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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Nat’l. Highway Gamuton, Carrascal, Surigao del Sur


WEEK : 4

What Is It
After marriage, a couple’s desire is to build a family. Humans are reproduced through sexual reproduction. In this kind of
reproduction, the reproductive cells of man and woman join together to make a new human cell. This process is called fertilization.
Fertilization is a reproductive process wherein half of the genes of the father and mother combine to form a single cell; the
new cell then divides and forms more cells. This ball of cells enters the uterus and attaches itself to the uterine wall. The
attachment of the developing cells to the uterus is called implantation.
Pregnancy is the time when a new cell is formed during fertilization, grows and develops into a baby in the woman’s
uterus. From the time that the ovum and the sperm cell unite until the end of the eight week, the developing human is called
Teenage Pregnancy (Mccoy and Wibbelsman, 1992-235-236)
An unplanned and unwanted pregnancy can cause emotional anguish, possible health rsiks, and in ome cases, limited life
options. Teenage pregnancies are premature because they occur in mothers who maybe too young and / or immature to care for a
child adequately. In such cases, the mother may be so young endangering pregnancy.
Changes in the Mother’s Body
During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many changes. As soon as implantation happens, the mother’s uterus
releases special hormones, which is only released by the woman’s body during pregnancy.
Some of the hormones produced by the pregnant woman’s body makes her nauseated, this situation is called “morning
sickness” and usually last for 3 months.
The same hormones make the woman’s breast enlarge and prepare to produce milk.
Over the 9-month period, the woman’s uterus stretches to hold a full-sized newborn baby. This stretching makes her
abdomen get larger. A pregnant woman also experiences swelling of legs, difficulty in sleeping, restlessness, and irritability as the
fetus gets larger. Many woman, feel clumsy or uncomfortable too because of the changes that taking place.
Nourishing the Baby
Almost everything that goes into the mother’s body enters her bloodstream and goes to the placenta. The
placenta is an organ that grows in the woman’s uterus during pregnancy and allows nutrients, gases, and wastes to
be exchanged between the mother and the fetus.
The mother’s blood circulates on one side of the placenta, while the fetus blood circulates on the other side.
Nutrients, fluids, and oxygen flow through the membrane from the mother to the fetus. Waste products and carbon
dioxide flow across the placenta from the fetus to the mother.
During pregnancy, the fetus gets its nutrition from food the mother eats. To ensure the health of the fetus, the
mother needs to eat healthy foods and take special vitamins. She should get regular medical check-ups to protect her
health and the health of the growing fetus.
Normal physical changes and symptoms throughout pregnancy
Although they can range from mild to severe, the following conditions are common during pregnancy:
 Fatigue
 Morning sickness
 Sleep problems
 Breast changes
 Heartburn
 Changes in vaginal discharge. A thin, milky-white discharge (leukorrhea) is normal
throughout pregnancy. Also, the tissue lining of the vagina becomes
thicker and less sensitive during pregnancy.
 Nosebleeds and bleeding gums
 Hemorrhoids and constipation
 Varicose veins
 Hair changes
 Stretch marks, itchiness, and other skin changes
 Leg cramps
 Back pain and sciatica
 Pelvic ache and hip pain
 Hand pain, numbness, or weakness (carpal tunnel syndrome)

First Second Third trimester

trimester trimester
characterizing  Fatigue  Breast changes  Braxton Hicks contractions, which
condition  Breast tender-  Leg cramps are "warm-up" contractions that do
ness  Back pain not thin and open the cervix (do not
 Increased lead to labor)
 Pelvic ache and hip pain
urination  Fatigue
 Stretch marks and other
 Fullness or mild skin changes
 Back pain
aching in your  Hemorrhoids and  Pelvic ache and hip pain
lower abdomen constipation Hemorrhoids and constipation
 Nausea with or Heartburn (also a symptom of  Heartburn
without vomiting, gastroesophageal reflux disease,  Breathing difficulty, the expanding
also known as or uterus is just below the rib cage,
morning  Nosebleeds and bleeding gums leaving lungs less room to expand.
sickness  Hand pain, numbness, or  Mild swelling of the feet and ankles
weakness (carpal tunnel (edema). Pregnancy causes more
syndrome) fluid to build up in your body. This,
 Braxton Hicks contractions, plus the extra pressure that uterus
which are places on the legs, can lead to the
"warm-up" swelling of your feet and ankles.
contractions that do  Difficulty sleeping and finding a
not thin and open the comfortable position. Lying on your
cervix (do not lead to back interferes with blood
labor) circulation, and lying on the
stomach isn't possible. Sleep on
your side, using pillows to support
your belly and between your knees.
Later in your pregnancy, it is best
to lie on your left side. When you lie
on your right side or on your back,
the increasing weight of your uterus
can partly block the large blood
vessel in front of your backbone.
 Frequent urination, caused by an
enlarged uterus and the pressure
of the fetus on the bladder
Phases of pregnancy
The first trimester of pregnancy lasts from week 1 through week 12. Your first sign of pregnancy may be a missed
menstrual period.
The second trimester of pregnancy (from week 13 to week 27) is the time when most women start to look pregnant
and may begin to wear maternity clothes. By 16 weeks, the top of your uterus, called the fundus, will be about halfway
between your pubic bone and your navel. By 27 weeks, the fundus will be about 2 in. (5 cm) or more above your
You may find that the second trimester is the easiest part of pregnancy.
For some women, the breast tenderness, morning sickness, and fatigue of the first trimester ease up or disappear
during the second trimester, while the physical discomforts of late pregnancy have yet to start.
Pressure on your bladder may be less as the uterus grows up out of the pelvis. The third trimester lasts from
week 28 to the birth. Many women have some discomfort during this time as their belly gets bigger. Sleep problems
are common during this period.

Complications of Pregnancy

Special Condition Prevention and Management

Nausea / Improper body weight small frequent feedings instead of three large
meals and high carbohydrates, low fat foods such
as crackers and jelly and liquids should be taken
between meals

proper nutrition

Morning Sickness iron and folic acid prescribed by the physician

Anemia folic acid prescribed by the doctor

Diabetes proper nutrition

Constipation fluid intake, proper nutrition and exercise

The passage of a baby from its mother’s uterus to the outside of her body is called birth. During birth, the
uterus contracts many times and pushes the baby through the vagina and outside the mother’s body.
Labor is the process that lasts from the time contractions starts until the delivery of the child and the placenta.
Labor lasts a different amount of time for every woman and every pregnancy.

There are three distinct stages of labor:

1st Stage – Begins with the first contraction and last until the cervix has opened enough to allow the baby to pass
through. Contraction happens every few minutes and lasts a minute.

2nd Stage – Starts when the cervix is completely open and lasts until the baby is delivered. During this period,
contraction happens every 2-3 minutes. After the baby is born, the doctor cuts the umbilical cord. Healthy babies
breathe and cry almost immediately.
3rd Stage – This is the final stage of labor. It is when the placenta is delivered. In this stage, the mother’s uterine
contractions push the placenta or “afterbirths” out of her body. At this time, the birth is completed.
In some cases, doctors have to deliver a baby by a caesarian section (CS). In this procedure, the doctor surgically
removes the baby and the placenta from the mother’s uterus. Cases like this happen when the mother cannot or is not
capable of delivering a normal childbirth.

 Toxemia
 First trimester of pregnancy lasts from week 1 through week 12
 Fatigue
 Hair changes
 The placenta is an organ that grows in the woman's uterus during pregnancy and allows nutrients, gases, and
wastes to be exchanged between the mother and the fetus.
 Some of the hormones produced by the pregnant woman’s body makes her nauseated, this situation is called
“morning sickness” and usually last for 3 months.
 For some women, the breast tenderness, morning sickness, and fatigue of the first trimester ease up or
disappear during the second trimester, while the physical discomforts of late pregnancy have yet to start.
 Pressure on your bladder may be less as the uterus grows up out of the pelvis. The third trimester lasts from
week 28 to the birth. Many women have some discomfort during this time as their belly gets bigger. Sleep
problems are common during this period.
 During pregnancy, the fetus gets its nutrition from food the mother eats. To ensure the health of the fetus, the
mother needs to eat healthy foods and take special vitamins. She should get regular medical check-ups to
protect her health and the health of the growing fetus.
 Braxton Hicks contractions, which are "warm-up" contractions that do not thin and open the cervix (do not lead
to labor)

Activity 1: Know it!

Direction: Identify the given information above the box or column, if it is Changes in mother's body, Normal
Physical Changes, Nourishing the baby, Phases of pregnancy and Complication of Pregnancy. Write it in their
respective column or box.

 Fatigue
 The fetus get its nutrition from food the mother eats
 First trimester
 Anemia
 Hair changes
 Second and third trimester
 Toxemia
 Breast enlarge and prepare to produce milk
 Morning sickness
 The mother needs to eat healthy food and take special vitamins

Changes in mother's Normal Physical Nourishing the Phases of Pregnancy Complication of

body Changes baby Pregnancy

1. 1. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2. 2. 2.

Activity 2: Name It!

Direction: Identify the stages of labor. Write 1st if it is in the first stage, 2nd if it is Second stage, and 3rd if it is
in Third stage. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

1. Begins with the first contraction and last until the cervix has opened enough to allow
the baby to pass through..
2. Contraction happens every few minutes and lasts a minute.
3. Starts when the cervix is completely open and lasts until the baby is delivered.
4. After the baby is born, the doctor cuts the umbilical cord. Healthy babies breathe and
cry almost immediately.
5. This is the final stage of labor.
6. It is when the placenta is delivered.
7. The mother’s uterine contractions push the placenta or “afterbirths” out of her body.
8. The birth is completed.
9. During this period, contraction happens every 2-3 minutes.
10. Healthy babies almost cries out.

Thailand has 3 primary instrumental ensembles that are similar to the

other ensembles in Southeast Asia.
Piphat - It is a mid-sized orchestra that is performed in either outdoor
style with hard mallets or indoor style with padded mallets.
Khrueang Sai – It is an orchestra that combines some of the percussion
and wind instruments of the Piphat with and expanded string section.
Mahori – This ensemble is traditionally played by women in the courts of
Central Thailand and Cambodia.

Laos This country is an independent state of Southeast Asia and

officially known as Lao People’s Democratic Republic. It is formerly part of
the Indochinese Union, also known as French Indochina. Wat Pha That
Luang, Vientiane is one of its famous landmarks. The classical music and
dance of Laos is highly influences by the India, Cambodia, and Thailand.

Vietnam Vietnam is officially known as the Socialist Republic of

Vietnam. This country is located on the eastern coast of the Indochinese
Peninsula. Vietnamese music (nhạc Việt Nam) refers to the ethnic music
that originated from the "Kinh" people of Vietnam.

Singapore the music industry in Singapore grew having Western

influenced performances by the Singapore Symphony Orchestra as well
as ethnic music performances mainly by the Singapore Chinese

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