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Interviewer: Anansu-san, shourai no kekkon ya katei ni tsuite donna kangae ga arimasu ka?

(Anans, what are your thoughts on future marriage and family life?)

You: Watashi no ren'ai jijou wa kanari tanjun de, kanojo ga imasu ga, enpou na kankei ni narete
imasu. Watashi wa 27 sai kara 30 sai no aida ni kekkon suru koto o kangaete imasu. Dakara, Nihon de
hataraku koto wa jibun jishin o seichou saseru subarashii kikai ni narimasu.

(My love life is pretty simple, I have a girlfriend but I'm used to a long-distance relationship. I want to
get married after I'm about 27-30 years old. Therefore, working in Japan would be a perfect
opportunity to develop myself.)

Interviewer: Anansu-san, kyou no intabyuu ni youkoso. Kekka wa atode oshirase shimasu. Omatase

(Anans, thank you for attending the interview today. We will inform you of the results later. Please

You: Kyou wa intabyuu ni gochūi itadaki, arigatou gozaimashita. Kekka o tanoshimi ni shite orimasu.
Mata oai dekiru koto o kitai shiteimasu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

(Thank you for taking the time to interview me today. I am looking forward to the results. I hope we
can meet again. Thank you in advance.)

This would be a natural way to conclude the interview conversation. Good luck with your interview

Certainly! Here's the sample interview dialogue in Japanese (romanized) along with the English

Interviewer: Konnichiwa, jiko shoukai sasete kudasai.

(Hello, please introduce yourself.)

You: Konnichiwa, jiko shoukai sasete kudasai. Watashi no namae wa Anansu Agung, nijuu san sai
desu. Jakarta shusshin de, kisha de no intaanshippu ni hijou ni kyoumi ga arimasu. Jizen ni arigatou

(Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Anans Agung, I'm 23 years old. I'm from Jakarta and I'm
very interested in an internship at your company. Thank you in advance.)
Interviewer: Anansu-san, donna shumi ga arimasu ka?

(Anans, what are your hobbies?)

You: Watashi ni tsuite desuga, nijuuni sai de, hachigatsu-matsu made ni nijuusan sai ni narimasu.
Shumi wa doubutsu no sewa de, toku ni tori ya sakana no sewa ga suki desu. Mata, yoka ni wa
ganpura o tsukuttari, eiga o mitari suru no ga suki desu.

(About myself, I'm 22 years old, and I will be 23 years old by the end of August. My hobbies are
animal care, and I especially love taking care of birds and fish. Also, in my spare time, I like making
Gunpla and watching movies.)

Interviewer: Dono youni shite seichou shitai desu ka?

(How do you want to grow?)

You: Moshi kikai ga areba, saitei demo ichinenkan, matawa biza ga kireru made soko de hatarakitai
desu. Nihongo o shutoku shite, koyousha ya sono kaisha no juugyouin to shitashiku naritai to omotte
imasu. Sono aida ni, Nihon no kaigara yousaku gijutsu ni tsuite ooku no koto o manabi, motto ooku
no koto o manaberu koto o kitai shiteimasu.

(If given the chance, I would love to work there for a minimum of one year, or maybe until my visa
expires. I would love to learn Japanese so that I can get close to my employers and the employees of
said company. During that time, I hope to learn a lot about Japan's seashell culturing techniques and
maybe a lot more.)

Interviewer: Kazoku ni tsuite oshiete kudasai.

(Please tell me about your family.)

You: Watashi no kazoku wa rokunin de, watashi wa suekko de, ani ga hitori, ane ga yonin imasu.
Ryoushin wa jimuyouhin o hanbai suru kigyouka desu. Kazoku minna de ryokou ga suki de, otozureta
kuni no uchi no hitotsu ga Nihon desu. Izenni otozureta koto ga ari, Nihon ga daisuki desu. Omoni,
hitobito no manā ya utsukushii bunka ga miryoku teki dakara desu.

(My family consists of 6 people; I am the youngest, with 1 brother and 4 sisters. Both of my parents
are entrepreneurs selling office supplies. Our family

loves to travel, and one of the countries we have visited is Japan. I've been there before and I love
Japan, mostly because of their people's mannerisms and the beautiful culture.)

Interviewer: Chousho to tansho ni tsuite oshiete kudasai.

(Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses.)

You: Watashi no chousho no ikutsu ka wa, koukishin ga tsuyoku, doryoku suru koto ga suki de, jibun
ni chousen suru koto ga suki, soshite itsumo jikangenshu desu. Watashi no omo na tansho wa,
tokidoki monogoto o isoide okonau tame, chūi ga tarinaku naru koto ga arimasu.

(Some of my strengths are that I am very curious, love working hard, enjoy challenging myself, and I
am always punctual. One of my main weaknesses is that I sometimes try to rush things, which can
make me careless.)

I hope this helps you prepare for your interview! Good luck!

Kanji: 私の家族は 6 人で、私は末っ子で、兄が 1 人、姉が 4 人います。両親は事務用

品を販売する起業家です。家族みんなで旅行が好きで、訪れた国のうちの 1 つが日

Romaji: Watashi no kazoku wa rokunin de, watashi wa suekko de, ani ga hitori, ane
ga yonin imasu. Ryoushin wa jimuyouhin o hanbai suru kigyouka desu. Kazoku minna
de ryokou ga suki de, otozureta kuni no uchi no hitotsu ga Nihon desu. Izenni
otozureta koto ga ari, Nihon ga daisuki desu. Omoni, hitobito no manā ya utsukushii
bunka ga miryoku teki dakara desu.

Translation: I have a family of 6; I am the youngest, with 1 brother and 4 sisters. Both
of my parents are entrepreneurs selling office supplies. Our family loves to travel, and
one of the countries we have visited is Japan. I've been there before and I love Japan,
mostly because of their people's mannerisms and the beautiful culture.

Kanji: はい、その趣味が大好きです。主に、物事を世話して育てることが好きだからです。

Romaji: Hai, sono shumi ga daisuki desu. Omoni, monogoto o sewa shite sodateru koto ga suki
dakara desu.

Translation: Yes, I love those hobbies, mainly because I enjoy taking care of things and nurturing

Kanji: 私についてですが、22 歳で、8 月末までに 23 歳になります。趣味は動物の世

Romaji: Watashi ni tsuite desuga, nijuuni sai de, hachigatsu-matsu made ni nijuusan
sai ni narimasu. Shumi wa doubutsu no sewa de, toku ni tori ya sakana no sewa ga
suki desu. Mata, yoka ni wa ganpura o tsukuttari, eiga o mitari suru no ga suki desu.

Translation: About myself, I'm 22 years old, and I will be 23 years old by the end of
August. My hobby is animal care, and I especially love taking care of birds and fish.
Also, in my spare time, I like making Gunpla and watching movies.

Kanji: 私の恋愛生活はかなりシンプルで、彼女がいますが、いつも遠距離恋愛に慣
れています。そして、27 歳から 30 歳の間に結婚したいと思っています。そのた

Romaji: Watashi no ren'ai seikatsu wa kanari shinpurude, kanojo ga imasuga, itsumo

enkyori ren'ai ni nareteimasu. Soshite, nijuu nana sai kara sanjuu sai no aida ni
kekkon shitai to omotteimasu. Sonotame, Nihon de hataraku koto wa jibun jishin o
seichou saseru zekkou no kikai desu.

Translation: My love life is pretty simple; I have a girlfriend, but I'm always used to a
long-distance relationship. And I want to get married between the ages of 27-30.
Therefore, working in Japan would be a perfect opportunity to develop myself.

Kanji: もし機会があれば、最低でも 1 年間、またはビザが切れるまでそこで働きたいです。日本


Romaji: Moshi kikai ga areba, saitei demo ichinenkan, matawa biza ga kireru made soko de
hatarakitai desu. Nihongo o shutoku shite, koyousha ya sono kaisha no juugyouin to shitashiku
naritai to omotte imasu. Sono aida ni, Nihon no kaigara yousaku gijutsu ni tsuite ooku no koto o
manabi, motto ooku no koto o manaberu koto o kitai shiteimasu.

Translation: If given the chance, I would love to work there for a minimum of one year or maybe
until my visa expires. I would like to learn Japanese so I can get close to my employers and the
employees of the company. By then, I hope to learn a lot about Japan's seashell culturing
techniques and maybe even more.

English: Some of my advantages are that I'm a very curious person, I love working
hard, challenging myself, and I'm always punctual. One of my main disadvantages is
that I sometimes try to do things too quickly, which can make me less careful.
Kanji: 私の長所のいくつかは、好奇心が強く、努力することが好きで、自分に挑戦

Romaji: Watashi no chousho no ikutsu ka wa, koukishin ga tsuyoku, doryoku suru

koto ga suki de, jibun ni chousen suru koto ga suki, soshite itsumo jikangenshu desu.
Watashi no omo na tansho wa, tokidoki monogoto o isoide okonau tame, chūi ga
tarinaku naru koto ga arimasu.

Feel free to use this version in your interview, as it is more appropriate and sounds
more natural. Good luck!

Kanji: 貴社に興味を持っている理由の一部は、自分自身を成長させるチャンスが得

Romaji: Kisha ni kyoumi o motte iru riyuu no ichibu wa, jibun jishin o seichou saseru
chansu ga erareru koto desu. Nihon wa subarashii roudou rinri de yuumei desu shi,
soko de hataraku kikai ga areba, watashi wa sara ni seichou dekiru to omoimasu.

Translation: Some of the reasons I'm interested in your company are that I get a
chance to develop myself. Japan is famous for its amazing work ethic, and if I get a
chance to work there, I think it will help me grow even further.

Kanji: こんにちは、自己紹介させてください。私の名前はアナンス・アグン、23 歳です。ジャカ


Romaji: Konnichiwa, jiko shoukai sasete kudasai. Watashi no namae wa Anansu Agung, nijuu san
sai desu. Jakarta shusshin de, kisha de no intaanshippu ni hijou ni kyoumi ga arimasu. Jizen ni
arigatou gozaimasu.

Translation: Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Anans Agung, I am 23 years old. I'm from
Jakarta, and I'm very interested in an internship at your company. Thank you beforehand.

Pewawancara (P): こんにちは。お名前は何ですか? (P: Halo. Siapa namamu?)

Anda (A): こんにちは。私の名前は_____です。 (A: Halo. Nama saya __________.)

P: どうしてこの仕事に興味がありますか? (P: Mengapa Anda tertarik pada

pekerjaan ini?)
A: 私は貝殻剥ぎの仕事が好きで、日本の技術を学びたいです。 (A: Saya suka
pekerjaan pengupasan cangkang kerang dan ingin belajar teknik Jepang.)

P: 日本語が話せますか? (P: Bisa berbicara bahasa Jepang?)

A: 初心者ですが、日本語を勉強しています。 (A: Saya pemula, tetapi sedang belajar

bahasa Jepang.)

P: 日本でのインターンシップの期間はどれくらいですか? (P: Berapa lama durasi

magang di Jepang?)

A: インターンシップは 3 ヶ月間です。 (A: Magang berlangsung selama 3 bulan.)

P: 仕事以外で日本で何をしたいですか? (P: Apa yang ingin Anda lakukan di Jepang

selain bekerja?)

A: 日本の文化や歴史を学びたいです。観光地も訪れたいです。 (A: Saya ingin belajar

tentang budaya dan sejarah Jepang. Saya juga ingin mengunjungi tempat-tempat

P: 最後に、あなたの長所と短所を教えてください。 (P: Terakhir, beri tahu saya

tentang kelebihan dan kekurangan Anda.)

A: 長所は努力家で、チームで働くことが得意です。短所は日本語のスキルが低いで
すが、改善するために勉強しています。 (A: Kelebihan saya adalah kerja keras dan
pandai bekerja dalam tim. Kekurangan saya adalah kemampuan bahasa Jepang yang
rendah, tetapi saya sedang belajar untuk meningkatkannya.)

P: ありがとうございます。面接が終わりました。 (P: Terima kasih. Wawancara


A: ありがとうございました。 (A: Terima kasih banyak.)

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