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As always begin sitting and relaxed as you settle into the space around you. As you
scan mentally through your body, release any resistance or tension and allow yourself to
relax into the meditation before you. Feel the weight of your feet on the ground. Feel the
sensation of your hands in your lap or by your sides. Allow yourself to focus on the rising
and falling of your breath. Now gently bring your focus to the space all around you,
imagine it stretching for as far as you can allow yourself to see in your mind’s eye.
Space above you and space below. As you think of all that infinite space, remember that
you too are limitless in your thoughts and you can project your thoughts anywhere at
any time. Imagine now that you are a tunnel of light, a beacon, a column. Imagine that
you are connected to a star in space, somewhere far away, like the sun.

A golden, bright light that shines and connects to you. Become aware that you are a part
of this beautiful golden light. Feel that connection. Now imagine that this light is full of
every kind of pattern that could possibly be, like sequences of numbers, lists of words,
colors and situations and they are dropping down into your awareness. Become aware
that these patterns above you are synchronistic energies. This is a magnetized space
bringing with it patterns. Sequential orders of numbers, words and events. All of these
patterns are flowing into your consciousness. These are signs, symbols and patterns of
synchronicities that are all available to be translated by you, for you with meaning. Now
repeat in your mind, I am aware of these synchronicities and I am now open to receiving
these patterns and connections that the Universe shows me. I am open and aware to
everything that exists, I am connected and ready to receive.

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