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The Avogadro constant is the number of particles in one mole of particles. It has a value of 6.022 x 10 .

1 a) One dozen golf balls have a mass of 551.16 g. Calculate the mass of one golf ball (give your answer to 3
significant figures).

551.16 = 45.9 g

b) Three dozen table tennis (ping pong) balls have a mass of 97.20 g. Calculate the mass of one table
tennis ball (give your answer to 3 significant figures).

97.20 = 2.70 g
12 12
c) One mole of C atoms balls have a mass of 12.000 g. Calculate the mass of one C atom (give your
answer to 3 significant figures).
12.000 = 1.99 x 10 g
6.022 x 10
197 197
d) 5.0 moles of Au atoms balls have a mass of 984.8 g. Calculate the mass of one Au atom (give your
answer to 3 significant figures).
984.8 = 3.27 x 10 g
5(6.022 x 10 )

2 a) One cricket ball has a mass of 162.0 g. Calculate the mass of two dozen cricket balls (give your answer
to 4 significant figures).

2 x 12 x 162.0 = 3888 g
63 -22 63
b) One Cu atom has a mass of 1.045 x 10 g. Calculate the mass of 3.0 moles of Cu atoms (give your
answer to 4 significant figures).
23 -22
3 x 6.022 x 10 x 1.045 x 10 = 188.8 g
109 -22 109
c) One Ag atom has a mass of 1.808 x 10 g. Calculate the mass of 0.02500 moles of Ag atoms (give
your answer to 4 significant figures).
23 -22
0.02500 x 6.022 x 10 x 1.808 x 10 = 2.722 g

© 22-May-2018 Chemsheets GCSE 1091

particle mass / g
3 The mass of a single proton, neutron -24
and electron are shown in the table. proton 1.673 x 10
neutron 1.675 x 10
electron 9.110 x 10

a) How many protons, neutrons and electrons are contained in an atom of !!Li?

protons = 3 neutrons = 4 electrons = 3

b) Calculate the mass of one atom of !!Li using your answer to (a). Give your answer to 4 significant figures.
-24 -24 -28 -23
(3 x 1.673 x 10 ) + (4 x 1.675 x 10 ) + (3 x 9.110 x 10 ) = 1.172 x 10 g

c) Calculate the mass of one mole of atoms of !!Li using your answer to (b) and the Avogadro constant. Give
your answer to 4 significant figures.
23 -23
6.022 x 10 x 1.172 x 10 = 7.059 g

4 Using the information in the table in question 3, find the mass of a neutron and an electron relative to the
mass of one proton. Give your answers to 3 significant figures.
neutron 1.675 x 10 = 1.00
1.673 x 10
electron 9.110 x 10 = 0.000545
1.673 x 10

Area Strength To develop Area Strength To develop

Done with care and thoroughness Find the mass of many atoms given the mass of one, moles and the
Avogadro number

Shows suitable working Knows how many PNE in an atom

Find the mass of a single item given the total mass and the number Add up the mass of individual particles

Find the mass of an atom using Avogadro number and moles Can find the mass of particles relative to each other

Can use sig figs Gives units

Find the mass of a many item given the mass of one and the number

© 22-May-2018 Chemsheets GCSE 1091

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