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November 7, 2022


United States Citizenship
And Immigration Services

Adjudication Officer,

Please consider this letter in support of Diego Campos’ application for permanent residency in
the United States.

My name is Guilherme Ribeiro, and I am the Front Office Director of ABCDE Company. I have a
bachelor’s degree in Information Systems, with focus in System Analysis, which I received in
1997, at Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUCCAMP). Three years later, I earned an
MBA in Project Management from the same institution. Later, in 2015, I took an extension course
in Strategic Marketing, by Estácio de Sá University. More recently, in 2021, I attained another
MBA, this time in People Management, at University of São Paulo (USP), which is considered
the best university in Brazil and the second best in Latin America, by the QS Latin America

Regarding my work at ABCDE, I am responsible for directing the company’s front line, dealing
directly with the customer experience. To this end, I keep track of the financial market, and
design methods of attracting new clients. As an IT specialist, I manage the digital aspects of the
business, specifically the ones related to Salesforce and its Marketing Cloud. Salesforce is an
easy-to-use platform, in which we develop programs from a unified system, promoting better
collaborative work between employees. Marketing Cloud, in turn, is a tool that automatizes the
marketing process, by allowing the sharing of data to different channels and facilitating its
analysis. We use them to study customer's relationship with ABCDE, so we can develop
strategies to customize and improve their experience.

Since 2003, I have had important roles in IT projects at other large companies, such as XYZ
Corporation. This is a leading provider of technology consultancy related services. It has
branches in more than 100 countries, holding the first position in the ranking of the main tech
firms in Latin America. I worked in this agency as a Salesforce Manager, recruiting and heading
its high-performance teams, in addition to monitoring the Salesforce and Marketing cloud
professionals. With that, I can affirm that I have extensive experience in this field.

While working at XYZ Corporation, 7 years ago, I managed the team that provided Salesforce
services to a client named Tel BR, which is a leader in Telecommunications in Latin America,
and one of the largest multi-service operators in Brazil. At that time, Diego Campos was the
project consultant responsible for the squads that would implement the platform. He was Tel
BR’s Business Analyst, which is a position with similar purposes to what I currently do in ABCDE,
meaning that his role was to always be updated to the marketing tendencies, and applying
business and analysis skills to identify new opportunities for his company to thrive.

During our collaboration, Mr. Campos has shown a profound knowledge of Salesforce, and
because of that, he took the lead of the teams, including the employees from XYZ Corporation.
Therefore, we had a lot of contact, since we both had administrative responsibilities over the

It consisted in the incorporation of the Salesforce platform with IVR (Interactive Voice Response)
and legacy systems. IVR is a technology that allows customers to interact with the company’s
service system through phone calls. Legacy systems, on the other hand, are outdated software
and hardware that are still in use, but do not allow growth. The integration with a new system
required the connection of on-premises data to go over the cloud, serving as a bridge to the
network. In this way, the information from on-premises systems leveraged the new system.

In the case of Tel BR, a telecommunications company, the integration was a CTI (Computer-
Telephony Integration). This means that we linked computers with their telephone systems to
enable numerous services of voice, audio, and video. That modification was necessary because
of the most recent tendencies of the market since modern-day communication is highly
connected with computers. Another benefit of the update was the implementation of CRM
(Customer Relationship Management), which was a key element to Mr. Campos' position as a
Business Analyst.

CRM corresponds to a range of strategies and technologies that aim to analyze the interactions
with consumers, to improve the relationship between them and the company. CRM systems, in
turn, automate the process by storing customers and prospects data, which is what Salesforce
does. Therefore, this platform is extremely useful for Mr. Campos' role of analyzing data about
the business.

Moreover, besides his fundamental role as a project leader, he also led the KPI (Key Performance
Indicator) measurement. He did this to identify the aspects that were improved by the new
system, therefore measuring the process’ success. He then gathered all the information and
developed presentations and weekly reports to the executive board. Those reports referred to
the Salesforce implementation milestones, which are reference points for the beginning or the
conclusion of each of its phases. That facilitated the visualization of such a complex project,
dividing it into distinct stages and making them easier to manage.

Additionally, his contributions served as strategic support to the company’s executives to move
forward with the implementation. With that, Mr. Campos proved to have organizational skills
necessary for professionals with administrative responsibilities, ensuring the good functioning of
the business activities.
After that, Tel BR proceeded to have meetings with their call center providers, to present the
new project. Hence, they started implementing the Salesforce system and training their
employees to use it. Later, official visits with partner companies were scheduled, to solve any
errors or doubts about its functions. The one responsible for the presentations was Mr. Campos,
as he was the main person operating the CTI squad.

During the time we worked together, Mr. Campos acted with a lot of professionalism. He led the
squads and took different organizational measures to ensure that the project would be
successful. For this reason, I can attest that his proactivity in organazing each step, in addition
to his expertise as a Business Analyst and his knowledge about Salesforce, were essential for
the modernization of Tel BR’s systems. This was especially important for the company because
innovative technologies allow processes to be automatized, and therefore be done more
efficiently, reducing the possibility of manual errors, and accelerating the execution of the
business activities.

Due to his essential role in our project, I consider Mr. Campos a distinguished professional with
excellent leadership skills. This, added to his extensive technical knowledge, will certainly assist
him in his objective in the United States. By opening an IT consulting company, he will provide
support to other businesses in several technology-related issues. These services include helping
with needs mapping, project planning, and strategy execution using technology tools, which are
activities he has masterfully developed during our collaboration. Therefore, I can confidently say
that the American IT sector and its economy will be positively impacted by his work.

To end this letter, I make myself available to answer any questions regarding what I have
mentioned so far.


Guilherme Ribeiro.


+55 (00) 9898-9898

Rua Qualquer, 123, São Paulo, São Paulo, 58000500 Brazil

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