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Psychological assessment  Robert Sternberg- Triarchic Theory of

IQ for stanford-Binet  Componential-analytical
 55-70- mild  Experiential- creative
educatable can finish to grade 6  Conceptual- practical
 40-54- moderate
Trainable can finish to grade 2  Charles Spearman- 2 factor theory of
 25-39- severe intelligence
Sight words and survival skills (dual factor theory)
 Less than 25- profound G and S
Highly dependent
 MMPI-test personality and
Pearson Product-Moment Correlation(PPMC) psychopathology
- relationship for 2 values  Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI)
- absolute value of r +/- 2nd objective personality test
 <0.3- no ne/ very weak To assess: DSM-TR (text revision)
 0.3-0.49-weak Axis II
 0.5-0.69-moderate - 175 item (True/False)
 0.7-0.99- strong relationship - for 25 mins
 +/-1- perfect relationship  Minnesota Multiple Personality Inventory
internal consistency - Starke R. Hathaway
 0.4-0.49- unacceptable -John Charnley Mckinley
 0.5-0.59- poor - 567 questions
 0.6=0.69- questionable - 60-90 mins.
 0.7-0.79- acceptable  California Psychology Inventory (CPI)
 0.8-0.89- good - Harrison G. Gough
 0.9-1.0- excellent - used in workplace
-self report inventory
 John Mark Itark- the Homme Savage - 194 items
- he is the father of special education It measures:
- Victor of Avegone trained him with SPED 1. Tolerance of employees
 Dr. William K. Frankenburg- Dever 2. Responsibility
Developmental Screening test 3. Self control
- it is conducted in Denver collorado To predict:
4 domains 1. Leadership
1. Personal social skills 2. Stress
2. Language 3. Job success
3. Gross motor skills
4. Fine motor skills  Francis Galton- normally distributed
- it is to determine aealy serious developmental - nurture vs. Nature
delays - notion vs. Normal distribution
 Berbel inhelder- proponet of pendulum - natural gift (temperament, IQ, Physical
test- if the child can’t cope up with this set characteristics)
he.she las low IQ - bivariate distribution/ correlation
- the thiee mountain
 Robert Yerkes- the great apes
 Louis Thurstone- Multiple Factor Theory of - the first group mental test
Intelligence Army alpha- literate soldiers
Has 7 primary mental abilities Army beta- illeterate soldiers
1. Vebal comprehension  James Cattell- individual mental test
2. Perceptual speed  Arthur Otis- group administered Standfrod-
3. Word fluency- understand each word Binet intelligence test
4. Associative memory - first multiple choice test
5. Reasoning -objective test
6. Number facility - Otis- Lenon School Ability test(OLSAT)
7. Spatial visualization (Roger Lenon)
- verbal ability
- ability to follow directions
- Numeral ability
- knowledge of information

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