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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol

Competency : Differentiate the concept, elements, and characteristics of belief system, world
view, religion, and spirituality
Reference : Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems
by Ong and Jose (2016), pp. 4-10
Copyright For classroom use only

LESSON 1: Concept, Elements, and Characteristics of Belief System, Worldview,

Religion, and Spirituality


Every individual sees and interprets the world quite differently from one another. This overall perspective
is also termed worldview which is a collection of beliefs about life and the universe being held by people
(The Free Dictionary 2014). For a certain individual, social environment and upbringing are critical in the
development of a religious life. All these factors have an effect on how people organize their beliefs and
ideas while eventually creating a comprehensive narrative through which they look at the world and
interrelate with it.

Theism, often used as a synonym to monotheism, is defined as “a belief in the existence of one god viewed
as the creative source of the human race and the world who transcends yet is immanent in the world”
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2014). Monotheistic religions claim that there is only one God who could
have designed and created the universe or may have directed all events that led to the creation of everything.
There is one supreme God who is both personal and moral, and who seeks a total and unqualified response
from humans (Hick 1990). Modern-day examples of monotheistic religions include Judaism, Christianity,
and Islam. On the other hand, polytheistic religions that are common among early people recognize many
principal gods among whom no one is supreme. These include the ancient religions of Egypt, Greece, and
Rome wherein people worship a multitude of personal gods. Meanwhile, monism asserts that there is no
genuine distinction between God and the universe. Two implications arise from this belief. Firstly, it
contends that God is dwelling in the universe as part of it. Secondly, the universe does not exist at all as a
reality but only as a manifestation of God. Furthermore, while atheists deny the existence of God, agnostics
deny the possibility for man to acquire knowledge of the existence of God.


Religion may be defined as “an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god
or a group of gods” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2014). The Latin word religio refers to “something done
with overanxious or scrupulous attention to detail” (Bowker 1997). This term may have probably been
derived from the Latin verb religare which means “to tie together, to bind fast.”
In its original sense, the word refers to expression of proper piety, that is, binding to god (Grassie 2010).
Quite later, religion was used to designate formal belief systems and tenets. The term was eventually applied
to what we now call as religion because of the manner in which people performed rituals during those days.
While religion may be universal in all stages of human history, it does not follow that all individuals are
religious or even religious to some degree (Parrinder 1971).


A comparative analysis of major religions reveals that an important characteristic of their belief system
focuses on the longing for value in life (Parrinder 1971). For thousands of years, people have been searching
and yearning to understand the mystery of life and the universe. There may come a point in time when an
individual realizes that life is not entirely accidental and meaningless (Parrinder 1971). This is where the
concept of spirituality comes in with the term “spiritual” being defined as “relating or affecting the human
spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things” (Oxford Dictionaries 2014). One author points out
that it is quite common for people to say that they are “spiritual, not religious” (Grassie 2010). Spirituality
may be manifested in quite a number of ways. For example, a person may believe in the presence of an
overwhelming power greater than oneself or perhaps a person can be fully mindful of one’s purpose in life.
That person can also have a feeling of oneness or a bond with other living beings.



‘Belief system’ refers to a particular way of ordering the realities of one’s world. It is an ideology or set of
principles that helps us to interpret our everyday reality. This could be in the form of religion, political
affiliation, philosophy, or spirituality, among many other things. These beliefs are shaped and influenced
by a number of different factors. Belief systems rely heavily on evaluative and affective elements. There
are two aspects to this- 'cognitive' and “motivational.” Belief systems typically has large categories of
concepts defined in one way or another as themselves “good” or “bad,” or as leading to good or bad

A ‘worldview’ is a theory of the world used for living in it, serving as a mental model of reality, a
framework of ideas and attitudes about ourselves, the world, and life. The term worldview is derived from
the German term ‘weltanschauung.’ Worldview refers to the cluster of beliefs an individual holds about the
most significant concepts of life such as God, the cosmos (universe), and humanity. These beliefs, which
may or may not be true, form a general picture, a broad-spectrum outlook, or a grand perspective on life
and the world. These are the seven key elements of a worldview: (1) View of human nature, (2) View of
the good life, (3) Equality with others, (4) Responsibilities to others, (5) Relationship between the individual
and the state (government and society), (6) Relationship of humans with nature, and (7) Sources of ethical
wisdom. A worldview or world-view is the fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society
encompassing the whole of the individual's or society's knowledge and point of view. A worldview can
include natural philosophy; fundamental, existential, and normative postulates; or themes, values, emotions,
and ethics.

Religion refers to any sets of attitudes, beliefs and practices concerning a supernatural power theology
involves the systematic study of the existence and nature of the divine. It deals with the study of the nature
and purpose of god that may be undertaken using a particular perspective. The term “religion” is
etymologically a compound of the Latin ‘re’ and ‘ligare,’ meaning “to bind back”. These are the basic
elements of Religion: (1) Belief in Supernatural Power, (2) Man's adjustment to Supernatural Powers, (3)
Acts defined as Sinful, (4) Method of Salvation, (5) Belief in some sacred things, (6) Procedure of Worship,
and (7) Place of Worship. Characteristics of Religion: (1) Belief in Supernatural Beings, (2) Sacred vs
Profane, (3) Objects, Places, Times. Ritual Acts Focused on Sacred Objects, Places, Times, (4) Moral Code
with Supernatural Origins, (5) Characteristically Religious Feelings, (6) Prayer and Other Forms of

Spirituality is the broad concept of a belief in something beyond the self. It may involve religious traditions
centering on the belief in a higher power, but it can also involve a holistic belief in an individual connection
to others and to the world as a whole. The elements of Spirituality are: Open-mindedness, trust, Higher
intelligence, practice, perspective, awe and appreciation, and hope. Five characteristics of spirituality
include: meaning, value, transcendence, connecting (with oneself, others, God/supreme power and the
environment), and becoming (the growth and progress in life).

Directions: Differentiate belief system, worldview, spirituality and religion through the diagram below

Concept Elements Characteristics

Belief .




Directions: Read and analyze the following questions. Write only the letter of the correct answer in
your answer sheet.

1. A theory is a set of principles on which the practice of an activity is based. What is referred to as a theory
of the world used for living in it, serving as a mental model of reality, a framework of ideas and attitudes
about ourselves, the world, and life?
A. Belief system B. Religion C. Spirituality D. Worldview

2. People are always curious to study the origin and nature of something or what we call as ideology. What
do you call an ideology or set of principles that helps us to interpret our everyday reality?
A. Belief system B. Religion C. Spirituality D. Worldview

3. With our individual differences, we tend to have different attitudes and beliefs. Which is referred to as
any sets of attitudes, beliefs and practices concerning a supernatural power theology involving the
systematic study of the existence and nature of the divine?
A. Belief system B. Religion C. Spirituality D. Worldview

4. A concept is an abstract idea or general notion. What concept may involve religious traditions centering
on the belief in a higher power, but it can also involve a holistic belief in an individual connection to
others and to the world as a whole?
A. Belief system B. Religion C. Spirituality D. Worldview
5. Belief is a choice and at times, it is being challenged. What do you call the belief in the existence of one
god viewed as the creative source of the human race and the world who transcends yet is immanent in
the world?
A. Agnosticism B. Atheism C. Monotheism D. Polytheism

6. The question of God’s existence is a matter of one’s own belief. What belief asserts that there is no
genuine distinction between God and the universe?
A. Agnosticism B. Atheism C. Monism D. Polytheism

7. Religion is a particular system of faith and worship. Which of the following is not a characteristic of
A. Belief in Supernatural Beings
B. Patronage to Atheism Concept
C. Moral Code with Supernatural Origins
D. Prayer and Other Forms of Communication

8. Worldviews are particular philosophies of life or conception of the world. Which of the following show/s
the element of worldviews?
A. View of the good life
B. View of human nature
C. Equality with the others
D. All of the these mentioned

9. According to Parrinder (1971), while religion may be universal in all stages of human history, it does
not follow that all individuals are religious or even religious to some degree. In his comparative analysis,
what is revealed as the focus of major religion believers?
A. Longing for value in life
B. Seeking for companionship
C. Finding the reason behind natural events
D. Understanding the behaviors of individuals

10. Every individual sees and interprets the world quite differently from one another. Considering the
various belief systems and worldviews, how will you treat a person who has different belief with your
A. Ignore their existence C. Stay away from them
B. Challenge them into duel D. Treat them with respect

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