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Short Term 2023

Lesson 2: Ethics and Morality

Topic: The comparison of ethics and morality, ethics and other disciplines, and the
importance of ethics

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Compare ethics with morality;

2. Differentiate ethics from other disciplines;
3. Explicate the importance of ethics.



This lesson focuses on the comparison of ethics and morality. It compares ethics from other
disciplines. And it ends by explicating the importance of ethics.

Lesson Proper:

A. Ethics vs. Morality


Etymological meaning

The term ethics is derived from the Greek word ethikos which itself is
derived from the Greek word ethos, meaning custom or character. In
philosophy, ethical behavior is that which is “good.” The field of ethics or
moral philosophy involves developing, defending, and recommending
concepts of right and wrong behavior. (Mintz, S., 2010)

Functional Definition

Ethics is the branch of philosophy that explores the nature of moral virtue and evaluates human actions
(Ramos, C.C., 2010).

It studies on the morality (goodness or badness) of human actions (conduct) (Cruz, C.,2004).

Ethics is a practical and normative science, based on reason, which studies human acts and provides norms
for their goodness or badness (Timbreza, F., 2005).

Ethics is the branch of philosophy that explores the nature of moral virtue and evaluates human actions
(Ramos, C.C., 2010). It studies on the morality (goodness or badness) of human actions (Conduct) (Cruz,
C.,2004). Ethics takes up the meanings of our moral concepts- such as right action, obligation and justice- and
formulates principles to guide moral decisions, whether in private or public life (Articulo, A., 2008).
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Morality is an encompassing concept that serves as the underlying force for every action of an individual, even
of society. Morality takes the crucial role of formulating, establishing and setting ethical norms of conduct that
govern behaviors and actions of an individual or group of individuals in order to achieve harmony, unity, and
order within a society (Living a Christian Moral Life, 2013).
Defining morality, as to its intent and purpose, clarifies the essential features that everyone, who is subject to
moral judgment, determines what kind of actions are normally acceptable and permissible. Morality
establishes the fundamental framework on the true intent and motive behind every action and decision.
Human intelligence can be a powerful guide in working out moral problems. However, Christians have more
than reason to guide them and this is the person and life of Jesus Christ our Lord, the perfect norm of morality.
(Living a Christian Moral Life, 2013).
To compare therefore Ethics and Morality, they both study human acts and their goodness or badness; they
both lay moral norms or principles as guidelines as to how one ought to act and ought to be; they both use
reason in analyzing, interpreting, and deciding proper conduct in situations concerning moral dilemma; they
both aim to form a moral person with mature character and create a just and humane society. But what
differentiates them is the fact that aside from using reason as the source of evaluating validity of choice amidst
a moral decision making, only morality also uses Divine Revelation or the use of the Bible and other Church
doctrines to support the validity of its moral claims. It draws its inspiration for such moral stand from the person
and life of Jesus Christ our Lord. Thus, aside from a temporal goal of creating a better society in the present
life, morality also aims for the more lasting goal which is to build the Kingdom of God and to attain Eternal life.

B. Ethics and the other disciplines

1. Ethics and Psychology

"Ethics has something to do with what my feelings tell

me is right or wrong."

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Many people tend to equate ethics with their feelings. But being ethical is clearly not a matter of following
one's feelings. A person following his or her feelings may recoil (withdraw) from doing what is right. In fact,
feelings frequently deviate (departs) from what is ethical. But it does not mean that the feeling of empathy, joy,
anger, disgust, and other feelings are totally not related to making moral decisions. According to Aristotle, the
very goal of human life is happiness. To reach this is moderation or the avoidance of extremes which includes
the use of his reason and his passion (extreme emotions). For example: Using inordinate passion
(concupiscence) in acting may result to bad actions. But without the feeling of empathy, I may not also be
moved to do a good act like helping people who are in need. Without the feeling of anger, I may not also be
pushed to fight in defense of what is right.

2. Ethics and Law

“Being ethical has something to do with

following the law.”

The law often incorporates ethical standards to which most citizens subscribe. But laws, like feelings, can
deviate from what is ethical. Simply abiding or following with what the Constitution says does not necessarily
constitute an ethical act. For example, there are laws that might have been adopted but are not necessarily
ethical, but that they promote the interest of some people like the lawmakers themselves (Example: Rice
Tarrification Law in the Philippines and Divorce Law in America).

Being ethical is not the same as following the law. While ethical people always try to be law-abiding, there may
be instances where your sense of ethics tells you it is best not to follow the law. These situations are rare and
should be based on sound ethical reasons. Here’s one example:
Assume you are coming home from the store one day and see a fast-moving fire
approach your neighbor’s house. You notice that the neighbor’s car is in the
garage. The garage door entrance to the house is locked as is the main entrance.
You bang on the door and no one answers. You call the neighbor on your cell
phone and no one answers. You don’t think there is enough time to call the fire
department ten miles away before serious damage is done to the house. If you
break into the house to save your neighbor, you break the law. But if you opt not to
break into the house, you will not break the law but you will not be able to save your
neighbor. What would you do next and why?
If you choose to break into the house to save your neighbor, then you break the law. However, you
have acted out of concern for the safety of your neighbor in a life-threatening situation thereby acting
ethically (Mintz, S.,2010). However, if you choose not to break into the house, then you will not break
the law but you failed to be ethical towards your neighbor.

3. Ethics and Sociology

"Ethics has something to do with the

standards of behavior our society accepts."

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Ethical standards are sometimes based from social norms but social norms are not the sole basis of ethical
standards. Being ethical is not the same as doing "whatever society accepts." In any society, most people
accept standards that are, in fact, ethical. But standards of behavior in society can deviate from what is
ethical. An entire society can become ethically corrupt. Moreover, if being ethical were doing "whatever
society accepts," then to find out what is ethical, one would have to find out what society accepts. To decide
what I should think about abortion, for example, I would have to take a survey of Filipino society and then
conform my beliefs to whatever society accepts. But no one ever tries to decide an ethical issue by doing a
survey. Further, the lack of social consensus on many issues makes it impossible to equate ethics with
whatever society accepts. Some people accept abortion but many others do not. Yet even if everybody does,
the issue of abortion may still remain to be unethical.

4. Ethics and Religion

"Ethics has something to do with my religious


No one should identify ethics with religion. Most religions, of course, advocate high ethical standards. Religion
can set high ethical standards and can provide intense motivations for ethical behavior. Yet if ethics were
confined to religion, then ethics would apply only to religious people and that particular ethical standard only
apply to the members of a particular religion. But ethics applies as much to the behavior of the atheist as to
that of the devout religious person. Thus, ethics cannot be confined to religion nor is it the same as religion.
"I like your Christ, but not your Christianity." In these words of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. J.H.
... Holmes said, "I believe in the teachings of Christ, but you on the other side of the world
do not, I read the Bible faithfully and see little in Christendom that those who profess faith
pretend to see.

"The Christians above all others are seeking after wealth. Their aim is to be rich at the
expense of their neighbors. They come among aliens to exploit them for their own good
and cheat them to do so. Their prosperity is far more essential to them than the life,
liberty, and happiness of others.
"The Christians are the most warlike people. CHRISTIAN NATIONS SEEK WEALTH AND

In this article, it shows that membership to and beliefs in a particular religion does not necessarily imply that
one is ethical. I may believe in Christ and may be baptized into Christianity but I may remain to be living in an
unethical way of life. On the other hand, I may not have known Christ and his teachings or may not have been
baptized as a Christian (Or I may even be a total Atheist) but I can still be ethical by the kind of life I live in
relation to myself, others and my environment.
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The importance of Ethics Ethics is very significant in the following aspects namely: Individual,
Company and Profession. Ethics deals with the principles of ethical
behavior in modern society at the level of the society (community and
environment), individual (personal relationship with others) and
profession (company).

Individual - Personal sense of right and wrong in order to make good decisions
- Helps employees gain the trust of the people with whom they work
Ethics affect this aspect personally because an individual has its own point of reference, view, and
opinion in dealing with personal situations and occurrences. It helps the individual develop a sense of
obligation in decision making. Ethics is very crucial in the person’s inner development since it involves
the improvement of oneself, developing a sense of proper disposition as he/she situates
himself/herself from the society. It develops the person to become better by being prudent, just,
courageous and moderate. It aims to make the person have good and proper decisions. Also, it
develops a sense of trust among people in the working setting. As a result, there will be good human
relationship. But this is only possible when actions become habitual and be developed as a good habit
Company -Business develop ethics to help them determine how to behave
- These ethics reflect a company’s belief about what actions are
appropriate and fair among people
- Helps businesses gain the trust of customers, suppliers, and others
With respect to company environment, ethics play a crucial role in the working setting. It “controls
business malpractices among workers (employee and employer), creates a better relation between
employees and employers, improves customer satisfaction, service and issues by having fair and
reasonable business activities, increases profitability, improves business goodwill, better decision
making, and protects business’ reputation.
Profession - Outlines professional responsibilities, values, standards, and rules of
This aspect focuses on the ethical conduct of a profession. Ethics reminds the person of his
responsibility and obligation in relation to his profession. As the professional disposes his/her duties,
he/she establishes a strong corporate ethical culture. It helps the person conform to the standards and
conduct of his profession. So, the person’s disposition of his professional duties with others, in work
and society shows what kind of profession he/she manifests.

*** END of LESSON 2***



1. Maniwang, M.N., Parallag, C.R., Washington, S.L. (2013). Living a Christian Moral Life. CICM Publishing
House: CICM Philippines.
2. Articulo, Archimedes C. (2008), The Experience of Philosophy: General Introduction to Philosophy. Manila:
Rex Bookstore.
3. Cruz, Corazon. (2004), Philosophy of Man: 3rd Edition. Manila: National Bookstore.

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4. Ramos, Christine Carmela R. (2010), Introduction to Philosophy, Second Edition. Manila: Rex Bookstore.
5. Timbreza, Florentino T. (2005), Quest for Meaning: Philosophy Made Easy for Filipinos. Philippines: New
Day Publishers.

Online Reference
1. Mintz, Steven (2010). Ethics Sage: What is Ethics. Retrieved on August 13, 2020 from
2. Businesstopia (2018). "Models of Communication." Retrieved on August 13, 2020 from
SYNTHESIS. Retrieved on August 13, 2020 from

Picture Reference:

1. Durush Digital Lab, (2018). I will help with philosophy, ethics, and sociology essay. Retrieved on August
17, 2020 from https://www/

2. Krishef, R. (2020). Ethics and Religion Talk: What are the Benefits of Religion? Retrieved on August 17,
2020 from

3. Martindale, J., Grilo, I. (2015). Retrieved on August 17, 2020 from

4. Sarkar, S. (2016). Importance of Ethics. Retrieved on August 17, 2020 from


5. Sood, S. (2015). Differencw between Morals and Ethics. Retrieved on August 17, 2020 from

6. Tsahuridu, E. (2015). Why ethics and law are not the same thing. Retrieved on August 17, 2020 from

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