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Ministry of the Altar Servers

San Isidro Labrador Parish

Medina, Misamis Oriental

Name:________________________________ Date: ____________ Score: /90

Group: ____

I. Multiple Choice

____1.)The word ______ come from the Greek word for a public duty, a service, a public
a. Decorum b. Liturgy c. Piety d. Teamwork
____2.) The beginning of the Church year, celebrates the two-fold coming of Christ (Incarnation
& Final Judgement). It also has 4 weeks, including the 9 days of Simbang Gabi?
a. Advent b. Christmas c. Easter d. Ordinary Time
____3.) This is when we give ourselves to prayer and penance, to hear the Word of God and to
acts of charity. It runs from Ash Wednesday until the Mass of the Lord’s Supper (on Holy
a. Easter b. Christmas c. Advent d. Lenten
____4.) This celebrates Jesus’ Birth, the Incarnation, God becoming Man?
a. Ferials b. Solemnity c. Easter Triduum d. Christmas
____5.) This falls into 2 groups: a.) Sundays between the Epiphany and Ash Wednesday b.)
Sundays between Pentecost and Advent. The last Sunday of the Liturgical Year is the
Solemnity of Christ the King
a. Christmas b. Memorials c. Feasts d. Ordinary Time
____6.) The three days of the passion & resurrection of Christ is the highest point of the whole
a. Christmas b. Easter c. Easter Triduum d. Lenten
____7.) It is a movable table, covered with white cloth, upon which are placed the things like
chalice, cruets, ciborium, communion plate, basin and finger towel.
a. Lectern b. Credence Table c. Offertory Table d. Altar
____8.) It is the greatest Solemnity, the climax and original feast of the liturgical year.
a. Solemnity b. Feasts c. Easter d. Ferials
____9.) It is the place reserved for the readings of the Word of God and usually for the homily.
a. Sacrarium b. Tabernacle c. Lectern d. Altar
____10.) It is the table of the Lord, where He feeds us with His Body and Blood. It is the center
of our celebration, thanksgiving, intercession, and offering.
a. Tabernacle b. Altar c. Aumbry d. Offertory Table
____11.) It is a sink directed to the earth where in the sacred vessels are washed and it is used
usually placed inside the sacristy
a. Tabernacle b. Sacrarium c. Lectern d. Basin
____12.) It is used during Ordinary Time. It is also the color of growth.
a. Red b. Green c. Gold d. Rose
____13.) It is a sign of sorrow for sin and waiting for the Lord, or may be a sign of mourning. It is
used during Advent, Lent, or Masses for the dead and funerals.
a. White b. Gold c. Blue d. Violet
____14.) A color of calmness and gentleness, it was attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary, many
churches whose patron is our Blessed Mother prefer to use blue than typical white, or mix it
a. Gold b. Blue c. Rose d. Green
____15.) It may stand for blood or for the fire of the Holy Spirit and thus used for Palm Sunday,
Good Friday, Pentecost, commemorations of the Lord’s Passion, on days celebrating the
martyrs of our faith.
a. Red b. Gold c. Rose d. Violet
____16.) A symbol of Kingship, ____ is mainly used to show the dignity of the role of the priest,
to have the power to be in persona Christi, and is mainly used in Expositions and Christ the
a. Rose b. White c. Gold d. Green
____17. ) a soft pink, is used for the Third Sunday in Advent (Gaudete Sunday) and the Fourth
Sunday in Lent (Laetare Sunday), as a sign of rejoicing as the great feasts draw near.
a. Green b. Violet c. White d. Rose
____18.) It is used for festive occasions, times of joy and glory (e.g. Christmas, Easter, feasts of
the Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary, angels and saints).
a. Blue b. Gold c. White d. Green
____19.) Which are either obligatory (M) or optional (m), with only one memorial celebrated
when more than one optional memorial falls on the same day?
a. Feasts b. Solemnities c. Memorials d. Ferials
____20.) Which are celebrated within the limits of a calendar day?
a. Feasts b. Ferials c. Memorials d. Solemnities
____21.) It includes all Sundays, the days of greatest importance, which begin in the evening of
the preceding day, with a special vigil Mass for some solemnities.
a. Memorials b. Solemnities c. Feasts d. Ferials
____22.) Which there may be an optional memorial, and when the priest may select a Mass of
his own choice, unless otherwise directed by the calendar.?
a. Feasts b. Solemnities c. Memorials d. Ferials
____23.) It is a square of linen, stiffened with starch, cardboard, or plastic, set on the chalice to
prevent dirt or insects from falling on it.
a. Pyx b. Pall c. Corporal d. Hand towel
____24.) It is a sacred cloth of white linen around twenty inches square upon which the chalice,
paten and ciborium are placed during mass.
a. Purificator b. Hand towel c. Corporal d. Bell
____25.) It is the plate on which the big host used by the presider is placed and consecrated
during the mass.
a. Communion plate b. Paten c. lunette d. Monstrance
____26.) It is used to contain the host reserved in the tabernacle.
a. Chalice b. Lunette c. Ciborium d. Pyx
____27.) It is a small piece of white absorbent linen and marked with a cross in the center and
used to wipe the lip of the chalice.
a. Corporal b. Hand towel c. Altar cloth d. Purificator
____28.) It is a vessel used to hold the precious blood of the Lord at the mass.
a. Ciborium b. Aumbry c. Chalice d. Wine glass
____29.) It is a small cloth used by the celebrant of various times in the liturgy, for instance at
the Preparation of the Gifts in the Mass or by the bishops when administering the Sacraments of
Confirmation and Holy Orders.
a. Hand towel b. Pall c. Corporal d. Purificator
____30.) It is used to hold the water washing the hands of the presider. It is always paired with
a towel.
a. Sacrarium b. chalice c. Basin d. Bell
____31.) This are the vessels to hold the wine and water at the mass?
a. Glass b. Cruets c. Chalice d. Basin
____32.) It is a liturgical book that holds the Scriptural readings used during the Liturgy of the
Word in the Mass.
a. Sacramentary b. Book of Gospels c. Lectionary d. Ordo
____33.) It is rung by a server at mass, at the two elevations and as warning before
consecration. It has a practical use, to draw attention to the sacred moments of the liturgy.
a. Wooden clapper b. Bellfry c. Bell d. Crotalus
____34.) It is used during communion, held by a server under the chin of those who receive
communion directly into the mouth.
a. Communion plate b. Paten c. Ciborium d. Chalice
____35.) It is a volume of presidential prayers for the officiant of the Eucharist and for any rites
connected with the mass.
a. Lectionary b. Ordo c. Sacramentary d. Book of Gospels
____36.) It is a metal bowl hanging three chains from a disc. It allows smoke to rise, is usually
held by a fourth chain, which passes through the hole in the disc, so that the server can raise it.
a. Thurible b. Thurifer c. Incense boat d. Magic Charcoal
____37.) It is a stand placed on the altar at the preparation of the gifts.
a. Sacramentary stand b. Bible stand c. Book stand d. Stand
____38.) It is carried during the Opening Procession by the Deacon or one of the Readers.
a. Kahiusahan b. Sacramentary c. Book of Gospels d. Ordo
____39.) It is a shaped like a boat, with a hanged and with matching spoon.
a. Magic charcoal b. Incense boat c. Charcoal d. Thurible
____40.) It is a large crucifix, set on a long staff, to be carried in procession, and perhaps used
as the altar cross at Mass.
a. Processional Cross b. Crucifix c. Processional candles d. Thurible
____41.) It is a gilt clip which holds the Host when exposed in the monstrance.
a. Pyx b. Lunette c. Monstrance d. Bell
____42.) This are the two tall candle sticks carried in procession by two servers.
a. Vigil candles b. Processinal Candles c. Paschal candle d. Bell
____43.) It is the round container which holds the Host and lunette in the tabernacle.
a. Pyx b. Lunette c. Monstrance d. Bell
____44.) It is a large vessel, really a stand to display the Host at exposition of the Blessed
a. Pyx b. Lunette c. Monstrance d. Bell
____45.) It is usually takes the form of a metal cylinder, stock with oil of the sick (Infirmorum), oil
of Chrism for Baptism and for Confirmation.
a. Pyx b. Cruets c. Oil stocks d. Bell
____46.) It is also known as the bucket and the sprinkler as an “aspergil” with the opening so
that drops of water may be sprinkled on people or an object.
a. Pyx b. Corporal c. Purificator d. Holy water vessel
____47.) It is a distinctive sign of those who have received Holy Orders as they carry out the
Ministry in Sacrament and Worship.It stands for authority in the community.
a. Alb b. Chasuble c. stole d.Dalmatic
____48.) It is the major Eucharistic Vestment, worn over the stole and the Alb. It stands for
a. Alb b. Chasuble c. Stole d. Dalmatic
____49.) It is a white garment reaching to the ankles. It is derived from the ancient Roman tunic
and is a sign of purity. This word comes from the latin word which means “White”.
a. Alb b. Chasuble c. Stole d. Dalmatic
____50.) It is a large white shawl, worn around the shoulders while carrying the Blessed
Sacrament in procession and while giving the Eucharistic blessing at the benediction.
a. Humeral Veil b. Dalmatic c. Cope d. Chasuble
____51.) It is a large semicircular cloak, held at the front by a band of fabric.
a. Humeral Veil b. Mitre c. Cope d. Dalmatic
____52.) It is a staff, usually with a shepherd’s crook at the top, is a sign of his pastoral office.
The bishop carries it to remind us that he is the pastor and guardian of God’s people.
a. Pectoral Cross b. Mitre c. Crozier d. Ring
____53.) It is a double-pointed head-dress, with two lappets hanging at the back. It has been
used by bishops since 12th century.
a. Pallium b. Mitre c. Skull Cap d. Crozier
____54.) It is worn at all times as a sign that the bishop is wedded to Christ in the service of his
Church as shepherd of the flock and should always be worn.
a. Ring b. Mitre c. Cope d. Pectoral cross
____55.) It is the bishop’s necklace. It is worn under the chasuble and the dalmatic, under the
cope but above the mozeta.
a. Humeral Veil b. Mitre c. Pectoral Cross d. Dalmatic
____56.) It is given to the residential archbishops. They wear it above the chasuble in their
jurisdictional territory when pontificating solemnly and during ordinations, consecration of a
church, dedication of an altar, blessing of an abbot or consecration of virgins.
a. Crozier b. Mitre c. Cope d. Pallium
____57.) It is a small violet cap worn by the bishop.
a. Pallium b. Mitre c. Skull Cap d. Dalmatic
____58.) When two or more are performing an action (e.g. genuflecting, bowing, walking,
reciting a prayer), they should act together at the same time and with same speed.
a. Genuflection b. Kneeling c. Uniformity of actions d. Bowing
____59.) It is our salute to God, an expression of our faith.
a. Walking b. Kneeling c. Standing d. Sign of the Cross
____60.) It is a special sign of homage paid only to God.
a. Genuflection b. Bowing c. Kneeling d. Sitting

II. ORDER OF THE MASS (30 points)

Arrange the following just put a number as it follows the order:

Introductory Rites: Liturgy of the Word Liturgy of the Eucharist

__Veneration of the altar __1st Scripture Reading ___Prayer after Communion

__Opening Prayer __Responsorial Psalm ___Lord’s Prayer
__Entrance song __Alleluia ___Communion Rite
__Penitential Rite __Gospel ___Doxology
__Gloria __Homily (Sermon) ___Intercessions
__2nd Scripture Reading ___Offering
__Prayer of the Faithful ___Anamnesis
__Profession of Faith ___Acclamation
___Narrative of institution
Concluding Rites: ___Epiclesis
__Dismissal ___Preface
__Blessing ___Eucharistic Prayer
___Preparation of the Gifts

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