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@Ool 2 Raymond Thevenot Metodo Para Quena Cord A “ad f z QUENA Y FOLKLORE LATINOAMERICANO Version Castellana) PROLOGO Le mésica letinoamericdna ya no ¢s ana novelas, peer se est6 difundienda ex ef neiaty, ealera hues eieine sot com un deito cregionte 7 la Javentud internacional te e118 interesando sucho et bialane en genteel y earicslen wires ler tredisanes de Tey indigenas de Azairica, Cast todo et rmdo sabe ta qae 21 ume QUEENA 0 par 10 menos OL Ceetcbudlo hablar anne 20x de la farsa Plants de las Andes ae es Pero faltaba para esos numerozos alicisnados del folklore te: Amtrica Litite, nm Bbum de pactturas expect nests chatter pert Quese ane botumentactin elevande jane orientar Vor de aller ger a) pecer atin raat Sor sobre la materse que les interesa. “QUENA ¥ FOLKLORE LATINOAMERICANO™ no tiene tx pretersis de. srtise totoi bas dotiles Wat areata folitlore de América del Sur, Ex-solamemle wet GUIA DE PRIMERA NECESIDAD gare ial prnsipiante crie de ls Quena 9 de le misica rdlacionade com elle. Ese publicectéa contestant at disondle sabre mech Pa sor mat definides gue el pibliea inlersecional 20 conoce en gexeral: (De dinde viche al “Céndor Pate"? Ein qud pales xe toes le Quena, ol Arps o et Cherangs? [Qué es una Zampots? Que cs un Pompe Piano? [Que diterencia hay entre un Hasyio y ax Cormsuctio? S€udnde apereci6 ct primer inrtramexia de cavrde en for Aaxies?, ete) v=» Wes 0 Las pertitarar estin tratader con macto cuideda y Wenan indicectancs precises y aaty titles pace < aflcionato 1) Cede‘ Ila evi lot eeorder cue von'con le. melotis pore, scorsparierte con qultares 0. charange 2) El sto donde of Quentite debe respirar extd indicado por un apiiteafe & fin dt eosservar fader 3 ts vepretaciins de te piece musical, SI Bstin editadas on ict ondén: progress de Zificaled, enepecinde por le xeks fit pora‘seoninar porte mds somplieeda |G). Muches de elfas roa pare estar socedes. on dda y.esthn ereritat cine Hable pestagrinms (peitoyras: spe. primers vox 9 pentagram friar: seqards 2). NOTAt ‘A fin de foclitar al mistino Ia tartare de eras pertiturse pire el miisico pris peo iiucho caus piginas suealee, dejendo e peepersr = veces ley regise citablacides de be Siriturs de fe mnisica, For siemplo, np hemos toaado en cuss te 5 2 ceate, tos temts andinos. tienes ruck; yoo wielodlin quc a 200 “cuadeeded” 7 Taberia normalmente agregar em Jos luzues adecurdos, casills parciales complamanariss « fia. ge cuidrar [ae frases ales para que el dempo fuerte caige siempre a ei misma lugar de Je callin, Ea camila | a} 0} 4} 4/9] e|5)0]0/0/o/ 9/3) a] 0/0] %) #4} #1) 0} 3/2/2113 ste{2| 2] | lela] als|+/elslei=]l>}o| 5/19 /e|e19/21214)10| |alsl sisi} /2/s|s1ololols|alsis|s|s/alololelalole|=lalsla|siolalols 1 l=]ta|*/9\="*lel={>/+[= elell=i-l[e/alel-lel-llleel*l*l-lle2 Waa Ses LA QUENA ; Y EL FOLKLORE LATINOAMERICANO | por Raymond Thevenot 1. LA HISTORIA DE LA QUENA DESDE SU GRIGEN HASTA NUESTROS TIEMPOS: los quechuslogus no pudden todavia ponerse de acuerdo sobte Ia. ortogmifis deta teneua ‘especies Quechua (KENA, Q'ENA QUENA), en cambio todos tas historisdores y arquesiogas lists en Jas cultures precolombinas proclaman en forma unanime: La Quena és de Origen:mmy antecior a In Civilizacisu Incaica: Se han encontrado en antiguas tuimbas de Ja Chinut Tiahuenece y:-Mochica, quenas pris rmitivas fabricadas de varios matetidles: Barro [tierra cocida)) Catia o Carrizo; y también’ de Hueco (animal-o humano). Ess priteras quenas tenian en general 4 5-5 aguleros destinsdos 2 interpretar solamente melodies Bontafinicas, es decir, melodiss construidas sobre ta: trcalx de cinco noras que usaban todos los-ameriodios. y les pucblos esistices (Chinos, Jxponeses, ct) Ejemplo de Escala Pentsfénica: sOL LA DO RE ME SOL 1A DO ete 5 1 2 3 $ 5 1 2 se A propésito de los pueblos asiéticos, €3 muy interesante saber que fa flauta/més antigue del Tapoa (de repente més de mil afios) presenta una embocadura muy parecida « la de la quens (con un corte similar, pero co forma de arco mucha medos-profunde). Asi podemos pregunta os si los indigenas.Quocluues-o Ajmuuras son fos verduderos fayentorss de lk flaute Jlamads Que. na, La existencia de esa flanta japonesa de crigen anterior a les clvitizacioney andinas men- jonadas, y el uso por log indios americangs de Is escals pentafSuica, vienett 9! anoyar fuerte vente a famosa teoris de los historiadnres que afirman que los pucblos autdctonas de Ame rice son de origen asiitico. a Quena es Ja flauta andine mis conocida actualmente’en el mundo, y es uno de los modelos instrumento de viento més primitive y tudimentario que el hombre hays imaginado, pues ge presenta simplemente como tn tube cactado 2 sus dos extremes con algunos orificios pars igs dedes yuna embocadura cortadaen forma de“'U”\o. cuadrada, en el pasado, los dos diseios de embocadura se enowsttran en varios palses andines ax ,. Sin embargo, el Peri es 2] iisico ae ellos que Fabrica quenas de embocadura cuadrads. Ores dato muy importants que nos han demostrado los arquesiogos ¥ los primeros cronistas is la gpoca de Ia conquists expafola, es: ‘Antes de ta llegada de los espatoles, no-existia ningin’Tastementa de ctinds en Ainépica. Soli :n conocidos los. instrumentas de pereusion (tambares, bombas, tinyas, mrarimbas, ctc.2.'y 10s ensanisr de viento (aentenstes fmadeiog de Fimurae ciferenise ) de tuemnos fueron creados por los indigenas de América y eapecialmenrs de loc Andes: tarkss, sles © atttaris, pinkillos, Fondadores, dulzainas, clatin, waks, puke, ete)... cisten varias levendas’sobre\el nacimiiento de luquetin Ea més-conbeida de-cliasies tz famosa ends Ge Ollaniay He I epoca ince (aungue sepamos que fe quend exists antes de Jos in 's). El drama de Ollantsy [que fue Hevado el featro.en idiorza quechus) cusars: eae indio humilde estsha enamorado da wiia princesita trea, pero comin st xtipane, tod2 espe anza de matrimonio era imposible, pergue era propibido que los rmiembros ale la dinastia inca se casen con extrafios. Y un dia 1a princsslia murs de tristera EI indio: vine a llotar sobee su Sepultura y tiempo después con serpresa ¥ angustis, escuchd tm) siltide crise que pop él mauler #09 ostleacion iégica, impide = machas intSepretes logrer ten alto nivel de virtuosidad y lucie instrumento. Acwalmente las quienas que'se consiguen en los paises andinos son de cana, bambu, y algunas cede plastic 0 de metal (aluminio o brence) como es et caso en el Pert Ud fninente Weotecierdn ea el mercado peruano las primerst quenss fechas de Madera Totieads que tie nun una potencia y puceza d= sonido. superior # lo normal, San las eongcidas Con- cierto Thevenot HH. INSTRUMENTACIUE ANDHRA Ai Hacer 1a lista completa de todos los. insttuméntes y-ritmos follléricos de América Latina, Tamandaria afios de trabajo y de investigasiones, porque’ fue extreordinsriaments ries Jn ima inscion de los pueblos de este contitiente. Solo: hablar de los. inetrumesitos de i Brasit Ilenaria un {foro gruese, Et genio hitinosmericano eicanzo = Sacer sonido de los as renudos pedazos de madera 9 de fcuta Haste Jos barciles de gaiolina elie sirven pars Ferriss [or famosee conjuntan tropieetes de Trinidad (en Las Ansilias) Con el sporte S= los europeans y dé los esclavos negros, la rmisica de Ios inilios de la-Selva y det ‘Ande st desarrelld’ plan pinto tal, que podemos cousidéray = ley Américs Latina come) ‘cuss del mes grand: tesore fulklérico yode ia instrumentacida tis rica del mundo, cectivamente, en los Andes: por ejemplo, si a veces dcbemos Iamsttar’ clerins aspectos ih sever de la conquista espandle, debemios tambien agradecer 4 los “blanca: barbudes” par Haber introducido en esas regiones varios instrumentos de Is Madre Pairia, como Jas) guize- rrag, bandurrias, mandolinas, vielines, atpas, etc Gmcias a los Conquistadores ‘macio por ejemplo; ese eatraordinerio jnistrumente que se com: erva'don Ts quena una popularidad y un éxito mundial: &} CHARANGO. “hija” de a banda: ia y de a mandolins, imaginado por los. indigenes. de Bolivia y del Pers el Chsratigo: se fa- de Argentina. en varios modéls Ue diferentes formas y. Guise coneepciones La version més conocida en el riunds es lajgue tensie} fondo de ta as pcronancia, hectia del caparazdn del armadillo (en quechua: Kirkinchu)- Tene ID caer (Bolivia) s¢ han hecho famosos. internscionalinente. En el Perd. fuera del departamenie <= Puno, es mas dificil de conseguir el chatango de Kirkincky; los departamentos de Cuzco, A- ceeeiec y Ayacucho Usa generelments charengos ule suaders, que s+ presenter comp 1s quena geitarra de Fondo plano sit ia espalds de Armadillo, y sus eamrelis sox Ge pietal: Jamente los charangos de Ayacucho tienen ‘cuerdas de nylon. En ¢l Guzcb y Puno existen raros pequeniics con inds de.diez cuerdas wpetilieas, usados slo jars el scompaltemien\o sae \ikerin’ “chillador”, Ls afiaacion dal eharanga et, igual on Tos tres paises pero. a 3 que s* Ueihere es muy aistinia sean ia vegién, Sf el estilo boliviano. tiene machas: sirmilits, Hip con ef toque de Argentina, én cambio les estiles peruanos sonmuy diferentes, Ls mms im. ante es el de Ayacucho ARPA curopes se teansformno dé igus! mariera clas manos indigenss, hast alas # ln alcuatro rnodelos de erpas diferentes. £) El Arpa Mexicana: la menos conotida, pero’ una de Ins joyas del folklore sl Veracruz. El Arpa Venezolaaa: pequefia como su: bermana da Mésico- 5) El Arpa Gusrani: la conocidisima arpa del Paraguay. 4) El Arpa Andina’o Arpa. Peruana: jrajesiudis ¢limpresionante, de ta cual eciste unm version en poco distinta en Ecuador Aepa Peruana ex mds grande qué Jat otras y tiene una ajay dz: fesonansia. mio) Bids wane Sin embargo, en el Cuzco fabrican también. pequeios modelas de arpa. Hamados ~Domin- guitas” o “Domingachas”, 1 armonio de igleiia natié el PAMPAPIANG QUENA and LATINAMERICAN PoUKIeRe Seana no Tota sais rhe snesuse aaneicurs ef Andesc!amasic and bf the: qiuena. the hole exit Folklsvieo"” and goes with them to Gemany F Viltiger Sige HR “THEVENOT” QUENAS “The fle oiganty of be “THEVENGT™ que moda sess ie pedutedl mol « piers of steals a titermally shaped wood. ‘Why wood?. In the first place, one had ro choose # sutefisl cing she simi ygtitics of sounil=n CANE ot std eae HES hor the guenas of cane oc bataboo were the ancy sit gee ee Best esis st Cooees Aa inenest of teundl, snd hid, ferchecenore, permis wut) all eosriy a leans OACHABLE QUALITY. i Neen eva, the aweod cursed iu he'very superior eo: bambory for paray estonk: FEDS Ae Se PP TOE ply cu of 1000 atcboo quenss, 2 woul he exipsiom). 10: pod FU more tes Bp {58 oe ced Te Sting trod or for a rected tha re.. for hanging op thecal sa Gesbists Pa) Soke tek be very lucky or try eaieds of quena: before gening « reallr good page mci hl Sa Ls me ter ond he a ul an ses SSS Sithentage exte 0 , ne ee eae cocedlgivks a Haney sete’ powetic! sound (tom, she Gos pues! Be Besos oe Gee- ie eater nue core ad Gey Rey apis w= ress Sef eee oases a go depends of che quality of the wood The che steed o> san peeductie of the “Thevenot” quash is = = 20 Cee ea ec Boss Th de oll’ “Diablo: Fucre™ (Strong: Devils 18 16 wey Soinete= Uipeorss og sro), rs eh ome beni te mc ees aE © Ths cost inrelatiely lowe ‘abvigusly, the harder'the wood, the putes aint Biter she rovmll_ These ate Bands coeds than aishle Foeers, but they are difficuls 20 find for 3 Iergr, continuvur mt gt Di a ee pe io reat excessively. ‘quenas is the sum of invesigtoneo Goe Fun pots tbe Ble ‘The mode! of the "Thevenst nd Pensvian quent, and the eontzibution of the hnovledze of the elasicel Geta an ott eeeroed separaicly (heceloce the differentzs in the chemise axusiing 36 she balls) and sat curing ig rade with an enoct elation 9 the Sele of the Eotemational Seporms Walaes ihe 2 eR igiauer bes aiuto of Be wadivoral quess sad sis catieal Hint, wieiitg ste Insure 1 Oe soite Ts Peptarched level which qo oti are Fas been set reads nine, ie ange 0 Sears PE $2 fF Se E asons pesmis equally to cox « bea! virrsfty. ster intense poiig fos n= BOON, inal, the Tver cntestquenarpessn ‘polzeronel improving of the lndigendus ques sorbet, i every derail,” An Hestrument of Fe=try Scompaition, for the amaieuss and-exocring profesional. HOW TO PRODUCE THE FIRST SOUNDS y Upper lip very extended and pies’ sgaivet she yeellt 2 1 gem of he J comers of the "U" ef the Sees Up date Guess TEN. 31 Push the base of the quena ssamaly ogeinut the Bs, ‘| Downer tip emering « Teele (one ths que and alist fon the level of the 2 lle Father dows. 5) Look for = goed. jaclinavian, fmm. fOr tim. ail slow ‘ltl; tbe ote DO [Gigitenon = left band only). 6) Souidé wilh come: qut-csnully! MEMORIZE THE PO- SITION. “Repest fhe opcrition andi Slow the ashes potes doie te the DO: RE and MI (going up) St and LA (peing dora). TABLE OF DIGITATION FOR QUENA ogre ae ee =]aeas sie eect eae eelaallltl 2 | Lol = — Sere : = = ; < = alslasialstolelolel solo] ]o ls sle)ale))2)9) 14) 51 ols(arsicre slalelole/alols|olelolatalals|olatele}o|c}ela}e|s/*|=|2/s|2/5/918)6 ele \sielslaloleloisls(slalalslsiate|sialelclolololele)>1=|*/2/5)41sie! | 1 8| elzial elelalols|olalelolalsla|e|=]2(e]ale|a|s/s|9)0] /91412 916) 2)c. 2) «]9|]0||2|=|3|9|=|s[0] o}4/ 9 elatelell=lelelelel-l413|+lalele| THE QUENA AND LATINAMERICAN FOLKLORE ay Raymond Thevenot f. THE HISTORY OF THE QUSNA FROM ITS ORIGIN UNTIL OUR TIMES 5 Quechua experts cannot yer agree about the orthograly of dic Quechua lariguage (KENA, Q'ENS, QUENA), on the other Hund ell historians aid artheeologists, experts in. preGolum- ian civilizations, proclaim tnanimously= i ; ‘The Quena is of a much earlier origin than that of the Tnex clvilizatién. Primitive quenas have been fourtd im ancient graves of the Chimu, Tishtesnacy and WMochice epochs, and were made of different materials such 2s mict (baked earth), sugar cane, com mon recdgrass and bones (enitel or Kumar), Thee first quenas generally had 4 or 5 holes, iheant to interpret only pentatonic melodies; that is, melodies based on the seale of five notes, which is used by Atvericen Indians and Asians (Chinese, Japanese, te:), Example of a Pentatonic Seale: SOL IA DO RE MI -sOL LA DO ef 3 2 2 Bee eee Sadie. Se ee With reference to Asians, it is very interesting to know that the earliest known Japanese flute (it say be over 2’ thousand years old) present # mouthpiece very similer to that of the qucoas (with a similar cut but shaped ai a less proneunced are). So we cin ask onrerlves if the Oise ctua or Aymara Indians are the rest inventors of the flute called quens. The existence oF this anese Eute of an-earlier origin than the abaye mentioned Andean the only one thet has nylot strings. Tiny charangos with amore than fey autallie tH 6 ist In Cumo and Pune, and are ouly wed tm the accompaniment called “Chilladar” (yelles) » The charango's popularity fs the saine in oll three countries, but the way of playing: Ibivaries according to the region. If many: similarities exist berweeit the Boliviza and Argeatiniss styles, fn the other hand Peruvian styles are very different. The most impressive one & the style rm Ayacucho, The European Harp was transformed the same way In the natives! hands, giving birth ta four ifferent models of harps. 1) The Mexican Harp: the least known. but one off the jewels ofthe Vesarran folklore, 2) ‘The Venemelan Harp: a3 smal? an its Mexican brother. 3) The Guarani Harp: the most wellknown harp of Parsmusy. - 4) The Andean or Peruvian, Hare: majestic and impressive; 2 sliglitly different versions extets in Ecuador. ‘The Peruvian harp is bij than the others and has a much wider resonance box. Howerer, so make sn "Bomiagachas"- in Ciseco they also make small cigdeis of harps. called “Dominguitas” or “ From the church harmonium the “Paras Pinto” or "Piano Pampa" wes bom, and was very. sich used by folkloric bands of the Apurimisc and Cusco Gepartments: Bat Somtnar tees 13 of 20 years ago, the Pamga Piano |i allways substituted by the accord is fore practical and portable, and gives almost the Sams sound. The accordion’s use =b=— the majority of the Andéan countries in exstens Bolivia, mast parts, of the Penivisn de nls (Aneath, Juain, Ayacucho, Apurimac, Cuzco, Piano, 6); 4m tie coastal ead wiptn: Ein regions of Eeuedor, up to Colombia and Panama (which once formed part of the same country), where the “Vallenato” folklore and the small drums cannot be coneeived without a> accordion. Mandolin, in the Peruvian’ Andés, has almost the same the quena, and many different models can be found. One must point out that certain Feruvian mandolin manufac: turcrs also make their instruments with the backside of the armadillo (Rirkinchn), so as to give It the same appearance 2s the charango’s of the Highlands. Referring to the Violin, its use isias generalized in-Peruias the mandolins, Upto the point thet gan quensocle Sota eountey. Usually the queda in Peru is played “umri— son” with the mandolin and the violin, which gives the music of Circo 'or reash 3 hal€-Che nese tone, which is very interesting. ‘Thore ig no Folklore’ in the Central Andean Region (department of Junin) without 2 phone, This instrument was integrated to the music of Huancayo and Jauja at the this century, and now fons = besic part of the huance instrumentation, Mili also successfully interpret folkloric at Andean parties. To conclude, we can’ make airudimentary list-of « few characteristic instrumentations, accord ing to the different Andean regions. Husncayo music group (Peru) ‘Saxophone, Clarinet, Violin, Harp. Sometimes, Accordion, Mandolin: Cuzco musical group (Zen) 4 ‘Quena, Mandolin, Violin, Hitp; "Charsugo", “Chilladoc”, Guitar Sometimes “Pamipe Plann’ Puno musical group (Peru) ‘Mandolin, Violin, "Cheranga”, Accordion, “Chillador”, Guitsr, “Guitarron” (big guitar) Se- metimes “Pampa Piano” Ancash musical group, (Pent) Mandolin, Violin, Accorsiion, ‘Guitar, Sometimes Quens, Herp. Ayacucho musical group (Peru) Charango, Guitar, Harp. Sometimes Quena. Typical instrumentation of Bolivia. and: Argentine: ‘Quena, Charango, Guitar, Bombo (large drum). Bolivian Highlands “Zamponia” (rustic: flute), “Tarka", “Pinkillos”, Tabors. Eastern Bolivia ‘Accordion, Guitar, Charango. mi CHILE represents a special case it Andean folklore, The Indian traditions of that country were never very developed with relation to its music, because the majority of its population is white and F ‘igi soores Of years ago, neither the quena no the charengo wore played hile, But since t= "Uberatinn” =dventurss of certait South American Chills be came a pioneer and champion of the polltized protest fulkdore of social ter, adopting, therefore, the traditional Instruméntetion of its tworneighbors Bolivia and Argentina. This con- troversial form of art obtained, however, a great success among the popular masts in Europe When Chilean groups of talent started travelling to the Old Continent. Bolivia and Argentina followed immediately the new were of NEO-FOLKLORE. Before concluding, we must clarify that the international public is generally misinformed sbous the present-time instrumentation of the Andean folklore. Since the 1990's and 1900's, the first Andeantype groups appered in’ Europe, generally formed by Argentinean or Bolivian musi- cians living is Paris, Mudiid of other European capitals. They presented with big success the = 20— music of Andean“countries, with Quena, Charango, Guitar and Bombo (big dritm). Then the in- tematignal public imagined that thst iustrumentation fully represented the autoctancus folk= lore of the Andes Mountains. ‘The tourist who travels through the-Andes rapidly ceaiiaes that this soptiisticated Ustnanenta~ sion does not totally represent Andean music, hut only shows a small aspect of the stylized folk- lore of Bolivia and Northern Aegentites. We shall never find « bombo: (large deur) in the Pens ran Andes (but mach bigger tabors or smaller tinyes), neither shall we see Quenas or Zam pohas in the Ecuadorian Cordillera (mountain range) instead they here Dulzainas (fageolets), Rondadores and Bocinas (larg: trutnpets). How sad would Andean folldore be, if i were only representiat by certain conmmercialized sTOUps. é A it, LATIN-AMERICAN RHYTHMS ‘Andean countrits Have @ cammia shythiy) whith ts the'actual base of the autactonous music of the Andes; The Huayno. This typicslly Quechi rhythm spread at the same time as: the Inca Empire expanded, end thet is why we find ic Ih, Ferw, Bolivia, Novthorn Azgen~ tina and even in Eeundor, with many vanations and a wide rags f tones, According to the country oF region, those varfations have various different names: ia Balivis it is written "Husy- fo”, in Argentina it is called “Carnavalito”, and in Ecuador “San Tuanite” with a. slightly dis Te mala ‘The Huayao’s chythm Ys written aod slightly seminds us of x horse's bur irs-weesntua ton varies from one-country to the other. The Argentine "Garmavalita that is to say: JII fH LF Iw Bolivia and in Pera the Huayno leans on. syncopation, this means om the second quaver of the tempo'which gives @ very particular oscillasion: a IID Peni is the Huayno's birthplace, and it-also the country where it developed more under Spare ish influence, having the riches: cmge of toacs. Every Peruvies department has its own Heay- co wuheee it sometiner recenes diffs imines: Apeash bas die "Chusoda” (a quick busyno with many guitar acormments), Busncayo hos the “Tunautada” (2 very slow husyno), and the “Huaylash” (a hosyne which has pauses and that is danced vigoruusly). Ayagucho has’ the most majestic and eachenting husynes, with many adornments and guitar virtuosity. Arequipa: as the “Pampena” and in Cajamarca the "Cashin" is Iyeard, while in Puno the “Wifala” and the “Hua ao Fanos” BS Gnead Petry region fas its ova emmlvalbedile ale, end ereveeey Besides the Husyno, the Peruvian mountain region has other thychms, like the "Chaagisinsita” aad the "Muliza” and “Santiago” in the central past: the "Fasacalle” in the novili the ""Yazayi") + slow and sad melody, which is found in all the Andean region, including Holivis, Where it opro- pHlately takes the naine of “Triste” (Sed). The "Mariners Secranal” is alsa ‘beard in all of the Pe- Eivian Andes. in Puno various rbyihins and dances are the same ones whic wil be heard tn the other side of the Lake Titicaca: “La Lismeradal" (the FlameDance), ‘La Disbleds’ (the Devity Dance), the “Takirari” and the "Moreneda” belong equally to Bolivia and to the Puna region tn Peru We can make a list of the principal rhythms of Latiny American’ countries, which snfarzunately shall be incomplete for lack of space and time, == UADOR: Coastal région ; Pastllo, Pasacaile. Mountain region: San Tuanito, Albazo, Pasacalle, Tonada, Cachullspi, Bomba, Danzante. Capisca. PERU: Coastal region Vals (wales), Mariners, Tandeto, Festejo; Zamarucea, Lao, Alcatrar. Polka. Mountain segion: Huayno, Coshua, Heaylash, Pampeta, Wifale, Panallleto, Disbiada, More: nada, Llamerada, Kajelo, Chonguinada, Tunantada, Muliza, Santiago, Pasecalle. “Yaravi, Ma- Sinera Serrana, Takirari Sungle region : Chimaychi, Cajara. BOLIVIA Highlands suave Disblads, Morenada; Llanieradz,, Dectarsites, Auquis,. Bailecite, Cucca, riste (Yaravt Jungle (Eastern) region: Takirari, Carnaval (Santa riz), San Benito. ARGENTINA: Cordillera (mountain range) region : Carnavalito, Batlécito, Cueca, Vidala, Bayuals. Pampa region 'Zambs, Chataréra, Malambu; the Trinfo, Gato Escondido, are all variations of the Malambo. Coastal and Pampa Tegions : Tango, Mllonga SOLOMBIA= “Tropical and ‘Coastel Regions: Barbiios, Gaita, Merengue, Cumbia. Mountain regions: Paseo, Cumbia, Vallenate. CHILE. Mountain and Coastal regions: Cueca, Tonada- PARAGUAY: Gusrenia, Galopa, Polka. BRASIL: Samba, Marcha, Baiao (Baion), Choro, Xoxe- VENEZUELA: Joropo, Pasaje. Each of those chythme #8 alto another darice with its ‘many variations of steps. We must also know that 2 Chilean tune i very different from an Evuadorian. The same thing happens with the Peruvian polka of two tempos compared tate Paraguayan which hes three tempos. IV POSSIBILITIES OF TODAY'S QUENA ausna Has a grdat advantage over the other wind instruments. Due to its simiple presentat: 1 ie periiits the player to feel “elosec"” to the instrument and. ta control: it mbre efficiently. hermore, the quena managrs the same: “stissades" (thas is to sey

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