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Name: ________________________ No. of Years in Teaching Chemistry: _______

Position: ______________________ School: ______________________________

Direction: Please rate the level of acceptability of the developed collaborative GRASPS performance
tasks in grade 8 chemistry using the following rating scale:
Rating Verbal Meaning
4 Strongly Agree
3 Agree
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
The performance task provides a statement of the
The performance task establishes the goal,
problem, challenge or obstacle in the task.
The performance task defines the role of the
students in the task.
The performance task states the job of the students
for the task.
The performance task identifies the target
audience within the context of the scenario.
The performance task have audience/s that include
a client or committee.
The performance task set the context of the
The performance task explains the situation.
The performance task clarifies what the students
will create and why they will create it.
The performance task provides the students with a
clear picture of success.
The performance task identifies specific standards
for success.
The performance task issued rubrics to the

Comments: (Please write your comments and recommendations on the crafted material. Use another
sheet if necessary.)


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