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Group 8

Title: New Video Coding Standards: H.264 and H.265

Slide 1: Introduction

Overview of Video Coding Standards

Video coding standards are essential frameworks that enable the efficient
compression of video data while maintaining acceptable visual quality. These
standards are pivotal in today's multimedia landscape, where videos are a central
component of entertainment, communication, education, and more.

Importance of Efficient Video Compression

Efficient video compression is critical for various applications:

• Bandwidth Optimization: Compressed videos require less data for

transmission, facilitating smoother streaming experiences and reducing
network congestion.

• Storage Efficiency: Smaller video files mean less storage space required,
making it feasible to store and manage vast video libraries.

• Real-time Communication: Effective compression enables real-time video

conferencing and interactive applications without substantial delays.

• Emerging Technologies: As technology advances, with 4K, 8K, and even

higher-resolution displays becoming common, efficient compression
becomes vital to handle increased data loads.

Slide 2: Evolution of Video Coding Standards

Foundation in MPEG-1 and MPEG-2

The journey of video coding standards began with MPEG-1 and MPEG-2, which
laid the groundwork for digital video distribution. However, these standards faced
challenges in efficiently compressing high-quality content.

H.264 (AVC): A Milestone

The introduction of H.264, or Advanced Video Coding (AVC), marked a pivotal

moment. It revolutionized video compression by introducing advanced techniques
such as motion prediction, variable block sizes, and adaptive coding.

The Need for H.265 (HEVC)

Despite H.264's successes, the demand for higher resolutions and improved
compression efficiency remained. This need prompted the development of H.265,
or High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), to address the limitations of its

Slide 3: H.264 (AVC) - Key Features

Advancements in H.264

H.264 presented notable features:

• Enhanced Compression Techniques: Innovative motion prediction and

adaptive coding led to higher compression efficiency, significantly reducing
file sizes.

• Quality Preservation: Improved compression didn't compromise visual

quality, making it ideal for various applications.

• Application Diversity: Its versatility made it suitable for streaming,

broadcasting, video conferencing, and more.

Slide 4: H.264 Benefits

The Power of H.264 Adoption

H.264's benefits had a profound impact:

• Reduced Bandwidth Usage: H.264's compression efficiency translated to
reduced bandwidth requirements, facilitating smoother streaming and

• Universal Compatibility: Wide support across devices and software

ensured seamless playback experiences.

• Real-time Applications: Its low latency encoding was a game-changer for

real-time communication, offering a smoother user experience.

Slide 5: H.264 Limitations

Challenges Faced by H.264

However, H.264 had its limitations:

• Efficiency Plateau: Over time, the improvements in compression efficiency

started to plateau, inhibiting significant further gains.

• Resolution Constraints: H.264's effectiveness diminished with higher

resolutions, which became more prevalent with the rise of 4K and 8K

• HDR Absence: H.264 lacked proper support for High Dynamic Range (HDR)
content, limiting its ability to deliver richer visual experiences.

Slide 6: Introduction to H.265 (HEVC)

Addressing H.264's Shortcomings

The limitations of H.264 paved the way for the development of a new standard,
H.265, also known as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). H.265 aimed to surpass
H.264 in several critical aspects and cater to the evolving demands of video

Goals of H.265

H.265 was introduced to address the shortcomings of its predecessor and achieve
the following objectives:
• Enhanced Compression Efficiency: H.265 sought to improve compression
efficiency beyond what H.264 had achieved. This efficiency boost would
result in smaller file sizes and reduced bandwidth requirements for high-
quality video transmission.

• Support for Higher Resolutions: The demand for higher resolutions, such as
4K and 8K, was growing rapidly. H.265 aimed to accommodate these
resolutions while maintaining optimal quality.

• Improved Video Quality: H.265 aimed to deliver superior visual quality

even at lower bitrates, ensuring that viewers could enjoy sharper, more
vibrant videos.

• Versatility: Just like H.264, H.265 aimed to be versatile, catering to a wide

range of applications from streaming and broadcasting to surveillance and

Slide 7: H.265 Key Advantages

Why H.265 Matters

H.265, High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), introduced several key advantages
over its predecessors:

• Significant Compression Efficiency Improvement: H.265 achieved

approximately 50% better compression efficiency compared to H.264. This
efficiency translated to smaller file sizes without compromising quality.

• Support for High-Resolution Displays: The rise of 4K and 8K displays

required a standard capable of handling these resolutions efficiently.
H.265's design enabled it to manage the increased data load without
sacrificing visual quality.

• Handling Diverse Content Types: H.265's improved coding techniques

allowed it to handle a broader range of content types, from fast-paced
videos to still images, providing a more versatile solution.

Conclusion of H.265 Advantages

H.265, with its impressive compression improvements, resolution support, and
content adaptability, demonstrated its significance in meeting the demands of
modern multimedia applications.

Slide 8: Applications of H.265

Harnessing H.265's Capabilities

H.265's advancements found applications across various domains:

• Streaming Services: H.265's efficient compression enabled streaming

platforms to deliver 4K video content without causing a significant increase
in bandwidth demand. This resulted in smoother streaming experiences for

• Video Surveillance: The high compression efficiency of H.265 made it an

ideal choice for storing and transmitting high-resolution surveillance
footage, optimizing storage requirements and network bandwidth.

• Medical Imaging and Video Conferencing: In medical imaging, where

precision and clarity are essential, H.265's ability to handle diverse content
was valuable. It also played a crucial role in enhancing video conferencing

Concluding H.265 Applications

H.265's versatility had a profound impact across various sectors, allowing for
better video quality and efficient data management.

Slide 9: H.265 Challenges

Navigating H.265's Challenges

Despite its advantages, H.265 also presented challenges:

• Higher Computational Complexity: H.265's advanced coding techniques

required more computational resources for both encoding and decoding.
This complexity could pose challenges for devices with limited processing

• Licensing Issues: H.265 included patented technologies, leading to licensing

complications and potential costs for implementations.

• Gradual Adoption: As with any new standard, the adoption of H.265

required hardware and software upgrades, which might hinder its
immediate widespread use.

Conclusions about H.265 Challenges

While H.265 brought significant improvements, its challenges emphasized the

importance of evaluating its feasibility based on the specific needs of each

Slide 10: H.264 vs. H.265 Comparison

Balancing Features and Challenges

Comparing H.264 and H.265 highlights the balance between benefits and

• Compression Efficiency: H.265 offers substantially better compression,

making it ideal for bandwidth-conscious applications.

• Supported Resolutions: H.265's support for higher resolutions caters to the

demands of modern display technologies.

• Computational Complexity: H.265's complexity comes with higher

processing demands, which could impact its feasibility for certain devices.

Concluding H.264 vs. H.265

The comparison showcases that while H.265 provides remarkable advancements,

the trade-offs must be considered in context.

Slide 11: Future Trends in Video Coding

Continuing Evolution

The future of video coding promises ongoing advancements:

• Efficiency Innovations: Research continues to push the boundaries of

coding algorithms, aiming for even more efficient compression techniques.

• AI-Driven Compression: Exploration of artificial intelligence for video

compression holds promise, potentially unlocking new levels of efficiency.

• Emerging Formats: Formats like AV1 may offer alternatives to existing

standards, shaping the landscape of video coding.

Conclusion of Future Trends

The video coding domain remains dynamic, with continuous innovation shaping
the way videos are encoded, transmitted, and decoded.

Slide 12: Conclusion

Significance and Staying Updated

The presentation underscored the significance of video coding standards,

specifically focusing on H.264 and H.265. Efficient video compression is vital for
various applications, from entertainment to critical domains like healthcare and
surveillance. Staying updated with emerging standards is essential for delivering
optimal multimedia experiences.

References :

ITU-T Recommendation H.264: Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual


ITU-T Recommendation H.265: High efficiency video coding.

Sullivan, G. J., Ohm, J. R., Han, W. J., & Wiegand, T. (2012). Overview of the high
efficiency video coding (HEVC) standard. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and
Systems for Video Technology, 22(12), 1649-1668.

Wiegand, T., Sullivan, G. J., Bjøntegaard, G., & Luthra, A. (2003). Overview of the
H. 264/AVC video coding standard. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for
Video Technology, 13(7), 560-576.

ISO/IEC 14496-10: Information technology — coding of audio-visual objects —

Part 10: Advanced Video Coding.

Le Gall, D., & Tabatabai, A. (2012). H. 265/MPEG-HEVC: the design of a new video
coding standard. IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems for video technology,
22(12), 1649-1668.

TechRepublic. (2016). H.264 vs. H.265: A technical comparison.

Names of the group members;






ISAAC MENSAH [10821069]









RUTH OYE ASARE [10845271]

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