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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region --
_____ District
School Year 2022- 2023

In my classroom, I strongly believe in the importance of developing critical and creative

thinking skills in my pupils. To achieve this, I employ a variety of teaching strategies that go
beyond traditional lecture-style instruction.

First and foremost, I encourage active pupil engagement by incorporating interactive

activities and discussions into my lessons. I pose open-ended questions that challenge pupils to
think critically and provide reasoned responses. I also encourage students to analyze different
perspectives, question assumptions, and support their arguments with evidence. By engaging in
these activities, pupils develop their ability to think critically, evaluate information, and make well-
informed judgments.

To foster creative thinking, I provide opportunities for pupils to explore alternative solutions
and think outside the box. I encourage divergent thinking by assigning creative projects or problem-
solving tasks that require pupils to generate unique ideas and innovative approaches. I also
incorporate brainstorming sessions and encourage pupils to take risks and embrace ambiguity in
their thinking processes. Through these activities, pupils develop their creative thinking abilities and
enhance their capacity for originality and innovation.

In addition to critical and creative thinking, I recognize the importance of developing other
higher-order thinking skills in my pupils. I incorporate problem-solving activities that require pupils
to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world situations. I provide opportunities for pupils to
engage in metacognition, encouraging them to reflect on their own thinking processes, identify
areas for improvement, and develop strategies for self-regulated learning. I also design activities
that require pupils to synthesize information from various sources, analyze complex concepts, and
evaluate arguments or theories.
To create a supportive and inclusive classroom environment, I differentiate my teaching
strategies to accommodate the diverse learning needs and preferences of my pupils. I provide
multiple avenues for learning, incorporating visual aids, hands-on activities, technology integration,
and collaborative projects. This allows pupils to engage with the content in ways that resonate with
their individual strengths and learning styles.

By applying a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well
as other higher-order thinking skills, I aim to empower my pupils to become independent and
lifelong learners. I want them to be able to analyze information critically, think creatively, and
approach complex problems with confidence. These skills are essential for their academic success
and for navigating the challenges they will encounter in their personal and professional lives.

Overall, through the thoughtful selection and application of teaching strategies, I strive to
create a dynamic and intellectually stimulating classroom environment that fosters the growth of
critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills, in my pupils.

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