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The following waves hit the raid prior to their respective bosses:

Alliance Base Horde Base

Rage Winterchill Anetheron Kaz'rogal Azgalor
1 10 Ghoul 10 Ghoul 4 Ghoul 6 Abomination
4 Abomination 6 Necromancer
2 Banshee
2 Necromancer
2 10 Ghoul 8 Ghoul 4 Ghoul 5 Ghoul
2 Crypt Fiends 4 Abomination 10 Gargoyle 8 Gargoyle
1 Frost Wyrm
3 6 Ghoul 4 Ghoul 6 Ghoul 6 Ghoul
6 Crypt Fiends 4 Crypt Fiends 6 Crypt Fiends 8 Giant Infernal
4 Necromancer 2 Necromancer
4 6 Ghoul 4 Necromancer 6 Crypt Fiends 6 Fel Stalker
4 Crypt Fiends 4 Crypt Fiends 2 Necromancer 8 Giant Infernal
2 Necromancer 4 Banshee 6 Gargoyles
5 2 Ghoul 6 Ghoul 4 Ghoul 4 Abomination
6 Crypt Fiends 2 Necromancer 6 Abomination 6 Fel Stalker
4 Necromancer 4 Banshee 4 Necromancer 4 Necromancer
6 6 Ghoul 4 Ghoul 8 Gargoyle 6 Necromancer
6 Abomination 2 Abomination 1 Frost Wyrm 6 Banshee
4 Necromancer
7 4 Ghoul 4 Crypt Fiends 6 Ghoul 2 Ghoul
4 Necromancer 4 Abomination 6 Abomination 2 Crypt Fiends
4 Abomination 2 Banshee 1 Frost Wyrm 2 Fel Stalker
2 Ghoul 6 Giant Infernal
8 6 Ghoul 3 Ghoul 6 Ghoul 4 Abomination
4 Crypt Fiends 4 Abomination 6 Abomination 4 Crypt Fiends
2 Abomination 3 Crypt Fiends 2 Crypt Fiends 4 Banshee
2 Necromancer 2 Banshee 2 Banshee 2 Necromancer
2 Necromancer 2 Necromancer 2 Fel Stalker

2 minutes per wave

Boss 3 minutes after 8th -- rogues can distract to delay
Can run back if you die during a wave (at least for Rage -
not mentioned in strats for other bosses)
GHOUL (140K Undead, ~1.5k on plate)

Cannibalize: When they go low on health, the ghouls will run to a corpse and start
cannibalizing it, restoring about 7% of their health every 2 seconds, for 10 seconds. Prevent with
stun, shackle, fear if necessary.
Frenzy: Increases the Ghoul's attack speed by 150% for a short time.
Can be shackled, trapped, or feared.
CRYPT FIEND (170K Undead, ~2k on plate)
Web: Web someone, immobilizing them for 10 seconds.
Spiders: Shoot tiny spiders at a random person in range doing ~300-400 damage total.
Can be shackled, trapped, or feared.
Unholy Frenzy: Increases an ally's attack speed by 100% for 20 sec, but also inflicts 500
nature damage to that ally every 2 sec. You can give that buff to an amount of 4 to 5 Players per
mind controlled Necromancer. This buff stacks with the buffs from other mind controlled
Shadow Bolt: A bolt of shadow dealing 2250-2750 to the current target.
Cripple: Increases the time between an enemy's attacks by 100% and decreases movement
speed by 50%, in addition to reducing its strength by 50%. Lasts 15 sec. Can be dispelled [unclear if
curse or magic].
Summon Skeletons: Summon a skeleton from a nearby corpse, either a Skeleton Invader,
with 32K HP, or a Skeleton Mage with 24K HP.
Can be sheeped, trapped, mind controlled, or feared.
ABOMINDATION (180K Undead, ~3k on plate)
Poison Aura: Sometimes the Abomination will use a poison cloud-like ability, dealing roughly
750 damage to everyone around the Abomination every 3 seconds.
Knockdown: Stuns highest aggro target
Can be shackled, trapped, or feared.
BANSHEE (83K Undead)
Banshee Curse: Reduces chance to hit by 66% for 5 min. Decurseable.
Banshee Wail : A Shadow Bolt causing 2475 to 3025 to the current target
Anti-Magic Shell : Creates an anti-magic shield around the caster, absorbing up to 200,000
magic damage for 30 seconds. [One guide says “cannot be purged”, another says “can be purged”.]
Can be shackled, trapped, or feared.
GARGOYLE (120K Undead, ~1.5k on plate)
Gargoyle Strike: Deals 850 to 1150 nature damage to an enemy. 35 yard range and a 1.5
second cast

The Gargoyles will start in the air, out of melee range. However, if they aggro someone who goes
out of their Gargoyle Strike range, they will land and follow by ground and remain grounded.
Can be shackled, trapped, or feared.
FROST WYRM (~325K Undead)
Frost Breath: A 3 second cast, 35 yard range ability that deals 2550 to 3450 frost damage to
it's target and everyone in 8 yards around it, slowing their movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds.

Remain airborne, but can be damaged by the melee standing just below them. Cannot be stunned or
kicked. Off-tank away from the main body.
GIANT INFERNAL (130K Demon, ~2000 fire damage)
Flame Buffet: Increases fire damage taken by 50 for 60 seconds. It stacks infinitely and is cast
on the target highest on his aggro list. Can be dispelled.
Immolation Aura: Burns nearby enemies for 414 to 456 fire damage every 3 seconds.
Can be banished or feared.
FEL STALKER (100K Demon, ~600-800 on plate)
Mana Burn: Burns 1140-1260 mana from the Fel Stalker's current target and deals half the
mana burned in damage(570-630). Can be interrupted.
Can be banished or feared.
RAGE WINTERCHILL (4200K/1016K mana)
Icebolt: Instant cast attack vs a random target for 4250-5750 frost damage which also ice
tombs the target, freezing them for 4 seconds, doing 2500 damage each second. While frozen,
potions, healthstones, and Blessing of Protection do nothing. Blink and the PVP trinket work.
Otherwise, only quick heals or a paladin's Bubble will save the target. Rage’s target icon will change
briefly as he casts, allowing healers to ID his target.
Death and Decay: Rage Winterchill channels this spell, dealing 15% of a player's maximum
life every second in an AoE of around 20 yards diameter. This AoE is positioned randomly on any raid
member, and can be on his current location. It looks like small red bubbles bubbling on the ground
and can be hard to see in the grass (keeping spell effects on max in the options menu helps). Lasts
10 seconds.
Frost Nova: A cast debuff that affects all characters inside of its large AoE range, dealing
~3000 damage and freezes players to the ground. Dispellable (but often not worth it).
Frost Armor: Reduces movement and melee attack speed when you strike Rage Winterchill in
melee. Not up all the time and doesn't hold long.
10 min enrage timer

Strategy: While the majority of the Alliance Base NPCs will be killed by Death and Decay,
Jaina will take only minor damage and can therefore engage in combat. It is recommended that Rage
be positioned in the middle of the base with the raid spread around in all directions to minimize the
likelihood of being affected by Death and Decay (and therefore taking significant damage and having
to reposition). Pulling with Misdirection will obviously help build initial aggro, and having the
Misdirection tank stand by Jaina will engage the Alliance NPCs more efficiently.
When fighting Rage, he will use his abilities like clockwork with the exception that he will not
begin casting Death and Decay until all players are cleared of the Frost Nova debuff.
Icebolt is the most difficult part of this encounter as it kills almost instantly. Saving one from
this ability is as much luck as it is skill. It is strongly recommended that all players (with the possible
exception of mages, who can blink out of the Ice Tomb) equip the Level 70 PvP trinket in order to
Healers must keep all players healed to full. Keep DPS high because Icebolt is a pseudo
enrage timer.
Bring a full complement of damage boosting consumables (true for all the fights, except
Kaz’Rogal,the 3rd boss, where mana boosting consumables are called for).
ANETHERON (4200K.68K mana, ~3-6K on plate)
Carrion Swarm: Random direction cone-shaped AoE, 3-6k shadow damage plus 15 sec debuff
which reduces healing done by 75% .
Sleep: Not dispellable 10 sec sleep on three random targets.
Vampiric Aura: Anetheron heals himself for 300% of the damage that he deals in melee.
Inferno: Every 60 seconds he targets a random raid member, stuns them for 2 sec, and
summons a Towering Infernal on them. It is a 3.5 sec cast, so the target should start moving to the
secondary tank spot (see below).
10 minute enrage timer

Towering Infernal (220K HP, no mention of melee damage)

Immolation: 8 yard AoE for 3-4K fire damage every two seconds.
Vampiric Aura: The Infernals profit from Anetherons Vampiric Aura if they're close enough to

Preparation: Two tanks are needed - one for Anetheron and one for the Towering Infernals.
Fire resistance gear helps on the Infernal tank (but is not mandatory).
Prior to starting the event, the raid should practice how to set up in a wide circle, healers in
particular must be distributed well, so that no more than 25% of them can ever get Carrion Swarm at
the same time. The Infernal tank healers can set up far away from the boss to outrange the Carrion
Swarm, while staying inside healing range of the Infernal tank . A limited amount of shadow
resistance gear on healers can help them resist damage and debuff from Carrion Swarm.
Rogues should keep Wound Poison active on the boss at all times, to reduce the effect of his
Vampiric Aura.
Buff shadow resist.

Towering Infernals: The boss himself is rather straightforward tank and spank. The only
tricky problem is control of the Infernals. They spawn on random people, therefore a paladin is a
good choice, because of quick range pulling with Exorcism and Avenger's Shield. A good tanking spot
for the Towering Infernals is near Jaina Proudmore, so that she helps killing them. Warrior Infernal
tanks can make their job easier with an Intervene macro. Hunters should misdirect the Infernals on
the tank as soon as they spawn.
In all cases, it helps if raid members about to receive an Infernal run towards the tanking
position. It's also imperative that everybody (particularly the person who just spawned the Infernal)
stays outside the fire AoE. Only ranged DPS should kill Infernals. Alternatively, when the raid has high
total DPS, the Infernal tank can wear full fire resistance gear and just keep all Infernals tanked. DPS
don't change target but stay on the boss the whole time. This makes the fight much faster. Infernals
despawn when the boss dies.

Afterwards: Don't talk to Jaina until all the loot is distributed. Talking to her after Anetheron
is dead starts an event which includes an unstoppable wave of undead invading the human town.
KAZ’ROGAL (4200K/68K mana, ~2-3K on plate)
Cleave: Frontal arc, 10-12k to all melee.
War Stomp: 15 yard AoE, 1700-2500 damage plus 5 sec stun
Mark of Kaz'rogal: A debuff inflicted on all mana users in the raid. Drains 600 mana per
second for 5 sec. If mana is reduced to zero by the debuff, the target detonates for ~10-12K AoE
damage. Resistable but not Dispellable.

Raid Setup: Kaz'rogals hit box is just large enough that it's possible to melee him from
outside the range of his warstomp, with melee behind to avoid the cleave. Ranged damage dealers
and healers should stand well distributed in a wide circle so that one exploding player doesn't hurt
All mana users should have about 150 Shadow resistance buffed, because the Mark of
Kaz'rogal and all of its effects can be resisted. The Medallion of Karabor and Night's End (or some
other Shadow resistance gear) should suffice: it's not a good idea to nerf oneself too much. The fight
is primarily a DPS race, not a battle for survival. All mana users should bring abundant consumables
to recover mana.

Horde NPCs: If Thrall and his NPCs, particularly the tauren warriors, are all up they can do
about 15% damage on their own. This can be very important near the end of the fight; there are
many reports of Kaz'rogal kills with only one surviving raid member watching while the NPCs brought
down the last 7% or so.
In order to speed up things it's possible to have the MT kite Kaz'rogal through the two groups
of NPCs, but it's just as feasible to wait until they enter the fight by themselves (which they usually
do in any case). Kiting is somewhat detrimental to raid DPS, so it should be done only if the NPCs do
more damage by their early entry.

Mana Management: Mana users need to try anything they can to keep their mana up.
Blessing of Wisdom, Flask of Mighty Restoration and Blackened Sporefish as well as Superior Mana
Oil should all be in effect. Super Mana Potions should be used on every cooldown, starting as early as
possible. Shadowfiends, Evocation, Mana Tide Totem, Innervate, etc. must all not be on cooldown.
Mages may use Ice Block and Paladins may use Divine Shield before (or immediately after) being
afflicted by Kaz'rogal's Mark, thus avoiding one completely. Heroism/Bloodlust can be used early (but
not too early, watch aggro) so that the high mana cost can be recovered before the first mark, or can
be used late, when death is inevitable anyways. Innervates should best be used on Shadow Priest(s).
When a mana user runs low, it's a good idea to burn the last mana quickly, and then move to a safe
spot, not to harm others.
Battle rezzes (soulstone, ankh, etc.) are only of limited usefulness because raid members are
rezzed without buffs and less than a full mana bar and usually die again on the next Mark.
Nontheless, if used right after a Mark, a rez can mean one-half mana bar of nukes (or heals on the
melee group), which can make the difference in a tight fight.

Enrage: The first Mark of Kaz'rogal is cast after 60 seconds. The time until the next Mark is
cast is reduced by 10 seconds each time, so that the 2nd mark happens at 1:50, the 3rd at 2:30 and
so on. In the end, it's cast continually (every 5 seconds that is). This works in effect like a soft
enrage, after about four minutes mana users will inevitably start to die. After some time all healers
are dead, the last surviving raid members are usually rogues or DPS warriors, who must stay out of
melee range and hope the NPCs bring the boss down. Warlocks with a sacrificed Felhunter also can
stay alive very long (spamming Drain Life and Life Tap).
AZGALOR (4100K/68K mana, ~7-8K on plate, no crushing blows)
Cleave: Frontal arc, ~10K on plate.
Rain of Fire: A 20-yard random AoE dealing ~2000 fire damage every 2 seconds for 10
seconds, and adds a DoT debuff which causes an additional 1250 damage per second for 5 seconds.
Can be avoided with Divine Shield/Ice Block/Cloak of Shadows. Fire resistance helps a lot against the
dot, which does not seem to be dispellable.
Doom: Debuff cast on random player, that kills the target after 20 seconds and spawn a
Lesser Doomguard, which must be tanked. Doom cannot be removed or avoided.
Howl of Azgalor: AoE silence with a 99 yard radius, lasting 5 seconds. 15-20 seconds
10 minute enrage timer
Lesser Doomguard (64K HP, ~2400 on plate)
Warstomp: Periodically he does a Warstomp, doing 1250 damage and stunning everyone in its
range for 2 seconds. Does not cause the tank to lose aggro.
Cripple: Slows movement and attack speed of the current target by around 50%. One
Doomguard is usually enough to keep it up on the tank at all times as it is used frequently.
Thrash: A chance on hit burst damage ability to gain 2 extra attacks on the current target.
Preparation: After the eighth wave has been killed, rogues should stealth-sprint to meet
Azgalor and Distract him until the rest of the raid has fully regenerated, buffed, taken spread out
positions to minimize Rain of Fire damage, and is ready to fight. The boss can be delayed indefinitely
with three rogues, but two can delay him for as much time as you should need. The rogues should be
sure to stand to his side so he doesn't see them, and should throw Distracts to his side as well, as he
seems to be less likely to resist them that way. Buff shadow resist.
Before the pull it is advisable to make sure that the main tank is in place with four healers in
range of him, but individually spread out far enough that they don't all have to move at once to get
out of Rain of Fire.
Warlocks should have soulstones created and ready (but not yet cast on anyone), and melee
DPS should be wearing their fire resistance gear (180-200 unbuffed resistance is a good amount).
The shadow resistance provided by the Medallion of Karabor, along with Prayer of Shadow
Protection will help a lot in resisting the silence from Howl of Azgalor, making healing and caster DPS
that much easier.
Doom: Every 40-45 seconds, Azgalor will place Doom on one random player. They should
immediately run towards the tauren warriors where there should be 1-2 tanks waiting. Warlocks can
Soulstone the doomed person before he or she dies. In case the fight takes longer than expected and
Doomguards are building up faster than the tauren warriors can can kill them (more than four alive),
you might want to focus ranged DPS on one of the Doomguards, since tanking that many can be hard
to heal through. Protection warriors make a slightly better choice of tank than a feral druid for the
Doomguards, because they can keep a 5-stack of sunder on each one, giving a sizeable buff to the
tauren warriors' damage, and minimizing the number of Doomguards that are alive at any one time.
They can also more easily take Free Action Potions to avoid the stun from the Doomguards'
Warstomp, enabling them to hold aggro more effectively against the tauren warriors.
Strategy: Azgalor should be tanked near Thrall, more than 100 yards from the tauren
warriors. A hunter should pull Azgalor with Misdirection from the south side of the bunker to avoid the
boss getting too close to the taurens, since if they aggro him, they will quickly die to Azgalor's Rain of
Fire, and they won't help you with the Doomguards.
Upon contact the main tank might have to turn Azgalor a bit on the side if Thrall and his gang
of NPCs end up standing in front of the boss - Azgalor will parry a lot of their attacks, speeding up his
swing timer and leading to a quick tank death during the Howl of Azgalor silence. After Azgalor is
fully in position, start DPS, and watch out for Rain of Fire - do not go back to combat without full
If you are having trouble keeping your MT up during silence, ask your tank to STOP ATTACKING
during silence - parried attack/sunder/etc causes the boss's swing time to speed up by as much as
40%. Two parries during silence can easily kill any tank.
Avoiding Rain of Fire and proper Doomguard control is key to this fight. Once you
master that, this is a basic Tank and Spank fight with an AOE silence.
An alternate strategy is to tank Azgalor by the Tauren warriors and have the Doomguards
tanked by the Thrall so that Thrall helps to kill them. In such situation two tanks and a healer is all
that is needed in the Doomguard group.
Loot Bug: there is a known bug (as of 2.4) that Doomguard tanks might be unable to get loot
because they are not on the boss’s aggro table. Doomguard tanks and healer should do a couple
ranged attacks on the boss before going to the Doomguard tanking spot. Healing or bandaging
someone who is on the bosses aggro table also should work.
ARCHIMONDE (Warlock, 4900K, 9-10K on T5 plate, no crushing blows)
Air Burst: 6 sec cooldown, 1500 nature damage, 15 yard AoE centered on a random target. All
affected players are tossed very high in the air (over 100% fall damage).
Fear: 6 sec fear (entire raid), 40 sec cooldown, 1.5 sec cast. Never used while players are still
airborne from Air Burst.
Grip of the Legion: 2500 damage per 2 sec for 5 minutes, curse, dispellable.
Doomfire: A trail of fire moves on the ground away from Archimonde. Players entering it get
an undispellable debuff which deals initially ~2400 fire damage per tick , diminishing to 150 per tick.
Can be removed with Cloak of Shadows.
Soul Charge: When any raid member dies, Archimonde gains a Soul Charge which he can use
once at a random time (with an animation looking like the troll priest Shadowguard ability).
Depending on which character class created the Soul Charge, the following effects apply to the entire
raid on its use:
Priest, Paladin, Warlock: ~4500 fire damage plus 4 sec silence
Warrior, Rogue, Mage: ~4500 physical damage plus 4 sec damage taken increased by
50% debuff
Druids, Shamans, Hunters: ~4500 nature damage over 8 seconds plus 2250 mana
Finger of Death: 20,000 shadow damage, single target, only used if no targets in melee range
10 minute enrage timer

Preparation: Each raid member must acquire a Tears of the Goddess from Tyrande
Whisperwind in the camp. All raid members should have one (better three) Healthstones. No other
special gear is required; fire damage in this fight cannot be reduced with resistance. Fire Protection
potions do help, however.
As everybody needs to move around to avoid the Doomfires, a fixed order is hard to maintain.
Spread out to minimize the collateral damage from the Air Burst AoE
Keep at least 15 yards away from all Doomfires
Stay within range of at least one decurser
Stay inside healer range
It's a good idea to give raid icons to decursers and to assign groups to them which stay inside
their range.
Doomfire cannot move through the logs in the central area, but still can circle around.

Survival: The key to this fight is individual player survival. This is no DPS race, quite the
contrary. When learning the encounter, it's recommended to focus exclusively on raid survival at first.
Soul Charges must be avoided at all costs, because usage of a Soul Charge usually leads to another
player death (and thus to the next Soul Charge), particularly the combination of Soul Charge + Fear
leads to an immediate wipe. The Grip of the legion curse must be dispelled as quickly as possible.
Decursers must be spread out well. Note: logging in during the fight (even after DC) has been
reported to sometimes create an orb – we’ll have to see how often and decide when it’s worth

Air Burst: Besides healing through the damage, it's all about using the Tears of the Goddess
at the right time. They slow fall speed for only two seconds, so their use must be delayed until the
player is very close to the ground. People finding this timing difficult should practice before the pull
on a cliff. Other means to slow falling (like Levitate and Slow Fall) can be used too. Mages can also
use Blink or Ice Block when they're near the ground.

Doomfire: When a raid member gets Doomfire, it's their own fault under all circumstances.
There's no excuse or justification possible: if Doomfire gets near, run away. All raid members must
abide by this rule, excepting the main tank. The targeting of Doomfire is semi-random. It moves
straight towards a raid member, but it may randomly change target. Everybody in the vicinity of a
Doomfire must run away from it. People should not run in circles, but rather in a straight line away
from Archimonde. In principle it's possible to heal through a Doomfire. The problem is that healers
are very busy getting Feared, Air Bursted and avoiding Doomfires themselves, so there's not a lot of
extra healing capacity available beyond keeping the tank up and healing the normal Air Burst

Fear: A major cause of wipes in this encounter is raid members feared into Doomfire. The
main tank must stance dance to avoid the fear. Keep Tremor Totems up. It's highly useful if everyone
in the raid has a PvP trinket which they can use when finding themselves running towards a
Doomfire while feared. Priests should keep Fear Wards up on key raid members (mostly healers and
decursers). It's possible (but very mana intensive) to use a Fear Ward and Mass Dispel combo.

Phase 2: At 10% health, Archimonde starts to channel Nordrassil (just an animation, no other
effect). He begins chain-casting Finger of Death at this time (also to no effect). Tyrande gives the raid
an invulnerability debuff, Protection of Elune, which lasts 60 seconds. After 60 seconds, regardless of
remaining health, Archimonde dies. We /dance.

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