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Proyecto Profesional Nivel 1 a 6

Presentado por: Franz Mauricio Castro Barahona

Una segunda lengua es una herramienta de inserción en el mundo laboral, este proyecto es
un recorrido en 6 pasos para preparar a los estudiantes con estrategias usadas hoy para tal
1. Looking for the right job path.
2. Being successful on a job
3. Getting through a telephone interview.
4. Being the best option for a company and feeling confident through in-person interviews.
5. Using my skills and training to help solve problems or needs by getting insight into a target
6. Encouraging professionals to meet and engage with one another to build valuable
Level 1: Looking for the right job
Leading Question: What do I need to know about careers, industry trends and job skills requirements?
Objective: Researching careers and occupations salaries, job descriptions, educational – professional requirements.
Product: An infographic describing main activities and routines on the job, education – professional training, salary and job
trends. Class sharing.
● Work in pairs and decide which job you are basing your reseach on. Take the informations from the following web pages
comparing and gathering the best information.
● Inform the teacher and the class what job you will be researching to avoid repetition.
● Base on the information gathered from the webpages provided, make a presentation.
First term: In an infographic present your resaerch including a description of the main activities and routines on the job,
education – professional training, salary and job trends.
Second term: Present the information to the class in an interactive way.
Level 2 : How to be successful on a job
Leading Question: Which skills I need and how to improve them to successfully perform a job?
Objective: Finding about what are and the importance of Hard and Soft Work Skills.
Product: A mind map with the Hard and Soft Skills requiered according to a profession exercise. A game that help
improve a soft skill.
● Watch:
● In pairs choose a profession, tell your teacher to avoid repetition with other classmates and define hard skills to
chosen profession.
● Then go and choose important soft skills for the profession you chose.
● Design a mind map with the information of the hard and soft skills for the job.
● Choose a soft skill inform the teacher and the class to avoid repetition and research an exercise or a game to
improve such skill.
Fisrt term: Present the teacher a mind map with the information researched about the skills to successfully perform
the profession you chose.
Second Term: Explain the mind map to the class. Run a game or an exercise to show how to improve the chosen soft
Mind map example
Interactive game example
Active Listening game

The Drawing Game

● Participants must follow instructions on how to draw something without asking any questions.
● If you are trying to complete a task and do not have the ability to ask questions, this naturally forces you to listen
more carefully.
● The game leader can give instructions on how to draw anything, such as an animal or a simple object.
● The longer the list of instructions, the better.
● You want to make sure the game is challenging enough that team members have to really concentrate in order to
understand and follow the instructions.
Level 3: Having a good phone interview
Leading Question: How to respond job postings and how to drive a phone interview?
Objective: Creating a job posting for classmates and running a phone interview to possible candidates.
Products: Job Posting and a phone interview.
● Work in pairs. Search for an interesting job on some of these websites:
Zip Recruiter
Idealist (for jobs at nonprofits)
LinkedIn (A fantastic resource for salary research) (for jobs at businesses)
Create a job posting for the job opening you chose, follow this example:
(Company name, address, city)
We are looking for a/an _________________________!
We are a _______________ (think of the sort and mission of a company) company.
Our office is in ________ (place to perform the job) and you will work in our ___________ department.
We would like you to ________________________ (think on the duties and hard work skills) _____________.
We need someone who is ______________________ (think on the soft work skills required for the job).
The hours are ______________ (think of the working our time an make it attractive for candidates, use flexible timing and/or
other attractive strategies for candidates).
You will receive and monthly salary _____________________
(Person in charge of the hiring process in human resources)

● Posts your job opening and join another pair who might be interested on the job. The four of you need to prepare two
phone interviews and record them on: or any other way that is best for you.
● Watch these videos to get ideas on how to have a phone interview in the two sides as the interviewer and interviewee.
Phone Interview questions and answer you can use:
First term: Turn in a creative job posting to the teacher and share it with classmates.
Second term: Bring a recording of the two interviews to get teacher and class feedback.
Job posting examples
Phone interviews examples
Level 4: Applying for a job position: Cover letter and
in-person interviews.
Leading Question: How to show a company that you studied them and the job you are applying for?
Objective: Creating a cover letter to respond a job opening and running two in-person interviews.
Products: Cover Letter and in person interview.
● In pair search for an interesting job opening on LinkIn, USJOBS, Idealist, or any other jobs webs.
● Focus on the requirements as write a cover letter to respond the job opening. Follow the template:
(Candidate name)
(Address, City, Contact number, e-mail address)
(Director/ Chief / human resources or representative’s name)
(Company Name)
(Address, City)
(Contact number)
(Company e-mail address)
REF: (Job posting title that you are applying to)
Dear (Sr/Ms/Mrs)
Paragraph 1: I am contacting you to express my interest in the (position name). (Say you meet the requirements of the position using quali fication and
educational, think of the hard work skills you need for the job).
Paragraph 2: (On this paragraph think of work experiences you would need for the job and imagine you have it and express it in this paragraph. (Finish the paragraph making
up some achievements and contributions you have made on previous organizations related to the job duties, such as increasing sales, or rising productivity, etc.)
Paragraph 3: (In this paragraph talk about how you have the soft work skills required for the position with examples from previous jobs).
Closing line: I am happy to move ahead with an interview to discuss the possibility of joining (company name)’s team. Please feel free to c ontact for additional details of
background or to schedule a time we can meet. I look forward to hearing from you.
(Candidate name)
(Contact number)
(E-mail address)
• Join another pair and prepare two interviews. Get some ideas from:
First Interview: In person - 1st time (with team)
Watch this video: for ideas on the first interview
Second interview: In person - 2nd time (with director)
Being Persuasive-
Watch this video:
The Office - Sales
● Knowing your strengths
Look at Dwight and Jim
● Knowing your audience and Reading your audience
Look at Phyllis and Michael
Look at Andy
● Doing your research; BE PREPARED
Look at Ryan and Stanley
● Using your knowledge where it’s appropriate
Look at Dwight and Jim
Look at Michael
• First term: In pairs turn in a cover the letter.
• Second term: In groups of four exchange cover letter and perform two in-person interviews.
Cover Letter Examples

9 / 03 / 20023

Luis Rodríguez
Application for employment
Dubai Festival City Mall

Dear Mr. Rodriguez

I read with interest the information today about your new expansion in Asia and would like to know if
you have an opening for an environmental engineer with more than 2 years of experience.

As you will see in my resume, I have considerable experience in environmental processes and
methods that lead to excellent energy efficiency. I am currently working at Gesco Environmental
Integral Services, where my most recent achievement has been to be the director of projects and
environmental licenses. This has allowed the company to have a great national recognition, standing
out for its compliance and vocation of service to the environment.

Since my contract with the company is for a definite term and it is coming to an end, I wish to continue
with my career and expand my experience by putting my previous knowledge, which can be very
useful in this company. I consider that your company offers the job opportunity that I am looking for
to help from my knowledge to improve the environmental impacts that your company can generate.
My main objective is to direct my career towards the improvement of environmental standards and
mainly to carry out everything related to the energy transition.

I would like to be contacted at or +573178037665, if you are interested in

my services.

John y Esteban Molin a Guzm an

In Person Interviews Examples
Level 5: Helping solve problems in my community.
Leading Question: How to undertand thoughts and feeling from the community?
Objective: Thinking on empathetic ideas to help the community using our degree knowledge.
Product: An empathy map on community problems or needs providing solutions to them.
● In groups of maximum three students, you need to think on what kind of problems from your degrees you can
help to your community. Study what an Empathy Map is about on:
● After identifying a problem or a need you feel empathetic with, run interviews to people who can possibly
benefit with a solution you might want to develop using questions made from the Empathy Maps templates
● With the information gather tailor an Empathy Map.
● Finally, you need to brainstorm solutions for the problem and make an oral report of both the Map and your
possible solutions.
First term: Turn in your Empathy Map
Second term: Present your EM to the class and explain the possible solutions.
Empathy Map Examples
Level 6: Encouraging innovative ideas to build connections
Leading Question: How to innovate and be visible to a target audience?
Objective: Innovating using the Design Thinking strategy to create a response or solution for a
community problem or need.
Product: An Idea Pitch as the product based on Design Thinking Model stages to present it in a
Business Networking Event.
Process: Make groups of maximum three, identify a problem or a need you feel empathetic with and create a
possible solution following the required steps:

● Visit and watch the TED talk about Design Thinking. Follow the guidance and take notes. Think out of the box, be
creative, innovative to new solutions to tackle the problem or the need you feel empathetic with.
The five steps you need to gather information are:
Stage 1: Empathize
Stage 2: Define
Stage 3: Ideate
Stage 4: Prototype
• Then, create an Idea Pitch Oral presentation considering the 6 the six steps and speech model.

The Idea Pitch:

This generic pitch can be as formal as a business pitch or as casual as a meeting presentation. Essentially, someone
convinces an audience to buy into or implement their idea. For example, a marketing employee may present an idea
for improving their social media strategy to their colleagues.
Remember to consider the six steps on your pitch:
Step 1: Start with a problem or story.
Step 3: Explain what your idea will do with a pitch deck or demo
Step 4: Use proof points, real examples, and successes
Step 6: Close with a clear call to action.
First term:
Present and explain your prototype as the result of the steps of the Design Thinking Process.
Second term:
Write down a script of the Idea Pitch using the speech templates on
ideas/. Study your Pitch and present it in a stand on a Business Networking Event where you are using your prototype
and the Pitch to the audience.
Design Thinking and Pitch Model Examples
Design Thinking and Pitch Model Examples

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