) planta, (la) plata (Ag), (la) plato, (el) playa, (la) pessimistic (person) weight = | fishing petroleum/oil bite/sting spicy/hot to chop/chop up/itch/sting/bite beak/bill/peak foot precious stone/gem leg toplan a powerplant re (Ag) late Pl beach 42 plaza de toros, (la) plaza, (la) plomero, (el) plomo, (el) pluma, (la) pobre pobreza, (la) poco poco a poco poder (ue) poder ejecutivo, (el) poder judicial, (el) poder legislativo, (el) poder, (el) poesia, (la) Poeta, (el) poetisa, (la) policia, (el) policia, (Ia) Polio, (la) politica, (a) politico, (el) pollo, (el) pélvora, (la) ‘poner poner la mesa ponerse por avin por ciento por hora por lo menos Por qué Porque portaaviones, (el) Portavoz, (el/la) postre, (el) potencia, (la) ozo petrolero, (el) practicar precaucién, (1a) precio, (el) predecir prediccién, (la) preferir (ie) Preguntar bull ring public/town square plumber lead pen poor poverty little/few little by little to be able/can executive power judicial power legislative power power poetry poet poetess policeman police force/corps polio politics politician chicken gunpowder to put to set the table to become/put on (clothes) via air mail percent per hour at least why because aircraft carrier spokesperson dessert power oil well to practice precaution/caution price to predict/forecast prediction/forecast to prefer to ask 43 ae a otaa Breeysyese @. 28) premio, (el) preocupado/a reocuparse preparar Preparativo, (el) presién alta, (1a) preso/a preso/a, (el/la) presupuesto, (el) prevenir primavera, (la) Primera Guerra Mundial, (la) primera medida, (1a) primera vez, (la) primero/a primeros-auxilios, (Ios) primo/a, (eV/la) Principio, (el) prisionero de guerra, (el) prisionero/a, (eV/la) privado/a Probar (ue) problema, (el) Procesién, (la) proceso electoral, (el) producir Productos, (los) profecia, (la) profesién, (la) profesor/a, (el/la) prometer Pronéstico meteorolégico, (el) propiedad privada, (la) propina, (la) proporcionar ropésito, (el) proteccién, (la) proteger protesta, (la) protestar prize/award/reward worried to worry/get worried to prepare preparation high blood pressure imprisoned/under arrest prisoner budget to prevent spring World War I first step/measure first time first first aid cousin = prisoner of war prisoner private to tryfaste problem procession electoral process to produce aliastay tauou tad oa ae SESPSERES eee e888 «172 prover provisiones, (las) ublico/a pueblo, (el) puede que puerta, (la) puesto de la calle, (el) puesto de mando, (el) pulmén, (el) pulso, (el) punta, (la) puntos cardinales, (los) qué {Qué hay de nuevo? Qué hay? Qué hora es? ¢Qué hubo? Qué quiere decir. ..2 Qué ropa lleva? {Qué tal? quedar radiador, (el) radio operador/a, (eV/la) radio, (eVla) rallar rama de las Fuerzas Armadas, (la) rama de olivo, (la) rango, (el) répidamente rapidez, (la) répido/a to supply/provide supplies public town it maybe that door street (vendor's) stand command post How's it going? ‘What does. .. mean? ‘What is he/she wearing? How's it going? to be located to stay/remain ‘to run out of bum to bum to want/wish/love dear cheese who Who's calling? fifth I would like... to removeltake away to take off (clothes) maybefperhaps radiator radio operator radio to grate branch of the armed forces olive branch rank quickly speed fast 45 (L. 33) Lo Tm P= Deeil toe ied or PRRPPPRRPRRRRR RESRNReweerwerne 34) Taqueta, (la) tayo, (el) razén, (la) realizar reanimar rebelde, (el) rebelién, (la) recepcién, (1a) recepcionista, (eV/la) reciclaje, (el) reciclar recoger recomendacién, (la) recomendar (ie) reconocer recordar (ue) Tecténgulo, (el) Tecuperar recursos econémicos, (los) recursos naturales, (los) ted electronica, (Ia) red, (la) redada, (la) tedondo/a reducir reestructuracién, (Ia) reforma agraria, (la) reformar refresco, (el) racket thunderbolt reason, to carry out/accomplish/achieve to revive tebel rebellion/uprising Teception/front desk receptionist receptor recipe/prescription to receive to receive orders recycling to recycle to pick up/gather/collect recommendation @.27) @.31) 28) C. 24) @.17) .29) @. 14) @. 14) L.23) @. 12) @.9) @.23) CL. 33) 33) . 13) @. 14) (L. 26) @. 19) @. 18) CL. 26) @.29) @. 32) @.21) C. 33) @. 19) 29) . 12) @.31) .31) 32) © a4) @. 23) C. 16) @. 12) (L.9) L. 12) 32) (L. 34) @.21) 18) 32) ©. 18) reglas del juego, (las) regresar regular rehéa, (el) reina, (la) relacionarse con relampago, (el) relevar religion, (la) religioso/a reloj, (el) remitente, (el) remuneracién, (la) rendirse representar represién, (1a) requisito, (el) rescatar rescate, (el) reservacién, (la) reservar Teservista, (eV/la) resfrio, (el) resistir resolver (ue) Testitucién, (la) retaguardia, (la) retirada, (la) retirarse reunirse revista, (la) revolucién, (Ia) revolucionario/a, (eV/la) revélver, (el) rey, (el) rezar rico/a riesgo, (el) rifle, (el) rio, (el) rules of the game to return/come back 0-50 hostage queen to associate/ally oneself with someone lightning to substitute for/take the place of religion religious clock/watch sender payment to surrender to represent | repression requisite/requirement to rescue rescue/ransom reservation to reserve reservist cold to resisvendure/bear to resolve/solve/settle artificial respiration mouth-to-mouth resuscitation breathing/respiration rear guard/rear withdrawal to retreat to meet/gather magazine revolution revolutionary revolver king to pray rich/wealthy/delicious tisk rifle river 47 @. 32) @.31) @. 21) @. 14) @.31) @.31) @.17) 19) 26) (L.21) 33) (17) “an Tiqueza, (la) rivalidad, (Ia) robar robo, (el) rodilla, (la) rojo/a rollo de fotos, (el) rombo, (el) romper ropa interior, (la) ropa, (Ia) sacar dinero sacerdote, (el) saco, (el) sal, (la) sala de clase, (la) sala, (la) salado/a salario, (el) saldo, (el) salida de emergencia, (la) salida, (la) salir salir a bailar saltar salto, (el) salud, (la) saludable saludar saludos, (los) salvar sancién, (la) sandia, (Ja) sangrar sangre, (la) santo/a, (eV/la) sarampién, (el) wealth rivalry to rob/steal robbery knee red roll of film thomboid/thombus/diamond balance/difference/closeout emergency exit departure/exit to leave/go out to go dancing to jump jump health healthy to greet/salute greetings/salutes//regards SLSPP SREY SOONG, SEEORES PPRPPRRPRRRRRPRRRPRPPRRR sartén, (eV/la) sastre, (el) sastreria, (la) secar seco secretario/a, (el/la) secuestrar secuestro, (el) seda, (Ia) seguir (i) segin Segunda Guerra Mundial, (Ia) segunda medida, (1a) segundo, (el) segundo/a seguro/a sello, (el) selva tropical, (la) semiéforo, (el) semana pasada, (la) semana que viene, (Ia) Semana Santa, (1a) sembrar (ie) semilla, (la) sen que sentar (ie) sentarse (ie) sentido de orientaci6n, (el) sentir ) sentirse (je) sefial, (la) sefalar sefior, (el) (Sr.) Sefiora, (la) (Sra.) sefiorita, (Ia) (Srta.) separar septiembre séptimo/a sequifa, (la) ser ser decisivo/a serpiente, (la) servicio de habitacién, (el) servilleta, (la) servir (i) to follow/continue according to/depending on Second World War/World War IT second step/measure to be decisive snake/serpent room service/housekeeping napkin to serve 49 @.2) 14) @. 34) @. 24) @. 14) a1) ©.) sexto/a si si Dios quiere SIDA, @l) siempre sigla, (la) siglo, (el) signos vitales, (los) silencio, (el) silla, (la) sillén, (el) simbolo nacional, (el) simpitico/a simular sin sin embargo sindicato, (el) sintoma, (el) sismo, (el) sistema, (el) situado/a sobre sobre, (el) sobreviviente, (eV/la) sobrevivir sobrina, (Je) sobrino, (el) social socialismo, (el) sof, (el) sol, (el) solicitud, (la) soltero/a solucionar sombrero, (el) sonar (ue) sofiar (ue) con ‘sopa, (la) soportar sospecha, (la) sospechoso, (el) subir submarino, (el) subversivo/a ‘suegra, (la) God wil always acronym, century vital signs silence chair armchair national symbol nice/pleasant to simulate/pretend/fake without still/however/nonetheless laborftrade union symptom earthquake system situated/located on top offabout envelope survivor to survive niece nephew social socialism sofa sun application single to solve/resolve/settle hat to sound/ting to dream offabout soup to bear/stand/endure/tolerate suspicion suspect to go up/climb submarine subversive mother-in-law 50 ESBS SeVgsecey pee BES 88 SELES SBELSSLSBSYSE Se con PRAPRARRPRARPRRRRRRERRRRARRRRPRRRRRA 8g Teuton S8558

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