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Shiferaw Melese…………………MMBA/0009/15
Estifanos Desalegn………………MMBA/0218/15
Melkam Tseganew…………… MMBA/0008/15
Masresha Emwey……………… MMBA/O160/15
Sultane Mohammed…………… MMBA/0002/15
Birke Wubshet………………… MMBA/0029/15
Meleyo Besfat………………… MMBA/0044/15
Almaz Semegnew…………… MMBA/0048/15

Submitted to Dr. Fisseha Zelalem

Addis ababa ,Ethiopia

June , 2023


Introduction about Training Needs Analysis in school

This literature review evaluates the practice of Training Needs Analysis (TNA) in a
school setting. TNA is a critical process that helps schools identify the training needs of
its teachers and staff, which are essential for their professional development and the
success of the school.
Literature Review about TNA in school
A.Importance of TNA in schools:
TNA is vital in schools as it helps identify the training needs of teachers and staff, which
are essential for their professional development. According to Armstrong (2012), TNA
ensures that training programs are relevant, effective, and contribute to employee
development. In schools, this translates to better teacher performance, improved student
outcomes and a more effective school.
B.Methods of TNA:
The most common methods of TNA include surveys, interviews, observation, and focus
groups. According to Noe et al. (2017), combining these methods can enhance the
effectiveness of TNA. Schools can use a combination of these methods to identify the
training needs of their teachers and staff.
C. Challenges of TNA:
Challenges that schools face while conducting TNA include lack of management support,
inadequate resources, and resistance to change. According to Saks and Haccoun (2010),
overcoming these challenges requires a commitment from management and employees to
the training process. In schools, this translates to school leaders who are committed to
professional development and teachers who are willing to participate in training.
D.Evaluation of TNA:
Evaluation of TNA is vital to determine the effectiveness of training interventions.
According to Phillips and Stone (2015), evaluation should be based on the relevance of
training to the job, employee satisfaction, and changes in employee behavior and
performance after training. Schools should evaluate their training interventions based on
these criteria.



E.Best practices for TNA in schools

The best practices for TNA in schools include identifying the training needs of teachers
and staff, aligning training with school goals, involving teachers and staff in the process,
evaluating the effectiveness of training, and providing continuous support and
reinforcement. According to Noe et al. (2017), these practices ensure that TNA is
effective and meets the school's goals.
F. Conclusion:
In conclusion, TNA is essential in schools to identify the training needs of teachers and
staff and develop training interventions that align with school goals. Schools should use a
combination of TNA methods, evaluate their training interventions, and follow best
practices to ensure that training programs are relevant, effective, and contribute to teacher
development and student success. By following TNA best practices, schools can create a
culture of continuous learning and development that benefits both teachers and students.
G. best practices in Training Needs Analysis (TNA) in a school
Best practices in Training Needs Analysis (TNA) in a school setting are a set of
guidelines that schools can follow to ensure that their TNA process is effective and meets
the school's goals.
Here are some best practices for TNA in schools:
 Identify the training needs of teachers and staff: The TNA process should begin
with identifying the training needs of teachers and staff. This can be done through
various methods such as surveys, interviews, observation, and focus groups. It is
essential to involve teachers and staff in the process to ensure that their training
needs are identified accurately.
 Align training with school goals: The training program should align with the
school's goals and objectives. This helps to ensure that the training program
contributes to the school's success and meets its strategic needs. The training
program should focus on areas that are critical to the school's success, such as
improving student outcomes, teacher performance, and school culture.
 Involve teachers and staff in the process: Teachers and staff should be involved in
the TNA process to ensure that their training needs are accurately identified.



Teachers' and staff's involvement can also increase their commitment to the training
program and improve their motivation to learn.
 Evaluate the effectiveness of training: Evaluation is essential to determine the
effectiveness of the training program. The evaluation should be based on the
relevance of training to the job, employee satisfaction, and changes in employee
behavior and performance after training. Schools should use this feedback to
improve the effectiveness of future training programs.
 Provide continuous support and reinforcement: Continuous support and
reinforcement are essential to ensure that teachers and staff retain the knowledge and
skills acquired through training. This can be done through follow-up training,
coaching, and feedback. Schools should also provide opportunities for ongoing
professional development to facilitate continuous learning and growth.
 Plan and budget for training: Schools should plan and budget for training
programs to ensure that they have the necessary resources to implement the training
program effectively. This includes allocating funds for training materials, instructor
fees, and travel expenses.
 Use a variety of training methods: Schools should use a variety of training methods
to cater to different learning styles and preferences. These methods can include
workshops, online courses, peer-to-peer learning, and coaching.
By following these best practices, schools can ensure that their TNA process is effective
and contributes to the school's success. The best practices help to ensure that the training
program meets the school's goals, teachers' and staff's training needs are accurately
identified, and the training program is evaluated for effectiveness. By investing in the
professional development of teachers and staff, schools can create a culture of continuous
learning and development that benefits both teachers and students.
H . teacher performance.
Teacher performance refers to the effectiveness of teachers in delivering quality
education to students. It is an essential aspect of a school's success, as teachers'
performance directly impacts student learning outcomes.



There are several factors that contribute to teacher performance, including:

 Knowledge and skills: Teachers' knowledge and skills are critical to their
performance. They need to have a deep understanding of the subject matter they are
teaching and the ability to deliver the content effectively to students.
 Teaching strategies: Effective teachers use a variety of teaching strategies to engage
students and facilitate learning. They use techniques such as questioning, group work,
and hands-on activities to help students understand the material.
 Classroom management: Classroom management is essential for effective teaching.
Teachers need to create a positive classroom environment that encourages learning
and fosters student engagement.
 Assessment and feedback: Teachers need to provide regular feedback to students to
help them understand their strengths and areas for improvement. They also need to
assess student learning regularly to ensure that they are meeting the learning
 Professional development: Teachers need to engage in ongoing professional
development to stay up-to-date with the latest teaching methods and technology. This
helps them to continually improve their teaching skills and enhance their
In addition to these factors, teacher performance is also influenced by school leadership,
the school culture, and the resources available to teachers. Schools that prioritize teacher
performance and invest in their teachers' professional development tend to have higher
student learning outcomes. Therefore, it is essential for schools to support their teachers
in their efforts to continually improve their knowledge and skills and provide them with
the necessary resources to enhance their performance.



TNA literature review for Ethiopian education system

TNA (Training Needs Assessment) is a widely researched area in the field of education
and organizational development. The following literature review covers some of the key
studies on TNA in the Ethiopian education system.Teshome, A. (2015). Training needs
assessment in Ethiopian higher education institutions: The case of Bahir Dar University.
Journal of Education and Practice, 6(34), 94-99.This study used a TNA approach to
identify the training needs of Bahir Dar University faculty members in Ethiopia. The
results indicated that faculty members perceived a need for training in various areas
including teaching methods, research skills, and technology integration. The findings
suggest that a TNA approach can help identify the specific needs of faculty members and
develop targeted training programs.Kassahun, W. (2015). Training needs assessment: The
case of Jimma University. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(23), 10-17.
This study aimed to identify the training needs of academic staff at Jimma University in
Ethiopia using a TNA approach. The results indicated that academic staff perceived a
need for training in various areas including teaching and learning methods, research skills,
and academic writing. The findings suggest that a TNA approach can help identify the
specific needs of academic staff and develop targeted training programs.Tadesse, M.
(2020). Training needs assessment for primary school teachers in Ethiopia: The case of
Oromia Regional State. Journal of Education and Practice, 11(7), 95-101.
This study used a TNA approach to identify the training needs of primary school teachers
in Oromia Regional State in Ethiopia. The results indicated that teachers perceived a need
for training in various areas including classroom management, teaching methodologies,
and assessment techniques. The findings suggest that a TNA approach can help identify
the specific needs of primary school teachers and develop targeted training programs.
Mulugeta, A. (2020). Training needs assessment for school principals in Ethiopia: The
case of the Amhara Regional State. Journal of Educational Administration and Policy
Studies, 12(3), 20-29.This study aimed to identify the training needs of school principals
in the Amhara Regional State of Ethiopia using a TNA approach. The results indicated
that school principals perceived a need for training in various areas including leadership
skills, school management, and financial management. The findings suggest that a TNA



approach can help identify the specific needs of school principals and develop targeted
training programs.
In conclusion, TNA is an essential process that can help Ethiopian educational
institutions identify the specific training needs of faculty members, academic staff,
primary school teachers, and school principals. The studies reviewed above suggest that a
TNA approach can be effective in developing targeted training programs that meet the
needs of different stakeholders in the Ethiopian education system.


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