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Subject: Chemistry

Topic –Water

Q 1 Give a balanced equation for the following conversions.

[a] Iron to iron tetra oxide using steam
[b] Copper oxide to copper using charcoal
[c]Calcium carbonate to calcium chloride using dilute hydrochloric acid.
[d]Calcium sulphate to calcium carbonate using washing soda
Q 2 Write the colour and chemical formula of following hydrated salts
[a] Magnesium sulphate [b] Iron sulphate
[c]Copper sulphate [d] Zinc sulphate
Q 3 Write any three observations when hydrated copper sulphate crystals are heated strongly .
Q 4 Fill in the blanks with suitable words :
[a] Water is called the -------solvent as it dissolves many substances.
[b]The particles of----------are bigger than those of a colloid.
[c] A substance that contains water of crystallization is called a --------substnce.
[d] In a ------------solution ,no more solute can dissolve at a given temperature.
[e] Temporary hardness of water is due to presence of -----------of calcium and magnesium.
[f] Chalk powder in water is an example of a -------------
Q 5 Match the following :
Column A Column B
1 Universal solvent Calcium bi carbonate
2 Hygroscopic salt Potassium nitrate
3 Magnesium sulphate hepta hydrate Calcium chloride
4 Permanent hardness of water Phosphorus pentaoxide
5 Anhydrous substance Hydrated substance
6 water
Q 6 List two ways to convert saturated solution to unsaturated solution.
Q 7 Give reasons for the following :
[a]The components of a solution cannot be separated by filtration .
[b] Filter paper can be used to separate the components of a suspension.
[c] Permanent hardness can not be removed by boiling.
[d]Temporary hardness can reduce the heating efficiency of utensils,industrial boilers and hot
water pipes .
Q 8 Classify the following solutions as true solution, suspension and colloid.
Glucose and water,Mud in water ,Oil in water, Milk,Salt in water, Egg albumin in water,Sea
water,Paint ,Blood, Chalk in water

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