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This is a fictional novel based on 19th century


Bairn (Scottish) =Child

Aye (Scottish) =Yes
Monsieur (French) =Sir

I woke up at the break of the day. I was very
exhausted, so I rolled on my cot and got sleep again. After one
and a half hour, I woke up again. I could hardly make myself
awake, but imminent I reminded myself something very
important. I got up and came downstairs. My mom was already
in the kitchen. She was tall and very beautiful woman with curly
brown hairs which added in her beauty. Perhaps, she was the
best mother. We belonged to a middle class family and we had
the most common problems which most of the middle class
families have: always money problems.

“Good morning mom.”

“Good morning Henry.”

Then I took a bath, put on school uniform and sat on

the chair. She prepared to me heavy breakfast but it had no
taste for me. So I left unfinished meal, took my school bag and
left home quickly. It was 25th October, 1906. At the end of my
march, in Margaret Street, I waited but no one appeared. I
waited for twenty five minutes. At last a boy, of seventeen,
entered in the street. He was a slim and vertiginous lad. When I
saw him, the fury inside me grew stronger. As he was coming
nearer, I was turning into an uncurbed beast, but I hardly
controlled myself
Firstly he walked towards me, but when he had a sight
over me, he came to a halt. Unfortunately, he was twenty meters
away from me. So in order to not to waste the chance, I stamped
ahead to show that I was on my own way. Having passed
Margaret Street, we entered Corolla Street. At the middle of the
Corolla Street, when he was near enough to me, I could no more
control myself and ran amuck and fell over him. With one push I
sent him falling to the ground, beaten. Within moments, his face
devastated and turned pale with tears and blood from his nose.
Blood petrified me, so I ran away. Things must be confusing to
you, so let me tell you from the very start.

Few months ago, as usual, I was attending my classes
on 25th June. It was sunny, hot and a boring day. After second
class, bell rang for third class. Whole class was expecting Ben,
Latin teacher, but abruptly principal entered in class. A girl
came after principal. She was tall and very gorgeous with long
blonde hairs.
“Dear students! This is your new classmate, Liza,” he

She had a thin face with small piercing eyes and a very
pleasant smile. Every boy sitting in the class stared her with
widely opened eyes and mouth. Fortunately, her role number
was twenty six, one after mine. So she sat beside me. Her
cheeks looked very soft and as white as milk. That day, we had a
very little conversation, but with the passage of time we became
good friends. She was weak in Mathematics, so she usually
needed my guidance and I never refused to assist her. For few
days, I noticed that she ogled me. Whenever, I looked her I found
that she already had been looking me. Within two months, I fell
in love with her. She ran through my mind all those long days.
So I became curious to know more about her.

After a little scrutiny, I had the most satisfactory

information about her. One day, I decided to purpose her. It was
a cloudy day. After fifth class, bell rang so as my heart.

I followed her till the main gate. I was a little nervous,
too. Suddenly she ceased, looked towards me and smiled. Her
pleasant smile made me even more nervous. At last, I purposed
her and fortunately she accepted. It was one of the hardest tasks
for me. I felt like I have been victorious in a great battle. I didn’t
have enough words to expound my excitement.

Then I acted like a prince charming: tried to complete

her every desire, and pushed her all the problems to their
remedies. But unexpectedly, one and a half month ago, things
went astray, and I knew that I was not the reason. She neglected
me. She didn’t know how much it hurt me. Each day I felt like
someone stabbed me directly into my heart. About fifteen days
ago, I saw her with Richard. It staggered as well as angered me.
Richard was a nasty, irresponsible, boring and unprincipled lad.
Fighting with innocents, sickening and irritating juniors and
making fun of others was the only work of his days. And he is
the same lad I punished few moments ago.


I arrived at school and quickly entered in class. I was

shuddering with sweat dripping continuously. My heart drove
faster. I could not find solace for about half an hour. Suddenly,
Liza entered. Instead of ogling, she stared me. Hate and fury
were clearly seen on her face. It hurt me a lot. I felt like someone
has thrown my heart in the fire, where I could see it but could
not take it or heal it. Hate, loneliness and repent were the only
feelings at that time. Simultaneously, I was unable to control my
tears. Time passed very slowly. Finally, the last period ended
and bell rang. I came out and as expected Liza was on the main
gate, waiting for me. I laid my eyes down and intended to pass
her without any conversation. But when I went nearer to her,
she erupted.

“Are you out of your mind?” She asked infuriatingly.

Firstly I remained silent.

“I love you!” These were the only words I could manage

to tell.

“What!” She said sharply.

“Don’t be so silly!” she added.

“Can’t you see that I don’t love you anymore!” she
further added.

“But what about the time we spent together?” I asked


“Just forget it, and don’t dare to come in my way

again!” she said stiffly and went away.

I couldn’t control my tears all the way to home. When I

arrived in Margaret Street, I saw Richard with some other nasty
boys. I knew that he was waiting for me for his retribution. But
the fury inside me overwhelmed all thoughts and I stepped
towards them. When I was near enough to them, Richard came
in my way. Again with one push, I knocked him down. At the
mean while, bunch of nasty boys fell over me. I tried for counter
attack but they outnumbered. So, punches after punches, they
beat me black and blue. Blood came out of my mouth and I was
about to faint. Abruptly, a young man appeared. With one push
he threw all those nasty boys. Nothing was clear to me, but
suddenly, there was a gunshot which brought my mind back to
work properly.


Barely, I stood up and saw the young man lying on the

road with blood gushing out of his belly. As I turned back, I saw
all those nasty boys running feverishly like steeds in Derby.
Young man’s face was turning pale and simultaneously my heart
was running faster and my blood was running cold. I moved
here and there languidly, not knowing what to do. I shouted for
help, but no one seemed to listen because the houses were
away. So I ran towards houses and shouted for help. Some
people emerged from their houses. I took them all and went
towards the place where incident happened. But when we
arrived, there was not any sign of a human being, but only blood
stains on the road appeared distinctly. None of them believed my
story. They scolded me saying that I was telling them a tall story
and was playing tricks with them and went away to their

“Who was that weird man? Where did he go? Is he alive

or dead?” These questions wandered in my mind all the way to
home. When I told my mom all about this, she checked my
forehead which was hot and I was found to have fever.

”Henry, You must be raving,” she said.

“I ain’t!” I replied.

“Dear,” She said softly.

“You need some rest,” she added.

“Come on, have lunch and after that you will go to your
room and rest,” she further added.

I acted upon her instructions. I forgot all about Liza,

but the stranger ran through my mind all that long day. I
searched a lot to get any news about the incident, but
unfortunately I didn’t find anything else. Days passed and I
forgot about him. Those were the most horrible days of my life. I
isolated myself from all the people and left myself all alone with
wistful memories of incident and most importantly Liza which
hurt me the most.


After two months, when I was on my way to school, I

saw a person in the Margaret Street. He reminded me of
someone but unfortunately I couldn’t remember. After a grave
thought, I got him. He was the same stranger who was shot. I
couldn’t believe my eyes. For moments I thought I was raving. To
assure myself I went nearer to him. Now he was near enough to
be seen distinctly. He was the same stranger. It was all like a

”How is this possible?” These were the words I uttered

in shock.

He looked towards me and said, “What bairn? What is


Now I noticed him. He was a tall man with well made

body. He had a handsome face with bright brown eyes. I should
think about thirty eight years old. He wore clean and sumptuous
clothes and an old classical hat. Moreover, he seemed to be a
gentle man.

“Is there any problem, lad?” He asked benignly.

”How can you be alive yet? Are you a ghost? Are you
really here in front of me? Or it’s just my mind’s-eye?” I asked all
these questions in bewilderment and shock.

He seemed to be bewildered.

“What does it mean?” he asked.

”You were shot in front of my eyes. I saw you were

dead, lying on the road with blood gushing out of your belly,” I
said sharply.

“Despite of that, you are in front me alive and kicking,”

I added.

His face turned rubicund and his attitude altered.

“Go away,” he said stiffly and went ahead on his way.

I was suspicious and I knew that something was

wrong. So I decided to reach to its bottom.


From now on, I followed him. Firstly, I learnt his name,

Jack Wilson. Then I learnt more about him. He was a simple,
sober and an alone young man. He talked to nobody and spent
most of his time in his solitary house. Day after day, four
months passed. Finally I decided to meet him to sort out all my
doubts but I was afraid, too. On Sunday morning at ten o’clock,
I dared to knock at his door; his house wasn’t too far away. But
no one responded. I gave another knock, harder. Imminent, I
heard footsteps. And Jack opened the door. He was startled to
see me. I was sure that he could never expect me on his door.

“Come inside,” he said.

I was shocked. I never expected him to let me in, in his

house. I followed him. He slammed the door behind me. There
was not any sign of light. Murkiness surrounded the entire
house. Nothing was visible but the only lamp in his hands
showed us the way and I was very afraid, too.

“Come this way,” he pointed to left.

I followed him. After a little walk, we entered in a small

swarthy room. Murkiness all around added in my fear which
was growing stronger continuously. There was only one window
which was closed and veiled with curtains.

He put the lamp down on the table and went out. He
returned very soon with a bundle of kindling and lit the fire.
There were two arm-chairs put in front of the fire. He asked me
to sit on chair and went out again. My fear reached to its zenith.
Room was a little colder than outside, so I sat besides fire to
avoid catching flu. Very soon, he returned with two bowls of
porridge in his hands and sat on the other arm-chair. He
handed one bowl to me. I swear I was not expecting this. I took
some bits of porridge but fear made it tasteless for me. So I put
the unfinished bowel down on the floor besides fire but he didn’t
seem to notice. I dared not to speak first and neither had he
spoken a single word. So silence surrounded the room for some
time. Finally, he broke the silence and said,
“Henry, stop this.”
I was bewildered as well as startled. How did he know
my name?

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I meant, stop this imprudence.”

There was a short break.

“Stop following me,” he added.

Fear inside me grew stronger.

“How did he know my name? And how did he know
that I had kept my eyes over him for four months?” These
questions rose in my mind.

“Perhaps, he is vigilant,” I said to myself.


Then I started valorously.

”Who are you? I mean what are you? A ghost or an


He seemed to be bewildered by my words.

“What are you talking about? I am a human like you.”

“You were shot in front of me and were about to die,

but abruptly you vanished. And see yet you are alive. Two
months ago, you saved a child when the roof of the house fell
down and unfortunately, you were crushed down beneath the
roof, but yet you are breathing. One month ago accidently, you
fell down from the top of an edifice, but yet you are on your feet.
Even five days ago, you fought with twenty armed dacoits, but
like usual you are in your complete and proper senses. Despite
those entire incidents, should I believe that you belong to

Here I stopped. He was hearkening heedfully. Then he

had a deep heavy breath.

”Now listen,” he said languidly.

“I am a human, but a cursed one. I cannot fall to
death. Shoot me once, twice or as many times you wish to, or
put me in the fire, or throw me in the ocean, or try to kill me
with a sword, or even decapitate me. All are vain. Within
moments all the injuries vanish and I am as fine as before.”

Here he stopped, seeing me in confusion.

“You mean you are an immortal!”

“Immortal! Yeah you can say that,” he replied.

“It’s incredible!” I said in over excitement.

“Is it?”

At the mean while a question raised in my mind.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Don’t be tongue-tied. You can ask whatever you want,”

he replied.

“How old are you?” I asked.

Firstly he smiled. Then after a deep thought he said,

”I was born on 26th July, 1250.”

I was shocked for moments.

”Are you kidding me?” I asked.

“I ain’t,” he replied.

“Madness would be easier to bear than the truth like

this!” I said.

Firstly he smiled but his happy face soon turned into a

sad-looking face.

“You should leave now,” he said softly.

I brought my mind back to home, full of confusions

and strange questions wandering in my mind. Very soon, grey
light faded and night spread its dark cloak everywhere. I tried to
distract my mind, but merely it was blocked on Jack.


I became curious to know more about Jack. So next

day, I secretly missed my school and went to his house. I gave a
rap on the door. Within moments I heard footsteps and like
usual Jack was there, all alone in that dark solitary house. We
entered in the same dark room. And like yesterday, he asked me
to sit on the one of the arm-chair and went out. Suddenly I had
a thought of exploring the house but the darkness and my
growing fear due to it didn’t even let me get out of the room.
Very soon, he returned with the same two bowls of porridge in
his hands. He handed the one bowl to me and sat on the other
arm-chair. I liked his personality. He usually stayed calm and
always spoke succinctly. Having finished last bits of porridge, I
put the bowl on the floor. To make sure that the fire didn’t die
down, he fed it another bundle of kindling.

“What now?” He asked.

Firstly I hesitated to talk, but then I said that I was

curious to know more about him.

“I swear I will not tell anyone,” I added.

Firstly, he remained silent then he said, “I was born on

26th July, 1250. I was twelve when my parents met with their
forefathers. I was thirty-eight when I got this curse and yet I am
thirty-eight,” he stopped.

“Is that all?” I asked.

“How did you get this curse?” I asked intently.

But he didn’t replied and remained silent, so I didn’t

ask again.

“Stop this inspection,” he said.

“Why don’t you go and play with your friends?” he

added rudely.

“I don’t have friends,” I said with teary eyes.

And it was a bitter truth that I was all alone like him.

Firstly, he looked me with all his attention and then

took a deep breath.

“You can come to talk to me, any time,” he said.

I could not say more, so I left his home. I felt like he

was only one who understood me because he was just like me,
all alone. From next day, I paid several visits to him. After about
two weeks, he started showing cordiality towards me and also
we became frank with each other. And with passage of time, we
became good friends. We had a daily conversation at evening
from four to five o’clock. One day I asked him that how did he
spend his long years?

Jack tells the story

I was a gallant and valiant warlord. I fought many
battles. I was admired by everyone for my bravery and
dauntlessness. And trust me bairn, wars are of no use. Yet, all
those horrible scenarios run through my mind. In battlefields,
there was only blood gushing out of all hands. Tyrant warlords
killed every living soul coming in their way. I was one of those
tyrant killers. We turned every living garden into the garden of
death. We subdued every land. You know, what is the most
horrible among all this? We didn’t get anything at last but were
only applauded by kings. Yet, I remember all those kind eyes
and very pleasant smiles. There were fifteen children along with
five women who were enslaved. I asked king to show mercy and
free all those innocent children. But he refused saying,

“You should stay out of this. We have to develop our

fear in people and for that all these slaves must be hanged in
front of all the people.”

“I will not let them die,” I announced loudly.

King stood and retorted infuriatingly that this was

impudence and treason and that merely death would be the
punishment for this.

Despite of that, I raised against king. All the soldiers
surrounded me and the fight began. I fought feverishly and
bravely and killed dozens of soldiers. But suddenly someone hit
me hardly at the back of my head which made me faint. After
few hours, I resuscitated and found myself shackled with
chains. All the people, overcrowded at a place, stared me. I
barely stood. At the mean while, king came and made an

”Now listen to me very carefully. See this traitor,” he

pointed towards me.

“Whosoever would turn against me would be out to

death without mercy. See and learn from this and kneel down in
front of your lord so that I would be kind to you,” he ended.

All the people acted upon his words. One after another
all the slaves along with those innocent children were hanged in
front of all the people. All I could do was to shout and cry as
loud as I could.

“You are going to do dying from my sword,” I

intimidated the king.

“This is treason,” shouted all viziers.

“See this traitor,” said king loudly.

“He is saying to kill your lord,” he talked to people.

“What should be done to him?” asked the king from


“Hang him. Hang him….” All the people shouted.

They hanged me, but it was of no use. They tried to

decapitate me, but it was of no use. Finally they threw me in the
fire, but it was vain, too and I was fine within moments. They
said that I was an enchanter. At last, they put me in a gaol. I
was confined for long fifteen years. Those are the most odious,
the most horrible and the most harrowing years of my life. They
isolated me and put me in an entirely dark room where there
was no any sign of light for fifteen years. I was even unaware
about days and nights. Loneliness and darkness were turning
me into a madman. I began to converse with people, but it was
solely my mind’s-eye.

At last after fifteen year’s long slavery, finally I

succeeded to escape from the gaol. Firstly I went to king for my
retribution. He was imploring for amnesty, but I knew that he
was not worthy enough to rule an empire. So I brought the end
of his life. It took two years continuous meditation to bring my
mind back to my control. From those days, I am trying to forget
my past, its vexations and delays, wars and those tyrant
killings, and all the harrowing incidents including my prison.

Henry tells the story

When he ended, he got tears in his eyes. I could feel

gloom in his voice. He was trying to forget all those horrible
memories. But in the deepest corner of his heart, he himself
knew that those terrible memories would never let him live
peacefully. Although, Jack never showed his sorrows but he was
in severe pain. By the way, days passed and like usual we had
daily conversation.


Everything was fair, but one day Jack shocked me.

Like usual, in evening at about five o’clock, I paid a visit to his
house. It was a cold, wet and grey afternoon, almost evening. We
sat in the same room on the same arm-chairs and finished
porridge. Showing his habitual tranquility, he sat on the arm-

“All the people in the world are not lucky enough to get
this auspicious gift, like you!” I said.

Firstly, he grinned and then his face turned sallow but

I didn’t notice.

“I think, almost you would have completed your every

desire. Ain’t you?” I said grinningly.

“And I don’t think that you could have more desires,” I

added with a loud laughter.

He panted for a while.

“Listen!” he said in a very broken voice.

“I had a wife. I loved her more than anything else in

world. But everyone has to die one day, so she did meet with his
forefathers and left me all alone in the world.

I had many friends, but one by one they all went into
the garden,” He added.

“Which garden?” I asked.

“They all went into The Garden of Death!” He replied.

At the mean while his eyes burst with tears and he let
tears fall on his cheeks.

“Aye, all of them went into The Garden of death,” he

started, “Where birds chant sweetly to wine and dine you.
Where, old and inclined, trees spread their long branches to stop
penetrating rays of the sun hurting you. Where, at night owls
call upon somebody who joins you. Where cold winds always
blow to soothe you. Where there are no yesterdays and
tomorrows. Where there is no one to talk, no one to love and
thus no one to hurt but solely peace and solace, lying under the
soft, quiet earth.”

There was silence for moments. Then he breathed

deeply for a while.

“Aye, I want to meet death!” he said.

“I am longing for it from a long time,” he finished


When I lifted my eyes up, I saw him whimpering. That
day, I felt the severity of his pain. No one in the world even could
imagine his pain. His pain was endless.

All I could do was to hold my tongue and remain silent,

but I could not stop myself from weeping.

He cried for a long time until he could cry no longer.

That day I learnt the importance of being dying. It made me
realize that the death is not a thing to be afraid of, but it is the
only way to get relief of pains and moping life. So we should
welcome it graciously and enthusiastically. The thought of his
endless punishment even made me sadder and I felt like my
hurt will jump up to my mouth. He knew that he was between
devil and deep. I no more could bear the brunt of his words, so I
left him in tears and rushed towards my home.


Next day, reluctantly I went to school. When I reached

school, I found that students had organized a farewell party at
school. Every corner of the school was furnished. There, I saw
Liza. She wore red clothes and was looking splendid. My heart
began to race very fast, so I gave vent to breathe to calm myself
down but the feeling was invincible. I wept when I saw her
pleasant smile. I ran towards the class immediately. Forsooth,
class was vacant so I wept there in loneliness. I wanted to lash
out my anger, so I hit the board as hard as I could and
consequently, I was hurt. I could not stay there, staring Liza, so
I decided to go back to home. But an unexpected thing
happened. At the end of my march at the main gate, I saw Liza
waiting for someone who I thought was Richard. It hurt me a lot.
Having laid down my eyes, I started my walk to pass her but
abruptly she called me. Her voice sounded like a thin glass being
broken. I lifted my eyes up and saw her in tears.

“I am sorry!” She said sadly.

I glared her. And in response, she laid her eyes down

as if she could not look into my eyes.

“I do deserve it!” She said.

“Richard is a black sheep! He cheated me,” she added.

“Please forgive me, or I will die of this unbearable
repent!” she further added.

I got tears. Yet my heart was in pain. I was also longing

for her but I knew that she was solely playing lip service.

“It’s not love. Merely, you are just trying to take me in,”
I replied.

“I ain’t,” she said.

“I loved you a lot. But what did you do in return? You

took me for a ride and then left me out in the cold. And now you
had turned me into a new leaf,” I said.

“I am making a clean breast of your each word but

please forgive me,” she said.

My heart would have molten if I had heard another of

her word. So I did not waste my time in listening her trivial talk
and came out of school rapidly.


I arrived at home and changed my uniform. I was very

sad, so I went to Jack. I gave a rap. Then, I heard footsteps. But
this time Jack asked that who was on the door. I replied that it
was me, Henry. He let me in. like usual, we went into the same
room, but this time he came along with me and sat beside me.
“You are an hour earlier,” he said.

“So if you don’t mind, we could have porridge as per

our daily routine!” He added.

“It’s ok,” I replied.

Then he took an old book and went through it. Its

pages were muddy and worn and its words were indistinct.
Honestly, I didn’t know that in which language the book was
written in. I should guess that he was fond of reading because
he was going through each line vey eagerly. So I didn’t disturb
him until the wistful thoughts of Liza made me weep. When he
heard my sobs, he closed his book and asked me that what was
the matter? I told him everything from alpha to omega.

“I loved her from the bottom of my heart. I am prisoner

in her prison of love,” I said.

He thought gravely for moments.

“Take my advice and accept her sorry.”

“I gave her my heart, but she took it, pinched it to
death and threw it back to me and now every living piece of
heart inside my chest is dead!” I said

He didn’t say a word in reply but remained silent.

Suddenly, clock struck five. He stood and went out. It was time
for porridge. Very soon, he reappeared with same bowls, third of
fourth filled with porridge. But when he was nearer, he slipped
and hot porridge fell over me. Hot porridge made me jump and
shout. He was staggered. He never made any mistake like that.

“I am sorry!” he said apologetically.

“You don’t need to say sorry,” I replied.

I took off my shirt. As I turned to him, I saw him

entirely mused in deep thoughts. He stock stood still with widely
opened eyes as if he was paralyzed.

“Is there any problem?” I asked.

But he was entirely frozen. I went near to him and gave

him a jerk. He seemed to wake up from a horrible dream. He
breathed deeply and quickly as if he was dying.

“Leave immediately!” he said.

“But what happened?” I asked.

“Leave now!” he shouted rudely on me. It was very odd
for me. His rude behavior startled me because he never behaved
like that in our six months amity.


Next day, I went to talk to him. I gave a rap but no one

responded. I gave another hard knock, but no one seemed to
respond. I smote for an hour and returned home desperately. It
was very odd for me. He never did anything like that to me
before. Next day, I paid another visit but again returned home
desperately. Jack has gone somewhere. He was missing. I asked
from his neighbors but nobody knew anything about him. Some
of them even did not know his name. This made me realize that
he was all alone. Next for about six months, I paid daily visit but
there was no any sign of Jack. Being honest, I missed him a lot.
He was my only friend thus I always felt lonely in his absence
which hurt me. I was left all alone.


Anyway, one day when I was passing from his house,

unexpectedly, I heard footsteps inside the house. Immediately, I
came to a halt and rushed towards the house. I knocked the
door as hardly as I could. At the mean while, someone rushed
inside the house wildly.

“Hey Jack! It’s me Henry!” I said loudly.

Loud sound of footsteps faded continuously. Now I

could hear footsteps advancing towards me. Door opened and I
saw a stranger. It was weird to see an odd man in his house. He
had a haggard and a horrifying, scruffy face. His long, turbid
hairs were thrown over his shoulders. He had long dirty beard
and moustache which made him look even more horrible. His
red sinister eyes were locked upon mine. I could feel fear as well
as rage in his eyes. There was a sharp, deep cut mark just below
his left eye, passing through his left cheek to his chin. His vilest
smile petrified me the most.

“Who are you?” stranger asked in grave, horrible voice.

I tried to answer but I was struck dump so could not

even utter a single word.

“Come on lad, give it mouth!” he said furiously.

I could only manage to say my name in answer, Henry.

“How do you know him?” he asked.

“He is my friend,” I answered.

He opened his mouth and laughed a wicked laugh.

There was foul smell in his mouth. I was about to vomit, but I
stood still like a dead man from fear.

“Tell him from me that I want him to be crushed down

the falling house,” he said.

I could feel fury as well as fear in his voice.

“He cannot easily fall to his death!” I stuttered.

Firstly he had a horrible grin over his muddy face,

and then he burst into a loud laughter.

“You know much about him beyond my expectations,”

he said. There was a slight break.

“Trust me bairn, I can put him to death without

mercy,” he said confidently.

He moved back with a grim kind of smile spread over

his haggard face and went away, leaving me in tears. He did find
my tears rather enjoying. Merely, stranger made my blood creep.
Yet, I stood still at my wit’s end.

“What should I do? Where to look for Jack? Who
was that weird man?” all these questions born in my mind.

My heart knocked viciously against my ribs and my

mind raced with strange thoughts which were not there yet. For
once, I thought I had better run away but Jack was my only
friend and I could not leave him alone in that miserable
situation. But all I could do was to look for jack in the town.
Unfortunately I got nowhere to find him. I looked for him in the
entire town, but it was of no use.


I could not find solace for long six days. On seventh

day, after school, when I was on my way to home, I saw Jack
waiting for me outside my home. He never came to my home
before, so I was a little worried. Fortunately, mom was out for
shopping. I was angry on Jack, but worry overwhelmed my
anger and I let him in inside.

“I am sorry,” he said apologetically.

“It’s ok. But here is a problem!” I said anxiously.

“Seven days ago, I found a weird, ugly beard-man in

your house,” I added.

He was dazed.

“Was there any deep cut mark on his face?” he asked.

“Aye, on his left cheek,” I replied.

“He neither appeared to show mercy on you,” I said.

Jack put his head behind his hands and breathed

“I think, now it is time to tell you the plain truth,” he

A long time ago, when I was twelve, some ruthless
dacoits killed my parents pitilessly in pillage. I was left all alone
in this world. I solely had a neighbor of my age, Cyril. With the
passage of time, we became chums. We spent most of our time in
enjoying small treats of life. We wandered here and there all
those long days. All in all, we enjoyed the company of each other,
we were like brothers. Our amity was fabulous and exemplary in
the entire town. There was good rapport between us and in this
way years passed. We were twenty five when tables turned.
Unfortunately, in our town, came a gorgeous woman. I wish she
had never come. She was twenty two. She was a tall woman with
a thin witchelty face and very alluring brown eyes, Elizabeth. She
was adorable and within few months I fell in love with her. I
followed her wherever she went. She also ogled me. And I did not
tell anything to Cyril.

One day, I got news that she had married with a young
man. My heart was entirely cracked. But I was a man of life
upright, so I never agitated her. Even I never tried to find out
that where she lived after marriage. After five months, she came
to me and asked me to marry her. She was in tears which was
unbearable for me. Thus I married her. After few days, I met with
Cyril at night. When he saw me, his eyes burst with tears which
were very strange for me. I never saw him weeping like that.

“You are a wicked man,” he said infuriatingly.

Firstly I was perplexed, and then I knew very shocking

news. It was Cyril, whom she had married.
“You had a misunderstanding,” I said.

“I never knew that Elizabeth was your better half,” I


He was antsy, so he did not listen to my single word

and went berserk. He thought that I betrayed him.

“I loved you more than a brother,” he whispered


“You stole my adorable wife,” he proclaimed and

walked away.

Next day, when I came home, I found Elizabeth dead,

lying on the floor with blood gushing out of her head. She was
hardly hit with a heavy, rigid material. There I found a letter
which said,

I solely came to take her back but refused to return to

me. She humiliated me saying that I was not worthy enough to
have her. I know that she will be dead. But trust me I did not
intend to kill her but it was an accident. Meet me on the hill near
the end of the lake.
Your friend

Rage overpowered me. I solely wanted retribution. I
forgot all about our brotherhood and time we spent together. I
wanted to teach him a lesson by my sword chopping his heart
into pieces. I took my sword and went to hill. Cold night was
about to end when I arrived at the place I was asked to come.
There I saw him, from a far, laughing and talking to himself. He
was turning into crazed man. He hardly made himself calm when
he saw me. He spoke something but due to fast blowing wind his
words were indistinct. I stepped ahead to get nearer. Now we
were near enough to make out words despite the fast blowing

“You betrayed me,” he said infuriatingly.

“I loved you more than a brother but what did you do

in return?” he proclaimed.

“You threw sand in my eye,” he added.

His words were penetrating. Killing someone who is the

apple of your eye is more harrowing and hard than to suicide.

“Stop or you will find my sword in your stomach,” I


Then, I saw a rigid stone in his hands with blood all
over it. He killed her with that stone.

“I am not ashamed of my deed,” he said with a wicked

There was nothing I could see except atrocity and
madness spread over his face. His grim kind of smile added fuel
to my flames. On way to hill, I had thought that I could back the
wrong horse, but he himself had burnt his boats. There was
nothing left for me to live for. So I ran towards him, took hold of
him tightly and let both of us fell down the hill. I had thought
that we both will die, but we fell in a cavern. I was fainted for
about an hour. When I woke up, I saw strange things. Standing
in front of me was an old man. He had long white hairs spread
over his shoulders and long white beard. His red eyes looked
cruel for me. I thought I was raving but it was all a bitter reality.
I should predict from his clothes that he was an enchanter.

“You fool! You wasted my forty year’s idolatry,” he

proclaimed in a very grave voice.

“And now you have to pay for it,” he added.

Then he took his sharp, gleaming sword, spoke

something in Sanskrit and hardly hit it in a big boulder. Sword
was very sharp, so it went through the boulder and was fixed in
it. Then he took some soil and spoke the same Sanskrit words.
Incredibly, the soil soared in the air and turned into a dark mist
which rushed towards me. Then it was absorbed in my body and
I fell down, unconscious. After three days long stupor, I woke up
and found myself in a hamlet near our town. Everything
happened so quickly that I could not get them first.

I had thought that Cyril was dead and Cyril might have
thought that merely he was alive. But unfortunately, both of us
got the curse. And now he is back to kill me. He has now become
a ruthless killer.

I could feel repent in his voice. Although he was trying
to persuade himself, but in the deepest corner of his heart he
knew that he was guilty.

“Do you think that it was all Cyril’s fault?” I asked.


“And what about the things you did? Do you really

think it was right?”

“You tell me, what I could do?”

“You should have left her after you knew that she was
Cyril’s wife!”

His eyes burst with tears. He panted for a while.

“Aye, it was entirely my fault!” he said, “Forsooth, I

could leave her! Indeed I should have left her, but I could not!”

There was a short break.

“I loved her more than anyone else,” he added.

“Last day, when we met at my home, I saw the same
old enchanter in my dream. He told me that my punishment was
over and that the sword fixed in the boulder in cavern is the tool
that can put me to death,” he stopped.

I felt very sorry for myself. He was my only chum, but

now he was talking to leave me forever.

“What can I do?” I asked languidly with a broken voice.

“I want you to join me in journey to get the sword,” he

said. My heart started to run faster. I even could never imagine
seeing Jack dying in front of my eyes.

“But why should I join you?” I asked perplexedly, “I

mean you are an immortal! No one can harm.”

“Trust me bairn! I cannot fall to my death in your


I could not make out his words, but I could not refuse

“Meet me tomorrow in the morning at eight o’clock, we

will set off,” he said and went out. The most difficult for me was
to convince mom that I was going on a trip with my friends.
Anyway, at last she agreed and I got the permission.

Next day, I made my preparations. I took a bag, some

clothes, some food stuff, a pair of shoes and a diary. I was very
excited because I had never been to a journey before. I went to
his home at fix eight o’clock. There, I stood a little meekly,
waiting for his gesture. “Come here,” he said pointing towards
the other rooms where I had never been. He took a lamp which
showed us the way in darkness. There were many small swarthy
rooms, but we walked straight passing all of them. Suddenly, he
stopped and we stood in front of a large wooden door. At the top
of the door was written in capital letters ‘AMMUNITIONS’.

I became more excited. He unbolted the door and we

entered in a swarthy room. Abruptly, fast wind blew from
window which made the fire die down too fast. Nothing was
visible due to darkness which turned us into blinds. Afterwards,
Jack tried to find another lamp by moving here and there blindly
and feeling things with his finger tips, but it was vain. We
moved here and there blindly for about ten minutes. At last,
Jack succeeded to find another lamp and lit the fire in it. I was
amazed to see ammunitions all around. There were swords,
archeries and spears which glittered in the light of the fire. He
took a small sword and handed it to me. However, it was very
sharp. After one and a half hour, we set off for our journey.


Incessantly, we travelled from sunrise to sunset and

rest at night. We travelled from city to city and town to town.
But despite of that journey seemed endless as we crawled
through snail’s pace. Fortunately, Jack had a lot of money to
pay for everything we needed. After two months incessant
journey, we were about to reach our destination, but yet we were
to meet so many troubles. We arrived at the town, Sillock,
almost at evening. There was a big wooden gate as an entrance
to the town. We intended to stay there for night. Fortuitously,
the whole town was to celebrate the night. The whole town was
furnished. The towns itself looked an auspicious view to wine
and dine. We wandered here and there in order to get a room to
stay night in, but due the event all people of the town had gone
somewhere and thus all the homes and buildings were vacant.
After searching a lot, we saw a manager locking the big door of
an edifice. We requested him to give us a room for one night to
stay and he agreed. Indeed we paid for it. Manager behaved like
a good man. He talked politely and treated us like quests.

“Why the whole town is furnished?” asked Jack from

the manager.

“Actually monsieur, in each half decade the whole town

celebrates this night as ‘A Night of Relief’ and I suppose that you
should join us tonight!”

“Of course,” I replied.

Then we put all our stuff inside the room. Jack seemed
unwilling to join us and consequently he refused to come saying
that he would prefer to rest there. I changed clothes and went

“This way,” said the manager pointing his finger behind

the houses and I followed him. On the way, manager introduced
himself. His name was Arthur Brian. He told me that they didn’t
know much about the history of this event. None of them knew
that when this night was celebrated firstly? And neither had
they known why it was firstly celebrated? And that instead of
searching, all the people blindly follow this tradition which was
celebrated by their ancestors.

“By the way, this night is proved to be beneficial for

most of the people,” said Arthur, “Certainly, you would be
amazed monsieur.”

By foot, we crossed all the houses and arrived in a

ground. Hundreds of people were overcrowded there. It was an
amazing view to see so many people overcrowded in moonlit.
There were many shops, too and most of the people were busy in
bargain. There was gladness spread at face of all the people.

Suddenly the whole crowd started moving ahead,

towards minster which was two kilometers away. It was very
hard to get the way among so many people. After few hours’
walk, suddenly the crowd came to a halt. The minster was in
front of us. Afterwards, an old man came out of the minster and
made a speech. When he finished, all the people arranged
themselves in a circle, immediately. I could not make out
anything. Then, they made a great fire at the centre. Its flames
were very high and continuously they fed it with large logs. Then
few people came out of the minster along with many bundles of
white paper in their hands. All the hands there took those
papers. Suddenly, silence surrounded the crowd. No one spoke a
single word. It was very shocking to see a crowd of hundreds of
people staying so quiet, at a time. Honestly I was unable to get

Suddenly I heard a very loud cry which made me jump.

Afterwards, all the people started weeping and crying and
shrieking. My heart drove the fastest than it ever did. I could not
stop myself from shuddering wildly. It was very odd and terrible
to see hundreds of people mourning at the same time. The
sound of their shrieking was so high that for moments I thought
I would turn into a deaf. All the people cried until they could cry
no longer and it lasted for three hour. Those are the longest and
slowest hours of my life.

Even, their cry made my soul to shudder, too. And

three hours, there was silence all around. Afterwards, all the
people threw the papers in the fire. And I could not believe my
eyes for what I saw! I saw that the color of the flame changed
frequently as people threw those papers. Firstly it was brick red,
and then it turned to orange, then yellow, then dark green, and
then it was the normal flame color. I stood still, entirely
shocked. Suddenly, I felt a hand at my shoulder which made me
shout. Then I found that it was Arthur’s hand.

“Hey! What happened?” he asked.

Firstly I panted for while to calm down myself.

“What was that?” I asked shockingly.

Arthur laughed for a while and said, “That is how we

celebrate ‘Night of Relief’!” There was a slight break.

“We all believe that the god of fire would make us forget
those people whose names are written in those papers which we
burn in the fire, so that we would forget our horrible past and
could move ahead to make a bright future, full of happiness.”

“So that’s why they wept last time in the memory of

their beloved ones!”

“Indeed,” he said.

I dunno why, but I believed their tall story and took a

white paper. In capital letters, I wrote ‘LIZA’ and burned it. Then
I could not control my tears. I felt like she was there standing in
front of me, but suddenly the view blurred and slowly she
vanished. Then I wept as long as I could.

“We should go now,’ said Arthur. We came back in the

town, yet all the people were there, overcrowded.

“It is not very much easy to forget people and throw
them out of your mind that is being absorbed in your entire
thoughts,” said I.

“Indeed, But after this night we get a hope,” said

Arthur, “A hope that we could forget them. And it is hope that
has kept us alive and gives us courage to live without our
beloved ones. Forsooth, we try our best to do so,” he said.

“By the way, I saw you writing a name. Who was she?”
he asked. I was too sad to answer, so remained quiet.

“Lad, remember that,” he said, “Pain is inevitable. You

cannot hide or run from it, it’s like your shadow. So learn to
accept the pain. When you accept the pain, it no longer hurts

There was a short break.

“The paste is the paste. Let your past be killed and

don’t let it destroy your future,” he added.

His words were very deep. And his words gave me a

new hope, a hope that I can live without Liza.

“My dear!” he said, “That is what we call it Life.”

“So don’t waste it. You would never get it back.”

After two hours’, walk we arrived at edifice. Jack was

already asleep. I could not get sleep for few hours for wistful
thoughts of Liza raised unrest inside me. Candidly, I did not
remember when I got sleep, but I woke up late at 11 o’clock. Yet,
we were to cross two high hills and a hillock where we were to
search for cavern which was there anywhere. We rested in the
town for two more days in order to get relief of the tiredness. On
third day, we bought enough food for ten days and set off to
finish the journey.

“Adieu! Messieurs, said Arthur, “Have a pleasant

journey to you!”

These were the last words I heard from him.

“He is a good man,” said Jack.

I never heard him talking about anyone. And I never

expected a rude man like him to say nice words about anyone.

“Is that a heartbeat I heard inside that empty chest?” I

asked grinningly.

He smiled and did not say a word. We came out of the

town and at the north of the town I could see high hills. Hills
were very difficult to cross. There were big, reddish boulders
everywhere. It took two days to cross the first hill which was a
little less tall than the second one. Noon hours were very
harrowing to travel because the sun entirely baked us. The more
near we were getting to our destination the more sad I was
becoming because I was not ready to see my one and only friend
dying in front of me. Anyway, on fifth day we were on the second
hill. The hill was entirely desolate. There was not any sign of life
surviving there. Neither any plant nor animal and neither any
bird appeared to fly above us. There was only barren land with
rigid, reddish boulders everywhere. We had sparse water
remaining because we drank a lot. At noon, we were very
exhausted and sun was baking us, too. So we decided to rest in
the shadow of a big boulder in order to avoid the hot rays of and
sun and to soothe ourselves.


We slept till night. Abruptly, sound of footsteps woke

up us. When I opened my eyes, I was startled to the see the
awful scenario. We were surrounded by odd people. They all had
sun burnt face with hooked nose. They were tall and looked very
strong and all of them wore leaves of banana, and moreover they
held pointed wooden spears pointing towards us. They were
tribe people. I had heard about tribe people, but I never saw
them before so I was amazed to see them. When we tried to
converse, they assaulted us. Jack fought bravely, but he was
exhausted. Abruptly, we were hit hardly by some of them and we
fell down, unconscious. After few hours’ stupor, I resuscitated
and found myself in a big cave, bound with strong ropes. Fire
burning at the every corner of the cave made it lit enough to see
everything distinctly. Jack also laid down on the soil beside me.
When one of the tribal men saw me, he ran away. Within few
minutes, all the people surrounded us. Every pair of eyes stared
us shockingly, the same way I stared them. There was bad smell
in the vicinity. All the tribal people talked each other
indistinctly. Honestly, I could not make out their language.

Beyond the crowd, came an imperious voice.

Afterwards, all people took their place on either side and made a
path. There, came another tribe man. He looked much stronger
than all others and he wore a crown of leaves. It was clear that
this man was their king. I called Jack loudly to wake up him.
The man with crown came nearer and stared us. At the mean
while, Jack woke up. Then the man looked towards the crowd
and told them something. Suddenly, all the tribe people shouted
jubilantly and simultaneously, many of them ran out and within
few minutes returned with kindling. They gathered a heap of
kindling and with two rigid stones they lit the fire.
“What are they going to do with us?” I asked Jack.

“Certainly, they are going to cook us to death,” replied


Fear inside me grew stronger and I could not hold my

tears. Jack did not seem to notice. Suddenly, their king started
stepping towards us with a sharp, pointed spear in his hands.

“We are in horrible catastrophe!” I said loudly.

He came nearer and now he stood in front of me. His

red cruel eyes made my blood creep. Jack shouted to catch his
attention, but he did not notice him. Then he moved his spear
high in the air. I was sure that it was the end of my life. So at
the mean while, I laid my eyes down and breathed heavily. But
jack was stubborn.

He shouted incessantly and at last, when the king was

about to attack, Jack spat on his face. All the tribe people
shouted infuriatingly. King’s face went red with fury for he could
not put up with his disgrace. So he stepped aside towards Jack,
moved the spear high in the air, laughed wickedly and hit Jack
as hardly as he could. Spear went through his belly, chopping
his flesh. Jack shrieked wildly of agony. He was lacerated. Blood
gushed out of his body. All the tribe people seemed to enjoy for
they were shouting pompously. I could not hold my tears for I
could not see Jack in extreme pain. I felt very sorry for him. But
suddenly, Jack took hold of spear and pulled it out of his belly.
And within few minutes, the wound healed itself. All of them
looked Jack with widely opened eyes. It seemed that they could
not believe their eyes for what they saw. Then one of them
shouted loudly, “Deus…Deus.”

Then all of them knelt in front of us and yelled wildly

and shouted, “Deus! Deus……..”

“What is the matter,” I asked Jack.

“As I think, they believe that I am god!” replied Jack.

Firstly I was bewildered, but then I got a good idea to


“Can any of you understand us?” I asked from the

crowd. But they did not seem to listen as they were crying and

I asked again, very loudly and all of them quieted. Now

every pair of eyes stared me. I repeated my question, but none of
them responded. Afterwards, I heard a shout and an old man
among the crowd stepped ahead. Having laid his eyes down, he
knelt in front of me with his head down.

“I can lord!” said the old man.

“We did not know that you are god. So please forgive
us!” he added.

The whole crowd heard the old man heedfully.

“We are not gods!” I said.

Old man was staggered and bewildered.

“But we are the angels of the god,” I added.

Now old man paid more attention.

“We are sent here for a holy purpose. So only if you

would let us go, we would ask god to declare amnesty for all of
you. On the other hand, if any of you would harm us again then
be ready for the terrible consequences and demolition.”

Then old man stood on his feet, turned to the crowd

and translated my words in their language. Afterwards, their
leader spoke to them and said something to the old man.

“What did he say?” I asked from old man.

“He said that none of us will harm you and that you
could go whenever you want,” said old man.

“However, we want you to stay here for nigh so that we

could soothe you. So that may god show mercy on us for being
kind with his angels,” he added.

I pretended to think gravely and then willing decided to


When the old man told them, all of them shouted


“We are already late. We need to go now,” said Jack.

“Probably you are right, but it is cold outside even we

have sparse food and we are exhausted, too. So it will be better
for us to stay here tonight,” I replied.

Jack seemed content, so he did not ask to leave again.

Then two of them came nearer, they were hesitating to come
nearer, and unbound us. There was dancing all around. It
seemed a great festival for them. I felt sorry for them for we were
throwing sand in their eyes, but there no other way to save
ourselves. They all chanted happily, but honestly I could not get
any single of their word.

“My name is Gonzo,” said the old man, “And we call
ourselves Tomorose.”

Then I had a little conversation with the old man.

Honestly, I enjoyed a lot being in mixed. They brought

us meat in a large banana leaf. Although meat was austerely
cooked however, it was tasty. We were exhausted, so Jack and I
went to sleep after finishing meat whilst all the tribal went on
enjoying the whole night. Next morning we woke up when sun
was about to rise. We prepared for further journey. They brought
us cooked meat for our journey.

“I hope god would declare amnesty for all of you,” I said

to Gonzo. Then he told them all and all of them seemed satisfied.

“I hope you would succeed in your holy purpose,” said


We left them all and began our journey. After few

hours’ walk, we stood at the base of the hillock. Suddenly Jack
pushed me behind a boulder. He was hiding from something.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Look there,” said Jack pointing towards the cave of

that tribe.
It was Cyril, coming down the previous hill.

“We need to move faster,” said Jack.

We climbed by leaps and bounds, but it took many

hours till night. We continued to travel even in the dark night.

But it was so dark that it was impossible to search the

cavern. So we slept on the other side of hillock. Next day, we
started to search. After four hour’s incessant search, at last we
succeeded to find it.


We entered in the cavern. It was in the dark, away from

the light of sun at the day and light of moon at night. There were
bones and skeletons of humans everywhere on the soil. There
were horrible sketches and marks on the walls. I was a little
horrified. At the ending corner of the cavern, there was a sword
fixed in a stone.

“Go and pull the sword out of the stone,” said Jack.

“What?” I asked frantically.

Then he repeated again.

“Do you know why I was out of the town for long seven
months?” he asked.

“I dunno!” I replied.

“To get some answers,” he said.

“Blood brought this curse and only the same blood can
bring the cure that is the sword,” he added.

“No one in the world can pull the sword out of the
stone except you,” he further added.

I was bewildered.

“Take off your shirt, lad.”


“Just do what I said.”

I acted upon his words and took off my shirt.

“Now, see at the back of your left shoulder.”

I saw a mark which I used to think, I got from an injury

in childhood.

“Now, go and see at the handle of the sword,” he said.

I was startled as well as bewildered to see the same

mark on the handle of the sword fixed in the stone.

“I hope you got it.”

“No, no, no. That is not possible!”

“It is!” he said, “You are the last heir of that sorcerer.”

“You mean, I am a sorcerer, too!”

“Yup, it is in your blood,”

It was unbelievable. It was all like a horrible dream.


Abruptly, we heard footsteps; it was Cyril entering in


“Go and take the sword,” shouted Jack.

Then they both crossed their swords fiercely. It was

very hurting to see two best friends trying to kill each other.
Anyway, I ran towards the sword and pulled it as hard as I
could, but it was vain. Sword was stuck in the stone. I
continuously pulled it and nothing worked. Then I remembered
Jack’s words that the same blood can pull the sword out. Then I
took my sword and cut my hand to bleed. Afterwards, I took
hold of the sword. Blood flowed down all through the sword. And
then after a feverish pull, sword was in my hands. Both of them
went on fighting feverishly. Jack kicked hard and Cyril fell away.

“Throw it to me!” said Jack. At the mean while I threw

the sword but simultaneously Cyril stood and kicked Jack.
Sword fell away. Cyril quickly stood on feet and took the sword.
He had the sword, held in his hand. He laughed wickedly, moved
the sword high in the air and stabbed Jack. Sword went through
his chest, chopping his heart. Jack fell on the soil. Blood flowed
from his chest as well as his mouth.

He pulled the sword out with a loud scream. But this

time something was strange. His wound did not heal.

“It is working!” he said languidly.

Then he barely stood, rushed towards Jack and hit him

hard with the sword and both of them fell down the hillock. I
stood still and shouted as loudly as I could. Then I rushed down
the hillock, but when I arrived it was too late. I saw both of them
dying. It was very horrible. During last breathes, I saw a smile
widely spread over Jack’s face. I was very sad. But what brought
me the greatest satisfaction was that at last he got relief of the
pangs. His endless punishment was over now. I entombed both
of them in the cemetery beyond moors, away from that town and
hill. There were inclined trees above every grave. After two days,
I went to his grave to pray for his solace.

“I hope you will be at peace now,” I said standing above

Jack’s grave.

“Who knows the unquiet dreams of those lying under

the soft, quiet earth?” said the old man standing above the grave
next to Jack.

“I am certain. Monsieur,” I said.

The old man smiled and went away.

I am sixteen and this is my first complete novel. So
if any reader finds mistakes, I will be grateful to learn from
them if they would inform me, willingly.


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