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Compiled By:

Sajjad Iqbal Khan

M.Phil Applied Linguistics
In the context of a business letter, a
direct request refers to a clear and
straightforward statement made by the
writer, explicitly asking the recipient for a
specific action, information, or response.
It is a concise and focused expression of
what the sender expects or desires from
the recipient.
A direct request in a business letter
eliminates ambiguity and provides a direct
approach to communication, ensuring that
the purpose of the letter is clearly
understood and the desired outcome is
more likely to be achieved. It is often
considered an effective way to convey
intentions and streamline communication
in professional correspondence.
Sample Business Letter of Request

Insert Company Logo Here


Addressee Name Company

Street Address or P.O. Box City, State,

[Insert Greeting (Mr./Ms./Mrs./Dr., etc) Last Name]:

I am contacting you today to request information on your company's [specific products or services
that you are interested in]. My company provides [description of your organization's work as it
relates to your request] and we are seeking new suppliers. I am very interested in finding out if your
organization's [specific products or services] may meet our needs.

Please provide details about the products specified here, as well as any additional offerings that you
feel may meet our needs. I am looking for [fill in specifics that you need such as pricing, availability,
specs, samples, etc.]. You can learn more about [insert name of letter writer's company] at [www.insert-]. You may submit information via mail or email using the addresses below.

Please let me know if additional information is needed or if I can answer any questions. You may reach
me between [insert time] a.m. and [insert time] p.m. [insert time zone] at [insert your phone number] or
via email at [insert your email address]. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[Sign your name here]

[Your Full Name, Job Title] [Insert

Company Name]

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