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Task 2: This is me

Curso Inglés A1



Programa: Licenciatura en pedagogía infantil

Número de grupo: 900001_2256

Nombre del tutor: David Londrey Florez Larrota

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia



Task 2: This is me

a. Stage 1: Ejercicio del e-book.

b. Stage 2 – 3: Composición en inglés.

Párrafo 1

Hi, I'm Martha from Miraflores Guaviare. I dedicate myself to helping with the
housework and taking care of my nephew. I am not married, I have a boyfriend,
I have no children either, I am twenty-six years old and I am studying for a
degree in child pedagogy. In my free time I go for a walk to my mother's farm.

Párrafo 2

In Miraflores located in the department of Guaviare. we can find a beautiful

hidden paradise; you can see a landing strip in the middle of the village. There
is a store stocked with agricultural products, a police station, a large hospital,
the municipal hall, the educational institution, the dock of the Vaupes river and
my beautiful large wooden house where I live with my mother and my nephew.

En Miraflores ubicado en el departamento del Guaviare. podemos

encontrar un hermoso paraíso escondido; se puede ver una pista de
aterrizaje en el medio del pueblo. Hay una tienda surtida de productos
agrícolas, una comisaría, un gran hospital, la alcaldía, la institución
educativa, el muelle del río Vaupés y mi hermosa casa grande de
madera donde vivo con mi madre y mi sobrino.

Hablando de mi ciudad/pueblo:

Los principales lugares turísticos de mi localidad son: La vereda la

esperanza donde siempre encontramos un balneario con sus respectivos
juegos deportivos y comidas al gusto; la Maloka Centro Miraflores donde
encontramos las diferentes costumbres étnicas y su gastronomía.

La comida típica de mi pueblo es la Quiñapira y el pesco moqueado, sus

principales ingredientes son la yuca brava, el pescado y el ají. Tenemos
un festejo a nivel municipal llamado Festival del Dabucury,
generalmente se realizan actividades autóctonas y folclóricas, hay
presentaciones gastronómicas, artesanales y afrodescendientes e
indígenas para los visitantes que casi siempre están presentes.

Speaking of myself:

I am from Miraflores Guaviare, I have a boyfriend. I dedicate myself to

housework and take care of my nephew. I am twenty-six years old and I
am studying child pedagogy. I live in Miraflores Guaviare and in my
spare time I always go for a walk on my mother's farm.

Speaking of my city/town:

The main tourist places in my town are: The path of hope where we
always find a spa with their respective sports games and meals to taste;
the Maloka Centro Miraflores where we find the different ethnic customs
and their gastronomy.

The typical food of my town is Quiñapira and pesco moqueado, its main
ingredients are yuca brava, fish and chili. We have a celebration at the
municipal level called the Dabucury Festival, generally native and
folkloric activities are carried out, there are gastronomic, artisanal and
Afro-descendant and indigenous presentations for visitors who are
almost always present.
Párrafo 3

I get up at five thirty in the morning, I don't have breakfast. I'm at home all day
because I don't have work for now, I have a very punctual lunch at twelve thirty
in the afternoon I had a delicious baked chicken with rice and potatoes. After
university classes I help with my nephew's academic homework, I also study
English once a week. At seven at night I have tuna salad for dinner, I go to bed
at ten at night and on weekends I spend time with my family on the farm.

Stage 4: Portafolio.

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