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Persuasive Speech Outline Format

General Purpose: To let the audience know and realize that environmental conservation is not
just only for the protection and health of humans but also to protect the earth for the better future
and to protect marine life or species so that we can maintain a healthy and functional ecosystem.

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to manage preserving and conserving the

environment to promote biodiversity and to stop harmful human activities.

I. Opening Statement of Interest:

A. Reason (s) to Listen

What is the use of a house if we haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on? How can we make a
society if our planet is being tear down by our own doings? And how can God be proud of us if
his creation is being destroy by his own creation. E. A. R. T. H. The planet that humans live on is
earth, in which is surrounded by dazzling and distinctive bodies of water and land. And where
living and non-living things interact with each other. We live in what we call ecosystem in the
course of where we humankind should be the steward of our environment.

B. Speaker Credibility

According to The Climate Guide Crisis, our forests are burning, communities are flooding, our
oceans are choking with plastic and earth’s surface temperature is rising. As time goes by, look
at our surroundings now everywhere you look there is pollution that increases the risk of our
surroundings. But not only our surroundings but also for ourselves and other living things on our
earth. This is not a funny joke because our world is slowly dying and we must make changes. It’s
not too late to save our planet, but it requires urgent action.

C. Thesis Statement

We should maintain the environmental conservation because the situation of animal species
become worsen affected by our human actions.


II. A. Main Point 1:
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change
anything.” this is a quote given by George Bernard Shaw. By this quote allow us the stewards of
our environment to give you reasons why we must change our minds and perspective about our
Earth and make progress to it. First is that we, the humankind treat badly and dreadfully our
Environment. According to Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity &
Ecosystem Services (IPBES), less than 25% of Earth’s surface remains free from substantial
impacts of human activities. This means that one particular reason of what we do to our
environment causes some environmental issues and problems, one of this is due to the activities
that we do such as Industrial Activity in which the humans are burning fossil fuels such as coal
and petroleum jelly for energy. And this energy that came from fossil fuels releases carbon
dioxide and methane into the air that causes air pollution which results to 100,000 number of
deaths per population both from outdoor and indoor air pollution.

II. B. Main Point 2:

Another activity that humans do is Agricultural Activity in which agricultural practices that
produce food to the people use both commercial and organic fertilizers. These practices of
humankind may lead to on what we called Global Change or Climate Change. And if us
humankind continue doing these activities it may lead to several effects on our earth such as
drought due to the heat of our earth and making the ozone layer thinner, intense storm and
natural disasters such as landslides and tsunamis. And because of these effects, the habitat of the
animals is being destroyed, the plants are dying because of excessive changes of climate, and to
us humans which can lead to the changes in food and water supplies.

II. A. Main Point 3:

Now the issue that was the main cause of the deaths of marine life is the plastic pollution. We
didn’t mind what we buy and throw, buy and throw that was already harmful to the marine life.
Thousands of marine species are affected by plastic pollution. Many mistake small particles for
food and choke, whilst others become entangled and trapped in floating debris. Even the top
predators of the marine world are at risk. When plastic particles are digested, toxic chemicals are
released and absorbed into the body tissue, and transmitted into the water.

A. Brakelight/Transition:
(But now let’s focus in our surroundings, in which where we usually walk, talk and hang out
with friends, or in short where we usually do our activities. In which leads to another particular
issue which is Environmental Pollution.) Almost 40% of deaths worldwide were caused by water
and soil pollution. Environmental pollution has great and irrevocable damaged to the world even
in our human society. The main reason and causes of environmental pollution are Urbanization
and Industrialization activities, Mining and Exploration, and most especially the trash and
plastics we throw. We didn't even mind what would happen if we continue this kind of habit
because this causes may affect our environment badly even the innocent living animals. Soil
pollution can result soil erosion and some species may at risk of extinction. Water pollution can
result Infant mortality, water can be polluted that makes it unsafe for us, and food chain
contamination. If we didn't stop and continued to do this kind of human habit, long term of water
and soil pollution may lead to many diseases and poisonous things to human deaths and animal

B. Summary:
(Because of these problems, we will also do something. If not, then the Earth would suffer and could
be destroyed, where would we live in? This is the only place we could live because it has all the
resources that God gave to us. We need to change our doing if we want to help to conserve our
environment by doing preventions and practices and be aware of what things we do). To prevent
global warming is never simple. We always use greenhouse gases for our machines to reduce the use
of manpower so it would be easy to work. So, people recklessly use this because they reduced their
works and they didn't even know what are the effect. Global warming is the world's problem because
of this. We always used a vehicle to go to work because it's far, and also factories but we couldn't
prevent it because these are also people's needs. I only suggest to minimize the use of vehicles and
factories because they are the ones who created global warming. If possible then we should stop it
because we couldn't live on this planet if it's too hot. If couldn't prevent it then minimize it. But to at
least lessen the effects of global warming occurring, humans should take notice to not burn plastics
and fossil fuels so casually. Using reusable eco-bags can also prevent the usage of plastics.
Minimizing the burning of fossil fuels or plastics will at least not add a relative amount more of
greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Another way to prevent from getting affected by the effects of
global warming is to plant more trees to cancel out the heat, the greenhouse gasses make, absorb the
harmful carbon came from the vehicle we use, and also it is the one that clean the air that we breath.
Trees also convert carbon dioxide to make more oxygen for us humans to breathe, making it an
efficient way to prevent global warming, by making oxygen to be more abundant than carbon dioxide
in the Earth’s surface. That is probably why tree planting campaigns and activities are being
seriously implemented in the whole world.

C. Tie Back to the Audience:

My dear audience we should observe some practices that we must follow for the environment
also for us and for some wildlife. Furthermore, there is some ways we should practice to preserve
and conserve our environment is being eco-friendly and practice doing the 5rs (reuse, reduce,
recycle, recover, and repair). Practice how to reuse any materials that still have a purpose,
practicing to recover and repair some materials that can still be used, reducing the used of plastic
and burning of garbage, and practice recycling waste and old materials that could be convert to
new materials. And for the prevention of water pollution can be done in many ways. We all
know that our parents are tend to wash their cars without minding where the chemicals of the
product will come from. So, all of the parents should start washing their car or outdoor
equipment where it can flow to a gravel area instead of streets that may lead to the rivers or
lakes. Also, in order to prevent water pollution is to stop illegal Dynamite fishing. This will
threaten the coral reefs, and also leads to a decline in fish populations and will affect coastal
communities and small fisheries. By doing this protocol would be the simplest but biggest
contribution for our environment to avoid Land Pollution, Global Warming, Climate Change or
any Environmental problems that could damage our Earth. This habit can save our environment
most especially those living animals and ecosystem from Pollution and Global warming due to
our collection of waste materials.

D. Concluding Remarks:
We must change because progress is impossible without change. No one will do if no one starts
it. Where would we live without this environment? This is the only place with resources needed
for survival. The life of next generations is the bet on this problem. Maybe a thousand years will
make human never existed in this world. Even if only a few change atleast they changed, and
even a little help for this environment. Why would we destroy this if we will leave here? We
must think about future, not our wants.
Just remember if we couldn't resist then just minimize. Because it would hurt our environment
too much if we deal big damage in it, and make it worst. Just think that in every problem there is
solution. It's not impossible if we are dealing big problems, all we need is that someone would
start the change, because people would follow you if you will do the right thing.



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