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Goblin Errands Playbooks

Overview and Options

⦿ The Rowdy: You are courageous and resourceful. ⦿ The Ratter: You are wild and watchful. You
You like to take things apart and sometimes even to have a knack for understanding beings and their
put them back together. You know your small body behaviors. It lets you track them, see what drives
can make things difficult so you found a way to them and it helps you make friends with the small
compensate: Clever tools or machines are your creatures of city and wilderness that are often
specialty. ignored. You can count on each other.

⦿ The Rascal: You are mischievous and nimble. ⦿ The High-Speaker: You are helpful and
You like to explore the world, which often means honored. You can talk to a god, of sorts. Maybe Ur-
sticking your nose into places it’s not supposed to be Gog, the old watcher, the Impossible Swan, the God
in. But no worries: You’re at least as good at getting of the humans, or something even stranger. This bond
out of trouble as getting into it. lets you perform miracles: To bless, to guide, and even
to curse those that would do harm to you and yours.

⦿ The Whiz-Wart: You are curious and literate. ⦿ The Square: You are serious and steady. The
You like to understand the world and its workings, straight man in a company of fools - even if it’s
even if this means picking up a book or two. You have frustrating at times. Unlike most other goblins you
accumulated enough understanding to have mastered enjoy rules and structure. That makes you good at
a small measure of magic. Okay, I admit: “mastered” withstanding change and interacting with the serious
may be a tad optimistic. and “boring” parts of the tall world.

⦿ The Rambler: You are affable and delightful. ⦿ The Nibbler: You are harmonious and hungry.
You are a consummate entertainer and your antics are You’re in tune with your surroundings and know
often cute or charming enough to avoid unwanted everything is one. This lets you talk to the world
consequences. You love to make new friends and tell around you, but also lets you truly understand that
stories, with word, song, or maybe even dance. you are what you eat. If you devour something you
can transform yourself and gain new abilities.
The Rowdy
Courageous and resourceful

Name Titles & Merits

Dekka, Grizza, Loba, Bak, Izz-Izz,

Kutuk, Grum, Braz, Ribs

Stats Distribute 1, 2, 3, and 4 among the free stats and pick a description for each

Hands Eyes Frame

Hairy, Capable, Calloused Inquisitive, Wild, Narrow Sturdy, Bandaged, Lumpy

Legs Mouth Heart

Solid, Tattooed, Wiry Scarred, Wet, Toothy Unruly, Calm, Loud

Starting Feats You begin play with all of these

⦿ Unlikely Knowledge: Spend the Focus to ⦿ Always Prepared: Spend the Focus to
introduce an unexpected fact that adds to the story. produce a handheld tool or simple gizmo, however
Explain its consequences and how you know this. unreasonable: A hammer, a crowbar, a pair of spring-
loaded boots…
⦿ Harebrained Schemes: Spend the Focus
and explain your plan. If it sounds plausible, you can Where Do You Keep Your Knickknacks?
roll with +2 dice. Otherwise, it can still be attempted A lumpy burlap sack, surprisingly deep pockets, an
at normal difficulty, no matter how impossible. oversized coat, or just behind your back. Pick one or
come up with your own storage method.
⦿ Skillful: Add +1 to your Hands stat.

Advanced Feats Pick one at the start and one whenever you earn a title

� Greasefingers: Spend the Focus and roll � Got Your Back: When you grab the Focus,
Hands to assemble an impressive and haphazard name a goblin. When something bad would happen
machine out of the items around you. Describe what to them you can have it happen to you instead, once.
unfitting objects you're building it with. You can only watch out for one goblin at a time.

� Percussive Maintenance: When you hit � A Little Leverage: Spend the Focus to
a machine or contraption of any kind, even magical, cleverly use your small body as leverage to push, pull,
you may roll Hands to make it briefly sputter to a or lift an object that would otherwise be just slightly
stop or jolt to a start. Your choice. too big or too heavy, even for a tall person.

� In a Pinch: When you overextend to pull � Fail Forward: When you overextend and fail,
yourself or another goblin out of trouble, the TP rolls the TP will tell you something new and useful about
two dice and takes the higher result. the current situation. This insight gives +1 dice, once.

� Danger Sense: When you enter a charged � Dexterous: Add +1 to your Hands stat.
situation, you may ask the TP: Who or what is most
dangerous here? This insight gives +1 dice, once. � Astute: Add +1 to your Eyes stat.
The Rascal
Mischievous and acrobatic

Name Titles & Merits

Emzi, Kala, Tig, Cham, Poz, Scev,

Gim, Ib, Rark

Stats Distribute 1, 2, 3, and 4 among the free stats and pick a description for each

Hands Eyes Frame

Gloved, Grabby, Nimble Curious, Skittish, Masked Slim, Willowy, Shivery

Legs Mouth Heart

Slender, Energetic, Restless Thin, Quick, Cheeky Sweet, Rebellious, High Strung

Starting Feats You begin play with all of these

⦿ Unlikely Knowledge: Spend the Focus to ⦿ Slip and Slide: Spend the Focus to squish or
introduce an unexpected fact that adds to the story. contort your body to fit through implausible spaces.
Explain its consequences and how you know this. You might slip through a crack in the floorboards,
wriggle out of shackles, or slide out of someone's
⦿ Harebrained Schemes: Spend the Focus hands like a wet bar of soap.
and explain your plan. If it sounds plausible, you can
roll with +2 dice. Otherwise, it can still be attempted What Do You Always Have on You?
at normal difficulty, no matter how impossible. Too many water balloons, self-made firecrackers, a set
of markers and paints, or a wad of sticky spiderwebs.
⦿ Agile: Add +1 to your Legs stat. Pick one or come up with your own prank tool.

Advanced Feats Pick one at the start and one whenever you earn a title

� Tumble Trick: Spend the Focus to either � Shrewd Senses: When you observe someone
distract someone or get their attention with your guarding something, you may ask the TP: What is
acrobatic antics. This even works on (magical) their blind spot? This insight gives +1 dice, once.
creatures such as dogs, guardian spirits, or worse.
� Spot Shiny: When you search an area, you may
� Poise and Grace: Spend the Focus when ask the TP: What is useful or valuable here? This
rolling for athletic or acrobatic moves to ignore all insight gives +1 dice, once.
complications from stumbles. Describe how you are
accidentally or purposefully graceful or clever. � Teflon: Once per errand you can perfectly dodge,
evade or ignore the consequences of your actions.
� Deface/Debase: When you successfully prank That doesn't mean the others can.
a person of some status or authority, one witness will
become a friend to goblins. � Quick: Add +1 to your Legs stat.
� Menace: You always have a handy slingshot, lock � Dexterous: Add +1 to your Hands stat.
picks, and a self-made grappling hook at your side.
Roll +1 dice on all attempts to use them.
The Whiz-Wart
Curious and clever

Name Titles & Merits

Asha, Enka, Wika, Gryh, Miz, Zixx,

Moog, Oiq, Wazzo

Stats Distribute 1, 2, 3, and 4 among the free stats and pick a description for each

Hands Eyes Frame

Tiny, Clean, Trembling Tired, Calculating, Knowing Wild, Plump, Hunched

Legs Mouth Heart

Gnarled, Shaky, Soft Crass, Pinched, Angular Kind, Capricious, Curious

Starting Feats You begin play with all of these

⦿ Unlikely Knowledge: Spend the Focus to ⦿ Masterful Magics: Spend the Focus to cast
introduce an unexpected fact that adds to the story. one of the following magical spells:
Explain its consequences and how you know this. • Summon a small ball of light into your hand
• Create a small amount of force with a gust of wind
⦿ Harebrained Schemes: Spend the Focus • Fire off a slight but sudden zap of fire or frost
and explain your plan. If it sounds plausible, you can
roll with +2 dice. Otherwise, it can still be attempted Where Does Your Magic Come From?
at normal difficulty, no matter how impossible. A “mystic” tome, a powerful “wand”, that strange egg
you ate once, or a glowing orb that enlightened you.
⦿ Literate: Add +1 to your Eyes stat. Pick one or come up with your own magical source.

Advanced Feats Pick one at the start and one whenever you earn a title

� Think Magics: You also know these spells: � Fantastic Familiar: You have a mystical
• Conjure a simple, visual illusion out of thin air animal spirit at your side. You can call upon its power
• Send a brief, startling message to someone nearby - once per errand to re-roll a failed roll. Describe how
they can reply similarly your familiar comes to your aid.

� Thing Magics: You also know these spells: � Third Eye: When you observe a magical
• Make some minor changes to an item you hold, like phenomenon, you may ask the TP: What will happen
color, temperature, or level of cleanliness if I mess with it? This insight gives +1 dice, once.
• Briefly animate a small object you touch
� Well-Read: When you enter an important
� Magic Fingers: When you break a magic place, you may ask the TP: What secrets do I know
object or spell, its energies surge out and briefly grant about this place? This insight gives +1 dice, once.
you a fitting, useful supernatural ability.
� Astute: Add +1 to your Eyes stat.
� Overcharged: When you spend the Focus on a
spell, you can also overextend to increase its effect. � Glib: Add +1 to your Mouth stat.
The Rambler
Affable and delightful

Name Titles & Merits

Della, Gully, Muxi, Gin-Gee, Jigg,

Qeen, Bubs, Inke, Tokko

Stats Distribute 1, 2, 3, and 4 among the free stats and pick a description for each

Hands Eyes Frame

Busy, Manicured, Greasy Honest, Smoky, Adorable Colorful, Delicate, Starved

Legs Mouth Heart

Clumsy, Dirty, Calm Loud, Friendly, Sassy Sensitive, Wandering, Open

Starting Feats You begin play with all of these

⦿ Unlikely Knowledge: Spend the Focus to ⦿ Talespinner: Spend the Focus to tell an
introduce an unexpected fact that adds to the story. exciting story and choose its effect on your audience:
Explain its consequences and how you know this. • They are deeply engaged as long as you talk
• You evoke a strong emotion in some of them
⦿ Harebrained Schemes: Spend the Focus • One of them will become a friend to goblins
and explain your plan. If it sounds plausible, you can
roll with +2 dice. Otherwise, it can still be attempted How Do You Tell Your Stories?
at normal difficulty, no matter how impossible. With song and dance, hand-puppets, surprising
costume changes, or just with your words. Pick one or
⦿ Eloquent: Add +1 to your Mouth stat. come up with your own method.

Advanced Feats Pick one at the start and one whenever you earn a title

� Giant Eyes: Spend the Focus to make someone � People Pleaser: When you watch someone
recognize you as cute with a glance. They might be in conversation, you may ask the TP: What do they
inclined to help you or to adopt you as a pet. And want or need? This insight gives +1 dice, once.
even if they are hostile they will at least hesitate.
� Well-Connected: Once per errand you may
� Mob Instinct: When you lead or coordinate a remember that you know a goblin (or some other
group action, you can upgrade up to two stumbles outsider to the world of the tall folk) who could help
without complications, regardless who rolled them. you out. Describe them. The TP will tell you how to
call them or where to find them, right now.
� Fool's Inspiration: As long as you have the
Focus you can motivate another Goblin with some � A Friend Indeed: When someone becomes a
words and/or a suitable grimace. They grab the Focus friend to goblins, they will share something useful
and gain +1 dice to their next roll. with you. If it's insight, then it gives +1 dice, once.

� God's Jester: When you make the TP laugh � Glib: Add +1 to your Mouth stat.
and are in the presence of a non-goblin, spend the
Focus to make them become a friend to goblins. � Quick: Add +1 to your Legs stat.
The Ratter
Wild and watchful

Name Titles & Merits

Arri, Rowa'a, Spelta, Temi, Ide, Rog-

Rig, Driz, Stef, Urr

Stats Distribute 1, 2, 3, and 4 among the free stats and pick a description for each

Hands Eyes Frame

Mud-caked, Weathered, Quick Keen, Distant, Soft Rough, Tired, Light

Legs Mouth Heart

Steely, Bent, Scarred Crooked, Rude, Quiet Gentle, Free, Jumpy

Starting Feats You begin play with all of these

⦿ Unlikely Knowledge: Spend the Focus to ⦿ Animal Companion: Spend the Focus to
introduce an unexpected fact that adds to the story. have your animal companion perform a task:
Explain its consequences and how you know this. • Scout ahead and report back to you
• Briefly but swiftly carry you
⦿ Harebrained Schemes: Spend the Focus • Comfort someone in emotional distress
and explain your plan. If it sounds plausible, you can
roll with +2 dice. Otherwise, it can still be attempted What Animal Has Become Your Companion?
at normal difficulty, no matter how impossible. A scrappy pigeon, a curious rat, a squirrely ferret, or a
ravenous raccoon. Pick one and give them a name or
⦿ Keen: Add +1 to your Eyes stat. come up with your own little pest.

Advanced Feats Pick one at the start and one whenever you earn a title

� Truffle Pig: Spend the Focus to have your � Furry Friends: Once per errand you can call a
animal companion find, forage, or fetch a nearby crowd of animals (pigeons, bugs, rats…) to your aid.
object it believes to be useful right now. They will swarm an area and create chaos for a while.
Expect droppings.
� Squeak-Speak: Spend the Focus to use
grunts and chirps to speak to an animal. The TP may � Cage Breaker: When you successfully help or
require a Mouth roll to convince them to assist you comfort a non-goblin creature in distress or need, it
with something dangerous or without a clear reward. will become a friend to goblins.

� Follow Your Nose: Spend the Focus to � Camouflage: Spend the Focus to camouflage
follow a set of tracks perfectly, by sight or by smell. and hide static or slow people and objects. You also
You can also ask the TP two questions about the carry warpaint and an assortment of debris that fits
person or object that created these tracks. your current location.

� Smell of Fear: When you watch someone in � Astute: Add +1 to your Eyes stat.
action, you may ask the TP: What are they afraid of?
This insight gives +1 dice, once. � Quick: Add +1 to your Legs stat.
The High-Speaker
Helpful and honored

Name Titles & Merits

Rakka, Issi, Zaga, Bug, Bassi, Jiki,

Jello, Renko, Nruz

Stats Distribute 1, 2, 3, and 4 among the free stats and pick a description for each

Hands Eyes Frame

Precise, Soft, Deft Open, Luminous, Caring Doughy, Bent, Fragile

Legs Mouth Heart

Swift, Wrapped, Delicate Vulgar, Mournful, Flawless Worried, Doting, Cranky

Starting Feats You begin play with all of these

⦿ Unlikely Knowledge: Spend the Focus to ⦿ Miracleworker: Spend the Focus to bless
introduce an unexpected fact that adds to the story. someone deserving. Pick one:
Explain its consequences and how you know this. • Luck: A brief bout of intense, good luck
• Vigor: Ignore adverse effects of the environment
⦿ Harebrained Schemes: Spend the Focus • Fortune: Acquire an interesting thing (TP's choice)
and explain your plan. If it sounds plausible, you can
roll with +2 dice. Otherwise, it can still be attempted How Do You Speak to Your Deity?
at normal difficulty, no matter how impossible. Through ecstatic dance, rolling dice, intoxicating
cactus juice, or climbing really high. Name your god
⦿ Gentle: Add +1 to your Hands stat. and pick one or come up with your own method.

Advanced Feats Pick one at the start and one whenever you earn a title

� Git Guidance: Once per errand, spend the � Cursecrafter: Spend the Focus to curse
Focus to ask for guidance. The TP will give you a someone deserving. Pick one:
vision with a definite, if roundabout, next step • Bad Luck: A brief, intense bout of bad luck
towards your goal. This insight gives +1 dice, once. • Sickness: A coughing fit or sudden ache
• Misfortune: They immediately get some bad news
� Hearty Help: When you take care of people
(feeding them, dressing their wounds…), they will � Turn to Undead: Spend the Focus to make
feel markedly better. You can also bless one of them any unwanted beings (outcasts, the undead…) feel
with an effect from Miracleworker. welcome in your presence. They might confide in you.

� We, the Needy: When you see someone in � Divine Intervention: Once per errand, you
pain or need, you may ask the TP: How can we best can roll Mouth to convince your deity to intervene in
help each other? This insight gives +1 dice, once. a big but vague way. Make it rain, call up wind…

� Divine Ditch: Spend the Focus to sanctify an � Dexterous: Add +1 to your Hands stat.
area for a short time. Pick one: Dampened magic,
serene quiet, or drowsy dimness. � Glib: Add +1 to your Mouth stat.
The Square
Serious and solid

Name Titles & Merits

Pam, Jenn, Dottie, Alex, Charlie,

Olly, Norman, Bobert, Doug

Stats Distribute 1, 2, 3, and 4 among the free stats and pick a description for each

Hands Eyes Frame

Tense, Nervous, Moisturized Suspicious, Calm, Grey Steely, Straight, Taut

Legs Mouth Heart

Sturdy, Able, Antsy Solemn, Pouting, Tender Serious, Placid, Irritable

Starting Feats You begin play with all of these

⦿ Frustrated: You can’t gain the Focus. You are ⦿ Solid: Add +1 to your Legs stat.
always focused. Instead you gain the Frustration
when someone laughs at your worldview or doesn't ⦿ Stop it!: You can spend the Frustration to
take you seriously. You can spend it or overextend as interrupt, stop, or just plain ignore all complications
normal. Wear a grumpy face when you have it. that currently affect you negatively.

⦿ Reasonable Plans: Spend the Frustration What is your Big Dream?

and explain your plan. If it sounds plausible anyone Legally emancipate goblinkind, fix the terrible local
involved can roll with +1 dice. Otherwise, the TP will zoning and building laws, abolish the police or run
suggest a reasonable, if slow or boring, alternative. for office. Pick one or create your own laudable goal.

Advanced Feats Pick one at the start and one whenever you earn a title

� Hold Fast: Spend the Frustration to resist � Spoilsport: When you successfully use logic
changes by keeping definite hold of something, or and reason to point out to the universe (the TP) that
becoming utterly immovable and unbreakable. something doesn't make sense, get the Frustration.

� Hear me Bore: Spend the Frustration to share � Why Me?: When a player upgrades a stumble
incredibly dull facts with a few people. They will with a complication you suggested that also affects
either be bored to sleep, acquiesce to you just to get you, you get the Frustration and they get the Focus.
you to stop, or they will try to excuse themselves.
� Deep Dive: Once per errand you can name a
� Flare-Up: Spend the Frustration to make narrow field of knowledge you’ve read all about. Note
anyone present take you and the current situation, it down. You, not the TP, can answer any and all
seriously. Yes, even your goblin friends will try to questions about it. Cross it off to act with surprising
uphold decorum for a while. competence in that field for a short time.

� Stomp it!: As long as you have the Frustration, � Quick: Add +1 to your Legs stat.
you can roll Legs to stomp really hard and make
everyone stop and take a respectful step back. � Astute: Add +1 to your Eyes stat.
The Nibbler
Harmonious and hungry

Name Titles & Merits

Nat, Kraa, Cotton, Duzz, Burlap,

Sharx, Tog, Hur, Lump

Stats Distribute 1, 2, 3, and 4 among the free stats and pick a description for each

Hands Eyes Frame

Filthy, Tattooed, Beclawed Multicolored, Feral, Dilated Painted, Prickly, Soft

Legs Mouth Heart

Willowy, Twisted, Furry Wide, Sharp, Unwashed Frenetic, Knowing, Mellow

Starting Feats You begin play with all of these

⦿ Unlikely Knowledge: Spend the Focus to ⦿ Gobble Up: Spend the Focus to eat something
introduce an unexpected fact that adds to the story. and change part of your body to match. Shift one stat
Explain its consequences and how you know this. point and gain a new ability at the cost of another
ability (flight for speech, claws for hands…). You can
⦿ Harebrained Schemes: Spend the Focus have one transformation active and end it at will.
and explain your plan. If it sounds plausible, you can
roll with +2 dice. Otherwise, it can still be attempted Where Does This Ability Come From?
at normal difficulty, no matter how impossible. The shifting moon, your understanding of nutrition,
your half-goblin-half-marshmallow blood, or a cursed
⦿ Hungry: Add +1 to your Mouth stat. bite mark. Pick one or come up with your own origin.

Advanced Feats Pick one at the start and one whenever you earn a title

� Chimera: You can now have up to three (instead � Vacuum: You can roll Mouth to try and inhale an
of one) transformations active at the same time. object towards your wide-open maw. Best pick
something you want to catch with your mouth.
� Bite-Sized?: You can bite and swallow inedible
or poisonous things safely. You can even store one � Vibe Check: When you enter an unbalanced
uncomfortably large thing in your belly. For a while. space, you may ask the TP: What is, like, disrupting
the vibe here, man? This insight gives +1 dice, once.
� Thing-Speak: Spend the Focus to talk to the
spirit in an object, mushroom, or plant. It will either � Eat, Become, Repeat: If you swallow an
perform a service in its nature (doors open or close, object completely you can also perfectly become it
flowers wither or bloom…) or answer two questions (except for goblin eyes, ears, or a nose).
to the best of its abilities.
� Glib: Add +1 to your Mouth stat.
� It's Mine!: Spend the Focus to lick a non-
sentient object to claim it as your own. Anybody else � Dexterous: Add +1 to your Hands stat.
will find it difficult to use or to hold on to it. Maybe
because of all the drool.

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