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Environmental Science Current Affairs Youtube.


1. What are the two key ways of combating climate change?

 Answer: B. Mitigating and adapting actions.

2. Which effects of global climate change are already evident in

 Answer: C. Growing frequency of droughts, floods, erratic

weather behavior, changes in agricultural patterns, reduction in

fresh water supply, and loss of biodiversity.
3. What is the immediate and pressing task for Pakistan regarding
climate change?
 Answer: A. Preparing itself for adaptation to climate change.

4. What is the primary contribution of Pakistan to global

greenhouse gas emissions?
 Answer: C. Small.

5. In which sectors are mitigation efforts important to combat

climate change in Pakistan?
 Answer: D. Energy, transport, forestry, and agriculture.

6. What does the text emphasize about Pakistan's role in

combating climate change?
 Answer: B. It is dedicated to responsible global community

membership and gives importance to mitigation efforts.

7. Which term refers to the movement of people within and across
national borders due to climate change impacts?
 Answer: A. Migration.

8. What is one of the evident effects of climate change in Pakistan's

weather patterns?
 Answer: B. Erratic weather behavior.

9. What type of actions are considered necessary to address the

challenges posed by climate change?
 Answer: B. Mitigating and adapting actions.
10. What is the primary concern for Pakistan in the face of
climate change?
 Answer: A. Preparing for adaptation.

11. In which sectors are mitigation efforts being focused in

Pakistan's combat against climate change?
 Answer: C. Energy, transport, forestry, and agriculture.

12. What role does Pakistan aim to play in combating climate

change despite its emissions size?
 Answer: D. A responsible member of the global community.

13. What is the significant impact of climate change in Pakistan's

agricultural sector?
 Answer: C. Changes in agricultural patterns.

14. What is the crucial first step for Pakistan's response to climate
 Answer: A. Preparing for adaptation.

15. What is the focus of Pakistan's role in global climate change

mitigation efforts?
 Answer: D. Sectors including energy, transport, forestry, and

16. Which term refers to the variety of life forms in ecosystems
that are at risk due to climate change?
 Answer: E. Biodiversity.

17. What is Pakistan's stance on addressing climate change in

terms of its global responsibilities?
 Answer: B. It considers mitigation efforts as an important role.
18. What is the text's main point regarding Pakistan's
contribution to greenhouse gas emissions?
 Answer: C. It is small in comparison to global emissions.

19. What is the recommended approach for Pakistan in the

context of climate change?
 Answer: A. Focusing on adaptation.

20. What is emphasized as crucial for Pakistan to do in relation to

climate change impacts?
 Answer: D. Prepare for adaptation.

multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with answers:

1. What does WASH stand for in the context of the provided text?
 Answer: D. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.

2. What is the primary reason for the increasing demand for safe
drinking water in Pakistan?
 Answer: C. Growing population and urbanization.

3. What was the budget allocation for WASH services in Pakistan

during FY2023?
 Answer: B. Rs 265 billion.

4. What trend has been observed in the budgetary allocations for

WASH from 2018 to 2023?
 Answer: A. An upwards trend.

5. What is the percentage increase in budgetary allocations for

WASH in FY2023 compared to FY2019?
 Answer: D. 152 percent.
6. What has been the utilization rate of the allocated budget for
WASH in FY2022?
 Answer: A. 86 percent.

7. In which year was the utilization of the development budget for

WASH at 39 percent?
 Answer: C. FY2019.

8. Which province in Pakistan received the highest budget

allocation for WASH in FY2023?
 Answer: A. Sindh.

9. What is the main focus of the provided text?

 Answer: B. WASH services and budget allocations in Pakistan.

10. What has been the trend in the utilization of the current
budget for WASH services in the last four years?
 Answer: D. More than 94 percent.

11. What type of environment has been created by development

partners and MoCC for WASH investment?
 Answer: B. Enabling environment.

12. What is the primary objective of Joint Sector Reviews,

Policy Papers, and WASH Sector Development Plans?
 Answer: C. Creating an enabling environment for WASH.

13. Which province in Pakistan received the second-highest

budget allocation for WASH in FY2023?
 Answer: C. Punjab.

14. What is the trend in the utilization of the development

budget for WASH from FY2019 to FY2022?
 Answer: D. Improved from 39 percent to 78 percent.
15. What is the significance of the investments made under the
enabling environment for WASH?
 Answer: A. They complement the increase in budgetary

16. Which aspect has shown an increase in the budgetary
allocations for WASH over the last five years?
 Answer: B. Visible increase.

17. What is the third-highest budget allocation for WASH in

Pakistan in FY2023?
 Answer: A. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

18. What role do development partners play in the context of

WASH investments?
 Answer: C. Creating an enabling environment.

19. What is the term for the monetary distribution of funds for
specific purposes in a budget?
 Answer: D. Budget allocation.

20. What does MoCC stand for in the context of the provided
 Answer: B. Ministry of Climate Change.

multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with answers:

1. When was the Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Programme (TBTTP)
 Answer: A. 2019.

2. What is the total cost of the TBTTP for four years (2019-2023)?
 Answer: C. Rs 125.1843 billion.
3. What is the primary goal of the TBTTP?
 Answer: B. Planting/regenerating 3.29 billion plants in the

4. How much has been utilized for the TBTTP during 2022-23 (till
March 2023)?
 Answer: A. Rs 3296.683 million.

5. How many plants were planted/regenerated/distributed during

July-March 2023?
 Answer: D. 188.41 million.

6. What is the cumulative total of plants

planted/regenerated/distributed till March 2023?
 Answer: C. 2027.01 million.

7. What factors have contributed to Pakistan's vulnerability to

climate change effects?
 Answer: B. Climatic conditions, rural poverty, meager forest

cover, and deforestation.

8. Which natural resources have suffered from the adverse effects
of climate change in Pakistan?
 Answer: A. Forests, biodiversity, and wildlife resources.

9. What is one of the factors putting pressure on forest,

biodiversity, and wildlife resources in Pakistan?
 Answer: C. Changes in land use and habitat destruction.

10. What impact has population increase had on forest

resources in Pakistan?
 Answer: D. Increased consumption of fuel wood and timber

11. What type of efforts are required for the overall
improvement of the sector in Pakistan?
 Answer: B. Continuous efforts through a number of initiatives.

multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with answers:

1. When did Pakistan become a member of the International
Bamboo and Rattan Organization (INBAR)?
 Answer: A. Not mentioned.

2. What is the primary goal of the International Bamboo and

Rattan Organization (INBAR)?
 Answer: B. To promote environmentally sustainable use of

Bamboo and Rattan.

3. What is the focus of the INBAR's study on Bamboo Sector
Development in Pakistan?
 Answer: C. Bamboo resource monitoring system, Bamboo

market and value chain development, Enabling policies and

4. What is the main objective of Pakistan joining the Forests and
Climate Leaders’ Partnership?
 Answer: D. Not mentioned.

5. When was the National Tree Plantation Campaign 2022

launched in Pakistan?
 Answer: C. 14th August 2022.

6. What was the target for tree planting during the Monsoon 2022
season in Pakistan?
 Answer: B. 303.77 million.
7. How many trees were actually planted during the Monsoon 2022
season in Pakistan?
 Answer: A. 181.79 million.

8. When was the Spring Tree Plantation Campaign-2023 launched

in Pakistan?
 Answer: C. February 2023.

9. What is the total target for tree planting during the Spring Tree
Plantation Campaign-2023 in Pakistan?
 Answer: D. 240.05 million.

10. What risk does the mechanism devised by MoCC aim to

 Answer: A. Forest fires.

11. When were the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

prepared to prevent and control forest fires in Pakistan?
 Answer: B. May 2022.

12. Which ministry prepared the Standard Operating

Procedures (SOPs) to prevent forest fires in Pakistan?
 Answer: D. Ministry of Climate Change.

13. What is the purpose of the National Tree Plantation

Campaigns in Pakistan?
 Answer: C. To increase tree cover and supplement natural

14. What is the role of the Forests and Climate Leaders’
Partnership in Pakistan?
 Answer: D. Not mentioned.

15. When was the International Bamboo and Rattan

Organization (INBAR) established?
 Answer: B. 1997.
16. What is the focus of the INBAR's study on Bamboo Sector
Development in Pakistan?
 Answer: C. Bamboo resource monitoring, Bamboo market and

value chain, Enabling policies and regulations.

17. What is the main focus of the Forests and Climate Leaders’
Partnership in Pakistan?
 Answer: D. Not mentioned.

18. What is the target of the Spring Tree Plantation Campaign-

2023 in Pakistan?
 Answer: D. 240.05 million trees.

19. What is the key aspect of the mechanism devised by MoCC

for mitigating forest fires?
 Answer: A. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

20. When was the National Tree Planting Campaign 2022

launched in Pakistan?
 Answer: C. 14th August 2022.

multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with answers:

1. When was the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP-
27 held?
 Answer: B. From 6-20 November 2022.

2. What was the key role played by Pakistan in COP-27?

 Answer: C. Raising issues for countries most adversely

impacted by climate change.

3. Which group did Pakistan chair during COP-27?
 Answer: A. G-77 & China group.
4. What achievement did Pakistan secure related to the L&D Fund
during COP-27?
 Answer: D. Got the fund placed on the agenda and achieved

consensus agreement.
5. What is the purpose of the Global Shield initiative supported by
G-7 countries?
 Answer: B. Mobilize funds for vulnerable countries' disaster

protection after floods or drought.

6. Which country will be amongst the first recipients of the Global
Shield initiative?
 Answer: C. Pakistan.

7. What is the primary focus of the Global Fertilizer Challenge

Ministerial's funding announcement?
 Answer: D. Fertilizer efficiency projects.

8. What demand was echoed by G-77 & China subgroups during

 Answer: A. Establishment of the Global Goal on Adaptation

9. What did Pakistan successfully keep developing countries united
to support during COP-27?
 Answer: D. Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM) on L&D.

10. What is the primary objective of the National Clean Air

Policy (NCAP)?
 Answer: B. Improve air quality by reducing pollution.

11. What was the ambient Particulate Matter (PM2.5)

concentration in Lahore in 2019?
 Answer: C. 123 μg m-3.
12. When was the National Clean Air Policy (NCAP) launched
in Pakistan?
 Answer: A. March 2023.

13. What is the role of the NCAP in the reduction of air

 Answer: D. Identify, implement, and monitor mitigation

14. Which sector's priority intervention aims to prevent the
burning of agricultural residues?
 Answer: C. Agriculture.

15. What mechanism is required for the implementation of the

NCAP at federal and provincial levels?
 Answer: A. Implementation plans.

16. Who are the stakeholders required for active participation

in the implementation of the NCAP?
 Answer: B. Media, research institutions, civil society, and

advocacy groups.
17. What approach will be taken with the most polluting
industries for air pollution reduction?
 Answer: A. Engaging them for compliance and adoption of


1. What is the primary focus of the National Clean Air Policy in

 Answer: B. Improving air quality.

2. What environmental and health impacts are associated with

smog episodes in Pakistan?
 Answer: D. Severe impacts on environment, public health,
reduced crop yields, and food security challenges.
3. What role does the National Clean Air Policy play on a
provincial level in Pakistan?
 Answer: C. Providing overarching guidelines and

4. What assessment forms the basis of the provincial action plans
in Pakistan?
 Answer: A. Integrated assessment of air pollution and climate

change mitigation.
5. How much reduction in particulate matter air pollutant
emissions is achievable through the 13 identified mitigation
actions in Pakistan?
 Answer: B. 83 percent.

6. What is the objective of the Nationally Determined

Contributions (NDC) Implementation Plan in Pakistan?
 Answer: A. Strengthening the enabling environment,

identifying funding sources, and ensuring Monitoring Reporting

and Verification (MRV).
7. Who coordinates and collects information for the NDC
Implementation plans in Pakistan?
 Answer: D. NDC focal persons from line ministries and

provincial governments.
8. What is the key advantage of Pakistan participating in a
voluntary carbon market (VCM)?
 Answer: C. Offset impacts of climate change and mobilize

9. What does Pakistan aim to achieve through carbon trading and
participation in a voluntary carbon market (VCM)?
 Answer: B. Achieve NDC targets, encourage efficient

technologies, and support vulnerable communities.

10. What is the main goal of establishing a framework for
Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM) in Pakistan?
 Answer: C. To be part of the global carbon market and ensure

transparency and verifiability.

11. What is the focus of Pakistan's Net Zero strategy?
 Answer: A. Sustainable economic growth, reducing

environmental pressure, and specific targets for every sector.

12. What role does a Net Zero strategy play in Pakistan's long-
term vision?
 Answer: C. Complements responsible climate ambition and

ensures sustainable growth.

13. What approach will Pakistan take to set realistic Net Zero
targets aligned with its NDC 2021?
 Answer: B. Bottom-up approach involving stakeholders at

every step.
14. What is the ultimate aim of building scientific evidence and
involving the private sector in Pakistan's Net Zero strategy?
 Answer: D. Achieving a sustainable and evidence-backed Net

Zero vision.

1. When was Pakistan's first ever National Inventory for Short-

Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP) developed?
 Answer: B. In 2022.
2. What is the primary aim of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP)
in Pakistan?
 Answer: C. Building resilience to climate change and reducing

3. What is a central aspect of the Paris Agreement that the
National Adaptation Plan (NAP) in Pakistan enhances?
 Answer: A. The adaptation elements of the Nationally

Determined Contributions (NDCs).

4. What are the priority areas for addressing climate-related
challenges in Pakistan's NAP project?
 Answer: D. Water Resources, Agriculture and Livestock,

Forestry, Human Health, Disaster Preparedness, Urban

Resilience, Biodiversity and other ecosystems, Gender.
5. What is the role of Natural Capital Accounts (NCA) in
Pakistan's efforts to address environmental sustainability?
 Answer: A. Providing a framework for organizing biophysical

and monetary data about natural capital.

6. What impact is Pakistan expected to face by 2030 due to the loss
of natural capital, according to the World Bank's report?
 Answer: C. A 15 percent decline in GDP.

7. What key tool does the Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC)

envision Natural Capital Accounts (NCA) to be in Pakistan's
 Answer: C. Updating, improving, and implementing NDCs,

designing and monitoring progress on NBSAP, reviewing the

National Forest Policy, encouraging community engagement,
securing sustainable finance opportunities.
8. What is the primary purpose of the Short-Lived Climate
Pollutants (SLCP) inventory developed by MoCC in Pakistan?
 Answer: A. Identifying priority actions for reducing climate

9. What is the focus of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process
in Pakistan?
 Answer: B. Creating comprehensive medium- and long-term

plans for integrating adaptation measures into national policy.

10. What is the key role of Natural Capital Accounts (NCA) in
Pakistan's efforts to address climate change and biodiversity?
 Answer: A. Providing a framework for data organization and

monitoring progress.
11. What sectors are highlighted as priority areas in Pakistan's
NAP project?
 Answer: D. Water Resources, Agriculture and Livestock,

Forestry, Human Health, Disaster Preparedness, Urban

Resilience, Biodiversity and other ecosystems, Gender.
12. What is the purpose of the Short-Lived Climate Pollutants
(SLCP) inventory developed in Pakistan?
 Answer: A. To identify priority actions for reducing the impact

of such pollutants.
13. What is the key purpose of Natural Capital Accounts (NCA)
in Pakistan's climate change and biodiversity efforts?
 Answer: C. Supporting various policy and program initiatives,

from NDCs to sustainable finance opportunities.

14. What is the role of Natural Capital Accounts (NCA) in
Pakistan's National Forest Policy and Ten Billion Tree Project?
 Answer: C. Identifying priority areas for reforestation and
enhancing biodiversity.
15. What does the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process aim
to integrate into national policy in Pakistan?
 Answer: A. Adaptation measures.

multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with answers:

1. Why is Pakistan consistently ranked among the top ten most
vulnerable countries to climate change?
 Answer: D. Due to the impacts on the Indus river system.

2. What percentage of Pakistan's arable land is irrigated by the

waters of the Indus river?
 Answer: B. More than 80%.

3. What is the primary objective of the Living Indus Initiative (LII)

in Pakistan?
 Answer: A. Transforming the Indus Basin into a resilient

system in the face of climate change.

4. Which UN agency is collaborating with the Ministry of Climate
Change for the Living Indus Initiative?
 Answer: C. United Nations.

5. How many interventions are proposed under the Living Indus

 Answer: B. 25 interventions.

6. What is the indicative investment required for the ecological

restoration of the Indus Basin under LII?
 Answer: C. Between $11 billion to $16 billion.
7. Which intervention under Living Indus Initiatives aims to
control plastic waste in cities along the Indus?
 Answer: D. Zero Plastic Waste Cities Along the Indus.

8. What sector is the "Nature-Based Resilient Agriculture"

intervention focused on?
 Answer: A. Agriculture.

9. What intervention addresses the management of industrial and

urban effluents in the Indus river system?
 Answer: E. Indus Clean-up: Industrial and Urban Effluent

10. Which intervention aims to promote sustainable
aquaculture and fisheries management?
 Answer: C. Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries

11. What is the purpose of the "Living Indus Knowledge
Platform: Crowd sourcing knowledge" intervention?
 Answer: B. Crowd sourcing knowledge for a resilient Indus.

12. What intervention proposes the establishment of a trust

fund for the Indus river system?
 Answer: D. Indus Trust Fund.

13. What intervention aims to engage social entrepreneurship

for building climate resilience in the Indus Basin?
 Answer: A. Social Entrepreneurship for a Climate Resilient

14. What intervention is focused on promoting permaculture in
the Indus Basin?
 Answer: D. Promoting Permaculture.
15. What intervention aims to manage agricultural wastewater
in the Indus river system?
 Answer: A. Managing Agricultural Wastewater.

16. What is the primary focus of the "Telling the Living Indus
Story" intervention?
 Answer: B. Creating awareness about the Living Indus


1. When was the National Electric Vehicle Policy (NEVP)

approved by the Cabinet in Pakistan?
 Answer: B. November, 2019.

2. Which ministry is leading the implementation of the National

Electric Vehicle Policy (NEVP)?
 Answer: C. Ministry of Climate Change.

3. What is the primary economic benefit highlighted by the

National Electric Vehicle Policy (NEVP)?
 Answer: A. Net savings in Pakistan's oil bills.

4. What percentage of total vehicles on the road does the National

Electric Vehicle Policy (NEVP) aim to achieve by 2030?
 Answer: D. 30 percent.

5. What benefits are associated with the implementation of the

Electric Vehicle Policy in Pakistan?
 Answer: B. Job opportunities, reduction in emissions, air

pollution reduction, health benefits, and economic benefits.

6. What scheme has been approved by the Economic Coordination
Committee (ECC) of Cabinet in Pakistan?
 Answer: A. A scheme of e-Bikes and e-Rickshaws.
7. Under the e-Bikes and e-Rickshaws scheme, how will the
vehicles be provided to students, employees, and low-income
 Answer: B. Through easy installments for a period of three

years at 0 percent interest rate.

8. What is the primary goal of adopting e-Bikes and e-Rickshaws
in Pakistan?
 Answer: C. Reducing oil import bills and saving costs.

9. What portion of the annual total oil import in Pakistan is used

for bikes, passenger, and loader rickshaws?
 Answer: D. Around 45 percent.

10. What is the expected outcome of the e-Bikes and e-

Rickshaws scheme in Pakistan?
 Answer: D. Significantly reduced oil import bills.

multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with answers:

1. What is the primary focus of the Strengthening Climate
Adaptation and Resilience (SAR) Project in Pakistan?
 Answer: C. Addressing climate change challenges through

local measures and international climate finance.

2. Which of the following areas is NOT supported by the SAR
project in Pakistan?
 Answer: B. Enhancing renewable energy infrastructure.

3. Which organization has offered an estimated financial support

of up to 10 million euros under the SAR project?
 Answer: D. GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
4. What risks does the Government of Pakistan face due to climate
and natural hazard events?
 Answer: A. Physical risks and transition risks.

5. What are physical risks in the context of climate and natural

 Answer: C. Adverse impacts of climate change and natural

disaster events directly affecting people and ecosystems.

6. Which recent event in Pakistan led to disruption of economic
activity, infrastructure damages, and loss of crops?
 Answer: D. August 2022 floods.

7. How have earthquakes and floods impacted the fiscal position of

the Government in Pakistan?
 Answer: B. Damaging physical assets, public infrastructure,

and requiring expenditures on repair and reconstruction.

8. What is the impact of fiscal shocks from extreme climate events
on growth and public finances?
 Answer: A. They have lasting impacts on growth and public

9. What are transition risks in the context of climate change?
 Answer: B. Risks arising from the need to reduce greenhouse

gas emissions, potentially leading to stranded assets and

increased costs.
10. What could be a potential outcome of reducing greenhouse
gas emissions in terms of demand for products?
 Answer: C. Reduced demand for carbon-intensive products.
1. What is the primary purpose of the National Electric Vehicle
Policy (NEVP) in Pakistan?
 Answer: C. Promoting the adoption of electric vehicles and

reducing dependence on fossil fuels.

2. What is the main target of the NEVP for Pakistan by the year
 Answer: A. Having 30 percent of total vehicles on the road as

Electric Vehicles.
3. Which organization is spearheading the implementation of the
National Electric Vehicle Policy in Pakistan?
 Answer: B. Ministry of Climate Change.

4. What financial support has been offered under the Electric

Vehicle Policy for e-Bikes and e-Rickshaws?
 Answer: C. Up to three hundred thousand e-Bikes and e-

Rickshaws with 0 percent interest rate.

5. What are the potential benefits of adopting e-Bikes and e-
Rickshaws in terms of oil import bills?
 Answer: B. Reduction of oil import bills due to decreased

dependence on fossil fuel-powered vehicles.

6. Which key area does the Strengthening Climate Adaptation and
Resilience (SAR) Project aim to support in Pakistan?
 Answer: D. Climate risk assessments, planning for climate risk

management, and accessing international climate finance.

7. Which of the following measures is NOT part of the
Government's strategy to mitigate climate and disaster risk?
 Answer: C. Initiating large-scale deforestation projects to

mitigate climate change impacts.

8. What role does the comprehensive climate change policy play in
mitigating climate-related risks in Pakistan?
 Answer: A. Providing an overarching framework for climate

action across different sectors.

9. Which government agency is responsible for the National
Disaster Risk Management Framework in Pakistan?
 Answer: D. National Disaster Management Authority

10. What is the purpose of the National Catastrophe (Nat-Cat)
model developed in Pakistan?
 Answer: C. To predict the likelihood and impact of future

natural disasters and guide disaster preparedness and mitigation.

11. How does the Clean Green Pakistan campaign contribute to
addressing environmental challenges in Pakistan?
 Answer: B. It promotes sustainable development and addresses

environmental challenges through nationwide initiatives.

12. What is the purpose of improving access to international
climate finance funds like the Green Climate Fund (GCF)?
 Answer: A. Expanding fiscal space for climate resilient projects

through financial assistance from international sources.

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