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VCE Corporate Skill Improvement Program

CSD Report Format

● Download this format in .docx and then prepare the summary in it and upload
Intern’s Details


College Name Institute of Public Enterprise

NOTE: Please watch all the videos from then

attempt to make the summary. Download this format, answer it and then save the file as CSD task in
your task google drive.

Please summarize the learning you got from the first video session of CSD.

Summary Session 1:

1. The skills necessary to join and stay in the corporate work culture are the major topic of the
course. When you apply for a job, your skill set is most important. Documentation or
credentials mean little if you didn't gain some important skills while pursuing them. While in
school, one should work on their communication skills by engaging in academic pursuits or
by learning how to interact with people of the opposite gender. Having good communication
skills is essential.
2. Important skills needed for employment in organizations include the following:
3. 1. Their capacity to develop their academic abilities and pursue courses in line with their
5. 2. Another essential ability is knowing how to use computer programs like Word, Excel, and
6. 3. Reporting and documentation abilities.

500 Words (Max.)

Please summarize the learning you got from the second video session of CSD.

Summary Session 2:

The first stage is to decide what you want to do; the next is to start planning how you will do it, how
you will prepare, and how much time you will spend to it. You must put a lot of work into whatever
you have planned for the future and make all the required preparations. Because success in any
topic is impossible without preparation. You must have faith in your skills. Even if all you intend to
do is apply for jobs, you still need to be prepared, aware of your skills, and in possession of a well-
formatted resume.

CSD Summary Report Page 1

VCE Corporate Skill Improvement Program
CSD Report Format

According to an adage that goes, "Follow your passion," what it really implies is to go after what you
Think about what success is right now. Most people can't explain it; they just want to succeed. Only
one thing may define success at any given time. One should only have one goal at a time, and
success is determined by achieving that goal. People do a lot of different things in an effort to
achieve, but while doing so, they overlook the most important step they need to take.

Success for me would be getting a job, starting to make money, and becoming independent. You
decide what success means to you; everyone has their own definition. Don't let other people define
your definition of success. By pursuing your goals, you can determine your own definition of
500 Words (Max.)

Please summarize the learning you got from the third video session of CSD.

Summary Session 3:

Here are some important lessons that everybody has to learn.

1. Steer clear of politics. Refrain from participating in political matters. It's completely acceptable to
watch the news to stay informed, but it's not acceptable to take part in conversations and debates.
2. Make an effort to remove negative people from your life. Stop chasing after those that don't care
about you or your supporters.

3. Start the negotiation. Don't waste money on things you don't want.

These things are crucial because they help us manage our time and energy more effectively. Avert
squandering your time and energy on several unnecessary activities. Try to be energy-conscious.
Time and energy remain constant. Understanding how much energy you should expend and
conserve will help you be more productive.
You always picture yourself in a position that you want soon, regardless of who you are or what you
want to do. Everyone has a purpose they want to fulfil and a means by which to do so. Your family
and your health are important in life. Don't get distracted by other useless activities that aren't even
related to your objective; instead, focus on the things that are essential to your achievement.
The following are the factors that are crucial for learning new abilities, which you cannot achieve
unless you develop the habit of refraining from doing unneeded activities. Maintaining our time and
energy will improve our productivity and allow us to concentrate on the tasks that are essential for
reaching our objectives.

500 Words (Max.)

Please summarize the learning you got from the fourth video session of CSD.

CSD Summary Report Page 2

VCE Corporate Skill Improvement Program
CSD Report Format

Summary Session 4:

There are three different forms of sensitivity analysis, each of which has a significant impact on
your life:

1. Examining the sensitivity of theory Theoretical sensitivity analysis is the study of how different
sources of input uncertainty can be divided up and assigned to the output uncertainty of a
mathematical model or system. Sensitivity analysis is used by scientists, data scientists, engineers,
and medical professionals.
2. Sensitivity analysis in practice Practical sensitivity analysis, sometimes referred to as sensitivity
analysis to comprehend, is used when you need to be selective about your selections. Realizing
what matters most is a necessary step. Important information about sensitivity analysis that
students frequently find difficult to understand. Being sensitive is putting your attention on what
matters to you rather than on what doesn't. Test scores are not as significant as intelligence.
Communication is more crucial than English language ability. Whether you dropped out is
irrelevant. Most political parties operate in a practical-sensitive manner. One will be more sensitive
as a voter when it comes to water, roads, and other resources, but more so when it comes to

500 Words (Max.)

Please summarize the overall learning and your feedback about VCE CSD Program

Overall Summary and Feedback:

This concludes a company skill development programme and provides an overview. This will be a
brief overview of the broad subjects that are covered in this programme. There were four
summaries before on four separate components of the corporate skill development programme.
The lessons from all the video sessions are listed below.

1. 1. In the first video lesson, "Analyzing the Skillset," the topic is simply what skill sets are
required for employment in a corporate setting and which ones shouldn't be listed on a
resume. The emphasis of the video session is on identifying the skill sets that a person
already possesses as well as those that they still need to acquire.
2. 2. "Defining Success" is the title of the second video lesson. It all boils down to how you
define success and create your own definition. People succeed when they have three
important Ps: passion, purpose, and practicability. In order to succeed, you basically need to
have no doubts about anything—your skill, passion, goal, or anything else.
3. "Time and Energy Management," the third video session, covers energy management. You're
not very energetic..

CSD Summary Report Page 3

VCE Corporate Skill Improvement Program
CSD Report Format

I thus pledge to do the following after completing the VCE CSD program: 1. Eliminate hazardous
2. Therefore, upon completion of this VCE CSD curriculum,

3. I pledge not to squander my time or efforts.

4. Start a sensitivity analysis.
5. Engage in any activity that will advance my skills.

500 Words (Max.)

Please add blocks for if needed.

CSD Summary Report Page 4

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