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Letter of Transmittal

1stMay, 2020


Practicum and Placement Board College of Engineering and Technology - CEAT

IUBAT — International University of Business Agriculture and Technology
4 Embankment Drive Road, Sector-10,Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh

Subject:Letter of Transmittal

With due respect, I would like to approach you that it is a great opportunity as well as
immense pleasure for me to submit this proposal titled ― “Development of E-
commerce ”for the fulfillment of my Practicum course.

It was undoubtedly a splendid opportunity for me to work on this project to actualize

my theoretical knowledge and has an enormous exposure with the corporate culture
of a renowned company. Now I am looking forward for your kind appraisal regarding
this practicum report.

I shall remain deeply grateful to you if you kindly go through this report and evaluate
my performance.

Thanking you

Md. Naim Rahman Ahtasam
ID# 16103153
Program: BCSE

Letter of Authorization

1st May, 2020


Practicum and Placement Board College of Engineering and Technology - CEAT

IUBAT — International University of Business Agriculture and Technology
4 Embankment Drive Road, Sector-10,Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh

Subject: Letter of Authorization

With due respect, I would like to approach you that it is a great opportunity as well as
immense pleasure for me to submit this proposal titled ― “Development of E-
commerce”for the fulfillment of my Practicum course.

It was undoubtedly a splendid opportunity for me to work on this project to actualize

my theoretical knowledge and has an enormous exposure with the corporate culture
of a renowned company. Now I am looking forward for your kind appraisal regarding
this practicum report.

I shall remain deeply grateful to you if you kindly go through this report and evaluate
my performance.

Thanking you

Md. Naim Rahman Ahtasam
ID# 16103153
Program: BCSE

Student’s Declaration

I am Md. Naim Rahman Ahtasam, bearing ID# 16103153, student of BCSE -

Bachelor of Computer Science and Engineering program, under the College of
Engineering and Technology (CEAT) of IUBAT- International University of Business
Agriculture and Technology declaring that, this report on the topic of ―
“Development of E-commerce” has been prepared for the fulfillment of the internship
CSC 490, Practicum as well as the partial requirement of BCSE-Bachelor of
Computer Science and Engineering degree.

I originally prepare the report and the project on ― Development of E-commerce. All
modules and procedure of this project have been made after proper inspection and
internet information.

It has not been prepared for any other purposes, rewards or presentations.


Md. Naim Rahman Ahtasam

ID #16103153
Program: BCSE


In the name of ALLAH, the most merciful and the most graceful.

It‘s my pleasure to take this occasion to thank a few people, who have, assisted,
encouraged, directed and supported me throughout my practicum program. First of
all, I want to thank my parents, who have endowed their immeasurable-innumerable
support and encouragement to attain this exquisite event of my life.

I am very appreciative to Late Prof. Dr. M AlimullahMiyan (Vice Chancellor and

Founder of IUBAT) for his unrelenting direction.

My sincere thanks to our Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. AbdurRab to give me an

opportunity to submit this report.

I would like to give thanks to our honorable Chair of Department of Computer

Science and Engineering, Prof. Dr. Md Abdul Haquefor allowing me to work on the

My outmost and sincere gratitude goes to Prof. Dr. UtpalKanti Das, Coordinator of
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IUBAT– International University
of Business Agriculture and Technology for allowing me to work on the project.

I would like to pay my gratitude to my faculty advisorShahinurAlam, Lecturer of

Computer Science and Engineering Department, who has given me the opportunity
to make such a report for not only in this semester but also throughout my education
life at IUBAT– International University of Business Agriculture and Technology by
giving his valuable suggestions and advices at any time, at any situation. I would
able to make this report effectively and properly only for his right direction.

Last but not the least; I sincerely would like to thank Prince Mahmud(Faculty &
Developer of Web Dept. in Xubisoft LTD.) for helping me to complete my practicum

Their continuous encouragement and contribution gave me the courage and

determination needed to complete the internship and project properly.

Supervisor’s Certification

This is to certify that Practicum report on “Development of E-commerce” has been

carried out by Md. Naim Rahman Ahtasambearing ID# 16103153 of IUBAT –
International University of Business Agriculture and Technology as a partial
fulfillment of the requirement of practicum defense course. The report has been
prepared under my guidance and is a record of the accomplished work carried out
successfully. To the best of my knowledge and as per his declaration, no parts of this
report has been submitted anywhere for any degree, diploma or certification.

Now he is permitted to submit the report. I wish him success in all his future

Practicum Supervisor
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
IUBAT- International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Department Certification

May 1st, 2020

IUBAT – International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

4 Embankment Drive Road Sector -10 Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230

Subject: Letter of Authorization

Dear Ahtasam,

You will be happy to know that project on “Development of E-commerce” has been
assigned to you. Based on your proposal you will have to submit it as soon as
possible. We hope you will successfully complete the project on time. After
successful completion of the project, you are requested to write a report based on
the project.

For any kind of needs don‘t hesitate to contact with us.

Co-supervisor Supervisor

___________________ _______________
Prof Dr. UtpalKanti Das ShahinurAlam
Coordinator, Department of Lecturer, Department of
Computer Science and Computer Science and
Engineering Engineering

Internship Certification


PC - Personal Computer
PSU - Power Supply Unit
GPU - Graphics Processing Unit
CPU – Central Processing Unit
RAM - Random-Access Memory.
DDR3 - Double Data Rate Type 3.
DDR4 - Double Data Rate Type 4.
HDD - Hard Disk Drive.
SSD - Solid State Drive
NVMe SSD - An SSD drive with a very fast interface.
BIOS - Basic Input-Output Services.
SATA - Serial Advanced Technology Attachment.
PCIe - Peripheral Component Interconnect Express.
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display.
LED - Light-Emitting Diode.
DVI - Digital Video Interface.
HDMI - High-Definition Multimedia Interface.
VGA - Video Graphics Array.


This E-commerce site is a bit different from other general e-commerce site. Although
it serves all the facilities like a general e-commerce site but it is developed specially
for the computer enthusiasts. With the growing demand of building custom pc, this
site helps the user to build their own pc without a much knowledge of the computer
component. Choosing a processor is an easy task for most of the builder because
we are quite familiar with it. However, most of us are not aware of which processor
will be compatible with which motherboard or some other cases like that. This
software will help the builder to auto suggest the other parts which will be compatible
with the already chosen processor. Therefore, without the help of any shopkeeper
any one can build his or her own pc by using this software and order it online. One
can also order single component as well. In addition, the important thing is that we
can also see the stock of the component. Security is the major consideration here
because we will have payment gateway on our site and we will get the data of the
ordering person from cache or cookies and this software will encrypt all the cache or
cookies. This project is designed for a mega computer store and it has roll
management facilities so the admin and the employee will have their individual
credential. In the future, there will be newer version of this project, which will have
improved design concept, service and notification facilities and will be added more
payment gateway.

Table of Contents
Letter of Authorization.....................................................................................................................ii
Student’s Declaration.....................................................................................................................iii
Supervisor’s Certification...............................................................................................................v
Internship Certification..................................................................................................................vii
Chapter 1..............................................................................................................................................1
Organizational Overview....................................................................................................................1
1.1 Organization Overview.............................................................................................................2
1.2 Organization Services................................................................................................................2
1.3 Web Design:................................................................................................................................3
1.4 Technologies We Use.....................................................................................................................3
1.5 Software Development:.............................................................................................................3
1.6 E-commerce Development:.......................................................................................................4
1.7 Our Location..............................................................................................................................4
1.8 Organization Vision...................................................................................................................5
1.9 Organization Mission................................................................................................................5
1.10 Position in This Company.......................................................................................................5
1.11 Organization Structure...........................................................................................................6
Chapter 2..............................................................................................................................................7
Project Introduction............................................................................................................................7
2.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................8
2.2 Background Study.......................................................................................................................8
2.2.1 Objective..............................................................................................................................8
2.2.2 Broad Objective..................................................................................................................9
2.2.3 Specific Objective................................................................................................................9
2.3 Proposed system benefits...........................................................................................................9
2.3.1 Detailed Description of the product...................................................................................9
2.3.2 Review & Comments..........................................................................................................9
2.3.3 Cash on Delivery Process for Customers........................................................................10
2.3.4 User friendly System UI...................................................................................................10

2.4 Methodology.............................................................................................................................10
2.4.1 Data Sources......................................................................................................................10
2.4.2 Primary Data.....................................................................................................................10
2.4.3 Secondary Data.................................................................................................................11
2.5 Limitation of the Project.........................................................................................................11
2.6 Process model...........................................................................................................................11
2.6.1 Major Steps of Incremental Process Model....................................................................13
2.6.2 Advantages of using incremental Model.........................................................................13
2.6.3 Reason for Choosing Incremental Process Model..........................................................14
2.7 Feasibility Study......................................................................................................................14
2.7.1 Technical feasibility..........................................................................................................14
2.7.2 Economic Feasibility.........................................................................................................15
2.7.3 Operational Feasibility.....................................................................................................15
Chapter 3............................................................................................................................................16
Requirement Engineering.................................................................................................................16
3.1 Requirement Analysis...............................................................................................................16
3.2 Requirement Engineering.......................................................................................................16
3.2.1 User Requirement.............................................................................................................17
3.2.2 System Requirements.......................................................................................................19
3.2.3 Functional requirements..................................................................................................19
3.2.4 Non-functional Requirements:.........................................................................................20
3.3 Hardware Requirement..........................................................................................................20
3.4 Software Requirement...............................................................................................................20
3.5 Use Case Diagram of the System..............................................................................................20
Chapter 4............................................................................................................................................25
System Planning................................................................................................................................25
4.1 Scope of Project.......................................................................................................................26
4.2 Functions of Proposed System................................................................................................26
4.2.1 Function Description........................................................................................................26
4.3 System Project Planning.........................................................................................................28
4.3.1 System Project Estimation...............................................................................................28
4.3.2 Function Oriented Metrics...............................................................................................29
4.3.3 Reference Value Table (Soucecode):...............................................................................30
4.4 Identifying complexity.............................................................................................................31
4.4.1 Identifying complexity of transition function.................................................................31
Identifying complexity of data function.....................................................................................34

4.4.2 Unadjusted function point contribution..........................................................................34
4.4.3 Performance and Environmental impact........................................................................37
4.4.4 Counting Adjusted Function point..................................................................................37
4.4.5 Project Schedule................................................................................................................38
4.6 Accounts Table.........................................................................................................................39
4.6.1 Personnel Cost...................................................................................................................39
4.6.2 Expected Hardware Cost.................................................................................................40
4.6.3 Expected Software Cost....................................................................................................41
4.6.4 Expected Other Cost.........................................................................................................41
4.6.5 Total Cost Estimation.......................................................................................................41
Chapter 5............................................................................................................................................42
Risk Management..............................................................................................................................42
5.1 Risk management....................................................................................................................43
5.1.1 Stages of Risk....................................................................................................................43
5.1.2 Categories of risk..............................................................................................................44
5.2 The RMMM Plan.....................................................................................................................45
Chapter 6............................................................................................................................................52
Analysis Modeling.............................................................................................................................52
6.1 Software analysis pattern........................................................................................................53
6.2 Activity Diagrams....................................................................................................................53
Chapter 7............................................................................................................................................57
7.1 Interface Design.......................................................................................................................58
7.2 Data Flow Diagram..................................................................................................................76
7.3 Database Design.......................................................................................................................84
7.3.1 Entity Relationship Model................................................................................................84
7.3.2 Database Table Structure.................................................................................................85
Chapter 8............................................................................................................................................89
Quality Assurance.............................................................................................................................89
8.1 System Quality Management............................................................................................90
8.1.1 Software Quality Management Process....................................................................92
8.2 System Testing.........................................................................................................................95
8.2 Testing................................................................................................................................97
Chapter 9..........................................................................................................................................100
9.1 Practicum and Its Value........................................................................................................101

9.2 Future Plan.............................................................................................................................101
9.3 Conclusion..............................................................................................................................102

List of Figure
Figure 1 Xubisoft location on map........................................................................................................4
Figure 2 : Organogram of Xubisoft Limited..........................................................................................6
Figure 3 Flow of Incremental Model...................................................................................................11
Figure 4 Incremental Model with time and features............................................................................12
Figure 5: Use Case Diagram of the system Super Admin............................................................21
Figure 6: Use Case Diagram of the system Admin.......................................................................22
Figure 7 Use Case Diagram of the system User...................................................................................23
Figure 8 Activity Diagram for User.....................................................................................................52
Figure 9 Activity Diagram for Super Admin.......................................................................................53
Figure 10 Activity Diagrams for Admin..............................................................................................54
Figure 11 Login interface....................................................................................................................56
Figure 12Admin Dashboard................................................................................................................56
Figure 13Admin Profile Change..........................................................................................................57
Figure 14Category Add Page...............................................................................................................57
Figure 15Category View page.............................................................................................................58
Figure 16Category Edit Page...............................................................................................................58
Figure 17 : Product Add page..............................................................................................................59
Figure 18: Product View Page.............................................................................................................59
Figure 19 : Coupon View Page............................................................................................................60
Figure 20: Faq Add page.....................................................................................................................61
Figure 21: Faq View Page...................................................................................................................61
Figure 22: Faq Edit page.....................................................................................................................62
Figure 23: Soft delete faq Page............................................................................................................62
Figure 24: Casing Add page................................................................................................................63
Figure 25: Banner Add page...............................................................................................................63
Figure 26: Banner View Page..............................................................................................................64
Figure 27: Blog Add page....................................................................................................................64
Figure 28: Blog View Page.................................................................................................................65
Figure 29: Sign in Page.......................................................................................................................65
Figure 30: Sign out Page......................................................................................................................66
Figure 31: Registration Page................................................................................................................66
Figure 32: Home Page.........................................................................................................................68
Figure 33: Cart Page............................................................................................................................69
Figure 34: Product page.......................................................................................................................70
Figure 35: Product Details page...........................................................................................................71
Figure 36: Checkout Page....................................................................................................................72
Figure 37: Order Complete Page.........................................................................................................73
Figure 38: Context level DFD.............................................................................................................74
Figure 39: Level 1 DFD.......................................................................................................................75
Figure 40: Level-2 Process-1 DFD......................................................................................................76

Figure 41: Level 2 Process 2 DFD (Product Management).................................................................77
Figure 42: Level 2 Process 3 DFD (Category Management)...............................................................78
Figure 43: Level 2 Process 4 DFD (Coupon Management).................................................................79
Figure 44: Level 2 Process 5 DFD (Cart Management).......................................................................80
Figure 45: Level 2 Process 6 DFD (Billing)........................................................................................81
Figure 46: ER Diagram........................................................................................................................82
Figure 47: All database table structure................................................................................................83
Figure 48: User table structure.............................................................................................................83
Figure 49: Categories table structure...................................................................................................84
Figure 50: carts table structure.............................................................................................................84
Figure 51: Products table structure......................................................................................................85
Figure 52: Product multiple table structure..........................................................................................86

List of table
Table 1: Determining the Functional Complexity of External Input....................................................29
Table 2: Determining the Functional Complexity of External Output/Query......................................29
Table 3: Determining the Functional Complexity of ILF/ELF............................................................29
Table 4: Measurement of complexity of Function...............................................................................29
Table 5: Identifying complexity of transition function........................................................................30
Table 6: Identifying complexity of data function.................................................................................32
Table 7: Unadjusted Function Point Contribution (Transition Function).............................................33
Table 8: Unadjusted Function Point Contribution (Data Function).....................................................35
Table 9: Performance and Environmental impact................................................................................35
Table 10: Project Schedule Chart........................................................................................................37
Table 11: Personnel Cost Estimation...................................................................................................38
Table 12: Hardware Cost Estimation...................................................................................................39
Table 13: Software Cost Estimation....................................................................................................39
Table 14: Other Cost Estimation..........................................................................................................40
Table 15: Total Cost Estimation..........................................................................................................40
Table 16: Project Risk (P01)................................................................................................................44
Table 17: Project Risk (P02)................................................................................................................45
Table 18 :Project Risk (P03)................................................................................................................45
Table 19: Project Risk (P04)................................................................................................................46
Table 20 :Technical Risk (TR01)........................................................................................................47
Table 21:Technical Risk (TR02).........................................................................................................47
Table 22: Technical Risk (TR03)........................................................................................................47
Table 23: Business Risk (B01)............................................................................................................48
Table 24:Business Risk (B02).............................................................................................................48
Table 25:Business Risk (B03).............................................................................................................49
Table 26: Business Risk (B04)............................................................................................................50
Table 27: Testing Scenario No: 1........................................................................................................94
Table 28: Testing Scenario No: 2........................................................................................................95
Table 29: Testing Scenario No: 3........................................................................................................95
Table 30: Testing Scenario No: 4........................................................................................................95
Table 31: Testing Scenario No: 5........................................................................................................96
Table 32: Testing Scenario No: 6........................................................................................................96
Table 33: Testing Scenario No: 7........................................................................................................96
Table 34: Testing Scenario No: 8........................................................................................................96
Table 35: Testing Scenario No: 9........................................................................................................97

Table 36: Testing Scenario No: 10......................................................................................................97

Chapter 1
Organizational Overview

1.1 Organization Overview
Xubisoft Ltd is a Web Design & Development company in Bangladesh. We have 8 years of
experience in web design and development. Back in 2011, we were welcomed into the
overcrowded marketplace of web design companies in Bangladesh but the doors we knocked
gave us the yet another agency look. What have you got? They asked. And we proudly showed
off talents of our technophiles and artists. We didn’t brigand we didn't try hard to impress. We
let our unbridled passion and relentless hard work shine through our work.

Our mania to succeed in the fiercely competitive landscape of web design companies in
Bangladesh helped us fight even recessionary times from 2013 to 2015 with cost effective lead
generation offerings. Our single-minded goal to deliver measurable results for every client, be it a
start-up or a fortune 100 company earned us the reputation of ROI driven evangelists. Fast
forward to 2015, our team has expanded. With 22 digital geeks innovating, exploring and simply
doing great work, we are all set to conquer the www! Join us in our journey.

1.2 Organization Services

Our services consist of:

Graphic Design

Responsive Web Design

Web Development

App Development

3D Animation

Social Media Marketing

Digital Filmmaking


Communicative English

Network Professionals

Game Development

Motion Graphics

Professional Interior & Exterior Design

1.3 Web Design:
Web design is the foundation to a successful website. A good site design not only goes a long way
upholding the corporate image but also makes it easier for the customer to go to the information
they are looking for. User satisfaction should be central aim when designing a site layout. A
website should always be viewed from the point of the customer. It is a subtle shift in perception,
but it helps decide whether all those extra menu options are needed or if the design could be
simplified by placing those extra links at the bottom of the page; out of immediate view, thus
reducing clutter and confusion but within reach if the user needs extra information. We have a
very experienced team. We deploy all the projects and complete them in time making sure the
client is completely pleased.

1.4 Technologies We Use

Angular JS
Real-time communication(RTC)

1.5 Software Development:

Xubisoft Ltd desktop application development teams work according to a methodology that
encompasses RAD (Rapid Application Development) techniques. These proven techniques allow
the development team to focus on functionality that has the highest business value. Moreover,
focused based communication, synchronization and ownership between stakeholders produce
better solutions at the right time. Our development methodology includes technical analysis and
design, coding, testing, documentation, deployment, and maintenance standards. The project
organization keeps a Risk Log for business and project related risks, which is updated whenever a
possibility of project failure or delay arises. An Issue Log is created for keeping all issues for
possible resolution. Both the logs are continuously supervised for short, medium and long-term
implications. A project is considered successful if it is completed on time, within budget and

exceeds clients ‘expectations. Our project management methodology ensures involvement of key
stakeholders from beginning to end so that final deliverables are being built in accordance with
defined specifications and expectations. Any deviation from planned activities is brought to

1.6 E-commerce Development:

Xubisoft Ltd is a provider of embedded software services, underpinned by years of experience

from working with embedded control systems in the Automotive, Networking, Telecom, Wireless,
consumer electronics, medical, and control systems industries including software project
management, requirement analysis, system analysis, software development, testing, integration
and maintenance. Recursion provides businesses with a professional embedded solution services
enabling clients to reduce time to market by remaining focused on their core competencies. The
services of Recursion are designed to meet the needs of the business of client‘s product which
must help their customers as well. Recursion relies heavily on innovation and cutting-edge
technologies to provide a wide spectrum of reliable hardware solutions and applications. Radix
offers state-of-the-art embedded solutions for various industries.

1.7 Our Location

House-19, Road-04, Sector-04, Uttara, Dhaka-1205,

Uttora , Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Figure 1Xubisoft location on map

1.8 Organization Vision
Xubisoft Ltd. is growing IT Company having a vision is to be at the cutting edge of
technology and to become a key player in the field of Software Development, IT Training
and systems, Bulk SMS, Domain & Hosting & Networking Solutions. We have a team of
highly skilled and successful technical as well as management experts with us, who can
deliver unmatched business value to customers through a combination of process excellence,
quality frameworks, and service delivery innovation and in delivering technology-driven
business solutions that meet the strategic objectives and that create solutions around specific
needs of industries.

1.9 Organization Mission

The mission of Xubisoft Ltd. is to provide the community with the most innovative, state-
ofthreat, and comprehensive communications, information technology, and software
system solutions through a highly motivated, creative, experienced, and talented team of
professionals contributing to the success and satisfaction of the industries and customers
we serve. Our Training division will offer a wide range of career and professional courses in
the field of Telecommunication, Software, Web development and Networking. These
courses will help us to shape you as a specialist with in-depth concept driven and skill
development program. We will ensure a professional excellence in everything we do and
promote high standards of business ethics and long-term growth and stability through the
process of delivering the best and being the best in our approach.

1.10 Position in This Company

I am an intern software developer of this organization. I am guided by a supervisor in this

organization. He is very helpful and informative. I have learned so many new things from him. I have
successfully completed my project in time. It was only possible under the guidance of my supervisor.
It was also a great experience to maintain the office time for me. I have also maintained the other
rules and regulation of this organization. I am really happy to work with this office. It‘s really a great
opportunity for me doing great in my future career.

1.11 Organization Structure

Figure 2 :Organogram of Xubisoft Limited

Chapter 2
Project Introduction

2.1 Introduction
The purpose of the project entitled as “Development of E-commerce for buying product” is to
provide service to the people who wants to buy their product by online. Nowadays we have a lot of
option for buying product,any kind of product .. Other manufacturer also offering lots of model of
their component with different exciting features. That is why it creates a confusion among the
general people when they want to buy product. Sometimes they take help of the shopkeeper and
most of the cases the shopkeeper suggests him something that he really does not need. Therefore,
in my e-commerce site visitor will have the option first to choose his desired products. After that, the
site will automatically suggest other component from low to high budget to the visitor.Moreover, he
can chose whatever he wants according to his budget. There is no chance to any incompatibility
issue. Every user use Cart system. After completing the whole select process , then visitor can order
it using a payment gateway. A common issue that we normally face is we look for all product and the
website shows that it is available in the store but after going there we see the products are not
available. That is why we also show the stock to visitor. In addition, the system willshow the stock
alert to the admins.

2.2 Background Study

The leading Computer store in our country like Ryansgo (RyansGO), Computer Source (Source), and
Global Brand (Brand) is now providing e-commerce services to the customer. Customer order their
product from home or anywhere. Nevertheless, they are not providing any service to build a
complete PC from the website. If a customer have less knowledge about the computer component
and their compatibility issue then it is quite difficult for them to order a complete PC by themselves.
However, Start Tech (StarTech) is with the same approach but they are facing problem with the
filtering and stock issue. They cannot perfectly filter their component and most of the time customer
order a product, which not in the stock but the website is not showing any availability status. I have
solved these problems in my PC builder e-commerce site.

2.2.1 Objective
Objective of doing this project is to solve some of the common issues with the current e-
commerce sites in which products are sold.

2.2.2 Broad Objective

Broad objective is to provide an easy system so that anyone can buyhis or her products
through online.In addition, take this project into a standard so that it can be sold on a

2.2.3 Specific Objective

 To provide a user-friendly system for online shopping.

 To minimize the length of work process.
 To maximize effectiveness of online shopping and E-commerce.
 To make a time efficient system.
 To save the time of customers.
 To provide secured shopping

2.3 Proposed system benefits

This system has many benefits for the customers. The benefits of this system are given

2.3.1 Detailed Description of the product

Every single product those will be sold in the system will have proper valid description from
its manufacturer. There will be real image of the product from different angle and user can
zoom it in and down.

2.3.2 Review & Comments

Customer can give ratings in a product whenever they buy that product. They can also ask
for any query about a product and admin can reply it as soon as possible. Admin can send
multiple reply against the customer’s question.

2.3.3 Cash on Delivery Process for Customers

Customers do not have to think or stress about the payment process as the system is
providing the easiest way of paying the cost, which is “Cash on Delivery” process. Customer
can order components from the site and after the order is confirmed, the goods will be
delivered to the customer’s destination and then the customer will pay for the order, which
he or she ordered from the website. Therefore, our system is providing an easy and secure
process of payment system for the customers.

2.3.4 User friendly System UI

This is a user-friendly system for its customers. Customer will not possibly find any difficulties to go
through the whole customer panel in the total system. They can easily do registration while ordering
any component and this system will verify the customer’s registration bysending a link to the
customers email ID. Admin panel is also designed in such a way so that new admin’s does not need
to take bother about any training or briefing to handle it.

2.4 Methodology

For this project in data collection phase, I collected primary and secondary data. Xubisoft provided
with all type of primary and secondary data needed to develop the system. The procedures and
processes that I followed to develop this system are clearly described in the Analysis and Design
chapter with illustrations. Those methodologies are derived from the collected data of the early
requirement-gathering phase.

2.4.1 Data Sources

The sources of data for the purpose of this project are:

 Primary Data
 Secondary Data

2.4.2 Primary Data

Primary data are generated within the organization. The organizations practical experience,
observation, and face-to-face interview with our own web trainer helped us generate the
primary data. Actually, the primary data are collected through the practical experience,
observation, and face-to-face interview with both operators and user.

2.4.3 Secondary Data

Secondary data are generated by real life experience and studying different articles,
newspapers, and research papers and of course information collected via Internet. Data,
facts and statistics collected from different web sites and sources made us understand the
project better.

2.5 Limitation of the Project

As we know that practicum is the bridge between theoretical and practical life. Practicum
program at IUBAT has given me this great opportunity to see how theories are put into
action. From my point of view, a 12-14 weeks’ practicum program is not good enough for a
fresh graduate to undergo. In my case, there were many terms, conditions and systems that
were not understandable for me at the beginning of my organizational attachment however
lately I made myself familiar with those terms that took over three weeks. One of the
limitations of this internship project is constraints of time. After applying the software
engineering procedures, it is very difficult to develop the complete software within short
time. For this reason, the scope of the internship project has become short. However, at the
later stage I made myself familiar with the overall scenario.Moreover, my project does not
support all the payment method, which is available in Bangladesh. As those are not available
for developing purpose, we have to use some other payment method like stripe.

2.6 Process model

Every software project comes with a set of objectives and goals. These goals are the primary
differentiating factors separating one project from another. Also, it is important to understand that
each project is a collection of smaller segments, which can be identified using different phases of
development. Since my project will be broken down into phases, it is a very important for me to

choose a suitable software development process model that will help me to code in a particular way
and that is Iterative Model.

The incremental process model is a method of software development where the model is designed,
implemented and tested incrementally (a little more is added each time) until the product is
finished. It involves both development and maintenance. The product is defined as finished when it
satisfies all of its requirements. This model combines the elements of the waterfall model with the
iterative philosophy of prototyping.

Figure 3Flow of Incremental Model

(Image Source:

Figure 4Incremental Model with time and features
(Image Source:

2.6.1 Major Steps of Incremental Process Model

 Communication:During this phase, research is being conducted which includes
brainstorming about the software, what is going to be and what purpose is it going to fulfill.
All possible requirements of the system to be developed are captured in this phase and
documented in a requirement specification documents. This step is also the most important,
because it involves gathering information about what the customer needs and defining, in
the clearest possible terms, the problem that the product is expected to solve.

 Planning: You then arrive at a complete estimate of your project while scheduling the
various stages of software development.

 Modeling: This stage involves the complete requirement analysis, followed by attempting to
design the project through algorithms and flowcharts.

 Construction: As the name suggests, the construction stage looks into two aspects of
generating code and testing the same. The code is generated using a suitable programming
language and the testing stage ensures whether the flow of code is right or faulty. Testing is
also performed to check whether the code produces the desired output.

 Deployment: Making changes to the code according to the feedback offered by your client,
it is during this stage of deployment that you will add new capabilities to the existing code.
The final product is then presented to your client as a high quality and robust software code.

2.6.2 Advantages of using incremental Model

 This model is flexible because the cost of development is low and initial product delivery is
 It is easier to test and debug in the smaller iteration.
 The working software is generated quickly in the software life cycle.
 The customers can respond to its functionalities after every increment.
 This model is less costly compared to others.

2.6.3 Reason for Choosing Incremental Process Model
 Allows early delivery of parts of the system.
 Reduces rework in the software construction process.
 As it reduces rework in coding, it is time efficient.
 Provides better support for process iteration.
 Supports easier integration of sub-systems.
 Lower risk of project failure.
 Delivery priorities can be more easily set.

2.7 Feasibility Study

Feasibility study determines whether that solution is feasible or achievable for the organization or
not. This means that the tasks that we will perform are worth enough or not. There are three major
areas of investigation and generating ideas about a new system. They are-

 Technical feasibility
 Economic feasibility
 Operational feasibility

2.7.1 Technical feasibility

Technical Feasibility study mainly focuses at the hardware and the software available to perform the
necessary steps for the proposed System addressed as Development of E-commerce”. I have
identified some of the required hardware and software for the proposed system. These hardware
and software are-

Hardware Requirements –
 Computer (Desktop/Laptop or Equivalent)
 Proper Electricity Support
 Adequate System Memory and Secondary Memory
 Power backup for electricity failure

Software Requirements –
 Operating System (Windows 10, 64 bit OS)
 Atom / Php Storm

 Apache Server
 MySQL Database
 Web Browser (Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox)

2.7.2 Economic Feasibility

Economic feasibility determines to what extent a new system, is cost effective. Our software is
economically feasible. As I mention we need only one operating system and a browser. So the cost
will be so less. It need only two people to handle this software. So the cost will be less. On the other
way, this will reduce our paper cost. Because we are using a database to store all the data. So I can
say that our software is economically feasible.

2.7.3 Operational Feasibility

Operational feasibility addresses concerns about user acceptance, management support, and the
requirements of entities and factors in the organizations external environment. It is operationally
feasible. Because this design of our software is very much user friendly. Anyone can easily
understand the process of our software. They need not any extra training to understand it. Member
can get their service by sign in and log in our site. So it is operationally feasible.

Chapter 3
Requirement Engineering

The process of establishing the services that the customer requires from a system and the constraint
under which it operates and is developed. Requirement reflects the needs of user for a system that
serves a certain purpose such as controlling a device, placing a command or finding information.

3.1 Requirement Analysis

Requirement analysis provides the software designer with a representation of information, function
and behavior that can be translated to data, architectural, interface and component level designs. In
the following task phases the requirement analysis was done.

3.2 Requirement Engineering

Requirements engineering is, as its name suggests, the engineering discipline of establishing user
requirements and specifying software systems. There are many definitions of Requirements
Engineering; however, they all share the idea that requirements involve finding out what people
want from a computer system and understanding what their needs mean in terms of design.
Requirements engineering is closely related to software engineering, which focuses more on the
process of designing the system that users want.

 User requirements
 System requirements
 Functional requirements
 Non-functional requirement

3.2.1 User Requirement

The User Requirement Document (URD) or user requirement specification is a document usually
used in software engineering that specifies what the user expects the software to be able to do.
Once the required information is completely gathered it is documented in a URD, which is meant to
spell out exactly what the software must do and becomes part of the contractual agreement. A
customer cannot demand features not in the URD, whilst the developer cannot claim the product is
ready if it does not meet an item of the URD.The user requirements of the system are listed below:

Super Admin:

 Super Admin will have to login to enter to the dashboard

 Super Admin can see the list of Admin
 Super Admin can grant access of new Admin
 Super Admin can inactive an Admin
 Super Admin can add new product
 Super Admin can edit any product
 Super Admin can delete any product
 Super Admin can see all the products
 Super Admin can add coupon or discount
 Super Admin will get notification of product quantity alert
 Super Admin can see the order list
 Super Admin can delete any order

 Super Admin can see the cart list
 Super Admin can see the Sales information
 Super Admin can handle the cash on delivery
 Super Admin can see the payment information
 Super Admin can generate the sale report
 Super Admin can reply the comment of the user


 Admin need to create an account

 Admin need to verify his/her email after login
 Admin can fill up his profile details
 Admin can add new product
 Admin can edit any product
 Admin can delete any product
 Admin can see all the products
 Admin will get notification of product quantity alert
 Admin can see the order list
 Admin can delete any order
 Admin can handle the cash on delivery
 Admin can reply the comment of the user


 User can see all the products

 User can search for any product
 User can add product to the cart
 User can delete product from the cart
 User can apply the coupon to get discount
 User can create an account
 User have to login before order
 User can order product
 User will get confirmation email after order
 User can order for cash on delivery
 User can pay the money by using payment method
 User can post comment on any product after login

3.2.2 System Requirements

 Secured login system

 Middleware to check the authentication
 Provide security while sending data in get method
 System will validate the input filed in the backend
 Account confirmation email will be send to the Admin
 System will redirect the user to the login page before orderingproducts
 Order confirmation email will be send to the customer
 Cart icon will show the number of item added to the cart
 Product Stock will be shown in the front end
 System will have separate Custom PC Build Panel
 System will suggest other products
 Order amount will be calculated

3.2.3 Functional requirements

 Admin will see different notice in the dashboard

 Admin will get confirmation email after registration
 Customer will get confirmation email after registration
 System validates every input filed
 Super Admin can add, update and delete any product
 Admin can add, update and delete any product
 System shows stock of every product
 System makes frosted the product image if it is out of stock
 System shows number of ordered product in the cart icon
 User can delete product from the cart
 System will suggest other related product
 System will auto suggest city and state under a country while placing an order
 System shows order list
 User will get confirmation email after order

3.2.4 Non-functional Requirements:

 Software will be secured by using data from cache

 Data backup system will be available
 User cannot create more than one account using the same email Address

3.3 Hardware Requirement

The hardware listed by no means a minimum requirement to run the system, but rather a base limit
for running the system smoothly and comfortably. This is also considering the potential amount of
traffic that may go through the server.

 1 x Intel Xeon E-2224 Quad Core with Hyper-threading- 3.4 GHz Processor.
 4 GB (DDR2) ECC or Non-ECCRAM.
 80 GB 5200 rpm SATA Hard Drive.
 2 x 10/100/1000 Ethernet, 1 PCIe 2.0x16 slot.

3.4 Software Requirement

 Web Server: Xampp Server Bitnami 5.6.30

 Server Side Scripting: Laravel Framework
 Database Engine: MySQL 5.1.34
 Database Tools: MySQL Administrator
 Designing Tools:
 Text Editor: Atom.

3.5 Use Case Diagram of the System

A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user's interaction with the system that
shows the relationship between the user and the different use cases in which the user is involved. A
use case diagram can identify the different types of users of a system and the different use cases and
will often be accompanied by other types of diagrams as well.

Itshows the various activities the users can perform on the system. The System is something that
performs a function. They model the dynamic aspects of the system. It provides a user’s perspective
of the system. There are some of the components of Use Case diagram. They are given below

Actor: An actor is a user of the system playing a particular role.

Use case: Use case is a particular activity a user can do on the system.
Relationship: Relationships are simply illustrated with a line connecting actors to use cases.

In the project ‘Development of E-commerce for Custom PC Builders, the use case diagram is used to
visualize the different types of roles in a system and how those roles interact with the system. Figure
3.1 shows the use case diagram for this project.

Figure 5: Use Case Diagram of the system Super Admin

Figure 6: Use Case Diagram of the system Admin

Figure 7Use Case Diagram of the system User

Chapter 4
System Planning

System planning chapter shows the functions of the project ‘Development of
Ecommerce for Custom PC Builder. The function point estimation, effort distribution
and project schedule chart are also shown in this chapter.

4.1 Scope of Project

The scope of the project is to provide a user-friendly system to the customer so that they can
perform their task without the help of others. This system so useful for those who have their own
business in the field of pc hardware. Any non-technical person can easily handle the system. Some
more scopes are given below:

 Being of a web base application it can be accessed from anywhere via internet.
 Future improvement can also bring some major advantage
 Platform independent as it is web based.
 No license is required to use the system
 No extra power consumption or heavy-duty hardware is not needed to use the system.

4.2 Functions of Proposed System

1. Admin/Super-Admin/User Registration F1
2. Login to the System F2
3. Product management F3
4. Category Management F4
5. CouponManagement F6
6. Cart management F7
7. Billings F9

4.2.1 Function Description

Admin/Super-Admin/Customer Registration
Registration into the system (Admin, Super-Admin andUser)
Input: Name, Email, Password, ConfirmPassword
Output: Successfully Login, Access Denied
Used table of the database: users

Login to the system
Login into the system (Admin, Super-Admin, and User)
Input: Email and Password
Output: redirect to the personal dashboard
Use table of the database: users

Product Management
Input:product name , product id , product price , product short discription , product long discription , product
name , category id,product slug , product thumbnail image ,product quantity.
Output: View all the product information
Use table of the database: All the product information, category

Category Management
Input: category name, category id, added by
Output: View all category
Use table of the database: categories

Subcategory Management
Input: subcategory name, category name
Output: View all subcategories
Use table of the database: sub-categories, categories

Input:,couponid,couponvalidity,coupon discount , coupon name
Output: View all offers
Use table of the database: coupons

Cart management
Input: IP address, product ID, product_amount,cart id
Output: View cart products with quantity and price
Use table of the database: carts,products

Input: product ID, product name, price, quantity, user
ID,username,email,phoneno,country,city, address,order note,
Output: Show billing information of an order
Use table of the database: billing, users,ptoduct

4.3 System Project Planning

Software project planning is the second activity of CPF. Software project management
commences with a set of activities that collectively called software project planning. Before
starting any project, it is compulsory to estimate the work to be done, the resources that
will be required, the time will elapse from start to finish and to analyze the project to
determine whether it is feasible or not.

The following activities of software project planning that have followed in this project are:

 System Project Estimation

 Function Oriented Metrics
 Process Base Estimation
 Task Scheduling
 Project Schedule Chart
 Cost Estimation

4.3.1 System Project Estimation

The accuracy of a software project estimate predicated based on a number of things:

a. Properly estimated the size of the product to build.
b. The ability to translate the size estimation into human effort, calendar time and

c. The degree to which the project plan reflects the abilities of the software team or
d. The stability of the product requirements and the environment that supports the
software engineering effort.

Software size estimation is the most important matter that I have to consider during the
software project. If the software size not calculate properly, then this will cause various
problems such as scheduling problems, budget problem etc. As the project goes on, before
estimating the software size, I have to confirm that software scope is bounded.

4.3.2 Function Oriented Metrics

Function point-based estimation focuses on information domain values rather that software
values. Function points are computed by comparing five information domain characteristics.
The information domain values are as follows (Sourcecodes)

Number of external inputs (EI) – Each user input that provides distinct application-oriented
data to the software is counted inputs should be distinguished from inquires.

Number of external outputs (EO) – Each user output that provides application-oriented
information to the user is counted.

Number of external inquires (EQ) – An inquiry defined as an on-line input those results in
the generation of some immediate software response in the form of an on-line output. Each
distinct inquiry counted.

Number of Internal logical files (ILF) – Each logical master file counted. Database table
wherefrom input goes for modified by application.

Numbers of external interfaces files (EIF) – All machine-readable interfaces that used to
transmit information to another system counted. The weights of the domains are fixes,
which are provided in appropriate table location. Weights can be divided into three
categories according to the functionality of the system. They are simple, average and
complex. The total system is a complex system but the part of the total system. Once these

data has collected, a complexity value is associated with each count. To find out the FP
count the following formula is used,

Value Adjustment Factor (VAF) = (0.65+ (.01X TDI))

UFP = UFP (Data Fn) + UFP (Transaction Fn)
Adjusted Function Point Count (AFP) = UFP X VAF
Effort for PHP = AFP x Productivity

4.3.3 Reference Value Table(Soucecode):

Table 1: Determining the Functional Complexity of External Input

EI 1 - 4 DETs 5 - 15 DETs 16 + DETs

FTR < 2 Low Low Average
FTRs = 2 Low Average High
FTRs = > 3 Average High High

Table 2: Determining the Functional Complexity of External Output/Query

EO/EQ 1 - 5 DETs 6 - 19 DETs 20+ DETs

FTR<= 1 Low Low Average
2 <= FTRs <= 3 Low Average High
FTRs > 3 Average High High

Table 3: Determining the Functional Complexity of ILF/ELF

ILF/ ELF 1 - 19 DETs 20 - 50 DETs 51 or more DETs

RETs <= 1 Low Low Average
2 <= RETs <= 5 Low Average High
RETs > 5 Average High High

Table 4: Measurement of complexity of Function

Transaction Function
Complexity Data Function Type
L (Low) 3 4 7 7
A (Average) 4 5 10 10
H (High) 6 7 15 15

4.4 Identifying complexity
4.4.1 Identifying complexity of transition function

Table 5: Identifying complexity of transition function

Transition Function Field/ File Name Involved FTR DET

Create User Name, Email, Password,Confirm Password,Create 1 5
Registration button
(EI) File Name: users
Log in Email, Password, Login Button 1 3
(EI) File Name: users
Usercan see his Billing ID, user name, email, phone no, 3 11
order status country ,city, Address, Payment Status, Total
(EO) Amount, process to checkout button,product name
File Name: users,product,
User can see his Product Name, Quantity, product price, Address, 3 5
billing details back button
(EQ) File Name: products, billings
User can add IP address, product ID, product_amount , cart id add 2 5
products to cart (EI) button,
File Name: carts, products
User can delete Cart id, IP address, product ID, quantity, delete 1 5
product from cart button
(EI) File Name: carts
User can add Name, email, contact, country, city, address, place 1 7
shipping details (EI) order button
File name: Billing
User can place an Product id, quantity, price, product name, user ID, 2 7
order (EI) add button
File Name: billing, sales
User can view Product name, product id, image, price, product 1 9
products (EO)

quantity, details, category, subcategory, view button
File Name: products
User can search Product name, image, price, product quantity, 1 8
products (EQ) details, category, subcategory, search button,
File Name: products
Super Admin can Users status, user type, edit button 1 3
edit admin status File Name: users
Super Admin Category name, added by , add button, 1 3
Can add category File Name: categories
Super Admin Category name, view button 1 2
Can view category
(E0) File Name: categories
Super Admin can Category name, category ID, delete button 1 3
delete category (EI) File Name: categories
Super Admin can Subcategory name, category name, add button, 2 3
add sub category File Name: categories, subcategories
Super Admin can Subcategory name, category name, view button, 2 4
view subcategory back button
(EO) File Name: categories, subcategories
Super Admin can Subcategory ID, category ID, delete button 2 3
delete subcategory File Name: categories, subcategories
Super Admin can coupon name, coupon validaty,coupon discount, add 1 4
add new coupon (EI) button
File Name: coupon
Super Admin can coupon name, coupon validaty, coupon discount 1 4
view new coupon view button
(EO) File Name: coupon
Super Admin can subcategory name,subcategoryid, delete button 1 3
delete subcategory

(EI) File Name: coupon
Admin can add new Category name, products name, image, short 3 8
product (EI) description , long description,product quantity,
price, add button
File name: categories, product
Admin can view products name,product id, image, short 3 9
product (E0) description, , long description ,product quantity,
product price, view button
File name: categories, product
Admin can search Category name, products name, image , ,product 3 8
Products (EQ) quantity, description, long description, , price,
search button
File name: categories, product
Admin can edit a Category name, products name, image , ,product 3 7
products (EQ) quantity, description, long description, , price, edit
File name: categories, subcategories, product
Admin can delete a Category name, products name, image , ,product 3 8
product (EI) quantity, description, long description, , price,
search button
File name: categories, product
Admin can approve Order id ,user name ,user email, payment status, 2 5
an order approve button
(EI) File Name: order, user
Admin can cancel an Order id ,user name ,user email, payment status, 2 5
order (EI) Cancle button
File Name: order, user

Identifying complexity of data function

Table 6: Identifying complexity of data function

Data Function Field/ File Name Involved RET DET

Users (EIF) ID, Name, email, role 1 3
Categories ID, Category name,added by 1 3
Coupon (ILF) ID, Coupon name, Coupon validity, Coupon 2 4
discount,product id form product,
Products (ILF) ID, category ID from categories, name, image, 2 8
price, product amount, short
Carts (ILF) ID, IP address, product ID from product, product 3 5
quantity,category id form category
Billings (ILF) ID, order id from order, product id from products, 4 5
product quantity, price from products, coupon id
form coupon ,
Product multiple ID, product id form product, product multiple image 2 3
Order(ILF) ID, product id form product ,user id form 4 4
user,category id form category

4.4.2 Unadjusted function point contribution

Table 7: Unadjusted Function Point Contribution (Transition Function)

Transition Function DET Complexity UFP

Create User Registration (EI) 1 5 Low 3

Log in (3*EI) 1 3 3 * Low 9

User can see his order status(EO) 3 11 Average 5

User can see his billing details
(EQ) 3 5 low 3

User can add products to cart (EI) 2 5 Average 4

User can delete product from cart (EI) 1 5 Low 3

User can add billing details (EI) 1 7 Low 3

User can place an order (EI) 2 7 Average 4

User can view products (EO) 1 9 Low 4

User can search products (EQ) 1 8 Low 3

Super Admin can edit admin status (EI) 1 3 Low 3

Super Admin
Can add category (EI) 1 3 Low 3

Super Admin
Can view category (E0) 1 2 Low 4

Super Admin can delete category (EI) 1 3 Low 3

Super Admin can add sub category (EI) 2 3 Low 3

Super Admin can view subcategory
(EO) 2 4 Low 4

Super Admin can delete subcategory

(EI) 2 3 Low 3

Super Admin can add new coupon (EI) 1 4 Low 3

Super Admin can add new coupon (EI) 1 4 Low 3

Super Admin can delete subcategory
(EI) 1 3 Low 3

Admin can add new product (EI) 2 8 Average 4

Admin can view product (E0) 3 9 Average 5

Admin can search Products (EQ) 3 8 Average 4

Admin can edit a products (EQ) 3 9 Average 4

Admin can edit a products (EQ) 3 8 Average 4

Admin can edit a products (EQ)

2 7 Average 4

Admin can delete a product (EI)

2 8 Average 4
Admin can approve an order
(EI) 2 5 Low 3

Admin can cancel an order (EI)

2 5 Low 3

Total = 108

Table 8: Unadjusted Function Point Contribution (Data Function)

Transition Function RET DET Complexity UFP

Users (EIF) 1 3 Low 5

Categories (EIF) 1 3 Low 5

Coupon (ILF) 2 4
Low 7

Products (ILF) 4 8 Low 7

Carts (ILF) 3 5 Low 7

4 5
Billings (ILF) Low 7

2 3
Product multiple image(ILF) Low 7

4 4
Order (ILF) Low 7

Total = 52

4.4.3 Performance and Environmental impact

Table 9: Performance and Environmental impact

GSC (General System Characteristics) DI

1. Data communication 4
2. Distributed data processing 0
3. Performance 5
4. Heavily used configuration 4
5. Transaction rate 4
6. Online data entry 3
7. End user efficiency 4
8. Online update 0
9. Complex processing 5
10. Reusability 4
11. Installation ease 3
12. Operational ease 4
13. Multiple sites 0
14. Facilitate change 3
Total Degree of Influence (TDI), ΣFi = 43

4.4.4 Counting Adjusted Function point

Value Adjustment Factor (VAF) = (0.65+ (0.01 x TDI)) = (0.65 + (0.01x43)) =1.08

Counting Adjusted Function Point:

UFP = UFP (Data function) + UFP (Transaction Function)
= 108+52 = 160

Adjusted Function Point Count = UFP x VAF

= 160 x1.08= 172.8

Effort for PHP =172.8 x 15.5
= 2678.4per hours
= 334.8 Person Days [8 hours of working per day]
= Approximately 335 Person Days.
= 335/27 Person Month
= 12.40 Person Month
Time Frame Calculation 12.40 /3 Person Month [3 person in a group](as I have worked alone
as a person)
= 4.13 Person Month

4.4.5 Project Schedule

Total system development is a combination of set of tasks. These set of tasks should done
sequentially and timely. Project schedule works as the guideline of the system developer.
The following is the schedule chart of this project:

Table 10: Project Schedule Chart

4.6 Accounts Table

Cost analysis represents the total cost to complete any project. In this project, there are four
factors to analyze and calculate the cost. The factors are personnel cost, software cost,
hardware cost and other cost.

Personnel cost: Personnel cost is the salary of the customer communicator, system analyst
and designer, coder and tester. For estimating the cost,the analyzer used the minimum
industrial average.

Software cost: It is the cost of the software, which is used in this project.

Hardware cost: cost of the computer that used to complete the project.

Other cost: Other cost includes the cost of the house rent, telephone bill, electricity bill,
convenience and so on.

4.6.1 Personnel Cost

 Number of days in a year = 365
 Number of government holidays in a year =20 [Excluding Friday]
 Number of weekly holidays in a year = 52 [Friday only]
 Total number of working days to develop the project = 365-(52+20) = 293 days
 Total number of working days per months to develop the project = 293/12 =24.417
 Organization working hours per day = 8 hours
 Organization working hours per month=24.417*8 = 195.33 hours

Total working hour in 4 months = 24*8*4 = 768 hours

Table 11: Personnel Cost Estimation

Designation Person Working Salary / Salary / Individual Total

Hours month hour Salary Salary

System One 768 35,000 179.18 1,37,613.2

Analyst 7

One 768 30,000 153.59 1,17,954.2

Wwb- One 768 25,000 127.99 98,295.19

Tester One 768 20,000 102.39 78,636.15

Graphics One 768 15,000 70.50 54,144.00


4.6.2 Expected Hardware Cost

The first step is to sum the digits or numbers starting with the life and going back to one. For
example, an asset with a life of 5 would have a sum of digits as follows: 5+ 4+ 3 +2 + 1 = 15
to find the percentage for each year divide the year's digit by the sum. In the example above
the percentage would be calculated as follows:

Table 12: Hardware Cost Estimation

Sl. Hardware Number Expense Total

1. Laptop 1 50000

2. Pendrive 1 1500

3. Printer 1 500
68,100 TK
Input Devices (Mouse,
4. 1 2000
Keyboard etc.)

5. Broadband Connection 1

4.6.3 Expected Software Cost

Table 13: Software Cost Estimation

Sl. Software Cost Total

1. Windows 10 13000

2. Microsoft Office 12000

3. Composer Free 25000 TK

4. My SQL Server 2017 Free

5. Sublime Text Free

4.6.4 Expected Other Cost

Table 14: Other Cost Estimation

SL Other Expense Total

1. Transport 3,000
5,000 TK
2. Other 2,000

4.6.5 Total Cost Estimation

Table 15: Total Cost Estimation

Cost Type Cost

Personnel Cost 4, 86,642.85 BDT.

Software Cost 25,000 BDT.

Hardware Cost 68,100 BDT.

Others Cost 5,000 BDT.

Total: 5, 84,742.85 BDT.

In Word:Five lacseightyfour thousands seven hundred forty two taka eighty five

Chapter 5
Risk Management

A risk is a serious problem that might or might not happen. It is necessary to analyze the
potential risks in a project. If the risks of a software project are not properly analyzed and
estimated, many problems can plague the software project. Anyone developing ant type of
system encounter with it and it has to be managed.

5.1 Risk management

Risk analysis and management are a series of steps that help a software team understand
and manage uncertainty. Many problems can plague of software project. A risk is a potential
problem; it might happen, it might not. But regardless of the outcome, it’s a really good idea
to identify it, assess its probability of occurrence, and estimate its impact, and establish a
contingency plan should the problem actually occur. Risk analysis and management are a
series of steps that help a software them to understand and manage uncertainty.

5.1.1 Stages of Risk

To establish a risk management model the following phases are followed:

Identification:Risk identification is the process of detecting potential risks or hazards
through data collection. A range of data collection and manipulation tools and techniques
exists. The team is using both automated and manual techniques to collect data and begin
to characterize potential risks to Web resources. Web crawling is one effective way to
collect information about the state of Web pages and sites.

Classification: Risk classification is the process of developing a structured model to

categorize risk and fitting observable risk attributes and events into the model. The team
combines quantitative and qualitative methods to characterize and classify the risks to Web
pages, Web sites, and the hosting servers.

Assessment:Risk assessment is the process of defining relevant risk scenarios or sequences

of events that could result in damage or loss and the probability of these events. Rosenthal
describe the characteristics of a generic standard for risk assessment as "transparent,

coherent, consistent, complete, comprehensive, impartial, uniform, balanced, defensible,
sustainable, flexible, and accompanied by suitable and sufficient guidance.

Analysis:Risk analysis determines the potential impact of risk patterns or scenarios, the
possible extent of loss, and the direct and indirect costs of recovery. This step identifies
vulnerabilities considers the willingness of the organization to accept risk given potential
consequences, and develops mitigation responses.

Implementation: Risk management implementation defines policies, procedures, and

mechanisms to manage and respond to identifiable risks. The implemented program should
balance the value of assets and the direct and indirect costs of preventing or recovering
from damage or loss.

To take comprehensive care of a web-based system we must consider the following points:

 Hardware and software environment including any upgrades to the operating system
and Web server, the installation of security patches, the removal of insecure
services, use of firewalls, etc.
 Administrative procedures such as contracting with reputable service providers,
renewing domain name registration, etc.
 Network configuration and maintenance including load balancing, traffic
management, and usage monitoring.
 Backup and archiving policies and procedures including the choice of backup media,
media replacement interval, number of backups made and storage location.
 Physical location of the server and its vulnerability to fire, flood, earthquake, electric
power anomalies, power interruption, temperature fluctuations, theft, and

5.1.2 Categories of risk

There are different categories of risks that should be considered in any software project. The
following categories of risks have been considered in this software project.

 Project risks: These risks threaten the project plan. If these risks become real, it is
likely that the project schedule will slip and that costs will increase. Project risks

identify potential budgetary, schedule, personnel, resource, customer and
requirement problems and their impact on the software project.
 Technical risks: These risks threaten the quality and timeliness of the software to be
produced. If a technical risk becomes a reality, implementation may become difficult
or impossible. Technical risks identify potential design, implementation, interface,
verification and maintenance problems. Moreover, specification ambiguity, technical
uncertainty, technical obsolescence are also risk factors.
 Business risks: These risks threaten the viability of the software to be built. The
business risks can be market risks, building a system that no one really wants.
Strategic risks, building a system that no longer fits into the overall business strategy
for any company. Management risks, losing the support of senior management due
to a change in focus or a change in people. Budget risks, losing budgetary or
personnel commitment.

5.2 The RMMM Plan

 Risk Mitigation: Proactive planning for risk avoidance.

 Risk Monitoring: Assessing whether predicted risks occur or not, ensuring preventive
steps are being properly applied, collect information for future risk analysis, attempt
to determine which risks caused which problem.
 Risk Management: Actions to be taken in the event that mitigation steps have failed
and the risk has become a live problem.
 Type of Impact: Catastrophic (1), Critical (2), Marginal (3), Negligible (4).
 Type of Probability: very low (<10%), low (10–25%), moderate (25–50%), high (50–
75%), very high (>75%).
 Project Risks: Threaten the project plan. In my system, the bellow mentioned
projects risks I needed manage.

Table 16: Project Risk (P01)

Project Risk (P01) Date: 22-11-2019

Name Changes the requirements
Probability Low (25%)
Impact Marginal (3)
Description Customer may change their requirements
Mitigation and Monitoring Requirements are redefined by the company due to
time or business needs. Meeting will be held with the
company regularly. This insures that the product we are
producing solves a problem.
Management Emergency meeting between both parties to identify
new project requirements and goals.
Status Not occur

Table 17: Project Risk (P02)

Project Risk (P02) Date: 30-11-2019

Name Poor Quality Documentation
Probability Low (15%)
Impact Catastrophic (1)
Description Poor quality documentation of the members.
Mitigation and Monitoring Meeting will be held routinely to offer documentation
suggestions and topics. The progress on documentation
will also have a monitor in each meeting.
Management The addition of new topics or removal of unnecessary
topics into the documentation will assigned to
responsible person.
Status Monitoring it.

Table 18 :Project Risk (P03)

Project Risk (P03) Date: 05-11-2019

Name Lack of Development Experience.
Probability Moderate (30%)
Impact Critical (2)
Description Lack of developmental experience of the members.
Each member of the team should watch and see areas
Mitigation and Monitoring
where another team member may be weak.
Management The members who have the most experience in a
particular area will be required to help for overcome
problem arises for this risk.
Status We have not encountered such issues yet.

Table 19: Project Risk (P04)

Project Risk (P04) Date: 10-11-2019

Name Poor Comments in Code
Probability Moderate (30%)
Impact Marginal (3)
Description Code of the developed system is not up to the mark to
ensure quality of comments in all code.
Mitigation and Monitoring Each member of the team should watch and see areas
where another team member may be weak
Management We should call a meeting with the development team
to get rid of this problem and improve the quality of
comments in code.
Status We are monitoring the issue.

Technical Risks: threaten product quality and the timeliness of the schedule. As this is my
practicum project, therefore these types of risks need to be take care of properly.

Table 20:Technical Risk (TR01)

Technical Risk (TR01) Date: 15-11-2019

Name Computer Crash
Probability Moderate (25%-40%)
Impact Catastrophic (1)
Description Computer may crash due to several reasons
Mitigation and Monitoring We should take proper follow up of computers. We also
take regular data backup every day, We can use UPS to
stop unexpected shutdown.
Management If our computer has been crashed then we will restore
Status We have not encountered such issue yet.

Table 21:Technical Risk (TR02)

Technical Risk (TR02) Date: 25-10-2019

Name Technology Doesn’t Meet Specifications
Probability Low (25%)
Impact Catastrophic (1)
Description Customer does not have the technology to their
desired specification.
Mitigation and Monitoring That ensures that the product we are producing
and the specifications of the customer are
Management The customer should be immediately notified and

whatever steps necessary to rectify this problem
should be done. Preferably a meeting should be
held between the development team and the customer
to discuss at length this issue
Status We have not encountered such issue yet.

Table 22: Technical Risk (TR03)

Technical Risk (TR03) Date: 05-09-2019

Name Poor Training Skill in Team Members.
Probability Moderate (30%)
Impact Catastrophic (1)
Description Poor Training Skill in Team Members to Train the Client.
Mitigation and Monitoring The training team should have a clear knowledge about
the entire functionality of the software. System analyst
need to ensure and monitor it while training session
Management We should arrange a meeting with the train team and
come to a point to solve this problem.
Status We have not encountered such issue yet.

Business Risk: Threaten the viability of the software to be built (market risks, strategic risks,
management risks, budget risks). As I am developing it as my practicum project by myself,
classic business risks won’t be encountered here. The Probability of all type of Business Risks
is therefore, determined as Low.

Table 23: Business Risk (B01)

Business Risk (B01) Date: 10-09-2019

Name Insufficient Budget
Probability Low (10%)
Impact Critical (2)
Description If the budget is low project may not complete.

Mitigation and Monitoring The project needs streaming server that is costly to set-
up. We find several alternative streaming services to
reduce the budget risk.
Management Refinement in project goal. A new plan for regulate the
Status We have not encountered such issue yet.

Table 24:Business Risk (B02)

Business Risk (B02) Date: 20-10-2019

Name End Users Accept System
Probability Low (10%)
Impact Critical (2)
Description The system fails to gain user’s faith.
Mitigation and Monitoring In order to prevent this from happening, the software
will develop with the end user in mind. The user-
interface will design in a way to make use of the
program convenient and pleasurable.
Management Training the users to familiarize them with the new
system. Releasing patches/bug fixes for greater user
Status The risk has not been arisen yet.

Table 25:Business Risk (B03)

Business Risk (B03) Date: 27-11-2019

Name Not pay the installment of Software Cost
Probability Very Low (05%)
Impact Catastrophic (1)
Description Customer doesn’t pay for the installment of Software
Mitigation and Monitoring We should make a good communication between
customers and ensure that the entire Installment will

be completed.
Management The only course of action available would be find out
the reason and come in a solution.
Status The risk has not been arisen yet.

Table 26: Business Risk (B04)

Business Risk (B04) Date: 01-12-2019

Name Late delivery of the project
Probability Very Low (05%)
Impact Catastrophic (1)
Description Steps have been taken to ensure a timely delivery
by determining the scope of project.
Mitigation and Monitoring The only course of action available would be to
request an extension to the deadline from
Management The only course of action available would be find
out the reason and come in a solution.
Status My project is completed in time.

Chapter 6
Analysis Modeling

Analysis modeling uses a combination of text and diagrammatic forms to depict
requirements for data, function, and behavior in a way that is relatively easy to understand,
and more important, straightforward to review for correctness, completeness and
consistency. This section presents resources for conventional and object-oriented analysis
(OOA) methods as well as resources for UML.

6.1 Software analysis pattern

Objectives of analysis model

 Domain Analysis
 Describe what the client requires
 Establish a basis for the creation of a software design
 Define a set of requirements that can be validated once the software is built.

6.2 Activity Diagrams

Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities and

actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency.Mainly Activity diagrams show
the overall flow of control.

Activity Diagram for User

Figure 8Activity Diagram for User

Activity Diagram for Super Admin

Figure 9Activity Diagram for Super Admin

Activity Diagrams for Admin

Figure 10Activity Diagrams for Admin

Chapter 7

7.1 Interface Design

Admin and User login page

Figure 11Login interface

Admin Dashboard

Figure 12Admin Dashboard

Admin Profile Change

Figure 13Admin Profile Change

Category AddPage

Figure 14Category Add Page

Category view Page

Figure 15Category View page

Category Edit Page

Figure 16Category Edit Page

Product Add Page

Figure 17 : Product Add page

ProductView Page

Figure 18: Product View Page

Coupon Add Page

Figure7.9:CouponAdd page
Coupon View Page

Figure 19: Coupon View Page

Faq Add Page

Figure 20: Faq Add page

FaqView Page

Figure 21: Faq View Page

FaqEdit Page

Figure 22: FaqEdit page

Soft delete Faq Page

Figure 23: Soft delete faq Page

Hard delete faqPage

Figure 24: Casing Add page

Banner Add Page

Figure 25: Banner Add page

Banner View Page

Figure 26: Banner View Page

Blog Add Page

Figure 27: Blog Add page

Blog View Page

Figure 28: Blog View Page

Sign in Page

Figure 29: Sign in Page

Sign Out Page

Figure 30: Sign out Page

Registration Page

Figure 31: Registration Page

Home Page

Figure 32: Home Page

Cart Page

Figure 33: Cart Page

Product Page

Figure 34: Product page

Products Details Page

Figure 35: Product Details page

Checkout Page

Figure 36: Checkout Page

Order Complete page

Figure 37: Order Complete Page

7.2 Data Flow Diagram
Data flow diagram for the project ‘Development of Ecommerce for Custom PC Builder’ maps
out the flow of information in the system. It illustrates how data is processed by this system
in terms of inputs and outputs. The data flow diagrams are shown in the figures below:

Context Level DFD

Figure 38: Context level DFD

Level 1 DFD

Figure 39: Level 1 DFD

Level 2 Process 1 DFD (Login)

Figure 40: Level-2 Process-1 DFD

Level 2 Process 2 DFD (Product Management)

Figure 41: Level 2 Process 2 DFD (Product Management)

Level 2 Process 3 DFD (Category Management)

Figure 42: Level 2 Process 3 DFD (Category Management)

Level 2 Process 4 DFD (Coupon Management)

Figure 43: Level 2 Process 4 DFD (Coupon Management)

Level 2 Process 5 DFD (Cart Management)

Figure 44: Level 2 Process 5 DFD (Cart Management)

Level 2 Process 6 DFD (Billing)

Figure 45: Level 2 Process 6 DFD (Billing)

7.3 Database Design

7.3.1 Entity Relationship Model

An entity relationship diagram (ERD), also known as an entity relationship model, is a

graphical representation of an information system that depicts the relationships among
people, objects, places, concepts or events within that system. An ERD is a data modeling
technique that can help define business processes and be used as the foundation for a
relational database. The entity relationship (ER) diagram of the project ‘Development of E-
commerce for Custom PC Builders illustrates how entities of this system relate to each other
within the system. It illustrates the logical structure of the database used for this project.
Figure 6.4 shows the ER diagram.

Figure 46: ER Diagram

7.3.2 Database Table Structure

A database named Newton is used in this ‘Development of CRM’ project. The tables of the
database are shown below:

All database table structure

Figure 47: All database table structure

User table structure

Figure 48: User table structure

Categories table structure

Figure 49: Categories table structure

Carts table structure

Figure 50: carts table structure

Coupon table structure

Figure 7.42:Coupontable structure

Products table structure

Figure 51: Products table structure

Product multipletable structure

Figure 52: Product multiple table structure

Chapter 8
Quality Assurance

Software testing is the process of evaluation a software item to detect differences between
given input and expected output. Also, to assess the feature of A software item. Testing
assesses the quality of the product. Software testing is a process that should be done during
the development process. In other words, software testing is a verification and validation

Verification: Verification is the process to make sure the product satisfies the conditions
imposed at the start of the development phase. In other words, to make sure the product
behaves the way we want it to.

Validation: Validation is the process to make sure the product satisfies the specified
requirements at the end of the development phase. In other words, to make sure the
product is built as per customer requirements.

7.1 System Quality Management

A quality management software system that is automated and connects all departments is
essential for a regulated or ISQ-compliant company. A QMS or a TQM (total quality
management) system can connect each phase in a products development lifecycle with
every department in a company. This gives everyone an opportunity to provide feedback.
Automated, routing, with escalation, ensure the rapid responses to inputs needed from the
department. By building quality into products as opposed to forcing QA to bear the burden
of the responsibility, everyone wins, engineering, regulatory, QA, manufacturing, sales and

The quality of software is assessed by a number of variables. These variables can be divided
into external and internal quality criteria. External quality is what a user experiences when
running the software in its operational mode. Internal quality refers to aspects that are
code-dependent, and that are not visible to the end-user. External quality is critical to the
user, while internal quality is meaningful to the developer only.

Some quality criteria are objective and can be measured accordingly. Some quality criteria
are subjective and are therefore captured with more arbitrary measurement. There are
mainly two types of quality

There are mainly two types of quality, they are given below:

a. External Quality
b. Internal Quality

a. External Quality

 Features
 Speed
 Space
 Network usage
 Stability
 Robustness
 Ease-of-use
 Determinism
 Back-compatibility
 Security
 Power consumption

b. Internal Quality

 Test coverage
 Testability
 Portability
 Thread-safeness
 Conciseness
 Maintainability
 Documentation
 Legibility
 Scalability

7.1.1 Software Quality Management Process

 The aim of Software Quality Management (SQM) is to manage the quality of

software and development and of its development process
 A quality product is one which meets its requirements and satisfies the user
 A quality culture is an organization environment where quality is viewed as
everyone’s responsibility

Some of the specific SQM processes defined in standard:

Quality assurance process:

Quality Assurance makes sure the project will be completed based on the previously
agreed specifications, standards and functionality required without defects and
possible problems. Its monitors and tries to improve the development process from
the beginning of the project to ensure is oriented to prevention.

Verification & validation process:

In software project management, software testing, and software engineering, verification

and validation (V&V) is the process of checking that a software system meets specifications
and that it fulfill its intended purpose. It is normally the responsibility of software testers as
part of the software development lifecycle.

In the verification, a client will either view the software, or see it implemented in a test
situation. At this point it is imperative that the client who is needed of the software is able
to ascertain that this software is hitting all the parameters initially requested or
desired .only when this assurance is made should the next part of the verification and
validation process be started. While this is not the last chance to “tweak” the software into
doing the tasks required it is part of the last steps before a project is completed, and in
being too quick to approve the software as this could cause problems later, and could also
result in more money required for the software’s later changes.

The next step of verifications &validation of software is simple. Client Company will approve
the software and validate it as being what is required. This stage usually means a systematic

checking off various requirements. While this might sound tedious, it is necessary part of the
procedure to ensure that again, the result is exactly to the specifications of all concerned.
The entire verification and validation process is part of a normal sequence of quality control
for software.

 Review and Audit Process:

A software audit review, or software audit, is a type of software review in which one or
more auditors who are not members of the software development organization conduct
“An independent examination of a software product, software process, or set of software
processes to assess compliance with specifications, standards, contractual agreements, or
other criteria” Five types of reviews or audits presented in the standard:

I. Management reviews

The purpose of a management review is to monitor progress, determine the status of plans
and schedules, confirm requirements and their system allocation, or evaluate the
effectiveness of management approaches used to achieve fitness for purpose. This support
decisions about changes and corrective actions that are required during a software project.

II. Technical review

The purpose of technical review is to evaluate a software product to determine its suitability
for its intended use. The objective is to identify discrepancies from approved specifications
and standards. The result should provide management with evidence confirming (or not)
that the product meets the specifications and adheres to standards and that changes are
controlled”. A technical review requires that mandatory inputs be in place in order to

 Statements of objectives
 A specific software product
 The specific project management plan
 The issues list associated with this product

III. Inspections

The purpose of an inspection is to detect and identify software product anomalies. Two
important differentiators of inspections as opposed to reviews are as follows:

 An individual holding a management position over any member of the inspection

team shall not participate in the inspection
 An inspection is too led by an impartial facilitator who is trained in inspection

The inspection exit must correspond to one of the following three criteria:

 Accept with no or at minor reworking

 Accept with rework verification
 Re inspect

Inspection meetings typically last a few hours, whereas technical reviews and audits are
usually broader in scope and take longer.

IV. Walk-Through

The purpose of a walk-through is to evaluate a software product. A walk-through may

conduct for educating an audience regarding a software product. The major objectives are

 Find anomalies
 Improve the software product
 Consider alternative implementations
 Evaluate conformance to standards and specifications

The purpose of a software audit is to provide an independent evaluation of the

conformance of software products and processes to applicable regulations, standards,
guidelines, plans, and procedures. The audit is a formally organized activity, with
participants having specific roles, such as lead auditor, another auditor, a recorder, or an
initiator, and includes a representative of the audited organization. The audit will identify
instances of nonconformance and produce a report requiring the team to take corrective

8.2 System Testing

 Black box testing:You don’t need to know the internal design in detail or have
knowledge about the code for this test. It’s mainly based on functionality and
specification, requirements.
 White box testing: This testing is based on detailed knowledge of the internal design
and code. Tests are performed for specific code statements and coding styles.
 Unit Testing: The most micro scale of testing to test specific functions or code
modules. Typically done by the programmer and not by testers, as it requires
detailed knowledge of the internal program design and code. Not always easily done
unless the application has a well-designed architecture with tight code, may require
developing test driver modules or test harnesses.
 Incremental integration testing:Continuous testing of an application as new
functionality is added. Requires that various aspects of applications functionality be
independent enough to work separately before all parts of the programmer are
completed or that test drivers be developed as needed. Done by programmers or by
 Integration testing: Testing of combined parts of an application to determine if they
function together correctly. It can be any type of application which has several
independent sub applications, modules.
 Functional testing: Black box type testing to test the functional requirement of an
application. Typically done by software testers but software programmers should
also check if their code works before releasing it.
 System testing: Black box type testing that is based on overall requirements
specifications. Covers all combined parts of a system.
 End to End testing:It is similar to system testing. Involves testing of a complete
application environment similar to real world use. May require interacting with a
database, using network communications, or interacting with other hardware,
applications, or systems.
 Sanity testing or smoke testing: An initial testing to determine if a new sw version is
performing well enough to start for a major software testing. For example, if the new

software is crashing frequently or corrupting database then it is not a good idea to
start testing before all these problems are solved first.
 Regression testing: Re-testing after software is updated to fix some problem. The
challenge might to be determining what need to be tested, and all the interactions of
the functions, especially near the end of the software cycle. Automated testing can
be useful for this type of testing.
 Accepting testing: This the final testing done based on the agreements with the
 Load / stress / performance testing: Testing an application under heavy loads. Such
as simulating a heavy traffic condition in a voice or data network, or a web site to
determine at what point the system start causing problems or fails.
 Usability testing: Testing to determine how user friendly the application is. It
depends on the user or customer. User interviews, surveys, video recording of user
sessions, and other techniques can be used. Programmers and testers are usually not
appropriate as usability testers.
 Install / Uninstall testing: Testing of full, partial, or upgrade install / uninstall
 Recovery / failover testing: Testing to determine how well a system recovers from
crashes, failures, or other major problems.
 Security testing: Testing to determine how well the system protects itself against
unauthorized internal or external access and intentional damage. May require
sophisticated testing techniques.
 Compatibility testing: Testing how well software performs in different
environments. Particular hardware, software, operating system, network
environment etc. Like testing a web site in different browsers and browsers and
browsers versions.
 Exploratory testing: Often taken to mean a creative, informal software test that is
not based on formal test plans or test cases; testers may be learning the software as
they test it.

7.2 Testing

Table 27: Testing Scenario No: 1

Scenario Login testing scenario of this system

Input’s Username and password of admin or customer for
Desired Output’s When user enter username, password then they get
access level define and get their panel.
Actual Output’s For login my system works properly.
Verdict Getting result from desired outputs and actual
outputs decided this system is successful for login.

Table 28: Testing Scenario No: 2

Scenario Update Admin Status in this system

Input’s Super Admin change the status about the
Desired Output’s Updated status will show
Actual Output’s My desired output is same as actual and practical
output. So, this is successful.
Verdict My system hasworkedcorrectly and successfully.

Table 29: Testing Scenario No: 3

Scenario Delete an Admin from the system

Input’s After login Super Admin can delete the admin from
the system
Desired Output’s Deleted Admin will be no more on the list of admin
and he cannot login now without the registration.
Actual Output’s It has worked fine and deleted admin couldn’t not
Verdict My system hasworked correctly and successfully.

Table 30: Testing Scenario No: 4

Scenario Add new Productsin this System

Input’s Admin provide new product’sinformation
Desired Output’s Product is added and Product information will show
in list
Actual Output’s I have checked this process and it gets actual
Verdict My system hasworked correctly and successfully

Table 31: Testing Scenario No: 5

Scenario Add new Category of productin this System

Input’s Super Admin provide new Category name
Desired Output’s Category is added and Category list will show while
adding a new product
Actual Output’s I have checked this process and it gets actual
Verdict My system hasworked correctly and successfully

Table 32: Testing Scenario No: 6

Scenario Add new Subcategory under a category in this

Input’s Super Admin provide new subcategory name
Desired Output’s Subcategory is added and it will suggest itself after
entering a category while adding a new product.
Actual Output’s I have checked this process and it gets actual
Verdict My system hasworked correctly and successfully

Table 33: Testing Scenario No: 7

Scenario Delete Category and Subcategory from the system

Input’s Super Admin can delete category and subcategory
Desired Output’s After deleting any category and subcategory these
will be no more in the list.
Actual Output’s After deleting it was no more in the list.

Verdict My system hasworked correctly and successfully

Table 34: Testing Scenario No: 8

Scenario After getting an order Admin can see the pending

orders and Admin can approve or delete the orders.
Input’s Customer place an order from the site
Desired Output’s Orders will show in the lists and admin can delete
and approve them.
Actual Output’s Admin can delete them and approve them.

Verdict My system hasworked correctly and successfully

Table 35: Testing Scenario No: 9

Scenario After confirming an order completion it will added in

the sales list for generating report
Input’s Admin confirms an order completion
Desired Output’s After completing the process order will addedin the
sales list
Actual Output’s I have checked this process and it gets actual

Verdict My system hasworked correctly and successfully

Table 36: Testing Scenario No: 10

Scenario After Placing an order customer will get an order

confirmation email of the order
Input’s Customer place an order
Desired Output’s Customer will get an confirmation email
Actual Output’s I have checked this process and it gets actual
Verdict My system hasworked correctly and successfully

Chapter 9

9.1 Practicum and Its Value
In your career development – as with most life issues – there is direct relationship between
effort and reward. Practicum can be as a transition from engineering college study life to a
real world workplace through hands on experience of engineering practices.

There are several major advantages for students completing a guided Practicum:

 Demonstration of practical application of studies

 Development of deeper skills in the selected research area
 Increases employability

Practicum does not offer hands-on experience only, but also the trait of “coping up” in the
society. Meeting with different types of people and encountering situations gives practical
orientation to life. There are many more upright issues of practicum, which only the person
experiencing it can sense and believe.

It is the gateway to the professional life, bridge between theoretical and practical
knowledge. Now these days, engineering job recruiters no longer consider high grand’s;
rather they value the particle working experience, for which practicum proves to be vantage
for the fresh entry level engineers in the job market.

Student of College of Engineering and Technology (CEAT) at IUBAT go for this

practicum program carrying six credit hours weight, which goes for a semester long
and usually after the completion of the course work. A report submitted after the
completion of the practicum followed by a presentation and a comprehensive
examination on the overall four years education.

9.2 Future Plan

This project is in initial stage. So, we will include more features for this system and based on
user’s need we will maintain this system and give them support. Some more features are
stated below:

 I will make notification system for Admin so that they can easily understand that a
new order has been requested
 I will change the front end in future and will make it API based.
 I will make notifications of live comments.
 I will make the system more efficient in case of suggesting compatible products and
newer versions of this software.

9.3 Conclusion

The main goal of this report to describe a system that make a Project to finish more
efficiently and quickly with proper guidance by Admin and user. By using this system
authorized person will able to maintain Customer relationship management. Organization
can easily use the software to maintain the whole works related to services.

XubiSoft Limited gives us the opportunity of working in a professional working environment.

During the internship period I have tried my level best to make my system efficient. I
followed the lessons, methods, tools and techniques that I have learned during my study
period at IUBAT. Successful software development is a blend of standard development
practices, proper theoretical knowledge and the developer’s creativity.


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