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7Kd - Pressure

(Pg. No. 172-173)

1. State what is meant by pressure and recall its units.
2. Describe how the pressure depends on force and area.
AT interactive Ideas about pressure
Example of stunts
1. Why are the needles/nails not harmful in this situation?
2. How do people show these stunts?
Unit of pressure
1 It should have wide tyres. The greater area of the tyres makes the
pressure lower, so the car is less likely to sink into the sand.
2 It will get less, because the same force with a larger area gives a lower

3 a The sharper the point, the smaller its area and the greater the pressure. This means that
with a sharper point a smaller force is needed to achieve the same pressure so it is easier to
push the pin into the wall.
b The force on your finger is the same so the area needs to be much larger than the point of
the pin so that the pressure on your finger is small.
4 Apparatus — scales, squared paper; draw around your shoes and count
squares to work out the area; measure your weight and calculate pressure
by dividing weight by total area of both shoes.
6 The tracks have a large area, so the pressure under them is low; this stops
the snowmobile from sinking into the snow.

The area of the spikes is small, so the pressure under them is high. The spikes
will sink a little way but the high pressure will also allow the spikes to grip if
the snowmobile is moving over ice.
Plenary Worksheet
Workbook answers - 7Kd Pressure

1 force, area, area; area, force, force

2 pascal, Pa

3 a The sharper the point, the smaller its area and the greater the pressure.
This means that with a sharper point a smaller force is needed to achieve the
same pressure so it is easier to push the pin into the wall.

b The force on your finger/thumb is the same as the force pushing the pin into
the wall, so the area needs to be much larger than the point of the pin so that
the pressure on your finger is small enough not to damage the skin.

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