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Diabetes is a disease in which the body’s ability to produce insulin is damaged

and impaired. This can result to high blood sugar and other impairments;
Diabetic people should have a diet in which their different needs should be met. Our
food pyramid was developed to meet these needs. When making a diet for a diabetic
we should keep in mind to have as little sugar as possible this includes
At the base of the pyramid, we decided to put vegetable at 4-6 servings because
vegetables are highly nutritious in minerals and vitamins and studies have shown
that the more vegetables a person consumes can lower the risk of high blood sugar
and heart diseases. We chose to have a salad or mixed veg as options because they
are highly nutritious but still have flavour.
On the next layer we have proteins and carbohydrates. When having carbohydrates
consumer should try and have low-GI and wholemeal products. Regular consumption
of Low glycaemic-index foods is better because it helps to regulate blood pressure
keeping us fuller for longer because of the slow breakdown of glucose. Many studies,
including Forbes, show that combining good fats with carbs can improve insulin
resistance, cholesterol numbers, and weight loss in obese people with type 2
diabetes. The proteins we have chosen and the serving size of 3-4 and the serving
size for carbohydrates of 3-5, we believe that thee serving sizes we have chosen to
complement each other perfectly.
On the second last layer we have fruits and dairy products. Fruits are items that are
high in fructose and sugar, but they still have high nutritional value 2-3 servings of
fruits is sufficient to obtain this nutrition fruits have to offer while keeping the
consumer safe from high blood sugar spikes. Dairy products provide us with three
essential vitamins and mineral calcium, potassium, and magnesium but we should
remember that milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, and cheese supply carbohydrates from
a natural sugar called lactose. Having dairy in small portions are great and will be
beneficial towards our health.
On the top of our pyramid, we have fats and oils Too much of any kind of fat is not
good for your health. To keep a healthy heart and body weight, you need to limit the
amount of fats and oils you eat. fats and oils have more than twice the calories as
equal amounts of protein or carbohydrate. We should also remember that fats and
oils are in majority of food we consume that is why we decided to put it at the top.
We should remember that every person needs in a diet differ depending on their
body type and the way their bodies respond to certain foods. Our pyramid is good
for diabetics because the sugar intake is low while still maintain to let our bodies
obtain the needed vitamins and minerals.

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