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Reprod Dom Anim 47 (Suppl. 3), 34–44 (2012); doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2012.02032.

ISSN 0936-6768

Use of Ultrasound in the Reproductive Management of Dairy Cattle

LA Quintela, M Barrio, AI Peña, JJ Becerra, J Cainzos, PG Herradón and C Dı́az
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, Spain

Contents cycle of the cow or diagnose pathologic conditions of

The significant decrease in fertility observed in dairy cattle the uterus (Beal et al. 1992). The histology of the uterus
during the last few decades and increasing requirements by the determines its ecographic appearance, as the submucosa
farmers have made a regular control of reproduction indis- can be visualized as an anechoic layer beneath the
pensable to urgently identify and solve potential problems endometrium. During the follicular phase, under the
affecting reproductive efficiency. Traditionally, the main diag- influence of oestrogens, the blood vessels in the submu-
nostic methods used for reproductive control in cattle included cosa become hyperaemic, the endometrium becomes
rectal palpation, inspection of vaginal discharge and vaginos-
oedematous, increasing its thickness, and the anechoic
copy. Since the 1990s, the use of ultrasound (US) has become a
common diagnostic method as a result of the new advances vascular zone is more easily visualized (Griffin and
made in the development of US scans: smaller size, high level Ginther 1992). The content of the uterine lumen may
of autonomy, high image quality and accessible prices. also vary during the oestrous cycle, being typically
Ultrasound improves accuracy in the diagnoses of stages of absent during the luteal phase, whereas a small amount
the oestrous cycle, ovarian and uterine pathologies, and of fluid may be present during the follicular phase
pregnancy diagnosis. In addition, it facilitates the diagnosis (Barlund et al. 2008). Nevertheless, the stage of the
of alterations during pregnancy (embryo mortality, foetal oestrous cycle is better determined through the obser-
malformations, etc.) and helps determining foetal sex from day vation of the ovaries (Fig. 1).
55 of pregnancy.

Introduction Diagnosis of pathologic conditions of the uterus

The use of ultrasound (US) as a diagnostic tool for Ultrasound examination of the uterus may help to
reproductive control in cattle was not very common identify pathological conditions (Fig. 1). One of the
until the mid-1990s, when small portable, affordable most frequent alterations that cause substantial eco-
scanners, with a good quality image first became nomic losses is uterine inflammation. In a recent study,
available on the market. Although US has been used using cytological methods for the diagnosis, Gilbert
in veterinary practice for more than 30 years (Horder et al. (2005) found a prevalence of endometritis of 53%
et al. 1996), especially on small animals and horses, its of dairy herds in the USA. Using US and uterine
application on cattle was limited because of the difficulty cytology, a study (Quintela et al. 2010) carried out in
of moving the heavy low-autonomy US scanners around north-west Spain indicated an incidence of endometritis
cattle farms. of 45.7%.
During the last ten to fifteen years, the advent of Uterine inflammations can be classified as metritis,
lighter and smaller US machines on the market has when they occur during the first 21 days after parturi-
encouraged the use of US by cattle practitioners more tion, and local and general symptoms are present.
and more, and consequently, the increasing demand for Endometritis beyond 21 days postpartum is character-
equipment and knowledge has in turn stimulated the ized by local findings only (Sheldon et al. 2009).
development of ever-improving US equipment. As a Although postpartum metritis or clinical endometritis
result, portable US scanners currently available on the can be detected through direct exploration of the
market are of excellent quality, provide a high degree of external genital organs or by rectal palpation and ⁄ or
autonomy and are reasonably priced, being fully suit- vaginoscopy, ultrasonography is useful in the diagnosis
able for cattle practitioners. of uterine diseases (Barlund et al. 2008).
As field practitioners were acquiring more knowledge To determine the real usefulness of US for diagnosing
and expertise in the use of US, they progressively uterine infections, we are going to recall the common
abandoned the erroneous concept that the main advan- methods used for an endometritis diagnosis. In several
tage, if not the only one, of using US on cows was the studies (Kasimanickan et al. 2004; McDougall et al.
possibility of early pregnancy diagnosis. The main appli- 2007; Barlund et al. 2008) the results obtained when
cations of ultrasonography in the field of cattle reproduc- using vaginoscopy, rectal palpation, US or a metricheck
tion will be reviewed in this paper and, when appropriate, have been compared with those obtained by uterine
its accuracy compared with that of rectal palpation. cytology (considered the gold standard test for diagnos-
ing endometritis). All of them concluded that cytology
allows us to detect some endometritis that could not be
Exploration of the Uterus in the Non-Pregnant detected by any of the other methods, and that US
Cow should be the second method of choice. Rectal palpation
The exploration of the uterus in the non-pregnant and animal inspection is subjective, often fails to
female aims to either determine the stage of the oestrous account for normal events and variability in uterine

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Ultrasound in the Reproductive Management 35

Fig. 1. Ultrasound images of uterus of non gravid female. 1) Luteal phase; 2) Estrous phase; 3) Estrous phase; 4) Mucómetra; 5) Mucopurulent
endometritis; 6) Purulent endometritis1

involution (Lewis 1997) and is not useful for identifying showed a high correlation. Mateus et al. (2002) reported
subclinical processes. Rectal palpation or the casual that the amount of fluid detected in the uterine lumen by
observation of a genital flow is not sensitive enough for US was positively correlated to the existence of bacterial
diagnosing endometritis (Miller et al. 1980; De Kruif growth in the fluid samples. However, endometrial
et al. 1982). Vaginoscopy and Metricheck are not very cytology and US showed a low correlation, probably
useful for diagnosing endometritis, as the absence of a because the two methods evaluate different parameters
purulent vaginal discharge does not exclude the prob- (Kasimanickan et al. 2004); whereas the first one deter-
lem, and it also might lead to an erroneous diagnosis of mines the cellular response and the second evaluates the
endometritis instead of vaginitis. Nevertheless, the clearance mechanism of the uterus. The proportion of
presence of purulent mucus in the vagina is still too endometritis not diagnosed by US varied between 10%
frequently used to diagnose endometritis (Sheldon and and 20%, depending on the use of a 5% or 10% cut-off
Dobson 2004). point for PMN in the cytology (Quintela et al. 2010).
Kasimanickan et al. (2004), compared the use of Other uterine conditions that can be detected by US
rectal palpation, US and cytology to diagnose endome- include mucometra, pyometra, abscess of the uterine
tritis in 228 cows. They concluded that diagnoses based wall. The ecographical difference between mucometra
on rectal palpation were not related to cow fertility, and pyometra is the ecogenicity of the uterine content.
whereas those based on the use of US or cytology Whereas the sterile mucus has an anechoic appearance,

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36 LA Quintela, M Barrio, AI Peña, JJ Becerra, J Cainzos, PG Herradón and C Dı́az

Fig. 2. Ultrasound images of ovary. 1) Dominant follicle; 2) Cohort of follicles; 3) Cavitary corpus luteum; 4) Non cavitary Corpus luteum;
5) Follicular cysts; 6) Luteinized cysts1

the purulent content shows a certain degree of ecoge- can be measured. This makes it possible to detect the
nicity, depending on the amount of purulent material in presence of a cohort of follicles, dominant follicles or
the mucus (Quintela et al. 2006). Abscesses in the preovulatory follicles (Fig. 2).
uterine wall will appear to have a hyperechoic content To determine the stage of the oestrous cycle of a cow,
surrounded by a wall of certain ecogenicity (Quintela however, the visualization of a corpus luteum (CL) and
et al. 2009). estimation of its age is as important as the visualization
of the ovarian follicles. Besides milk or blood proges-
terone determination, ultrasound is believed to be the
Exploration of the Ovaries most accurate method for detecting the presence of a CL
Physiological ovarian structures in a bovine ovary. Compared with rectal palpation, US
Ultrasonographic examination of normal ovaries during examination has been shown to be a more sensitive and
the oestrus cycle allows us to visualize two evolving specific method: 95% sensitivity and 100% specificity vs
structures: the follicle and the corpus luteum. Ovarian 95% and 95.7%, respectively, for rectal palpation
follicles have spherical shape, contain anechoic fluid and (Ribadu et al. 1994); 84% sensitivity and 71% specificity
can be found in variable numbers and size (Griffin and vs 79% and 40%, respectively, for rectal palpation
Ginther 1992). The advantage of US compared with (Bicalho et al. 2008). Such differences are likely to be
rectal palpation is that the subjectivity inherent in the because of the fact that many CL do not protrude
estimation of size and content can be eliminated, as enough from the ovarian surface to be palpated, and
the follicular fluid can be visualized and the diameter also because haemorrhagic and cavitary CL with a soft

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Ultrasound in the Reproductive Management 37

consistency may be confused with follicles (Hanzen presence of a CL can be easily detected, the exploration of
et al., 2000; Quintela et al. 2006). The incidence of the uterus may show an oedematous endometrium typical
cavitary CL ranges from 25.2% to 78.8% during of cows with a preovulatory follicle, but not normally seen
dioestrus and decreases with the progression of the in cows with ovarian cysts (Bartolome et al. 2005; Arch-
oestrous cycle (Kahn 2010). In a study carried out on 28 bald et al. 2009), and the size of the follicular structure can
cows, Perez-Marı́n (2009) found that 28.6% of the CL be objectively determined.
were cavitary 4 days post-ovulation (p.o.) and 50% of Traditionally, follicular cysts were treated with
the CL were cavitary 8 days p.o., this proportion GnRH, and luteinized cysts with PGF2a. However,
decrease after that period. Gnemmi (2004) also indicated GnRH very often induced luteinization of the follicular
that about 50% of the corpora lutea are cavitary during cyst, and a subsequent treatment with PGF2a was
the first 10 days of the oestrous cycle, about 30% needed to remove the luteinized structure. Nowadays,
maintain the cavity between 10 and 13 days p.o., and combined treatments, such as Ovsynch or Ovsynch plus
only a small percentage of the CL are cavitary during a progesterone slow release device, have become com-
pregnancy. It can therefore be assumed that when a CL mon treatments for ovarian cysts (Fricke and Wiltbank
has a cavity, it is likely to be in the first half of the 1999; Bartolome et al. 2000), and differentiation be-
oestrous cycle, and if there is no cavity, the CL is more tween follicular or luteinized cysts has no relevance
likely to be in the second half. The size of the CL may (Archbald et al. 2009).
also be used to estimate its age. Perez-Marı́n (2009) Even though granulose-theca cell tumours are the
indicated that the CL increases in size until about day 8 most common ovarian tumours in cattle, they are rare
p.o., maintains a constant size until about day 16 p.o. (<0.5%). This type of tumour arises from the sex cord
and decreases after this period. stromal tissue within the ovary and may be relatively
Knowledge about the ovarian cycle and follicular small, solid, and yellow to white, or large, filled with
dynamics together with US examination of the uterus cysts of varying sizes and weight up to 11.9–12.3 kg
and ovarian structures (number and size of follicles, (Roberts 1986). The ultrasonographic appearance will
existence of a cavity and size of CL) allows us to vary depending on the tumour aspect. An image
estimate the stage of the oestrous cycle of a cow. At this resembling a honeycomb is often seen because of the
point, new technologies, such as colour Doppler avail- presence of fluid-filled cavitary lesions inside the tumour
able in many portable US scanners, may provide new (Quintela et al. 2006).
and interesting information. By studying the blood flow
to follicles and CL, it is possible to determine with a
certain degree of accuracy the time of ovulation and of Pregnancy Diagnosis
CL regression (Herzog and Bollwein 2007). Early pregnancy diagnosis is particularly important in
dairy herds with a high proportion of undetected heats
(Walsh et al. 2011; Holman et al. 2011). Many non-
Diagnosis of ovarian pathologies pregnant cows do not show heat, or the heat is not
Cystic ovarian follicles (COF) are an important cause of detected by the farmer, which significantly increases the
subfertility in dairy cattle, as they extend the calving days open (Roelofs et al. 2010). An early pregnancy
interval (Fourichon et al. 2000). COF are follicles with a diagnosis facilitates the detection of non-pregnant cows
diameter of at least 2 cm that are present on one or both and enables them to be treated for a new insemination
ovaries in the absence of any active luteal tissue and that (Romano et al. 2006) (Fig. 3).
clearly interfere with normal ovarian cyclicity (Van- For an early pregnancy diagnosis, the uterus should
holder et al. 2006). There are two types of COF be systematically explored. Exploring the whole uterus is
depending on the wall thickness: follicular cysts have a of the utmost importance, as during early pregnancy,
wall thickness <3 mm and luteinized cysts have a wall the majority of the endometrial surface is not different
thickness >3 mm (Tebble et al. 2001; Vanholder et al. from that seen in a non-pregnant cow. The embryonic
2006). Ultrasound examination of ovarian cysts allows vesicle can be seen as an anechoic zone where the lumen
us to distinguish follicular and luteinized cysts much of the uterine horn is slightly dilated. Its appearance can
more efficiently than rectal palpation (Douthwaite and be confused with that of a uterus during oestrus or
Dobson 2000) (Fig. 2). endometritis. Inside the embryonic vesicle, the embry-
On average, the positive predictive values for follic- onic mass can be located (Griffin and Ginther 1992;
ular or luteal cysts diagnosed by palpation are 66%, Quintela et al. 2006). Once the embryo is visualized, its
whereas by using ultrasonography they are 74% for viability can be confirmed by checking the heartbeat
follicular cysts and 85% for luteal cysts (Hanzen, et al., frequency that should be approximately 145 beats ⁄ min
2000). between 26 and 60 days of pregnancy (Bo and Caccia
What it is really important is accurately diagnosing the 2000). If this systematic sequence is followed, the
cystic structure. In a study on 584 cows (Stevenson 2006), diagnosis will be accurate. However, such accuracy will
51 were diagnosed with ovarian cysts. Following a more also depend on the gestational age. Before 26–27 days of
detailed follow-up, they concluded that only six were really pregnancy, using 5 MHz probes, about 40–50% of the
ovarian cysts. In 19 cows, the cyst coexisted with a CL, in 12 embryos cannot be visualized (Gnemmi 2004), as they
animals the cyst was suspected to be a preovulatory follicle are adhered to the uterine wall at this time, and
as it responded to GnRH treatment, and in 14 cows the cyst consequently, the diagnosis cannot be accurate. After
was suspected to be a cavitary CL. Ultrasonography 27 days of pregnancy, the reliability of the diagnosis is
allows us to reduce some of the confusing factors: the high, as shown in Table 1 (Quintela et al. 2006;

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38 LA Quintela, M Barrio, AI Peña, JJ Becerra, J Cainzos, PG Herradón and C Dı́az

Fig. 3. Ultrasound images of pregnancy: 1) 29 days of pregnancy; 2) 34 days of pregnancy; 3) 44 days of pregnancy; 4) 51 days of pregnancy;
5) Twin pregnancy; 6) 75 days of pregnancy1

Table 1. Accuracy of ultrasound for pregnancy diagnosis, in function of pregnancy days

Days of pregnancy n Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Accuracy + (%) Accuracy ) (%) Total Accuracy (%)

24–26 205 100 36.36 84.4 100 85.71

27–29 752 99.72 86.28 92.1 99.5 94.6
30–35 1399 100 88.53 91.6 100 94.9
36–40 1029 99.83 89.15 92.9 99.7 95.4
41–45 918 100 89.64 94.3 100 96.2
46–50 756 100 84.65 93.3 100 95.1
51–60 866 100 84.34 94.1 100 95.5
>60 267 100 84.62 96.4 100 97.0
Total 6192 99.95 87.31 93.11 99.89 95.29

Romano et al. 2006). The accuracy of the diagnosis is (Santos et al. 2004). It accounts to some extent for the
higher in negative than positive cases because of the false positives observed during early pregnancy diag-
high incidence of embryo mortality in dairy cattle noses.
during the second month of pregnancy, estimated at an US examination enables the detection of twins. The
average of 12.8% between 27 and 51 days of pregnancy presence of a higher amount of fluid in the uterine

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Ultrasound in the Reproductive Management 39

lumen, more alantoid membranes than expected for the approximately 1.5–2% (Kinsel et al. 1998), whereas in
gestational age, together with the visualization of a the late 1990s it was around 4% (Silva del Rio et al. 2007).
hyperechoic zone, which would correspond to the
anastomosis of alantoid membranes, and of two CL,
suggest the presence of a twin pregnancy (Quintela et al. Diagnosis of Alterations in Pregnancy
2009). The diagnosis of twins is important for dairy One of the most frequent alterations in pregnancy is
farms as the risks of pregnancy losses, freemartinism or embryonic or foetal mortality. An embryo resorption
dystocia are higher than in single pregnancies (Eddy can be ultrasonographically recognized by the following
et al., 1991; Silva del Rio et al., 2009).In our recent study characteristics: the amount of alantoid fluid is lower
(using personal data) on 802 twin pregnancies, the than expected for the gestational age; there is a presence
proportion of gestation loss was 30.7%. This problem of membrane fragments freely floating in a cloudy fluid,
has acquired more relevance during the last few years, as an absence of embryo ⁄ foetus, an absence of heartbeat.
it has been observed that as milk production increased the The existence of one or several of these signs are
percentage of twin pregnancies also increased. Lopez indicative of gestation loss (Gnemmi 2004; Quintela
et al. (2005) observed that in cows producing et al. 2006) (Fig. 4).
<30 kg ⁄ day, the proportion of multiple ovulations was Foetal malformations can be detected after approx-
0%, whereas in cows producing more than 30 kg ⁄ day, imately 55–60 days of pregnancy. Most large organs of
about 51.6% of the cows had double ovulation. This the head, thorax, abdomen and pelvis were visible with
effect relates to a lower serum concentration of steroid ultrasound during the first 4 months (Rajamahendran
hormones, as a consequence of an increased blood flow to et al. 1994). Alterations of the normal anatomy, as
the liver in high producing dairy cows (Wiltbank et al. for example, ascites, umbilical cord alterations, etc., are
2000). In fact, in the 1980s the twinning rate was indicative of reduced foetal viability, so it may be

Fig. 4. Ultrasound images of alterations of pregnancy: 1) Embryonic dead; 2) Fetus with ascites; 3) Fetus with umbilical cord dilatation; 4) Fetus
without ribs and lungs1

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40 LA Quintela, M Barrio, AI Peña, JJ Becerra, J Cainzos, PG Herradón and C Dı́az

appropriate to induce abortus to avoid increasing the also advantageous as it allows selective termination of
days open. unwanted pregnancies, such as those involving a male
and female foetus, which would otherwise bear a
freemartin (Rajamahendran et al. 1994).
Foetal Sex Determination The external genitalia are initially formed on the
Diagnosis of foetal sex could increase the price of a caudoventral surface of the abdominal wall, between the
pregnant cow, in which case it would be profitable. It hind limbs (Des Côteaux et al. 2010). These primordial
will also help dairy farmers in deciding whether or not to structures are seen as poorly defined elevations and
retain pregnant cows already earmarked for culling, constitute the genital tubercle (GT) (Fig. 5), the uro-
depending on the sex of the foetus. The sexing of twins is genital fold and the genital swellings, which are devel-
oped in the male or female embryos. In males, the GT
becomes elongated to form the penis, the urogenital fold
encloses the penis to form the prepuce and the genital
swellings become enlarged to develop into the scrotum.
In females, the GT forms the clitoris, the genital
swellings completely disappear and the urogenital folds
develop to enclose the GT, forming the labia (Noden
and De la Hunta 1985; Des Côteaux et al. 2010).
The GT is a reliable indicator for bovine foetal gender
determination between days 55 and 60 of gestation
(Curran et al. 1989; Shunichi et al. 1994). When the GT
is located immediately caudal to the abdominal attach-
ment of the umbilical cord, the foetus is male. On the
contrary, when the GT is located towards the base of the
tail, the foetus is female (Fig. 5) (Ali 2004). According to
Ali (2004), the best time for foetal gender determination
is between days 56 and 98 of gestation, although the
breed and age of animals should be taken in consider-
ation. Accuracy of early foetal sex determination by US
assessment of the relative location of the GT is high
when US examination is properly timed (Muller and
Wittkowski 1986; Curran et al. 1989; Wideman et al.
1989; Shunichi et al. 1994; Ali 2004; Quintela et al.
2011). The period of GT migration is a vital parameter
and must be verified to avoid male foetuses being
incorrectly classified as females because of GT migration
after examination (Santos et al. 2005).
Early studies reported that foetal gender could be
determined between days 73 and 120 post-insemination
by US visualization of the scrotum and mammary
glands of male and female foetuses (Muller and Witt-
kowski 1986). However, the possibility of gender deter-
mination decreases as pregnancy progresses after the
first trimester. In advanced pregnancy, two situations
occur that may hamper gender determination. Firstly, as
the foetus grows it becomes more difficult to move the
transducer relative to the foetus to attain the desired
ultrasound image. Secondly, the gravid horn is more
likely to have descended ventrally into the abdominal
cavity, so that imaging of the foetal gender is impossible
without retraction of the gravid horn (Beal et al. 1992).

Colour Doppler ultrasound

As described above, the black and white US has been
helping us to understand the reproductive physiology
and hence the development of reproduction manage-
ment systems in the cow. To gain more precise infor-
mation on the physiological status of the ovaries, the
local blood flow in individual ovarian follicles and CLs
can be observed using colour Doppler US (Herzog and
Fig. 5. Genital tubercle in 51 days bovine fetus (1). Ultrasound images Bollwein 2007) This technique is based on the Doppler
of 65 days male fetus (2) and 65 days female fetus (3)1 effect (Johann Christian Doppler, 1903) that establishes

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Ultrasound in the Reproductive Management 41

that when an US bunch with a given frequency finds a and in the serum progesterone concentration (Acosta
flow of erythrocytes, part of the US bunch is reflected et al. 2003), which suggests that local blood flow in
towards the probe with modified frequency, higher if the the CL is related to its potential to produce and
interface is approaching to the probe and lower if it is release progesterone.
moving away. Therefore, by measuring the apparent
In the process of spontaneous luteolysis, blood flow in
change of frequencies between emitter and receiver, the
the CL was observed to increase during the days 16–17
blood flow velocity can be determined (Herzog and
of the oestrous cycle, concomitant with an increase in
Bollwein 2007).
plasma levels of 14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F2a
A colour Doppler image shows the area where a
(PGFM) and was followed by a decrease in plasma
blood flow is detected, so the amount of colour
progesterone concentration 1 day after (Shirasuna et al.
represents the volume of blood present in the examined
2008; Miyamoto et al. 2005; Shirasuna 2010).
structures rather than its flow rate.
Current availability of portable high-quality colour
Doppler US scans has raised interest on the use of this Applications of Doppler Colour to Reproduction in Cattle
technology for reproductive management of cattle.
Nowadays, this technology is mainly used for research Functionality of the Corpus Luteum: Correct diag-
purposes, but with the generation of new knowledge, in nosis of the presence of a CL and estimation of its
the future, it may become a useful tool for the cattle functional status are important in the reproductive
practitioner. management of dairy cows. Luteal blood flow (LBF)
is more informative about luteal function during the
bovine oestrous cycle than is the assessment of luteal
Blood flow changes in the ovaries size (LS) (Herzog and Bollwein 2007) In the luteal
growth phase LBF, LS and P4 increase simulta-
Colour Doppler US is a useful technique for evaluat-
neously; during the luteal static phase, the three
ing ovarian vascular function, allowing a visual
parameters are high, however, during the regression
observation of the blood flow in a delimited area in
phase LBF and P4 decrease parallel, whereas LS
the wall of preovulatory follicles (Brannstrom et al.,
decreases later (Herzog et al. 2011). During the static
1998) or within the corpus luteum (Miyazaki et al.,
phase of the oestrous cycle and at the onset of CL
1998; Acosta et al. 2002). This imaging has facilitated
regression, the luteal size is similar and using only this
haemodynamic studies and reproducible measurements
parameter may cause diagnosing errors.
(Collins et al., 1991; Brannstrom et al., 1998; Acosta
Pregnancy diagnosis: Diagnosis of pregnancy via
et al. 2002).
transrectal palpation is possible as early as Day 35
The blood flow in follicles and CLs has a narrow
after oestrus (Romano et al. 2007). When using B
relationship with the growth, atresia and ovulation of
mode US, to get a high accuracy, pregnancy diagnosis
the follicle and with CL functionality.
is recommended to be carried out around day 28 after
Follicular growth: Acosta et al. (2005) found that a AI, although the embryo might be seen a few days
high percentage of the small follicles with high blood earlier (Nation et al. 2003; Quintela et al. 2006). By
flow before deviation derived towards the second using colour Doppler US, pregnancy diagnosis can be
large follicle or the largest follicle, and after deviation, carried out earlier by evaluating the LBF, as non-
the blood flow was reduced in the second large follicle pregnant animals can be identified based on the
and increased in the largest follicle. Before deviation, decrease in CL blood flow associated with luteolysis.
the two types of follicles had a similar diameter, but it In pregnant cattle, active blood flow surrounding the
was clearly different after deviation. The atretic CL was continuously observed during the late luteal
follicle was characterized by a lack of detectable stage (16–23 days after ovulation). However, in non-
blood flow and a progressive decrease in diameter pregnant cattle LBF clearly decreased at 19 days
(Acosta et al. 2003). These data suggest that follicular after ovulation (Matsui and Miyamoto 2009; Utt
growth, selection and atresia are closely associated et al. 2009).
with changes in blood supply to an individual follicle. Ovarian cysts: Ultrasonographic differences between
Ovulation: Acosta et al. (2003) described changes in follicular and luteinized cysts have been described
the local blood flow in the outer teca layer of mature with B mode US, classifying the type of cysts
follicles. Either the area of detectable blood flow in the depending on the wall thickness. The use of colour
follicle wall and the time averaged maximum velocity Doppler US helps to confirm the structure of the
were small until the LH peak, when they increased and follicular wall as it shows the location of blood vessels
kept high until ovulation. There is a narrow relation- in the wall thickness. Follicular cysts show the
ship between the local blood flow in the follicular wall, presence of blood flow inside the wall, whereas
and the structural and functional changes occurring luteinized cysts show blood vessels surrounding the
during the ovulatory process. wall (Matsui and Miyamoto 2009).
Corpus luteum: The CL is one of the most highly Embryo and foetal losses: An evaluation of the status
vascularized organs and receives the greatest rate of of CL blood flow could be used not only to diagnose
blood flow per unit of tissue of any organ in the body the pregnancy, but also early embryonic death.
(Wiltbank et al. 1988). During its initial development Corpus luteum regression precedes embryo death
(48–120 h), a gradual increase in the blood flow when it occurs before day 25, but if embryo mortality
around the CL matches with an increase in its volume occurs between days 25 and 40 of pregnancy, the CL

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42 LA Quintela, M Barrio, AI Peña, JJ Becerra, J Cainzos, PG Herradón and C Dı́az

regression may delay up to 3 days (Kastelic et al. in dairy farms. Its high sensitivity and specificity for
1991). Thus, detection of a reduced LBF may predict detecting ovarian follicles, corpora lutea or cystic
or confirm embryo mortality. structures, makes it useful for determining the stage of
To the moment, studies in cattle indicated that LBF the oestrous cycle of a cow or diagnosing ovarian
was greater in pregnant than in non-pregnant cows pathologies. Such information may be vital to make the
during dioestrus, but it was not a reliable method to optimal treatment decisions in each particular case.
predict pregnancy loss in the individual cow, because Ultrasound examination allows us to distinguish
of substantial variation among cows (Herzog et al. between ovarian cysts and physiological structures.
2011). Ultrasonographic examination of the bovine uterus
Blood flow to the follicle and fertility: In women, a enables the detection of subclinical endometritis on a
relationship has been established between the blood farm.
flow in the preovulatory follicle and oocyte quality Ultrasonography makes it possible to diagnose early
(Palomba et al. 2006). Doppler ultrasonographic pregnancies with a higher level of accuracy than rectal
characteristics of the preovulatory follicle 30 h after palpation. The detection of non-pregnant cows is of
hCG injection indicated that follicle blood flow was utmost importance for reducing days open on dairy
greater in mares that became pregnant than in mares farms, as one of the most critical problems in dairy
that did not (Silva et al. 2006). In Holstein heifers farms is inefficient heat detection. In addition, valuable
after treatment with PGF2a, GnRH after 36 h, and information on embryo viability, presence of twins,
AI 26 h after GnRH, Siddiqui et al. (2009) found that normality of foetal development or foetal gender can be
blood flow at the time of AI was greater in the follicle obtained by US. Finally, colour Doppler ultrasound
wall of the heifers that became pregnant than in can help to gain more precise information in determin-
heifers that did not. It seems, therefore, that a direct ing the stage of the oestrous cycle of the cow, as well as
relationship exists between the blood flow in the for early pregnancy diagnosis or diagnosis of embry-
preovulatory follicle and the success of AI. onic loss.

Conflict of interest
None of the authors have any conflict of interest to declare.
Ultrasonography is a more accurate tool than rectal
palpation for reproductive control of cattle, particularly

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