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Original Articles. vious investigation was adopted.

were made the cadaver, these were checked


on a living model and on living children.
The anatomical work was done in the Anatomi-
ITS RELATION TO SCOLIOSIS.1 cal Department of the Harvard Medical School
under the supervision of Prof. Thomas Dwight
to whom I am indebted for constant counsel and
The present paper is an attempt to investigate help as well as for an abundant supply of anatomi-
the normal movements of the human spine and cal material; and from Mr. Charles P. Heath,of
their relation to scoliosis. It is a carrying for- the second-year class of the Harvard Medical
ward of certain preliminary work already pub- School, I had the greatest help and the most
lished in which three points in spinal movements painstaking assistance throughout.
were demonstrated and considered in their bear- The material at my disposal was as follows :2
ing on scoliosis. These points were: Cadaver 1 was a young male negro of twenty, in
(1) Side bending and rotation of the spine are an excellent state of preservation with a movable
parts of one compound movement and cannot spine. The viscera and thorax were intact,
be disassociated. There are, therefore, only three except for a split in the sternum for injection.
spinal movements, (a) flexion or forward bend- This was later wired together. Cadaver 2 was
ing; (b) extension or backward bending, and a female of twenty-three, also in good preserva-
(c) side-bending rotation. tion, with a movable spine. The viscera were in
(2) The rotation which accompanies side place and the sternum which had been split for
bending varies widely in its type between side injection was wired firmly together. In this
bendings given in the flexed position of the spine cadaver the head, arms and legs were removed
and side bendings in the hyperextended position. at the outset and the pelvis imbedded in plaster
(3) Every rotation movement of the spine of Paris. The model was a professional female
must be accompanied by side bending or lateral model of twenty-two, markedly flexible and
curving of the spine. symmetrical. I had at my disposal a clinic of
In the present paper after a statement of the some two hundred cases of lateral curvature and
conditions under which the work was done, there round shoulders in children from five to fifteen,
will follow, (a) a description of each of the spinal for permission to use which material I am in-
movements; (6) a description of the character- debted to my colleagues.
istic movements in the cervical, dorsal and With regard to criticisms which apply to gen-
lumbar regions, and (c) an application of these eralizing from what is seen in the cadaver to what
facts to the question of scoliosis. must happen in the living spine the following
The study of scoliosis has been made almost facts were borne in mind: (1) The muscles are
wholly from the pathological end. This method absent so far as function goes. (2) The cadaver
has contributed to us a great amount of infor- is generally less flexible than the living subject.
mation and has done much to clear up the subject, (3) The drying of the tissues induces unnatural
but of late little progress has been made. It is limitations. (4) The constant manipulation may
as if one undertook, for example, to investigate loosen certain joints and distort motions. (5)
a railroad accident solely from a study of the One obvious criticism applying to most work on
wrecked cars. Much could be learned as to the the cadaver has been avoided by doing most
effect and direction of the destructive forces, of the work on cadavera intact, with the thoracic
the amount of force expended, and the kind of and abdominal contents in situ.
damage done, but more could be learned and In the analysis of the separate movements
future accidents could be better prevented by a of the spine, although careful measurements were
study of the normal running time of the trains, taken of each movement, the most reliable method
their proper relation to each other at the time was found to consist in observation of the indi-
of the accident, and by an investigation of the vidual pins which were driven into each spinous
signal system and the routine precautions process. Although at first it was my intention
adopted. In a similar way we have, I think, to present a detailed analysis of spinal move-
much to learn from the normal spine that might ments, especially rotations, in figures, angles and
help our study of scoliosis. Its normal mobility, arcs, after taking many measurements I became
its restrictions, and its weakest points of resis- convinced that such figures would be of little
tance might all form part of our knowledge. real value and that the time at my disposal would
In an attempt to carry on my investigation be better expended on a study of the gross prop-
from the point mentioned the literature was erties of the different regions and an analysis of
first looked into. The Weber Brothers, v. Meyer, movements over a wider field of material, than
Volkmann, Hughes, Schulthess and others have in an exhaustive analysis of the minute charac-
contributed to our knowledge, but nowhere can ters of the movements in one cadaver, for only
be found an accurate, concise, clean-cut descrip- in the cadaver can accurate measurements be
tion of spinal movements. It, therefore, re- made.
mained to attack the question of normal spinal In the model, lead strip tracings and photo-
movements and the same course as in the pre- graphs were used and tracings of side curves
1Read by invitation before the Congress of the German
Association in Berlin, April 25, 1905. I2 The experiments on
Orthopedic Department of the Harvard Medical School.
the cadaver were
Much of the clinical
made in the Anatomical
work is from the Lateral Curvature Clinic of the Children's Hospital,
The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal as published by
The New England Journal of Medicine. Downloaded from at NYU WASHINGTON SQUARE CAMPUS on June 24, 2016.
For personal use only. No other uses without permission. From the NEJM Archive. Copyright © 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society.
were taken on crinoline gauze laid over the back There seemed to be no constant difference in the
through which the spinous processes were felt amount of flexion obtained in the standing and
and marked. The same methods were also sitting positions, the resultant curve being prac-
followed in the cadaver. The methods adopted tically the same. The chief difference between
in the study of the different regions will be ex- flexion in the model and cadaver seemed to con-
plained in discussing that part of the subject. sist in a greater relative participation of the dorsal
region in flexion in the model.
I. A Description op the Movements of the It is noteworthy that measurements and
Spine. tracings of the spine in the model and in children
show the relaxed sitting position to be one of
The spine as a whole. Investigation^ the

slight flexion.
spine after the removal of the head, arms and In the spine of cadaver 1, the laminae and
legs showed a practical point, namely, that the pedicles were removed and the column of bodies
human spine is not an extremely flexible body was studied alone. The character and distribu-
taken by itself but that much of its apparent tion of the flexion were not changed.
flexibility is due to accessory movements between
the spine and the pelvis and the head. An In flexion the distance of the seventh cervical ver-
extreme forward flexion, e. g., in the living model tebra from the sacrum when measured along the spinous
or the intact cadaver, with the flexed head, the processes is increased over the same measurement
taken in standing or lying. In cadaver 1, the distance
drooping shoulders and the rotated pelvis implies was 46 cm. lying flat and 52.5 cm. in full flexion.
a greater curve than the spine itself possesses.
It was surprising to see how little actual mobil- In the model, the distance from the seventh cervical
vertebra to the fifth lumbar, measured over the spinous
ity was possessed by the three regions of the processes, was, in the erect standing position, 43.5 cm.,
spine considered separately, or by the whole and in full flexion from the erect position 51 cm. These
spine. figures show an increased length in the dorsal and
The application of this is obvious without lumbar spines, measured along the spinous processes,
extended comment. If active or passive exer- of 6.5 cm. in the cadaver, and 7.5 cm. in the model in
cises are given which are intended to take effect flexion over the erect or prone position.
Measurements of the spine in the model taken from
upon the spine alone and to be effective there, 7th cervical vertebra to and including the 5th lumbar,
the pelvis must be fixed. If this is not done,
over the spinous processes were as follows:
part of the muscular force is used in displacing Passive Movements.— Standing, erect, pelvis free,
the pelvis to the opposite side to balance the 43.5 cm.; extreme flexion, pelvis free, 51 cm.; exten-
body, and the movement becomes a general and sion, pelvis free, 38 cm.
not a spinal one. (Figs. 1 and 2.) Sitting, pelvis free, relaxed (that is, natural position),
Flexion (forward bending) appears to be a 46.5 cm.; extreme flexion, 51.5 cm.; extension, 38.5
pure antero-posterior movement without per- cm.

ceptible rotation.3 It is the most evenly dis- Standing, pelvis fixed, erect, 44 cm. ; extreme exten-
tributed of the spinal movements, and in extreme sion, 37 cm.
flexion the outline of the tips of the spinous Sitting, pelvis fixed, relaxed, 46 cm. ; extreme exten-
processes forms a curve approaching the arc of
sion, 39.5 cm.
Active Movements. Standing, unsupported, pelvis
a circle. Most of the movement is accomplished
in the lumbar region which in extreme flexion
free, erect, 44 cm.; extreme extension, 41.5 cm.;

pelvis fixed, extreme extension, 40.5 cm.

loses most of its forward convexity, but in the
observations made was not observed to become Hyperextension (backward bending). —Hyper-
convex backwards. (Figs. 3, 4, 5.) extension appears to be a pure antero-posterior
The dorsal region in extreme flexion becomes movement of the spine without perceptible rota-
decidely more convex than in the upright position. tion. It is not an evenly-distributed movement,
The twelfth dorsal vertebra takes part in flexion but occurs almost wholly in the lumbar and lower
more as a lumbar than as a dorsal vertebra and two dorsal vertebras. A tracing taken over the
free movement occurs below it and fairly free spinous processes in extreme hyperextension in
movement between the eleventh and twelfth outline resembles a hockey stick. The dorsal
vertebras. region is but little affected, being slightly straight-
The cervical region cannot be accurately ob- ened by hyperextension. The bending reaches
served or measured in the model. In the cadaver to about the tenth dorsal, the upper dorsal region
it dried so rapidly while the other observations showing but little diminution in the physiological
were being made that no conclusions can be drawn
curve, the twelfth dorsal vertebra, and, to a certain
beyond the statement that its forward convexity extent, the eleventh, behaving as do the lumbar
may be obliterated by forcible flexion with the vertebras in hyperextension. The curve taken
hands. over the spinous processes was more marked in
The most marked flexion of the spine was cadaver 2, a female with a naturally arched back,
obtained by having the model sit cross-legged and in the model than in cadaver 1, a male with
and bend forward with the chest between the a less marked lumbar physiological curve. The
knees, and extreme passive flexion with the character of the curve obtained in marked hyper-
model lying on the side was not so great as was extension was practically the same, whether it
obtained by flexion in the cross-legged position. was obtained by active or passive means and
3 De la Escoliosis. Saturnino Garcia y Hurtado, Madrid, page 19. whether the model was lying on the face or on
The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal as published by
The New England Journal of Medicine. Downloaded from at NYU WASHINGTON SQUARE CAMPUS on June 24, 2016.
For personal use only. No other uses without permission. From the NEJM Archive. Copyright © 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society.
the side, or standing, or sitting. The column of face on the table no rotation in side bending was
bodies alone showed the same character and dis- found by v. Meyer and in some experiments by
tribution of the movement as did the intact spine Schulthess; it was, however, found by Benno
of cadaver 1. The illustration in this case shows Schmidt.4 With the cadaver lying prone on a
the characteristic rigidity of the dorsal region table the conditions, of course, are against rota-
to hyperextension. (Figs. 6, 7, 8.) tion, the thorax and shoulders being to a certain
In hyperextension, the distance from the extent held against it by the surface of the table.
seventh cervical vertebra to the sacrum, meas- In cadavers 1 and 2 no perceptible rotation was
ured over the spinous processes, is decreased noted in slight side bending under these conditions,
from the same measurement taken in the erect but the vertebral bodies turned to the concave
position. side in marked side bending. In the model
In cadaver 1, the distance from the seventh cervical lying flat on a table one side of the chest was felt
vertebra to the fifth lumbar in the prone position of to press on the table harder than the other in
the body was 46 cm., and in hyperextension, 38.1 cm. moderate side bending. The point is not of
In the model measurements taken in the same way great importance as the practical problem is that
with the pelvis fixed were 44 cm. for the erect position, of the behavior of the weight-bearing spine.
and 37 cm. in hyperextension. These figures repre- Side bending in the flexed position of the spine
sent a decrease in length of the dorsal and lumbar is a more evenly distributed movement in which
spine, in hyperextension from the erect position, of 7.9 the dorsal region participates more and the lum-
cm. in the cadaver, and in the model of 7 cm. bar region less than in the erect position. The
The entire shortening of the dorsal and lumbar spine,
measured over the spinous processes, from extreme greatest deviation from a line connecting the
flexion to the hyperextended position, was, in cadaver two ends of the spine occurs at about the eighth
dorsal vertebra in both cadaver and model. In
1,14.4 cm., and in the model, 14.5 cm.
From measurements taken of the model standing, short, side bending occurs higher in the spine
sitting, and with the pelvis fixed and free in both in flexion than in any other position, the lumbar
positions, it was found that the amount of hyperex- region being comparatively locked against side
tension does not vary appreciably in these positions, bending by the flexed position. The more
and that the extreme of the movement is not affected marked the flexed position, the higher in the
by fixation or freedom of the pelvis. Active hyper- spine is the side bending localized. (Figs. 9,
extension in the model is much less free than the pas-
sive movement, in all positions; but the extreme of 10.)
active hyperextension again is not affected by fixation
Rotation accompanying side bending in flexion.
or freedom of the pelvis.
In the flexed position of the spine, side bend-
ing is accompanied by rotation of the bodies to

Side bending. Although side bending is to the convexity of the lateral curve.5 This rota-
be considered as one part of a compound move-

tion occurs chiefly in the dorsal region, the lum-

ment of which twisting or rotation forms the bar region seeming to be locked against side
other part, for purposes of simplicity, the ele- bending by the flexed position. The so-called
ment of side bending, that is, the side deviation flexion rotation which accompanied side bend-
of the spine from the sagittal plane, will be con- ing described in my former papers is, therefore,
sidered by itself in this connection. to be classed as a dorsal phenomenon, and might
In describing this side bending it must be perhaps better be spoken of as dorsal rotation.
stated that the character and distribution of the The same phenomena were observed in the cada-
movement vary widely according to the degree ver, the model and the child, and followed the
of flexion or extension of the spine when the same rule observed in earlier experiments. One
side bending is made. It is also affected if the practical point was noticed and confirmed in
spine is twisted before it is bent to the side. In the cadaver, viz., that rotation in this position
other words, there is no one type of spinal side was less marked in the two cadavers with an
bending as there are types of flexion and exten- intact thorax than in those from which the ster-
sion, but the character and distribution of the num had been removed. Another point possibly
movements are wholly dependent upon the an- of practical importance is that in side bending
tero-posterior position of the spine. of the model in the flexed position the active
Side bending will first be considered alone movement is accompanied by a much greater
without regard to the rotation caused by it, and degree of rotation than is the passive movement,
then the rotation accompanying each kind of the addition of muscular force in this movement
side bending will be described. seeming to accentuate the element of twisting.
Side bending in lying on the face shows a The column of vertebral bodies alone from
more evenly distributed lateral curve than does cadaver 1 rotated in flexion side bending in the
that in the erect position. The character of the same way as did the intact spine. (Fig. 11.)
curve did not change essentially when the shoul- Side bending in the erect position. This is, of
ders and pelvis were held and the middle of the course, the most important aspect of the question

trunk pushed to one side. The curve in this of side bending,so far as scoliosis is concerned.
position of the spine is greater in the upper lum- In the cadaver the side bending is most marked
bar vertebrae and in the two lower dorsal than in «Schulthess: Zeit. f. Orth. Chir., x, 3, p. 487.
5 R. W. Lovett: Mechanics of Lateral Curvature, Boston Medi-
the upper part of the spine. cal and Surgical Journal, Oct. 31, 1901; June 14, 1900.
Rotation accompanying side bending lying on Mechanics of the Spine, Am. Journ. of Anatomy, ii, 4, 457.
Forcible Correction of Lateral Curvature, Boston Medical and
the face. With the cadaver lying flat on the Surgical Journal, March 17, 1904.

The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal as published by

The New England Journal of Medicine. Downloaded from at NYU WASHINGTON SQUARE CAMPUS on June 24, 2016.
For personal use only. No other uses without permission. From the NEJM Archive. Copyright © 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society.
below the tenth dorsal vertebra, and the dorsal curve. In side bending occurring in the erect
region shares but slightly. The lumbar region or hyperextended position, however, the lumbar
is most affected in its upper part, but shares to region and lumbar dorsal region is the chief seat
some extent throughout. The whole dorsal of the movement, and as in all side bends in this
region takes some part in the movement, but the lumbar region the bodies of the vertebrae turn
dorsal region, except its lower part, compared to to the concavity of the lateral curve.
the lumbar is resistant to side bending. Side Rotation. Rotation or twisting of the spine
bending in the erect position is, therefore, largely is to be considered as part of a compound move-

a movement occurring in the neighborhood of ment of which side bending forms the other part.
and below the lumbar dorsal junction.6 It shows For purposes of simplicity the rotation element
the same characteristics in the cadaver, the model of the movement will be considered by itself.
and the child, except that in the two last named Under ordinary conditions it is essentially a move-
the dorsal region takes a greater relative part ment of the dorsal and cervical regions in which
than in the cadaver. (Figs. 12, 13.) the lumbar vertebrae take but little part except
The column of vertebral bodies alone behaves in hyperextension and with the use of traction.
in side bending in all positions in the same way The lumbar vertebral region possesses some power
as do the intact cadaver, the model and the child. of rotation as has been generally observed.7
Rotation accompanying side bending in the erect The measurement of this will be alluded to
position. In this position side bending causes later. Although many measurements were taken
the rotation of the bodies of the vertebrae to the

of the amount of spinal rotation they cannot be

concave side of the lateral curve. It occurs regarded as of practical value as the amount of
lower down in the spine than in the flexed posi- twisting obtained varied with the degree of force
tion. The dorsal region participates less and used and the position of the cadaver.
the lumbar region more in the movement. Measurements of rotation in flexed and hyper-
Side bending in the hyperextended position of extended positions of the cadaver were so com-
the spine. With the spine of the cadaver, model plicated on account of the different planes in-
or child hyperextended, the side bending becomes

volved that they gave no trustworthy results.

a sharply limited movement, localized low down The observation of the pins and the photographic
in the spine and occurring almost wholly below method were, therefore, adopted, and the move-
the eleventh dorsal vertebra becoming, therefore, ment will be described in its general aspects.
essentially a lumbar movement. The dorsal Rotation in the erect position. Rotation is —

region bends as a whole upon the lumbar and freest in the erect position and is situated in the
rocks over to the side practically unchanged cervical and dorsal regions, reaching its maximum
being locked against side-bending by the hyper- at the top of the cervical column and extending
extended position. Side bending, therefore, is down the spine to the lower dorsal region where
situated highest in the flexed position, lower it disappears. With very forcible rotation ap-
down in the erect position, and lowest in hyper- plied to the top of the column in the cadaver,
extension in the model, cadaver and child. In the first and even the second lumbar vertebrae
side bending in all positions the twelfth dorsal may be rotated. The rotation in this position
vertebra behaves as a lumbar, not as a dorsal, is accompanied by a side bend of the rotated
vertebra. (Figs. 14, 15.) region away from the side to which the bodies
Rotation accompanying side bending in the of the vertebrae turn. If the rotation is to the
hyperextended position. This is a sharply limited right it is accompanied by a bend convex to the
movement occurring in the lumbar region includ-

left and vice versa. In the model an active rota-

ing the twelfth dorsal as functionally a lumbar tion to the right is accompanied by a displace-
vertebra. The thorax rocks over to the side ment of the trunk to the left side and vice versa.
unchanged and the rotation of the bodies is to (Figs. 17, 18.)
the concave side of the lateral curve. The Rotation with traction in the erect position.
rotation accompanying this type of side bending If traction is applied to the head of the erect —

is essentially a different kind of motion from that cadaver, forcible twisting of the head results in
occurring in side bending in flexion as it is less rotation of the lumbar vertebrae including the
distributed through the spine and is of a more fourth. In cadaver 1 a rotation in the erect
decided character. The column of bodies alone position without traction made by moderate
rotates in essentially the same way as does the manual force resulted in rotation down to and
intact spine in side bending in the erect and including the eleventh dorsal vertebra. Trac-
hyperextended position. (Fig. 16.) tion of thirty-eight pounds was then applied to
Rotation accompanying side bending is, there- the head and approximately the same rotation
fore, of a different type in the flexed position force applied. The rotation was markedly in-
of the spine from what it is in the erect or hyper- creased and extended down further and included
extended position. In the flexed position the the fourth lumbar vertebra which rotated notice-
lumbar region is locked against side bending, and ably. In cadaver 1 with the spine erect, but
the side bend and rotation occur chiefly in the
Hughes: Archiv für Anatomie, etc.,
dorsal region and conform to the dorsal type, i. e., Archiv, 1892, p. 265.
für Anat. & Phys. 1827, p. 240.
the bodies turn to the convexity of the lateral Henke: Anat. und Meen, der Gelenke, Leipzig, 1863, 69.
Meyer: Statik, und Mech. des mench Knockengerüstes, 1873,
6 See
2, 12.
Lüning and Schulthess: Orth. Chir. München, 1901, p. Morris: Anat. of the Joints, London, 1879, p. 79.
132, fig. 51. I Volkmann: Virchow's Archiv, bd. 56, 1872, 4, 66.

The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal as published by

The New England Journal of Medicine. Downloaded from at NYU WASHINGTON SQUARE CAMPUS on June 24, 2016.
For personal use only. No other uses without permission. From the NEJM Archive. Copyright © 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society.
with no traction, rotation force was applied to being those described above as cadavers 1 and 2.
the head. While the head was held rotated In a third cadaver the lumbar region was fixed
traction was applied. The spine lengthened by nailing the lumbar vertebrae together, and the
noticeably and the rotation extended well down dorsal region was studied alone. In another
into the lumbar region. Lumbar rotation disap- cadaver a detached thorax alone was studied
peared as traction was removed. In the intact and photographed. In cadaver 1 a heavy brass
cadaver 1 with traction on the head the applica- rod was thrust down through the vertebral canal
tion of a moderate rotation force to the top of as far as the twelfth dorsal vertebra to stiffen
the column resulted in approximately 12° of the dorsal region and the lumbar region was thus
rotation of the first lumbar vertebra on the sacrum. studied alone. In cadaver 2 the three regions
(Figs. 19, 20.) were cut apart and studied separately. In the
Rotation of the flexed spine. Rotation in the model it was attempted to fix the thorax by a
flexed position of the spine occurs chiefly in the

steel brace consisting of two heavy uprights at

cervical and upper dorsal spine. The lower dor- the back reaching from the cervical region down
sal and lumbar region seeming locked against as far as the twelfth dorsal vertebra, two lighter
rotating forces by the flexed position. The more uprights on the side with crutches, a steel chest
extreme the flexion the more markedly in cada- piece, and a circular steel band embracing the
ver, model and child is the rotation restricted to lower chest. This brace did not, of course,
the cervical and upper dorsal spine. In cadaver rigidly fix the dorsal spine, but prevented free
1 and in the model, forcible rotation in marked movement.
flexion seemed to be limited to the region above the cervical region.
and including the seventh or eighth dorsal ver- The observations in this region were unsatis-
tebrae. (Figs. 21, 22.)
Rotation of the hyperextended spine. In hyper- factory because in the living model the region
cannot be studied, and in the cadaver it inevitably
extended positions rotation with moderate man- —

dried while the other work was being done.

ual force occurs as a twisting of the whole thorax Flexion. It is possible to straighten the
on an axis in the dorso-lumbar region, the upper
anterior physiological curve, but in the dried

and mid-dorsal regions apparently being locked

against rotation by hyperextension. The site specimen it was not possible to do more. Much
of the apparent forward flexion in the cervical
of rotating movement in this position is, there-
fore, in the one of two vertebrae above and the region in life is evidently due to the motion
between the occiput and the atlas.
one or two vertebrae below the dorso-lumbar
junction. Hyperextension. The physiological curve can
be increased to a certain extent. —

Rotation, therefore, is located high in flexed Side bending. Side bending is uniformly
positions, lower in erect positions, and is situated distributed throughout the cervical region and

lowest and is of a different type, being more is accompanied by rotation of the bodies of the
sharply localized, in hyperextended positions. vertebrae to the concavity of the lateral curve,
In the column of bodies alone rotation possesses
as in the lumbar region. Rotation and side
the same characters as does the intact column.
(Fig. 23.) bending seemed always associated.
Rotation. Rotation is extremely free between
Side bends accompanying rotation. A lateral the first and second cervical vertebrae, but for

deviation of the spine accompanies all rotations. —

the rest of the region it is limited. Rotation is

It is situated at the site of the rotation and is
convex to the right when the rotation is to the
accompanied by a side bend convex to the side
left and vice versa. In the erect position rotation opposite to which the bodies of the vertebrae turn,
that is, in a right rotation the curve is convex
causes a marked side curve in the dorsal region. to the left. The rotation of the first vertebra on
Combined positions. In the model and cada- the second was about 45° in cadaver 2. Although
ver, if a position of flexion is assumed and the

but little importance can be attached to these

body bent to the right, there will, of course, be observations on account of the drying of the
found associated with the left convex side curve region the mobility of the cervical region con-
a rotation of the vertebral bodies to the left, and sidered by itself is disappointing and less than
the left shoulder will be elevated. If now one had been expected from the study of the intact
attempts to see whether the rotation or side bend cadaver and the living model.
can be most easily overcome by passive manipu-
lation it will be found that the rotation cannot be DORSAL REGION.
corrected while the spine is bent to the right but The dorsal region is the least mobile part of
that the lateral curve can be straightened without the spine as a whole. The twelfth dorsal verte-
disturbing the rotation. The inference is that in bra from the point of view of function must be
a combination of side bending and rotation in regarded as a lumbar vertebra and not as part
flexion the rotation element is the more persistent. of the dorsal region.
Flexion. The dorsal spine already convex
II. The Characters op the Movements in the backward can be made somewhat more convex

Three Regions op the Spine.

by forward bending, but the extent of the move-
In attempts to study more carefully the char- ment is not great and by no means comparable
acter of the movements in the separate regions to the same movement in the lumbar region.
of the spine, four cadavers were utilized, two (Fig. 24.)

The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal as published by

The New England Journal of Medicine. Downloaded from at NYU WASHINGTON SQUARE CAMPUS on June 24, 2016.
For personal use only. No other uses without permission. From the NEJM Archive. Copyright © 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Measurements were taken by pins driven into each the lower end of the region. In a rotation of
dorsal spinous process in cadaver 2 as to the distribu- moderate force in the upright position it extends
tion of the flexion movement in the dorsal region. to and includes the seventh or eighth dorsal ver-
These measurements were taken 10 cm. up from the tebra. Rotation of this region is less in flexion
skin and before the dorsal region was separated from
the lumbar. than in the erect position and does not extend
The extreme flexion length from 1st dorsal to 12th so far down. In hyperextension it is much
dorsal, inclusive, 31.3 cm. limited and in extreme hyperextension in the
The extreme extension length from 1st dorsal to 12th cadaver the dorsal rotation movement seemed
dorsal, inclusive, 27 cm. to be obliterated.
The extreme flexion length from 1st dorsal to Hth Rotation is accompanied always by side bend-
dorsal, inclusive, 27 cm. ing, the lateral curve being convex to the side
The extreme extension length from 1st dorsal to
11th dorsal, inclusive, 26 cm. away from which the bodies of the vertebrae
turn. In a rotation of the top of the column to
The extreme flexion length from 2d dorsal to 11th
the left the lateral curve is to the right and vice
dorsal, inclusive, 23.5 cm. versa.
The extreme extension length from 2d dorsal to 11th
dorsal, inclusive, 23 cm. The practical points to be borne in mind in the
In a tracing of the spine of the model in the erect study of the dorsal region are the facts that rota-
position a line connecting the seventh cervical and tion is freer than side bending, that hyperexten-
twelfth dorsal vertebrae was 36 cm. long, and a per- sion is extremely limited, and that the rotation
pendicular erected on it measured to the point of the of the vertebrae in side bending in the dorsal
greatest dorsal curve was 3 cm.; in extreme flexion, region is always towards the convexity of the
the same line was 34.5 cm. and the perpendicular was
5 cm.
lateral curve.
In the dorsal region of cadaver 2, separated from the
Hyperextension. Hyperextension is a motion rest of the spine, the 12th dorsal being fixed in a vise,
of very slight extent in the dorsal region. (Fig.

the 1st dorsal could be made to rotate by the use of

25.) It consists of a diminution of the backward extreme force 55° to the right and 50° to the left.8 This
convexity and is most noticeable in the lower half observation was made by means of pins driven into
of the region. In the model, in extreme hyper- the spinous processes which were sighted on a protrac-
tor. This is not an observation of the rotation of the
extension, a tracing of the outline of the spinous dorsal region on the pelvis, but of the rotation of the
processes in the dorsal region made a straight dorsal region alone.
line. In tracings of the two cadavers in the The pelvis of cadaver 1 being fixed, and the spine
extreme hyperextended position, the backward held erect, a forcible rotation of the shoulders to the
convexity of the dorsal spine was never obliter- right was made. This affected only slightly the upper
ated. dorsal and cervical regions and is of interest on that
account as contrasted with rotations made by twisting
In cadaver 2 a tracing was taken of the dorsal region the head. The measurements in an observation of
and a line was drawn connecting the first and twelfth the latter manipulation were made by means of plumb
dorsal vertebras. This line measured in the erect lines dropped from the pins at a fixed point on to a
position 25.8 cm. The distance from this line to the protractor. They were as follows :
point of greatest backward curve was 1.4 cm. in Rotation in degrees.
this position. In extreme hyperextension the line was
24.2 cm. long and the upright distance was .8 cm. Sacral pin, 0
5th lumbar, 0
4th lumbar, 0
Side bending. bending of the dorsal
Side 3d lumbar, 4.5 to left
region is a fairly evenly distributed movement 2d lumbar, 8.5

of slight extent presenting an even curve which 1st lumbar, 11.5

is greatest in the mid-dorsal region. It is 12th dorsal, 17
11th dorsal, 21
freest in the erect position or lying on the face. 10th dorsal, 25
It occurs less markedly in flexed positions and 9th dorsal, 27
least in hyperextension. Side bending here is 8th dorsal, 34
7th dorsal, 40
always accompanied by rotation of the bodies of 6th dorsal, 43
the vertebrae to the convex side of the lateral 5th dorsal, 47
curve. With both ends of the dorsal region fixed 4th dorsal, 49.5
a lateral bend causes the same rotation. With 3d dorsal, 50
the upper end of the column free the rotation 2d dorsal, 50
1st dorsal, 51
occurring in flexion is very marked in cadavers 7th cervical, 54
from which the sternum has been removed.
In cadaver 2 with the twelfth dorsal vertebra LUMBAR REGION.
fixed in a vise with the thorax intact, the extreme Flexion in the lumbar region is a move-
lateral excursion of the first dorsal vertebra from ment of much freedom, but the physiological
side to side was 10 cm. with the use of moderate curve in the cadaver was not obliterated in
force. The vertical height of the dorsal region any case observed.
being 25.5 cm. this excursion represents an arc The excursion of the top of the column was noted in
of approximately 28°.
Rotation is the most marked of dorsal move- cadaver 2, the pelvis being fixed in plaster. The first
lumbar moved between the erect position and extreme
ments. It reaches its greatest extent in the 8
upper dorsal vertebrae and diminishes toward Compare measurements of Weber, Volkmann and Hughes. Loc.

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flexion 8.2 cm. The vertical height of the top of the In cadaver 2 with the dorsal spine removed and the
first lumbar from the first sacral vertebra being ap- pelvis embedded in plaster a total side excursion of the
proximately 9.5 ; this represented an excursion of first lumbar vertebra was 8.1 cm. with a vertical height
approximately 55°. of 9.5 cm. This represents an excursion of approxi-
In cadaver 2, the length of lumbar spine measured mately 50° to be contrasted with 28° of total side excur-
over the top of the spinous processes was 9.7 cm. in sion of the dorsal region.
the erect position and 12.5 cm. in extreme flexion,
showing a lengthening of 2.8 em. In the model, the Rotation in the lumbar region is extremely
length of the lumbar spine measured in like manner limited. It is diminished by extreme hyper-
was, in the erect standing position, 13.5 cm.; and in extension and is least or absent in extreme flexion.
extreme flexion, 17.5 cm., an increase in length of 4 Under natural conditions the rotation is greatest
cm. in the erect position, but by the addition of trac-
The excursion of pins driven into each lumbar
tion in that position it is decidedly increased.
spinous process was measured at a distance of 10 cm.
The lumbar region possesses marked mobility
up in the erect position and in extreme flexion. in flexion, hyperextension and side bending,
Excursion of the pin upward
from the erect position. and but little in rotation. Side bending is more
Sacral pin, 0.4 cm. free than rotation in contradistinction to the
5th lumbar, 4 „ relation of these two movements in the dorsal
4th lumbar, 6.5
3d lumbar, 7.8

region. The rotation which accompanies side
bending is also the opposite of that occurring in

2d lumbar, 9 „
1st lumbar, 9 „ the dorsal region. In the lumbar region the
bodies turn toward the concavity of the lateral
Hyperextension general spinal
as a movement
curve, i. e., in a bend convex to the left the
is essentially a lumbar motion and in that region bodies turn to the right. The lumbar region
is an evenly distributed bend.
must be considered in function as including the
In cadaver 2 with the pelvis fixed in plaster and the twelfth dorsal vertebra.
dorsal region removed, the first lumbar vertebra made
in hyperextension an excursion from the erect position In cadaver 2, with the dorsal spine removed and the
of 6 cm. with the use of marked manual force represent- pelvis fixed in plaster, the first lumbar vertebra was
ing an arc of about 40°. In flexion, it has been seen rotated with extreme manual force to the right and
that the excursion was 8.2 cm. from the erect position, left. The rotation of the first lumbar on the sacrum
the total excursion from front to back being 14.2 with was estimated by a protractor. Under these condi-
a vertical height of 9.5 cm. This represented a total tions, in the erect position an arc described by the pin
excursion of the first lumbar vertebra from extreme in first lumbar vertebra was approximately 15° to the
flexion to extreme extension of about 95°. right and 17° to the left.
The excursion of the individual pins was measured
as in flexion. The results were as follows: CERTAIN CONCLUSIONS AS TO THE MOVEMENTS OP
Excursion of each pin from THE THREE REGIONS OP THE SPINE.
the erect position.
Sacrum, 0.5 cm. 1.In the lumbar region flexion diminishes
5th lumbar, 2.5 „ mobility in the direction of side bending and rota-
4th lumbar, 2.9 „ tion, and extreme flexion seems to lock the lumbar
3d lumbar, 3.2
2d lumbar, 4

spine against these movements.
1st lumbar, 4.2

2. In the dorsal region hyperextension dimin-
ishes mobility in the direction of side bending and
In cadaver 2, the length of the lumbar spine erect rotation. Extreme hyperextension seems to
measured over the spinous processes was 9.5 cm., and
in the hyperextended position, 5.0 cm. In the model, lock the dorsal spine against these movements.
measurements taken in like manner gave the length 3. In flexion of the whole spine side bending
of the lumbar spine erect 13.5 cm., and in the hyper- is accompanied by rotation of the vertebral
extended position 11.5 cm. These figures show a de- bodies to the convexity of the lateral curve, the
crease in length of the lumbar spine measured over characteristic of the dorsal region.
the spinous processes of 4.5 cm. in the cadaver, and 4. In the erect position and in hyperextension
2 cm. in the model. In considering these figures, as of the whole spine side bending is accompanied
in all figures given for the model, it must be borne in
mind that such measurements on the living body are by rotation of the vertebral bodies to the concav-
necessarily relative, from the amount of error involved. ity of the lateral curve, the characteristic of the
lumbar region.
Side is a free movement in the lumbar
bending 5. The dorsal region rotates more easily than
region and forms in the erect position a very it bends to the side, whereas the lumbar region
evenly distributed curve. It varies markedly bends to the side more easily than it rotates.
in the flexed, erect and hyperextended positions. 6. Rotation in the dorsal region is accompanied
It is greatest in the erect position and least in by a lateral curve, the convexity of which is oppo-
extreme flexion. site to the side to which the bodies of the vertebrae
The rotation accompanying side bending in rotate.
the lumbar spine is always with the bodies turn- 7. The column of vertebral bodies obeys in
ing to the concavity of the lateral curve; in a flexion, hyperextension, side bending and rota-
bend convex to the left the vertebral bodies turn tion, and in the combinations of them the same
to the right. This is to be contrasted with the rules which govern the intact spine, a fact of
opposite rotation occurring in side bending in much significance in connection with the rotation
the dorsal region. theories of v. Meyer and Albert.

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III. Application of Spinal Movements to If passes to the kinds of curves seen
now one
Scoliosis. patients coming for treatment one finds the
proportion of compound cases much larger.
That certain of these anatomical facts are of Scholder's
Assuming figures to be representative,
importance in connection with scoliosis is, I think, they show compound curves in 44.5%, total
unquestionable. scoliosis in 20.8%, and other single curves in
Sense of balance of the spine. The spinal
34.7%. This marked diminution in the propor-

column is an upright weight-bearing column, tion of cases of total scoliosis in older children
somewhat flexible in all directions, but in life it suggests that total scoliosis may change to a
must also be regarded as a column endowed with
a sense of equilibrium and balance by virtue of
compound form in its natural development.
This idea, advanced by Schildbach,11 has been
its attached muscles which work in response to slightly touched on or hinted at by many writers.12
central nervous impulses. If the pelvis of a cada- It has been observed to occur by Hess 13 in 26
ver is raised on the right side and the upright out of 86 cases of total scoliosis observed over a
spine is left free to move, the top of the column period varying from two weeks to eight and a
falls to the left and the spine is curved convex half years, the average being one and one-third
to the right. (Fig. 26.) This is the position years. That total scoliosis may persist as such
induced by gravity. If, on the other hand, the over a certain period has also been demonstrated
right side of the pelvis of a living model or child by Hess, 60 out of 86 cases not changing to an-
is raised and the upright spine is left free to move, other type while under observation for the time
the top of the column remains upright and the mentioned above.
spine is curved in the opposite direction, convex Experimental curves. Left total scoliosis of
to the left. This is the position of balance over- the type seen clinically may be reproduced ex-

coming the position induced by gravity. (Fig. perimentally in the cadaver by raising the right
27.) The sense of equilibrium has worked against side of the pelvis and holding or suspending the
the force of gravity and has reversed the position upper end of the spine approximately over the
natural to the cadaver. (Fig. 28.) This instinc- middle of the pelvis. (Fig. 28.) It may also be
tive sense of balance and equilibrium must be produced experimentally in the model or the child,
regarded as an attribute of the upright living sitting or standing, by raising the right side of the
spine and must be given a place in our study of
scoliosis. It is effective in two directions: pelvis. (Fig. 27.) The characteristics of the ex-
1. The erect person always strives to keep the
perimental and clinical curves are the same, the
head approximately over the middle of the pelvis,
spine is curved convex to the left laterally and as a
matter of necessity the upper part of the spine is
that is, in the sagittal or antero posterior median twisted to the right so that the right part of the
plane of the body. shoulder girdle is twisted back in its relation to
2. The erect person always strives to keep the the pelvis and the left side twisted forward.
shoulder girdle approximately in the same plane This twist of the shoulder girdle is the inevitable
as the pelvis, i. e., in the frontal or lateral plane result of lateral curve to the left in a normal
of the body. living spine where the upper end of the spine is
To this adjustment, especially to the element free.
that seeks to keep the shoulder girdle in the same Torsion in total scoliosis. We have seen that
plane as the pelvis, it seems to me too little atten-
every lateral curve must be accompanied by

tion has been paid in our studies of the mech- twisting, that the chief lateral flexibility is situ-
anism of the production of scoliosis. In this ated in the lumbar and lumbar dorsal region
instinctive effort to keep the shoulders and head and that lateral bending in this region is accom-
as straight as possible to the front, while disturb-
ances twisting the column below are taking place,
panied by twisting of the bodies of the vertebrae
toward the concavity of the lateral curve. In a
is to be found, I think, an important factor in left convex curve, therefore, the upper spine and
explaining the fixed rotation of scoliosis. The thorax must twist backward on the right side, and
application of this study of spinal mechanics the phenomenon known as concave-sided torsion,
should first be made to the condition known as reverse rotation, retrotorsion, etc.,14 is seen as a
total scoliosis. backward prominence of the back on the concave
Total scoliosis is the name applied to those side of the lateral curve, in standing and often
single curves involving practically the whole in bending forward.
spine in one more or less uniform curve. As a If one looks down on a child with a left total
rule, the term is synonymous with postural scoliosis, standing at ease, one sees that the shoul-
scoliosis and the condition is sometimes spoken der girdle is held twisted backward on the right
of as lateral curvature without rotation. in its relation to the pelvis. (Fig. 29.) These
In the Lausanne school children investigation,9 torsion appearances are more marked in children
comprising 2,314 school children, scoliosis with with a marked lumbar (lordosis) curve than in
a single curve was found in 91.4% of all curves.10 those with round backs as pointed out by Schul-
In 70% of all curves the scoliosis was one convex thess.15 This is because the more the lumbar
to the left. Compound curves, i. e., double curves, »Schildbach: Die Skoliose, Leipzig, 1872.
were found in 8.6% of all curves in this series. 12 Hoffa: Orth. Chir., 5th ed., 1905.
13 Hess: Zeit. f. Orth.
Chir., vi, 3, 4, 556.
14 Schultheis: Zeit. f. Chir.,
9Scholder: Arch. f. Orth. Chir., i, 3, p. 327. x, p. 489.
10G. M. Gould: Optic and Ocular Factors in Scol. Am. Med, ix, « Zeit. f. Orth.
Chir., vi, 399, vi, 556, 1892, 1. Revue d'ortho-
142, 562. pédie, vol. vi.

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Fío. 1.—Composite photograph (two exposures]on

the same plate) showing the model standing erect, and Fig. 2. Composite photograph of the model standing erect }
bending to the right without fixation of the pelvis. and bending to the right with the pelvis fixed. The movement

The movement is a general one. is limited to the spine.

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Fío. 5-—Flexion of the spine in the column of vertebral
Fig. 3. Klexion of the spine in the model. bodies alone. The spine is that of cadaver I.

Fig. 6. Hyperextension in the model. The head is supported to secure

Fig. 4. —
Flexion of the spine'in'cadaver I. steadiness. — (See Fig. 7.)

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Fío. 9. Side bending to the right in the flexed position of the spine
in the model. A lateral curve convex to the left is formed and the

vertebral bodies have turned to the left as shown by the elevation of the
Fig. 7. Hyperextension in the cadaver. left side of the back. (See Figs. 10 and 11.)

Fig. 10. Side bending to the right in the

flexed position of the spine in the cadaver.

Fío. 8. Hyperextension in the column of A curve convex to the left is formed and Fig. 11. Side bending to the right in for-
vertebral bodies alone.
— the vertebral bodies turn to the left. ward flexion in the column of vertebral bodies

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Fig. 14.— Side bending to the right in the hyperextended
position of the spine in the cadaver. The movement occurs
junction, and the bodies
chiefly at and below the dorso-lumbar shown
Fig. 12. Side bending in the upright position of the model. The move- of the vertebra1 turn to the right as by the pins. The
ment is chiefly located at the dorso-lumbar junction. 3

lateral curve is convex to the left.

Fig. 13. Side bending in the upright position of the cadaver, Fig. 15. Side bending to the right in the hyperextended position of the
showing the same
— characteristics as Fig. 12. spine in the model. The head is supported to secure steadiness. (See Fig. 14.

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Fig. 16. Side bending to the right in hyperex-
tension in the column of vertebral bodies. The same

characteristics are shown as in the previous figure.

Fig. 18.—Rotation of the column of

vertebral bodies, face to the left, by
moderate manual force. The picture is
the reverse of that in the model, but
shows the same characteristics.

Fig. 19. Rotation in the cadaver, face to the

left, by moderate manual force. The rotation

Fig. 17. Rotation of the model, face to the right, causing a dorsal does not affect the lumbar region ; no traction is
¡^ lateral curve convex to the left and a displacement of the trunk to the left.
— used. (See Fig. 20.)

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Fig. 21. Rotation of the spine of the
cadaver, face to the right in the flexed posi-

Fig. 20. Rotation in the cadaver, face to the left, by tion of the spine.
moderate manual force, while traction of thirty-eight pounds

The movement is seen to be located in the
is made on the head. With the use of approximately upper part of the column by the deviation
the same force as in Fig. 19 the rotation involved the of the pins.
lumbar vertebrœ.

Fig. 23. Rotation of the spine of the cadaver,

Fig. 22. Rotation, face to the right, in the model in the face to the right, in the hyperextended j position.
flexed position of the spine. The rotation is located chiefly

The movement is seen to occur in the lower part of

in the upper dorsal region. (See Fig. 21.) the spine by the rotation of the pins.

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Fio. 24. Extreme passive flexion ot the dorsal
spine. The spine has slipped somewhat in the vise as

shown by the inclination of4the lowest pin compared Fig. 26. The right side of the pelvis of the cadaver is raised and
with the same pin in Fig. 25; the apparent amount the upper part of the spine falls to the left, making a lateral curve

of flexion is therefore exaggerated. convex to the right.

Fig. 25. Extreme hyperextension by the use of

passive force—
in the dorsal region.

Fig. 27.—The right side of the pelvis of the model is

raised and the upper part of the spine is carried to the
right, making a lateral curve convex to the left.

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Fig. 28.—The upper end of the spine of the
cadaver is held by the hand over the middle of the Fig. 30. —Experimental ^double £curve^¿{right
pelvis, while the right side of the pelvis is raised, dorsal, left lumbar) produced in the cadaver by
and position like that of the living model is pro-
a elevating the right side of the pelvis and twisting
duced with a lateral curve convex to the left. the upper end of the spine, face to the left.

Fia. 29. Boy with left total scoliosis photographed

from overhead, showing the carrying back of the

shoulder girdle on the right.

The front edge of the board on the floor^marks the
lateral plane of the pelvis.

Fig. 31.'—^Experimental! double curve (right dorsal, left lum- ¿

bar) produced in the model by elevating the right side of the pelvis j¿
and having the model actively twist the upper spine, face to the left.

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region is curved forward, the more markedly a doublecurve can be reproduced experimen-
will the torsion phenomena peculiar to that tally in the cadaver (Fig. 30), the model (Fig. 31)
region appear. and the child by inducing a left total curve and
My own observations as to this twist of the adding a twist, active or passive, of the shoulder
shoulder girdle are confirmed by the results of girdle forward on the right. A right dorsal left
Hess who found twisting back of the left shoulder lumbar lateral curve then exists.
in only one out of twenty-eight cases of left total Support is given to this idea by the fact that
scoliosis examined. From the fact that total in structural right dorsal left lumbar curves with
scoliosis can be produced experimentally, it may bony rotation one is likely to find in looking down
be regarded as a malposition which can be pro- upon the standing patient that the left side of the
duced by the normal mechanism of the spine rather shoulder girdle is seen to be carried backward
than as a pathological malposition of the spine in its relation to the pelvis and the right side
and that its clinical characteristics are the inevi- forward. This, of course, is the reversed position
table result of a force causing the spine to be to that seen in the left total curve. The same
curved convex to the left. relation of the shoulder girdle is to be noticed
A left total scoliosis may be cured, it may per- in single curves to the left which are accompanied
sist as such, or it may change to another type of by bony rotation, the position again being the
curve. reverse of that seen in left total scoliosis.
It may be of use to apply our knowledge of A significant fact is contained in a statement
spinal mechanics to the prediction of what changes of Hess relative to this study of total scoliosis :
are likely to occur to modify total scoliosis and Wir dürfen aus diesen Zusammenstellungen den
cause it to assume a compound type. If total Schluss ziehen, dass die Formen mit concav seitiger
scoliosis tends to increase, it must do so by an Torsion und gleichmässigen Torsionsverhältnissen
increase of the existing side bend and of the nicht bloss als Totalskoliosen persisten sondern
existing twist since both are correlated, not auch ihre Torsion möglichst beibehalten.
necessarily of both in exact proportion, but to This suggests that the disappearance of con-
some extent both factors must share in it. The cave-sided torsion in any part of the spine indi-
shoulder girdle will, therefore, be more twisted cates that the compensatory change has already
as the lateral curve increases. One, however, does begun and that the so-called total scoliosis has
not see the condition clinically of extreme left begun on its transition to a compound curve.
total curve and extreme right backward rotation of This part of the subject is of so great impor-
the shoulder girdle except, possibly, in cicatricial tance that I do not venture to enter on it here
or paralytic cases. An adjustment apparently without extensive clinical observation. This
takes place when the tendency of the total curve question offers a promising field for future inves-
to increase passes beyond a certain point. For tigation in the application of spinal mechanics
the explanation of this one naturally looks to clinical conditions.
to the instinctive tendency to equilibrium and We should, therefore, regard with suspicion
balance spoken of as an intrinsic property of the any of apparent total scoliosis that shows
upright living spine. There must be going on any departure from the clinical type described.
at all times this effort to square the shoulder Such cases must be regarded as probably having
girdle with thepelvis and to keep the head and entered on the stage of transition.
upper spine as nearly as possible in the median That left total curves most frequently change
line of the body. This adjustment will naturally to right dorsal left lumbar compound curves
occur where the spine offers the least resistance than to any other form is shown by the figures
to it, and as individual vertebral columns vary, of Hess and by a statement of Schulthess.18 But
the compensatory adjustment will take various we cannot expect the same final curves always
forms. to result from the same initial curve. Various
Double curves. Assume that a child stands forms of curves may occur from the same simple
and sits with a left total curve. He will, after

curve. For example, the dorsal region may not

a certain point in the deformity is reached, be react as described and the dorsal and lumbar
continually striving to twist the upper part of region may yield, as a whole, to the left, later
his spine and his shoulder girdle forward on the showing bony rotation on the left side. as
right and to bend the upper part of his spine spine has yielded backward and to the left a
convex to the right to restore his balance. We whole and other types of compound curves may
have seen that the dorsal spine twists more easily obviously result from the same initial curve.
than it bends to the side. He is, therefore, more Up to the point of the occurrence of bony con-
likely to twist his dorsal spine than to bend it vex-sided rotation the attitudes are, I think, to
to the side. He will, therefore, twist the upper be regarded as rather malpositions within the
dorsal spine to the left which twist, as we have range of the normal mechanism than as patho-
seen, necessarily carries with it a dorsal lateral logical in type.
curve convex to the right. With the occurrence of persistent bony rota-
If this theory of instinctive adjustment can be tion on the convex side of the lateral curve, it
accepted, the tendency to correct the twist of must be assumed that pathological changes have
the shoulder and upper end of the spine is suffi- begun and that the normal mechanism does not
cient to explain the transition of a left total account for this phenomenon. The normal
curve to a right dorsal left lumbar curve. Such i«
Lüning und Sehulthess: Orth. Chir., 1901, p. 248.

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mechanism is capable of putting the spine into a tion on the left, in curves convex to the left and
distorted position with curves in opposite direc- vice versa). These represent the cases accom-
tions, but not of causing bony rotation on the con- panied by pathological changes in the vertebrae,
vex side of the lateral curve. Finally transition cases are to be recognized.
The occurrence of such bony rotation must Summary. No summary is possible of a
be regarded as a superadded pathological change paper which in its entirety is only a summing up

in structure due to abnormal plasticity of bone of certain facts in a field of study large enough
in the affected individual. to fill a volume. The points that I have tried to
Up to the point of bony rotation one must establish from anatomical and clinical data are
remember that the phenomena can be experi- that total postural scoliosis is to be regarded as
mentally reproduced in any normal cadaver, as within physiological limits and that it can be
model or child, but that bony rotation cannot accounted for by the normal mechanism of the
be experimentally reproduced and cannot be spine; that the same normal mechanism will
explained in terms of spinal movements. account for the production of compound curves
I would, therefore, ask you to regard concave- from simple ones, but that it will not account
sided rotation as in a measure physiological and for the occurrence of bony rotation on the convex
convex-sided rotation as pathological, not that side of the lateral curve which must be regarded
the two phenomena are sharply separated, for, as a superadded pathological change. Certain
of course, they run into each other and overlap, of the anatomical facts considered should be of
but for purposes of greater clearness the types of direct use in making more exact the gymnastic
the two should, I think, be kept separate. treatment of slight scoliosis, but that they can be
Bony rotation. The question of the cause of carried over into the gymnastic treatment of struc-
bony rotation lies outside of my present line of tural scoliosis without very careful consideration

inquiry, and has been amply treated by German in each case does not seem to me likely. In the
writers.17 It seems to me to be explained by latter case we are no longer dealing with a spine
the fact that the vertebrae of some children are distorted by the normal mechanism, but by a
plastic and ready to be distorted by increased malposition to which is added a distorting path-
pressure on one side and diminished pressure on ologic process. That a knowledge of spinal
the other, and that Wullstein's experiments on the mechanics will make clearer the treatment of
dogs have proved this, if we need proof. In a structural scoliosis I have no question, but the
column curved to one side or to both sides in application 01 this knowledge will require further
different portions the pressure is greatest on the study and careful investigation.
side of the vertebra next to the concavity of the
curve and least on the side of the convexity,
because the line of weight falls to the median FIRST OF A SERIES OF ARTICLES ON THE
side of the concavity. If the vertebra are plastic, APPENDIX VERMIFORMIS.
they will yield in the line of least resistance; that
is, toward the side of the convexity of the lateral BY WM. A. BROOKS, JR., A.M., M.D., BOSTON,
Assistant Surgeon, Massachusetts General Hospital.
A plastic weight bearing column curved in two Position. In tracing the development of the
directions will not yield straight to the side, but human embryo, the appendix vermiformis is —

will also twist. The vertebral column in all first seen immediately following the differentia-
parts is curved in the anteroposterior plane tion of the large and small intestine. It is then
by the physiological curves. The rotation will found high up on the right side of the abdomen,
naturally be away from the line of gravity, the close to the liver.
median line of the column, because to twist As the ascending colon develops and obtains
toward it would be to encounter the greatest its growth downwards, the cecum with the appen-
instead of the least resistance. It seems to me, dix occupies a lower and lower position on the
therefore, wholly in accord with what we know right side of the abdomen, until, with the full
of general mechanics that in a plastic weight- development, the cecum and its appendix come
bearing column curved in two planes bony rota- to rest in the right iliac fossa, and it is here that
tion must occur on the convex side of each lateral the appendix is found in a great majority of cases.
curve. Frequently only the base of the appendix rests
Classification. From this point of view, there in the right iliac fossa, while the remainder lies
are then two distinct divisions of lateral curvature, towards the median line or hangs over into the

one, the total curves accompanied by promi- true pelvis.

nence of the back on the concave side of the The longitudinal bands on the ascending colon

lateral curve (rotation on the right, in curves and cecum invariably lead downwards to the base
convex to the left) which are to be regarded as of the appendix.
postural and not accompanied by extensive With the fastening back of the ascending colon
pathological changes. owing to the gluing together of the posterior
The other, the compound or more rarely, visceral layer covering the ascending colon and
single curves accompanied by prominence of the its mesentery and the parietal peritoneum lining
back on the convex side of the lateral curve (rota- the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity, the
Riedinger: Morph. und Mech. d. Skol., Wiesbaden, 1901. cecum and its appendix are practically held in
Schanz: Die Beiast. Def. d. Wirkelsäule, Stuttgart, 1904.
Hoffa: Orth. Chir., 5th ed., p. 328. one position, and the excursions of the appendix

The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal as published by

The New England Journal of Medicine. Downloaded from at NYU WASHINGTON SQUARE CAMPUS on June 24, 2016.
For personal use only. No other uses without permission. From the NEJM Archive. Copyright © 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society.

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