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elcome to Adventist Academy of Negros Oriental- Siquijor, Inc., School Year 2022-2023. How I
wish we could see each other in the real classroom, but due to this pandemic, we have to adapt to the
“new normal”.

For the mean time, we will study and learn together through the modules that I have prepared.

To get the most from the module/s, you need to do the following:

 Begin by seeking God’s help for understanding and wisdom through PRAYER.
 Read and understand the sequence of the module.
 Read and understand the objectives carefully.
 Lessons will be presented either through video presentation or through textbooks and printed pages
from the textbook.
 Depending on the lesson, there will be short exercise/s in-between.
 If you find the lesson hard to understand, read it again and again, or contact me at the numbers
provided below.
 Above all, ponder upon the life lessons or the values you get from the lesson. .
 End with a short prayer.

When you work on this module, please follow the days and time schedule. Each module is good for
1 week which means 4 hours all in all. Answer 1 or 2 activities for one meeting, depending on the
number of activities per module.

This is our class schedule by

General Biology 1 Day Time

Monday - Thursday 11:15-12:00pm

My dear students, if you have question/s, don’t hesitate to ask me for assistance.


(Cellphone TM- 09655548680)

Email Address:

FB & Messenger name: Marelin Olantigue Escabarte

C.A.R.E is the learning design that will be used for this subject. Every lesson will contain elements that will
guide you in studying and answering your module.

Christ First (DEVOTIONAL)

This part contains the spiritual aspect of your learning. You will read the devotional, reflect upon the
lessons that will guide you through, and know Jesus more.

OPENING PRAYER: You may start your lesson with a prayer

“I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul
knoweth right well.” Psalm 139:14
How do you understand this text?
How do you feel when you know that someone loves you unconditionally?
PRAYER: Dear God, thank you for accepting us for who we are. Help us to do everything in your will and not
our own. Please bless my student as he/she start his/her lesson this week. In Jesus name, Amen.



Biology is the study of life. As humans are living things, we have a natural sense of curiosity and affection
towards life and how has come to be. The study of biology incorporates everything imaginable related to the life
on Earth. It can be very broad and focus on details regarding the entire planet or it may be very specific and
study microscopic structures such as bacteria or DNA. Studying living things, called organisms, takes us all
around the world, from the most productive tropical rain forests to the hostile lands of Antarctica or the deepest
oceanic basins. What is General Biology all about? How important is biology?
WEEK 1-2

CONTENT STANDARD: The learners demonstrate understanding of…

1. Cell Theory, 2. Cell Structure and Functions, 3. Prokaryotic vs Eukaryotic Cells, 4. Cell Types
5. Cell Modifications

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The learners should be able to…

1. Construct a 3D model of a plant/animal/ bacterial cell using recyclable materials


 Explain the postulates of the cell theory (STEM_BIO11/12-Ia-c-1)

 Describe the structure and function of major and subcellular organelles (STEM_BIO11/12-Ia-c-





The Cell Theory

Prior to the invention of the very first microscope, everything that could not be seen by the naked eye
was unexplainable.

 Robert Hooke (1665) was able observe in a piece of cork specimen structures which appear as tiny
compartments similar to small rooms that are fitted to each other. Hooke coined the word “cell” to
describe these chamber-like structures and later became famous. Hooke thought that only plants and
fungi were the only ones made up of cells.
 Until 1676, Anton van Leeuwenhoek published his observations on tiny living organisms which he
named animalcules. He was the first to observe under his microscope the structure of a red blood cell of
different animals as well as a sperm cell.
 Robert Brown in 1831 was able to compare diverse kinds of plant specimens under the microscope. He
markedly indicated that there is one common thing about them- they are all composed of cells, and
inside the cell is a dark dense spot which he termed as the nucleus.
 Matthias Schleiden (1838) a German botanist concluded that all plant parts are made of cells.
 Theodor Schwann (1839), also a botanist and a close friend of Schleiden, stated that all animal tissues
are composed of cells, too.
 In 1858, Rudolf Virchow concluded that all cells come from pre-existing cells.
The discoveries made by Hooke, Leeuwenhoek, Schleiden, Schwann, Virchow, and others led to the
formulation of the cell theory. The cell theory is universal for all living things, no matter how simple or
complex, tiny or huge it is. This theory can be summed up into three basic components: (1.) all living
organisms are composed of one or more cells; (2.) the cell is the basic unit of life in all living things; and
(3.) all cells come from pre-existing cells.

An organism can be unicellular (one-celled) or multicellular. A single-celled organism can perform all
the essential functions which enable it to grow, survive, and reproduce. Multicellular organisms are more
complex in structure and function but the mechanism on how it is able to live is still the same with the
simple life forms.

Acquire Knowledge (EXPLORE/FIRM-UP)

This part helps you enhance your prior knowledge to explore or motivate for the next step. It contains
activities you to practice more before they going to a deeper understanding.

Let’s Investigate

INSTRUCTION: Answer the activity below. Write your answer in the activity.

ACTIVITY 1.1 The Discovery and Binding Mechanisms of Life

A. Read the “Cell Theory” which tells about the story of the discovery of cell. Familiarize and discover
the scientists and their respective works. Which scientist gave the following statements.

1. Thousands of tiny empty chambers in cork are called cells (1665)

2. Tiny living organisms are observed (1676)
3. All plants are made up of cells (1838)
4. All animals are made up of cells (1839)
5. All cells come from pre-existing cells (1858)

B. Complete the three basic components of the cell theory by arranging these words in proper order.


Cell Organelles

All living organisms are composed of one or many cells. The cell is the building block of life, which is
able to control and execute several functions in all types of organisms. The cell is generally microscopic, but its
size varies from one organism to another and also from the parts of the organism itself. Cell structures can only
be observed under high magnification electron microscope and are separated internally into numerous
membranous compartments called organelles (little organs). These organelles perform a variety of functions
like production of proteins, storage of important materials, harvesting energy, repairing cell parts, digestion of
substances, and maintaining the shape and structure of the cell, among others.

 Cell membrane encloses the cell and separates it from external environment. It actively regulates
the kind of substance that goes in and out of the cell. It consists of a bilayer of phospholipid with
integral (embedded) and peripheral (attached) proteins, as well as enzymes, receptor, proteins,
and glycoproteins.
 Cytoplasm a jelly-like substance which is mainly composed of water with dissolved substances
such as salt and proteins. It is responsible for the fluid nature of the cell’s internal environment
and that which allows the organelles to suspend dynamically.
 Nucleus, which is the control center of the cell, is enclosed in a double membrane which
selectively permits certain materials or compounds (e.g., mRNA) to exit. In the nucleus, a long
strand of DNA molecule is present which wounds around histone proteins to form a helical
structure, termed as chromatin strand.
 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a membranous system of interconnected tubules which served as
the transport system of the cell.
 Rough Endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER) appears grainy in structure in the electron
micrograpgh, thus named as rough. It is responsible in the production of secretory proteins such
as glycoproteins; it is also where membranes are produced for the cell and its expanding
membrane forms transport vesicles, which is important in the transit of products being made by
the ribosomes attached in the rough ER.
 Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (smooth ER) lacks ribosomes on its outer surface. Various
metabolic processes such as metabolism of carbohydrates, lipid synthesis, and detoxification of
drugs, chemicals, and poisons are performed in this organelle.
 Golgi bodies (or Golgi apparatus/Golgi complex) consists of stacks or piles of flattened sacs
called cisternae, which functions in the packaging, sorting, and refining of products that the cells
are making.
 Vacuole is one organelle that is larger in plants than in animal cells. Has the ability to enlarge as
plant cells absorb water.
 Lysosome is an exclusive organelles for animal cells which carries out intracellular digestion. It
contains hydrolytic enzymes that are used to digest all kinds of macromolecules.
 Mitochondrion (pl. mitochondria) is the powerhouse of the cell where cellular respiration takes
place. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the usable form of energy for the cell to perform its
 Chloroplast is only found in plant cell and other photosynthetic eukaryotic organisms; it is the
site for food production. By capturing light or solar energy, the chloroplast converts it to organic
compounds such as sugar from carbon dioxide and water. It contains green pigment chlorophyll
which functions in glucose production.
Other structures present in the cell are the components of the cytoskeleton which establishes the
form of the cell and holds the organelles in place. The cytoskeleton is composed of microfilaments,
microtubules, and intermediate filaments.

 Microfilaments are made up of actin molecules which form fine fibers of approximately 7-8
nm diameter
 Microtubules are composed of tubulin forming a hollow cylinder of 25 nm in diameter.
 Intermediate filaments are around 8-10 nm that make it “intermediate” in size.

Cell Types

The difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms is said to be the most important
distinction among the groups of living things. Deriving from the name itself, eu means “true” while karyon
means “nucleus”. The main difference is that the eukaryotic cells’ chromosomes are enclosed inside the nucleus
while the prokaryotes’ DNA (pro means “before”) is found in a region called nucleoid that has no membrane.
However, both types of cells possess cytoplasm. In prokaryotes, aside from not having a true nucleus, a semi-
rigid cell wall is present and membrane-bound organelles with specialized functions are absent.

All prokaryotic organisms are unicellular (single-celled) which include the members of Kingdom
Eubacteria and Archaebacteria. All multicellular organisms including humans, which are composed of complex
or many cells, are examples of eukaryotic cells. Kingdom Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia are the
members of eukaryotic living things.

Ready-To-Go (DEEPEN)
This part leads you to understanding deeper the different context of the lessons; be able to explain,
understand and comprehend onwhat you have learned.

ACTIVITY 1.2 Science Is Fun!

INSTRUCTION: Draw a plant/animal/bacterial cell. Explain why each item was used to represent the cell
organelle and describe the actual function of this organelle in a living cell. Complete the table below.

Cell Organelle Short Description Function










ACTIVITY 1.3 Comparing Cells: Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cell

INSTRUCTION: Answer the following statement.

Guide Questions:

1. What cellular structures do both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have in common?

2. All prokaryotes unicellular? Can they be multicellular?

3. Cite examples of organisms that are prokaryotes.

4. What organelles do eukaryotic cells have that are not found in prokaryotic cells?

Let’s Test

A. Identify the following items. Write the correct answer on the space provided before each number.

_____________________ 1. Which part of the cell controls cell activities and transmits hereditary

_____________________ 2. Which is the membranous part that transports substance and serves as a site of
lipid synthesis?

_____________________ 3. Which part of the cell serves as venue for cellular respiration and is known as
the powerhouse of the cell?

_____________________ 4. What is the structure that separates the cell contents from its environment?

_____________________ 5. Which part contains digestive enzyme that helps break down larger molecules
in the cell?

_____________________ 6. Which part functions for the photosynthetic activities of a plant cell?

_____________________ 7. What is the structure that contains ions, substances, and suspended organelles?

_____________________ 8. Which part served as the transport system of the cell?

_____________________ 9. Which part of the cell has the ability to enlarge as plant cells absorb water?

______________________ 10. What establishes the form of the cell and holds the organelles in place?
B. Write True if the statement is correct and False if otherwise.
_________ 1. Ribosomes, the main organelle involved in protein synthesis, are composed of subunits
that are produced by the Golgi apparatus.
_________ 2. Eukaryotic cells have membrane-bound organelles and true nucleus; whereas, prokaryotic
cells have no nucleus and organelles.
_________ 3. Microfilaments, microtubules, and intermediate filaments keep the whole cell and its
organelles intact.
_________ 4. Cells are the smallest functional units that make up all living things.
_________ 5. Cell organelles are composed of one or many cells.

CHAPTER 2 Cell Cycle

Active eukaryotic cells undergo a series of phases to make new cells and sustain the demand of a living
organism. The observable phase under the microscope where you see the chromosomes and nuclei is the M
phase or mitosis phase. The M phase is very short in comparison to the larger time that the cell is undergoing
the interphase, DNA exist as chromatin rather than as chromosomes. The interphase is divided into three

 G1 phase (gap 1). This is the “decision-making step” when the cell decides if it well start the cell cycle
or rest or permanently exit the cell cycle to become a differentiated cell (G0 phase)
 S (synthesis) phase, DNA replication occurs where the nucleus becomes larger twice the amount of
 G2 phase is where further growth and final preparation for mitosis happen.
 M phase, the cell undergoes a physical division via cytokinesis.

Mitosis begins with prophase where chromatin in the nucleus supercoils or condenses to form chromosomes.
These chromosomes are then recognizable under the light microscope. A condensed chromosome is made up of two
identical sister chromatids that are densely packed and constricted in a region termed as centromere. This is also the
phase when mitotic spindle starts to form on the outside of the nucleus. The mitotic spindle involved in this process
originates from the centromere, which is composed of paired centrioles that have been duplicated during interphase.
The transition stage from prophase to metaphase is known as prometaphase. During prometaphase, the nuclear
envelope starts to break down allowing the spindle fiber to interact with the chromosomes. The spindle fibers then
bind to the kinetochore (found on the centromere region). When the kinetochore of the sister chromatids are attached
to the spindle fibers, the chromosomes move midway between ploes until it aligns at one plate, the metaphase plate.
Therefore, the next stage is known as metaphase. The equilibrium “central” positioning of the chromosomes means
that one of the sister chromatids has an attached spindle fiber on one centrosome and the other sister chromatid is
attached to the other centromere.

The next stage of mitosis is when the sister chromatid separates and moves apart toward the opposite poles of the
cell. This newly separated chromatid is called chromosomes. As the poles move further apart, the cell elongates the
spindle. Telophase begins when the chromosomes at the end of each pole decondense. A new nuclear envelope forms
and chromosome further decondenses into a chromatin.

A special type of cell division which is exclusively for gametes (sperm and egg cell) is called meiosis.
Meiosis consists of two sets of cell division (Meiosis I and Meiosis II) resulting in four daughter cells having
only half of the number of chromosomes of its parent cell (haploid). In humans, the chromosomes are reduced
to only half of the set of the chromosome in number (23) so that when the gametes undergo fertilization, it will
add up and return to its original complete set of chromosomes.

What differentiates mitosis from meiosis is in terms of three important events. First, meiosis allows the
exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes when they line up side by side during
prophase I (synapsis). This exchange of genetic material is called crossing over which can occur between non-
sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes. Secondly, the independent assortment of the chromosomes
increases the genetic variability among the daughter cells produced during meiosis. For instance, if there are n
pairs of chromosomes in the parent cell, independent assortment produces 2n possible combinations in its
daughter cells. Thus, a limitless number of genetic combinations are possible in the resulting cells of meiosis.
Lastly, alleles of the same gene separate during meiosis. These characterictics increase the genetic variability in
the offspring and are important in understanding genetics and evolution in sexually reproducing organisms.

The steps in meiosis are summarized in the table below.

Phase Events
Prophase I Create tetrads (XX) by pairing homologous chromosomes. This is where
crossing over occurs.
Metaphase I Tetrads line up along the metaphase plate. This phase is when
independent assortment takes place.
Anaphase I The homologous chromosomes move to opposite ends of the cell.
Telophase I Equal number of chromosome is observed in each of the nuclei
Cytokinesis I Divide the cell membrane so that you have two daughter cells. These
daughter cells are now haploid (n), wherein the number of chromosomes
has been halved.
Prophase II Each of the two cells should contain the chromosomes made up of sister
Metaphase II Align the chromosomes along the middle of each of your cells.
Anaphase II Separate the sister chromatids then move one sister chromatid from each
chromosomes to opposite sides of your cell.
Telophase II At this stage, you should now have four nuclei, with two single
chromatids in each of the cells.
Cytokinesis II Divide the cell membranes so that you have four daughter cells.

Cell Cycle, Cell Death, and Diseases

 Errors in mitosis lead to an incorrect copy of the DNA which may produce benign or deadly
functional consequences depending on the error.
 The correlation with the malfunction of these processes to the onset of major diseases such as
cancer, stroke, atherosclerosis, inflammation, and some neurodegenerative disorders
Mitosis and Cancer

DNA contains the hereditary material; in nearly all organisms (more will be discussed about this topic in
the next unit). In the process of copying the DNA, two types of error may arise: (1) silent mutation when the
DNA is improperly copied and (2) missense mutation, which causes a change in the sequence bringing an
impact with the associated function.

Chromosome Abnormalities

 Aneuploidy is a disorder when a cell has an incorrect number or set of chromosomes

 Down Syndrome has an extra chromosomes (number 13) making the organism to have 47 total
 Turner Syndrome lacks one on its sex chromosomes (44 autosomes and X) or 45 chromosomes.

Experience (TRANSFER)
In this part, you are to execute the knowledge gained from the lessons. This part has the highest
percentage of your grade. Furthermore, this is implemented for you to experience and perform the
target competencies for every quarter. Therefore, you are expected to perform the big task that is
provided to measure how far you have learned.

INSTRUCTION: Complete the table below to summarize the significant events that happen in each stage of the
cell division.

Phase Stage Description

Interphase G1 (Gap 1)


Mitosis G2 (Gap 2)


Mitosis Anaphase


ACTIVITY 2.3 Let’s Review

INSTRUCTION: Fill up the missing correct answer of the following process.

Process DNA Synapsis of Cross Homologous Sister Number and

Synthesis homologous Over chromosomes chromatids genetic
chromosomes line up at the line up at the composition of
metaphase plate metaphase daughter cells

Mitosis Occurs in S Does Does not occur in Two diploid

phase of not mitosis cells at the end
interphase occur in of mitosis

Meiosis During prophase I During

metaphase II


INSTRUCTION: Circle T if the statement is true and F if otherwise.

T F 1. During the three subphases, the cell grows by producing proteins and cytoplasmic organelles
enabling the cell to prepare for the cell division.
T F 2. In prophase II of meiotic division, pairing of homologous chromosome and crossing over to
trade segments of their chromosomes.
T F 3. In metaphase of mitosis, the homologous chromosomes align to the metaphase plate while
the microtubules on the opposite poles attach to the homologue.
T F 4. During prophase, the nucleus and chromatin fiber become tightly coiled which forms into
chromosomes while the nuclear membrane and nucleolus disappear.

T F 5. Down syndrome lacks one on its sex chromosomes (44 autosomes and X) or 45
T F 6. DNA contains the hereditary material in nearly all organisms
T F 7. Meiosis reduces the number of chromosomes from 2 sets to 1 set
T F 8. Telophase II, at this stage align the chromosomes along the middle of each of your cells
T F 9. Silent mutation when DNA is improperly copied
T F 10. Cytokinesis II divide the cell membrane so that you have four daughter cells.

Values Integration

Every individual are unique created by God. We are differ in function, structure, and processes in this
earth were we live but our citizenship in this earth may be unclear. We may not know who we are in society.
We may be doubtful where we belong. But one thing is sure. We are all children of God. And with Him, we
always belong. God designed us with plan and purpose in this world. “…for I have created him for my glory…”
Isaiah 43:7.


C.A.R.E is the learning design that will be used for this subject. Every lesson will contain elements that will
guide you in studying and answering your module.

Christ First (DEVOTIONAL)

This part contains the spiritual aspect of your learning. You will read the devotional, reflect upon the
lessons that will guide you through, and know Jesus more.
OPENING PRAYER: You may start your lesson with a prayer
Psalm 121:7-8
“The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The Lord Keeps watch over you as you come
and go, both now and forever.”

How do you understand this text?

What is the most important message in the Bible?

PRAYER: Dear God, thank you for being our God. Help us to do the things in your will. Please bless my
student as he/she start his/her lesson this week. In Jesus name, Amen.


What is cell transport? It is the movement of substances across the cell membrane either into or out of
the cell. Sometimes things just move through the phospholipid bilayer. Other times, substances need the
assistance of a protein, like a channel protein or some other transmembrane protein, to cross the cell membrane.
The structure of the membrane is designed to be selectively permeable, which means that it allows only certain
substances to enter and leave the cell.
CONTENT STANDARD: The learners demonstrate understanding of…
Transport Mechanisms a. Simple Diffusion b. Facilitated Transport c. Active Transport d.
Bulk/Vesicular Transport
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The learners should be able to…
1. construct a cell membrane model from indigenous or recyclable materials

 Describe the structural components of the cell membrane (STEM_BIO11/12-Ig-h-11)
 Relate the structure and composition of the cell membrane to its function (STEM_BIO11/12-Ig-h-12)

CHAPTER 3: Cellular Transport Mechanisms

All cell membranes are dynamic in nature. They are not fixed sheets of organic molecules but are
constantly showing changes in their form, size, structure, and function. Being the barrier from the external
environment of the cell, the plasma membrane has a crucial role in regulating the substances that go in and out
of the cell.

Membrane Transport

Phospholipids and proteins are the principal components of membranes; however, different types of
organisms have varying compositions and structures, too. Generally, a phospholipid molecule having both
hydrophobic and hydrophilic heads forms from the plasma membrane. The lipid molecules are amphipathic,
that is, they possess both polar hydrophilic (water loving) and nonpolar hydrophobic (water repelling) ends. The
hydrophobic region is in the form of a head while the hydrophobic part contains two tails of fatty acids.

The red polar head separates the yellow hydrophobic tails from the aqeous cytosolic and extracellular
environments. This phospholipid bilayer performs self-assembly to form a continuous, spherical structure
around the cell content. This complex interaction can include noncovalent interactions such as van der Waals,
electrostatic, and hydrogen bonds to maintain the integrity of the membrane. The bilayer does not allow the
passage of ions and polar molecules (e.g., amino acids, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, proteins, and ions) but it
permits the passive diffusion of hydrophobic molecules. This affords the cell the ability to control the
Some protein molecules are both on the inside and on the outer side of the lipid bilayer while some are
only on the inner side of the bilayer membrane. These proteins which pass into the bilipid layer are called
integral proteins which are like tunnels or channels for the passage of water and/or other substances. Integral
membrane proteins can be classified as uniporter, symporter, and antiporter. Uniporter transports substances in
a unidirectional manner depending on the concentration gradient. Symporters transports different types of
molecules in the cell membrane at the same time and the opposite happens for antiporter.

Other proteins found on the cell membrane are known as extrinsic or peripheral proteins which act as
receptors for hormones, recognition centers, and antigens. The structure of the cell membrane plays active and
passive roles in the transport of substances across it. Generally speaking, substances can spread out in a given
solution because of the random movement of its particles. This is called diffusion which occurs when particles
move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Diffusion is an example of passive
transport because energy is not a requirement during the process. Diffusion is an important cellular process, for
instance, the movement of oxygen from air into the blood and the carbon dioxide out of the blood into the
surrounding air in the lungs are some of the biological importance of this process.

If diffusion is taking place across a semi-permeable membrane, the transport is called osmosis. It
happens when two areas of differing concentration gradients are being separated by a partially permeable
membrane. Specifically, osmosis is the movement of water through a semi-permeable membrane from an area
of higher concentration to a relatively low concentration of water. This principle governs the movement of
water inside the body to maintain homeostasis.

There is no net water movement, so there is no change in the size of the cell. When a cell is placed in a
hypotonic environment, water will enter the cell, and the cell will swell. Diagram of red blood cells in
hypertonic solution (shriveled), isotonic solution (normal), and hypotonic solution (puffed up and bursting).
Hypertonic solution
In biology, the tonicity of a solution usually refers to its solute concentration relative to that of another
solution on the opposite side of a cell membrane; a solution outside of a cell is called hypertonic if it has a
greater concentration of solutes than the cytosol inside the cell.
Isotonic solutions contain equal concentrations of impermeable solutes on either side of the membrane and so
the cell neither swells nor shrinks.
Hypotonic solution
In biology, a solution outside of a cell is called hypotonic if it has a lower concentration of
solutes relative to the cytosol. Due to osmotic pressure, water diffuses into the cell, and the cell often appears
turgid, or bloated.
If a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, water will leave the cell, and the cell will shrink. In an
isotonic environment, the relative concentrations of solute and water are equal on both sides of the
membrane. ... When a cell is placed in a hypotonic environment, water will enter the cell, and the cell will

Facilitated diffusion is the diffusion of solutes through transport proteins in the plasma membrane. Facilitated
diffusion is a type of passive transport. Even though facilitated diffusion involves transport proteins, it is still
passive transport because the solute is moving down the concentration gradient. Larger molecules to pass
through the cell membrane through channels without using energy. Diffusion unassisted movement of solutes
base in the difference of concentration from higher to lower concentration between two regions.

Active Transport

In active transport, the particles move across a cell membrane from a lower concentration to a higher
concentration. Active transport is the energy-requiring process of pumping molecules and ions across
membranes "uphill" - against a concentration gradient. Sodium –potassium pump membrane channels that
require input of energy to change shape and allow the passage of ions.
Endocytosis is the process of capturing a substance or particle from outside the cell by engulfing it with
the cell membrane, and bringing it into the cell. Bulky materials are taken in by forming membrane folds or
vesicles which will be digested by cell enzymes. Exocytosis describes the process of vesicles fusing with the
plasma membrane and releasing their contents to the outside of the cell. Substance is packaged in vesicles, fuses
with the plasma membrane, and will be released out of the cell. Phagocytosis is the vesicle holds a solid
substance while Pinocytosis is the vesicle contains a liquid material.

Acquire Knowledge (EXPLORE/FIRM-UP)

This part helps you enhance your prior knowledge to explore or motivate for the next step. It contains
activities you to practice more before they going to a deeper understanding.


INSTRUCTION: Complete the table below by indicating if the cell has higher, lower, or equal concentration
and if the cell will shrink, enlarge, or stay the same.

Hypertonic Isotonic Hypotonic

Relative concentration

Effect on the cell from

having this environment

Do plants hypotonic or hypertonic solution? _________________________________

Ready-To-Go (DEEPEN)
This part leads you to understanding deeper the different context of the lessons; be able to explain,
understand and comprehend onwhat you have learned.


INSTRUCTION: Match the processes in column A to the terms in column B.

1. Substance is packaged in vesicles, fuses with a. Diffusion
the plasma membrane, and will be released out
of the cell.
2. unassisted movement of solutes base in the b. Endocytosis
difference of concentration from higher to
lower concentration between two regions.

3. membrane channels that require input of c. Exocytosis

energy to change shape and allow the passage
of ions.

4. movement of water through a semi-permeable d. Facilitated diffusion

membrane from an area of higher
concentration to a relatively low concentration
of water.
5. Bulky materials are taken in by forming e. Osmosis
membrane folds or vesicles which will be
digested by cell enzymes.
6. Larger molecules to pass through the cell f. Phagocytosis
membrane through channels without using
7. is the vesicle holds a solid substance g. Pinocytosis
8. the vesicle contains a liquid material. h. Sodium-potassium pump
9. transports substances in a unidirectional i. Symporters
manner depending on the concentration
10. transports different types of molecules in the j. Uniporter
cell membrane at the same time

INSTRUCTION: Circle T if the statement is true and F if otherwise.

T F 1. Concentration gradient refers to the tendency of particles of any kind to spread out
evenly in an available space.
T F 2. The ability of the surrounding solution to cause the cell to gain or lose water refers to
T F 3. In endocytosis, a depression in the plasma membrane pinches in and forms a vesicle
enclosing the material that had been outside the cell.
T F 4. Facilitated transport is a process that needs an input of energy to enable substances to
diffuse down its concentration gradient.
T F 5. All cell membranes are dynamic in nature.

Experience (TRANSFER)
In this part, you are to execute the knowledge gained from the lessons. This part has the highest
percentage of your grade. Furthermore, this is implemented for you to experience and perform the
target competencies for every quarter. Therefore, you are expected to perform the big task that is
provided to measure how far you have learned.

1. List 3 things that you learned about cellular transport mechanisms.

2. List 2 examples of cell.
3. List 1 question that you have about cellular transport mechanisms.

Everyone needs motivation, stimulation, and encouragement, so appropriately, the Bible is sometimes
referred to as the “blueprint for life.” Psalm 119:105 says “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my
path.” We often believe that no one else could possibly know what we are going through, but God always
knows because He is the omniscient and omnipresent God. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not
on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs
3:5-6). This means if we are committed to and trust in God with a faithful heart, He will help us through the
struggles and obstacles in our paths.

General Biology 1; Rex Book Store

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