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Lite Paper 2021 —

* Our protocol is called expX because of eX grows faster than 10x


EXPX is a Balancer protocol

( powered by
Binance Smart Chain

It’s already up and running!


Market opportunities and competitors

While Ethereum transaction fees are extremely high, more funds are staked and more swaps
are performed on BSC.

A BSC-based Uniswap analog, Pancakeswap, has already overtaken the Uniswap by both TVL
and swaps volume.

At the moment there is no protocol with Balancer’s functionality and flexibility on BSC.

We see it as a great market opportunity. The new protocol can potentially overtake
the original Balancer by TVL in a matter of months due to lower commissions and faster

The price of the Balancer token has increased over 75 times from its original launch price in a
matter of 6 months after the launch, and we aim to repeat this success.


What is EXPX

EXPX is a new community driven decentralized trading protocol, farming platform and
automatic multi token portfolio manager launched on a rapidly growing Binance Smart Chain.

It provides incentives for liquidity providers to stake their funds in the protocol pools and
rewards them with governance tokens.

And it’s already up and running!

You can swap BSC tokens, create pools and stake liquidity just now!

EXPX smart contracts are audited by Certik.

EXPX offers up to 8 tokens per pool unlike Uniswap

and Pancake that allow only 2

The investor’s portfolio placed into the pool is

automatically rebalanced and earns profit.


Why there was no Balancer protocol on BSC

Migration to BSC was a technical challenge

• TheGraph (that is used in Balancer) does not support BSC;

• BSC public nodes do not support WebSockets required by the Balancer’s frontend;

• Different blockchain infrastructure: we had to redesign getting tokens exchange rates,

plug wallets to BSC network, define new list of tokens, and support infrastructure
contracts. has attracted a strong engineering team to solve these issues.

Also we made a number of adjustments of tokenomics and user incentives due to current
market conditions.


Strategy and roadmap

Our first goal is to become the leader in the BSC locked liquidity market

Raised funds will allow us to launch V2 of the protocol. It will make our transactions
sufficiently cheaper than swaps through Pancake and help us to overtake it by swap volume and

After that we plan to deploy our protocol on other Solidity-compatible blockchains

(Ethereum, Tron, etc.).

It will enable EXPX to be one of the first cross-blockchain swap platform (with centralized
services in the beginning).

Q1 2021
• Connect TheGraph node to BSC
• Launch expX protocol on BSC mainnet
• Attract initial liquidity to the pools
• Launch token swap and Smart Order Routing
• Start governance tokens distribution on a weekly basis

Q2 2021
• Develop a tokenomics
• Finalize WP, marketing materials
WE ARE HERE • Initiate seed investment round
• Pass an independent smart contracts audit
• expX public sale

Q3 2021
• Build partnerships with DEX aggregators (like 1inch)
• Build partnership with existing farm projects
• Develop contributors community. Launch a program to encourage
third-party projects integration with expX (a separate token fund is
allocated for this stage)

Q4 2021
• Launch V2 of expX protocol
• List our tokens on exchanges


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