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Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality based Skin Rash Diagnosis System

Article · July 2017

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4 authors:

Alekhya Avadhanula Prajakta Morale

San Jose State University San Jose State University


Pooja Shah Sneha kasetty sudarshan

San Jose State University San Jose State University


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Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
based Skin Rash Diagnosis System
Alekhya Avadhanula, Prajakta Morale, Pooja Shah and
Sneha Kasetty Sudarshan
San Jose State University

Abstract intense and could be cured without

In the field of healthcare, prevention and treatment.
cure of rare and dangerous diseases
generally requires detecting the symptoms The proposed augmented reality application
at right time. Many times, immediate for medical diagnosis is empowered with the
decisions and actions are required. It is predictive analysis of AI, and
always better to treat a disease at an early superimposition technique of AR. The
stage. This paper proposes the use of intensity and type of the skin rash will be
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented detected by AR while AI will tell the user
Reality (AR) for the detection and about the next steps to be taken towards the
prediction of the severity of a skin cure. The application is built using the Bot
disease/rash. The paper primarily on two AI, which will give immediate preventive
skin diseases - sun burns, and chicken pox. results for the analysis done by AR. The
AR will help in detecting the rash, while process of detection, extraction, and
artificial intelligence will help in predicting processing the data it is done by Wikitude in
the intensity of the rash. AI and AR provide AR [1].
powerful tools. Blending these two robust
technologies will improve the diagnosis
Artificial Intelligence - Any application can
techniques drastically.
be considered an AI application, if it can
‘think’ and make decisions like humans.
Keywords - Artificial Intelligence;
How the application works is not an issue, it
Augmented Reality; Decision Making;
just needs to make smart decisions like
Rash Diagnosis.
humans [2].

I. INTRODUCTION People started exploring the field of artificial

intelligence after the second world war. So,
Patients often find it difficult to describe AI is comparatively a new technology to
their skin problems to the doctor. Sometimes explore. AI can solve the problems which
when the patient is in a remote area and if he need intelligent behavior or need to make
encounters some skin problem, it is very decisions like humans. The first AI
difficult for him to contact the doctor and application was developed for organic
get appropriate treatment. Even if the chemistry in 1970. This program-solving
problem is not serious, a person may panic introduced AI in the field of science. The
about a simple skin rash, which is not implementation of AI in healthcare
increased due to the growth of genomic
databases, better computation power for the general concerns in AI and AR technologies.
processing of databases, improved natural Finally, chapter VII concludes the paper.
language processing, enabling system to act
like humans. II. RASH DIAGNOSIS

Augmented Reality - Augmented Reality A. Acne

technology allows the users to interact with Acne, aka acne vulgaris, is caused by the
a virtual object based on the real-world clogging of hair follicles with oil, dead skin
object. Because of AR, the virtual object can cells and can be a long-term skin disease. It
be presented to the user with a variety of usually appears in the form of pimples,
additional information in various greasy skin, scarring, blackheads or
environments [3]. Augmented reality is a whiteheads.
combination of virtuality and reality. Due to Consequences of Acne:
AR, we can now blend the information from ● May lead to scars.
our senses and mobile devices in myriad ● Can affect the appearance of a
ways, which was impossible before [4]. person and therefore lower self-
● Can spread around the area if not
treated properly.

B. Chicken pox
Chickenpox is not just a skin disease but, is
very serious and can lead to damage of
important body organs like liver, stomach. It
is highly recommended for everyone to take
vaccination to avoid chickenpox. It is very
Fig. 1: Order of concepts Reality and Virtuality
contagious and very likely to occur at least
Augmented reality differs from its once in a lifetime to those who haven’t been
commonly known “relative”, virtual reality vaccinated. It can be identified by symptoms
(VR). VR creates a 3D world completely like itchy skin rashes with blister-like
detaching the user from reality. There are appearance.
two respects by which AR is unique: users How it spreads:
● From mother to baby during
do not lose touch of reality and it puts
information into eyesight as fast as possible. pregnancy or nursing.
● Through airborne disease carriers.
These distinctive features enable AR to
● Through skin contact.
become a driving force in the future of
● Through infected person’s saliva.
● Through contact with contaminated
The Remainder of the paper is organized as objects.
follows. Section II discusses the different Dangers of chicken pox:
rash diagnosis. In chapter III we have In most cases, people infected with
declared the existing systems which are chickenpox recover completely, but for
available for medical diagnosis. Chapter IV people with weak immune systems, if could
we give an overview of the system. Chapter be a life threat. It is difficult to differentiate
V we have described our proposed System between chicken pox and acne as both have
Algorithm. chapter VI we have enlisted the similar effects on skin.
How to differentiate between chicken pox company aims at increasing their sales for
and acne? the cosmetic products by suggesting
In the early stages, the skin rash caused by cosmetics based on their facial problems. It
chickenpox often appears like the red rash detects the skin damage based on the fine
formed due to acne but, the spots will lines and the changes in the texture. The
develop into watery blisters in case of main drawback of this application is that it
chickenpox. These blisters spread very cannot detect any dangerous moles or other
quickly and appear all over the body unlike skin diseases.
acne. After four or five days, these blisters
get old and turn into scabs with a crusty Another interesting application named
outer layer. Mostly, these blisters first occur DoctorMole was recently developed, which
on chest and stomach. Fever is the main can differentiate between a normal mole and
symptom that differentiates chickenpox a mole caused due to skin cancer. In this
from acne. application, the users can take a picture of
their suspicious mole and input it to the
C. Sunburn application which decided whether it is a
When a person is exposed to severe sunlight normal mole or a skin cancer mole [6]. The
or UV rays, it results in a sunburn which formula used behind this is that, if it is a
causes serious skin damage and makes the normal mole, then it will have symmetric
skin too hot to touch. It can be identified by dimensions otherwise, it can be a cancer
red, itchy, painful skin. Sometimes, it may mole. So, depending on the dimensions of
lead to blisters. the mole, the application alerts the user
Dangers of sunburn: whether it is a sign of skin cancer. The main
It can not only be painful, but also result in drawback of this application is that the
dangerous skin diseases like skin aging, pictures and results cannot be exported from
DNA damage and increases the risk of skin the application to get doctor’s advice or
cancer. If a person suffers five or more consent. These results cannot be substituted
sunburns, then there is a high chance of for a physician’s final verdict and should be
increasing the risk of lifetime melanoma by diagnosed properly.
about 80%.
Similarly, there is another application called
III. EXISTING SYSTEMS DermaCompare which can detect signs of
skin cancer just with the help of a picture of
Implementation of augmented reality for the mole [7]. Unlike the previous one, this
skin diagnosis can revolutionize the application uses augmented reality with big
diagnosis procedure. There are very few data technology to compare the existing
applications which have used augmented mole with previous cases of suspicious
reality to study a person’s skin through the cancer moles. This application beats the
camera. In this section, we have discussed previous DoctorMole because it is easy to
about few such already existing applications. use and the pictures can be shared outside
First is Olay skin advisor which, tells the the application. It is very user-friendly and
age of a person’s skin by analyzing the can be used on smartphones and google
picture of their face. It not only tells the age, glass.
but also focuses on specific areas of the face All the above-mentioned applications
and tells up to what extent they have been concentrate only on a single use-case, but
damaged. Through this application, the cannot differentiate between different skin
problems. Our application focuses on For example, detecting some
providing advice to the users based on the cancerous cell in an image [2].
observed skin problem and suggest them on A Medical decision made by an AI machine
how to proceed for can diagnosis based on are not perturbed by causes that are specific
the severity. to humans like stress, reduced attention and
fatigue. It is efficient, can be repeated,
IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM OVERVIEW superior speed and can store a large amount
of data. These systems can select and
The 2 main technologies which we generate important data which will be very
researched for the rash diagnosis are useful for physicians [2].
Artificial Intelligence and Mobile
Augmented Reality. In this paper, we use Artificial Intelligence
(AI) technology support for decision making
A. Artificial Intelligence of the next steps required in diagnosing a
Artificial intelligence is the ability for rash.
machines to possess human like intelligence
and mimic the human brain [8]. Artificial Overview of AI Mechanism for Medical
intelligence has advanced over the past years Predictions
and helps to solve many challenging In this paper, we discuss two AI approaches
problems in computer science. suitable for medical reasoning along with its
advantages and disadvantages.
Artificial Intelligence contains a mechanism
behavior which has the capacity of 1. The Knowledge-Based solution
perception and learning, decision making This approach implements the process of
and intelligent reasoning. The feature human reasoning applied to a representation
intelligent reasoning of human being comes of knowledge [2]. The important component
with a rational approach. It creates tools in this approach is the knowledge base. The
which function better than humans as their Knowledge base consists of a set of related
mechanism are part of mathematics which sentences to the natural language. Therefore,
include logic, reasoning and engineering and it knows the things that an automated
are not prone to human errors [2]. decision system should know to generate an
optimal solution.
Benefits of AI in Medical Diagnosis
Health is an important aspect of everyone's In Figure 2, is an example of medical
life and central for our well- being. diagnosis of three types of Hepatitis: B,
Medicine is a domain where predictions and B+D and C. Rules are created for decision
immediate actions are very important [2]. making based on some laboratory tests. The
Automatic system is useful for two reasons. nodes of the graph consist of the knowledge
● Simple usual things which are time pieces or logical operators. The edge
consuming can be performed by a connects a pair of nodes.
machine and avoid overloading the
medical staff.
● Few medical condition are hard to be
detected by humans. An alert or a
suggestion can make a huge
difference between life and death.
different evolutionary types and several
severity levels. It would be useful to have
certain predictions on the patient's evolution
for the treatment. In such a scenario, due to
the complexity representing the patient's
premises in clear rules for Knowledge-based
system diagnosis is difficult. The solution
for this situation would be provided by
statistical methods. All the standardized
premises for as many patients as possible is
stored in a database to calculate the
probability of evolutionary type and severity
level [2]. The statistical approach provides a
probability of each possible output. Bayes
Figure 2: Structure of a knowledge based system for
Medical diagnosis [2].
theorem is used to implement the
probabilistic reasoning and the formula is as
Advantages shown below.
The knowledge representation is in the form
of natural language which is easy to create
and understand and therefore readily
accepted and used in various fields. It is
easy to implement for a knowledge base
with simple rules. The results are clear, uses The theorem describes the connection
logic and states whether the output is true or between two events Dk (which is the
false. A simple system represented by this diagnosis of many possible diseases) and S
mechanism always produces a correct result. (which stores patient's symptoms and
laboratory test results) [2].
If the task to be solved has many data with Advantages
complex connections, the graph becomes too The solution offered by this mechanism is
complex. It becomes difficult to express the more accurate than Knowledge-based
logic to be used to decide on conclusions. mechanism.
Because of its complexity, the information
content could be damaged while getting Disadvantages
converted into rules. If the graph is too An important feature of this system is that it
complex, unexpected results can be does not provide a clear result, it just
encountered [2]. provides a probability. For example, it is not
sure based on this mechanism if a person
2. The Probabilistic Reasoning will develop a severity regarding a disease,
If the information system is too complex but it is more probable based on the system
then probabilistic approach is used for output [2].
decision making. For example, let's consider
a complex scenario where a patient is B. Augmented Reality for Future Medicine
diagnosed with hepatitis B. The problem in The concept of Augmented Reality is very
the condition arises with the evolution of the popular in various fields. The advancement
patient's medical condition which involves and popularity of mobile tech devices such
as tablet PC, smartphones and google In case of an emergency if a person has
glasses provides the community to develop a collapsed, getting medical care in a timely
lot of possible AR applications. Augmented manner is very critical for the patient's life.
Reality applications is gaining its popularity It takes time to call an emergency number
in Medical science field for education, and explain the situation and provide current
diagnosis, pre-planning and as well as in address to get help. In such a situation, an
operation room. Augmented Reality application can provide
the nearest hospital from its database. You
Benefits of using Augmented Reality for can even project the nearest hospitals on the
Medicine applications screen which provides the
AR is unique from Virtual Reality in two directions to the nearest hospital as well [7].
aspects; the user gets information as fast as
possible and as well as the information is in Proposed system for Rash Diagnosis using
eyesight, and user does not lose in touch AI and Augmented Reality
with reality. These feature enables AR in In this paper, we propose the use of
becoming a driving factor for many future Artificial Intelligence and Augmented
medical applications [7]. Reality in diagnosing a rash which will be
useful for a person living in a remote area
Augmented Reality acts as an assistant to who does not have access to local doctor for
surgeons in the OR. While operating in the inspection. Our approach attempts to mimic
surgery room time and precision are two a doctor’s medical assessment through
very important requirements. AR healthcare technology.
app can save lives by providing the right
information to the surgeons in a timely System Architecture Components
manner. An AR developed sunglasses
creates a 3-dimensional construction of a 1. AI
tumor which is visible by the surgeon ChatBOT AI is a computer program which
without any radiation exposure. The conducts a conversation via textual or
application could provide useful information auditory methods. It is designed to simulate
regarding the operation to the surgeon [7]. a human conversational pattern. In our
system, we ask few questions to the user for
Patients can visually see how a drug will diagnosis. Based on the answers given by
affect their body in 3D. Instead of reading the user it can reason and give diagnosis for
the long boring description of the medicine the rash.
on prescription bottle, the user can hover
their mobile device on the label and see its 2. Augmented Reality
details in 3D [7]. After the initial medical assessment of the
user based on chatBOT, further additional
AR technology can make the lives of both details are required from the user to
patients and nurses easier through AccuVein diagnose the rash. Using mobile Augmented
AR technology. The AccuVein uses AR to Reality, we collect additional data about the
act as scanner that projects over the skin. users’ rash through image processing. An
This projection shows the nurse where the AR equipped mobile device with camera is
veins are present in the patient's body. This hovered over the infected area. Using the
makes finding the vein on the first stick 3.5 image processing component of AR, we
times more likely [7]. compare the existing rash image with a
database of all rashes available to identify A. Rash Diagnosis: An Augmented Reality
the type of rash. Based on the answers System
collected from chatBOT along with rash This component basically needs to detect the
image processing through AR we can give type of the rash on the skin. Numerous
diagnosis to the user. algorithms use skin color as one of the basic
features for detecting and tracking human
3. Mobile Sensors being [2].
After we conclude the diagnosis based on ● Target: In our system, rash on the
the severity of the rash we collect the user's skin which needs to be diagnosed,
GPS location through the location sensors should be the target image. The
available on the device. Based on the current extracted rash area is used by the
user's location we provide the nearest tracker to recognize type of the rash.
doctor's location by communicating with ● Target collection: An archive storing
third party API’s. Additional data about the a collection of different types of rash
user's health is collected from other sensors that can be recognized by the tracker.
present in the users’ device and mailed to ● Tracker: The tracker analyzes the
the doctor. live camera image and detects the
targets stored in its associated target
collection. Multiple trackers can be
created, however, only one tracker
can be active for recognition at any
given time.

1. Tracking Methodology
This is the first phase of Augmented Reality
in which the images of the real scene are
taken by tracking cameras. There are three
main approaches; Marker based, Model
based and Motion based approach [13].
Figure 4 shows the tree structure of Mobile
Augmented Reality Taxonomy.

Marker based approach: Due to binary

nature of a marker on any image, it is
Figure 3: System Architecture diagram for Rash relatively simple to detect the marker in an
diagnosis using AR and AI
image. So, in this approach, mainly the
image is identified and converted into binary
format, then it is processes to connect the
Since Skin Disease Diagnosis system connected components. Lastly the
includes variety of components including information of the marker is fitted to the
Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, processed image. This is a very robust
and Mobile Sensors, this section describes technique and extensively used in all AR
each component in detail. applications.
coordinate system [5]. Point constraints for the
camera pose problem can be explained in the
following figure.

Figure 4: MAR Taxonomy [13]

Model based approach: It requires a prior

knowledge of the scene. This comprises
edge detection of an object, texture
information and optical flow of an image. Figure 5: Detection Methodology [12]
This computation is performed using the
RANSAC algorithm, and recursively 3. SLAM: Actual Methodology
determines which homograph is correct. In augmented reality, computer vision
methods are the presence of markers and 3D
SFM Based Method: Structure for motion geometry in the environment. Static systems
(SFM) approach does not require any prior already know the positions of the scene,
knowledge of the scene. Instead, the whereas dynamic systems use Simultaneous
processing happens online and does not need Localization and Mapping (SLAM) [12].
to rely on offline content. So, it is possible SLAM is not an algorithm but it works on
to reconstruction of an image on the fly. Due set of algorithms to simultaneously find the
to this nature, this approach is very complex. position/orientation of object with respect to
the surrounding and at the same time
2. Detection Methodology mapping the structure of the scene is
After tracking, the data obtained is used to performed. Marker based or Model based
detect the real-world coordinate system. The approach is different than SLAM because
algorithm such as SURF, FAST, extracts SLAM needs to work in real time. In the
feature from the template image and the rare case, we can relate the SLAM with
current image [13]. Then the features from SFM method but the trick here is, unlike
both set are matched based on a threshold SFM, in SLAM, processing is done on each
having distinct matching. Then based the incoming image by the time the next one
matching, RANSAC is used to calculate the arrives. So, the pose of the camera is
homograph between the template image and immediately available. This is must in the
the final image. case of creating MAR applications and
which is why Wikitude works perfectly
With a calibrated camera and project model, based on SLAM.
if a point has (x, y, z)r coordinates, projection
onto the image plane is (x/z, y/z,1)r. In this How SLAM works?
system, there are two coordinate systems; The The goal of the SLAM is, using a single
world coordinate system W and the 2D image
camera, combine measurements of points 3. Tracking: These recognized points are
made over multiple frames and recover the then compared with the key points
pose of the camera with high accuracy. The generated from the target images in step
basic working of SLAM is, firstly, the 1. If they are similar then the image is
estimating the current camera pose considered a positive match and then
(localization) is performed in real time on tracked.
one thread. Secondly, the mapping thread
runs the adjustment on the map in the Local vs. Cloud Image Recognition
background. Once the mapping thread NFT comes in two types; offline tracking
completes its job, it updates the map used and online cloud recognition. Cloud
for tracking, which in turn the tracker adds recognitions is where one single image is
new observations to expand the map [16]. sent from mobile device to the wikitude
cloud. Cloud server scans for the matched
Suppose, xt represents the position of agent from its database and returns the best fit.
and mt represents a map of the environment Advantage of cloud recognition is, images
[7]. Objective is to compute P(mt, xt | o1:t), can be stored in huge database through
so after applying Bayes rules : distributed manner whereas disadvantage is
this asynchronous process can take several
seconds to complete this transaction, and has
a network delay. Contrary to this, offline
tracking solutions store the information of
the target images on the device itself and
constantly compare the camera image with
the database. This allows for a smooth
B. Image Recognition tracking experience, but also puts heavy
The image recognition engine is an requirements on the computational power of
important component of ay AR application. the device.
Wikitude uses Natural Feature Tracking
(NFT) principle for image recognition [13].

To incorporate and interact with as much of
the “real world” as possible, several steps
need to be executed:
1. Preprocessing: The target image that
should be tracked is analyzed.
Significant areas in the image, Feature Fig 6: The Wikitude Tracking Engine
Points, are extracted and stored. The
extraction algorithms are already
C. Machine Learning for Rash Diagnosis
explained in the previous chapter. This
Natural Language Processing(NLP), a part
step is executed only once per tracked
of Machine Learning, can translate and
image, and can run offline and
interpret human natural language input. The
machine learns and uses its algorithms
through supervised and unsupervised
2. Feature Point Detection: In this step, the
learning. Supervised learning is to train the
current camera image is analyzed for
machine to convert the input into a required
unique points.
output. Unsupervised learning is to discover
new patterns in the data without any prior
information. The machine itself allocates a
function to the data through raw data
pattern. This is done via extracting the
hidden layers which are part of the data
processing layers in a neural network.

Neural Network Algorithm Fig 7: Retrieval based model

Machine learning technologies include
neural networks as one of the popular Generative models
algorithms which consist of different layers This method is harder because they generate
for studying and learning data [8]. Every new responses from scratch and does not
hidden layer tries to detect patterns on the depend on predefined set of responses. [15]
image. When a pattern is spotted, the next
hidden layer is initiated and so on. The more Open Domain:
layers in a neural network, the more is In this setting, user can take the conversation
learned and the more accurate the pattern anywhere without any goal or intention. E.g.
detection is. Neural Network learns and Social media sites like Twitter and Reddit
prioritizes the connections between the are typically open domain
different neurons each time the network
processes data. Closed domain:
The space of possible inputs and outputs is
ChatBOT Framework limited because the system is trying to
A Computer program which responds to you achieve a very specific goal. E.g. Technical
in a natural language via a chat interface. To Customer Support or Shopping Assistants
build a chatbot application, you can either are examples of closed domain problems
go for existing tool which takes care of where they have a goal to fix a problem.
AI/conversational part or create an own
machine learning system.

There are four types of chatbot models and
generally this framework categorized in a
square model [12].

Retrieval-based models
This is an easier method in which responses
are stored in a repository and response is
picked based on the input and context. It
could be a rule-based expression match.
These systems don’t generate any new text, Fig 8. ChatBot Machine Learning model [15]
they just get picked from a fixed set of
responses [15]. Figure 8 explains how ChatBot works; the
first square block is contained, not complex
and can deliver both business and user
value. In the second square, questions are related data. HealthKit can effortlessly share
asked and the smart machine technology data between fitness and health sensors.
generates the response. Based on this There are two main data types;
response, Chatbot handles both the common Characteristics and samples.
questions and some unforeseen situations for Characteristics: User's birth date or blood
which there are no predefined responses. type.
The last block which is a smart machine can Sample: Represents data at a point in time
handle longer chats and it behaves more like which includes the user's height and weight,
a human. But generative response increases steps taken, temperature, pulse rate, etc.
complexity. [13] Workouts, which belong to the samples
category, are intended specifically for
D. Sensors representing runs, walks, rides, etc. Workout
Consider a scenario where a doctor in Delhi data might not be useful for doctor but
want to monitor the heart rate, and vitals characteristic and samples are the important
data such as blood pressure, body factors for any doctor to correct diagnosis.
temperature and respiratory rate of a patient
in Mumbai. This is done with the patient 3. Search Engine
having a wearable device such as apple Most search APIs are multi-index, multi-
watch that collects the data and sends to a type which can be applied across multiple
central system. The system then sends this types within an index, and across multiple
data to the doctor either through a mobile indices with support for the multi index
push notification or a live feed to his laptop syntax. There are various technologies
browser. available; Elasticsearch is one of the highly
scalable open-source full-text search and
1. Location Service Detection analytics engines. It allows you to store,
Using the standard location service in the search, and analyze big volumes of data
background, mobile application can use the quickly and have complex search features
location based tracking of user to detect the and requirements. There are some important
medical services nearby. The system applications which uses Elasticsearch to
provides location updates to background store large set of data and provides some
apps when the application is in the amazing techniques to search and
foreground, running in the background, or is autocomplete suggestions, collect logs, and
suspended. If the application is in suspended visualize data using Kibana dashboard [14].
mode, the system wakes up the application
and delivers update to location manager’s But recently, for standalone systems, there is
delegate and then goes back to the another simpler yet effective approach;
suspended state. While running in the Location based social networks (LBSNs) are
background, application should process new popular with the fast deployment of mobile
location data. Ideally, application should not networks. There are many LBSN providers
consume the location service continuously such as Facebook places, Google Earth,
as it degrades the battery life. Yelp. By exploiting the application
programming interfaces (APIs) provided by
2. Health Data Yelp, we will concentrate on Yelp and focus
The HealthKit framework for iOS was on sampling and estimating the places
announced at WWDC 2014 as a single place nearby patients. [10]. The POI search
where apps can store, share, and read health- knowledge services that we define are
wrappers around existing web services and interface for Augmented Reality will not
produces semantic web services [11]. In our look good and it will be inconvenient for the
case, we have programmed the logic for user to operate with a small screen [14].
lifting our different knowledge services that
may choose from different sources like VII. CONCLUSION
Yelp, Google Places since these domains are
constant. So, when the search is called on We believe that this system is an extremely
keywords such as “skin cancer doctor”, good implementation of AI and AR for skin
“acne specialist” etc. the JSON response of rash diagnosis. The proposed iOS
the list of nearby doctors is then parsed and application can be used by a person who
shown to user using appropriate logic. needs immediate help in skin rash diagnosis.
VI. CONCERNS The paper primarily focuses on skin diseases
like sun burns, which can lead to skin cancer
Even though our Proposed solution which and acne. The application will be able to
uses AI and Augmented Reality check the intensity of skin rash, and notify
technologies which theoretically proves to the person accordingly about the further
be convenient, efficient and exceeding steps needed to be taken.
human ability to perform calculations. The
technology should not be substituted for Further enhancements for this application
human judgment. The doctor is still the best will be developing the system for Android
standard for medical diagnosis [2]. users. The system collects the health
information from the health app of the
Privacy and security concerns arise in this phone. In future, the system will be
rash disease system. The patient might not enhanced to send these details to the doctor
want to discuss the course of the treatment for quicker medical help to the user on
and want to keep it confidentially. It needs arrival to the doctor’s clinic.
to be handled in a secure but simpler manner
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