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Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS)

Course Code : FAH124

Course Name : Introduction to Psychology

Lecturer’s Name : Ms. PhD. Marini Kasim

Prepared by : Yoon Nadi Nwe

Topic : Responses Via Class Activities


Critical Thinking Slide

1. What is Evolutionary Psychology?

Evolutionary Psychology is the study of behaviour which has changed over time as
a result of the continuous issues that people have had to deal with. The human ability
to assist the species in surviving and procreating was developed as a result of several
attempts to find solutions to these issues.

2. Why have cultural factors become so important?

Cultural factors influence how someone perceives and handles challenges, as well as
how they seek out support systems and avoid stigma.


Critical Thinking Slide
1. Do you think that encouraging left-handed children to use their right hand is
a good idea? Why or Why not?
Forcing a left-handed child to use their right hand can lead to frustration, and confusion,
and potentially impact their overall development and self-esteem. So, we should not
try to make the left-handed child use their right hand if they are naturally left-handed.
Even though we know very little about the factors that affect hand preference, we do
know that handedness is a reflection of how each person's brain is wired. Instead,
providing them with suitable tools and adaptations can help them navigate a
predominantly right-handed world more comfortably.


Critical Thinking Slide

1. Think of the foods that you like to eat the most. Which of the six taste sensation
do these foods have, and why do you think that you like these particular
The food I like to eat most is tea leaves salad which contains equal of chili and lime
which discover a sour taste as well as a savory taste. Tea leaf salad typically consists
of fermented tea leaves mixed with a variety of ingredients to create a unique and
flavorful combination. Since it includes a variety of crunchy beans which make the
best combination for the food that gives an earthy and tangy flavour. The earthy
flavour of the beans complements the tanginess of the lime and the spiciness of the
chili, creating a harmonious blend of flavors.
Critical Thinking Slide

1. Hypnosis

With the use of hypnosis, people can have direct access to their subconscious mind.
This is accomplished by practicing focused breathing and deep relaxation techniques
that help to quiet and control the conscious mind. As a result, people may experience
an altered level of awareness that is characterized by greater relaxation, enhanced
focus, and improved concentration. The conscious mind is calmed under hypnosis,
enabling access to the subconscious mind and potentially altering behaviour, beliefs,
and perceptions. People can use hypnosis to examine their most personal feelings,
memories, and thoughts, which helps them feel better mentally and generally.


a. Induction - begin to relax, focus attention and ignore distractions.

b. deepener - taking relaxation and focus to a deeper level.
c. Suggestion - actual change in experience, behaviour, or perception
d. Emergence - coming out of hypnosis


a. Helpful for pain control

b. Good influence for cancer treatment
c. Some success to treat sleep problems, quitting smoking
d. Reduce mental health issues

2. Meditation

Meditation is an effective method that involves concentrating on one thing, such

as the breath or a recurring sound, in order to improve awareness of the present
moment. It is a method that can be used by one person, and research has proven that
it has several advantages. Meditation helps to focus the mind, which leads to
increased peace of mind, bodily relaxation, and psychological peace. Numerous
individuals have discovered that practicing regular meditation can assist to lessen
tension, worry, and other negative feelings while enhancing general mental and
physical wellness. Meditation is a useful technique for creating a more peaceful and
centered mental state and can be practiced either alone or in a group environment.


1. Reducing negative emotions

2. increasing self-awareness
3. Improving health quality Greater focus


1. Mindfulness meditation
2. Yoga
3. Mantra meditation Transcendental meditation


Critical Thinking Slide

1. Consider your own personality and those of people you know. What traits do
you enjoy in other people and what traits do you dislike?

I have the personality of mixed conscientiousness and agreeableness because well,

I'm the type of person who wants to get things done efficiently, but at the same time, I
don't want to step on anyone's toes or cause unnecessary conflicts. It's like I have this
inner drive to be organized and responsible, yet I also genuinely care about others and
want everyone to be happy.

Traits that I often enjoyed in other people are:

Kindness: People value those who are considerate, understanding, and behave kindly
towards others.
Honesty: Being trustworthy and truthful in open communication.
Empathy: Sharing and understanding others' emotions and a sense of community.
Being trustworthy and responsible is frequently valued since it creates confidence
and a sense of security.

Traits that I dislike in other people include:

Dishonesty: Individuals who lie, trick, or manipulate other people are usually
disregarded by the public.
Arrogance: Overbearing self-importance, condescending behaviour, or a false
impression of superiority can be uncomfortable.
Negativity: People who are constantly down on themselves, whining, or otherwise
having a negative attitude, can be tiring.
Consistent disregard for the needs or feelings of others can cause relationships to
Intolerant people are sometimes despised because they are intolerant of the
differences in others.

2. Consider some of the people who have had an important fluence on you. What
were the personality characteristic of these people that made them so
The people who have had the most influence on me is my mother and my
grandmother because both of them have same personalities of agreeableness and
extroversion. They're like social butterflies, always bringing people together and
making sure everyone feels welcome. I can't even begin to count the number of times
they've taught me valuable life lessons and pushed me to be a better person. They've
taught me so much about kindness and connecting with others, and I couldn't be more
grateful for their influence in my life.

3. Give some examples of how emotional intelligence (or the lack of it) influences
your everyday life and the lives of other people you know.

A person with great emotional intelligence may have developed useful stress-
reduction techniques. They are more likely to maintain composure, evaluate things
objectively, and develop constructive coping mechanisms for stress. On the other
hand, those with low emotional intelligence may find it challenging to control their
emotions, which can increase stress levels and make it challenging to come up with
workable solutions.

I have a sister in my family, who often struggles with managing stress. She has a low
level of emotional intelligence, which means she has difficulty recognizing and
understanding her own emotions. As a result, she often becomes overwhelmed by
stress, leading to emotional outbursts and negative impacts on her well-being. This lack
of emotional intelligence not only affects her own life, but it also creates tension and
unease for those around her, as they often have to navigate through her emotional

I've seen that people with high emotional intelligence typically have relationships
that are better and healthier. Alex, a good friend of mine, is incredibly emotional
intelligent. They are able to emotionally connect with others, actively listen, and
comprehend various viewpoints. They are able to build stronger relationships and
keep enduring friendships as a result. Because of their high emotional intelligence,
they can resolve disputes amicably and provide assistance when required, improving
the lives of those around them.

4. Suppose you spend every Saturday morning volunteering at a homeless

shelter. How do you think your attitude might change if you started receiving
a paycheck for your time?

Well, if I started getting paid for my time volunteering at a homeless shelter, my attitude
might change in a couple of ways. First of all, I might feel more motivated and
committed to showing up regularly because now I have a financial incentive to do so.
Money can be a powerful motivator for many people, and knowing that I'll be
compensated for my time might make me feel more invested in my work.

On the other hand, I might also imagine a possible drawback. Without any expectation
of financial reward, generosity and the desire to have a beneficial impact are frequently
the driving forces behind volunteering. There's a possibility that if I started getting paid,
my motivation would change away from the sincere desire to help people and more
towards the money benefit. Instead of being a volunteer effort motivated by empathy
and compassion, it can turn into more of a job.

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