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1. It is generally a direction which tells that something is developing or changing.

a. Network b. Fad c. Trend / d. Trend Line

2. It is a short-lived idea or temporary event that is usually called as a “flash in the pan.”
a. Network b. Fad c. Trend / d. Trend Line
3. When it reaches a certain point of popularity, it declines and eventually disappears and dies in the
a. Fad b. Innovation c. Trend line d. Trend
4. It expresses that ideas may be too many out there but people these days always look for
something new.
a. Consistency c. Impact
b. Idea or Innovation d. Trendsetter
5. It has a lasting effect on organizations and business systems and is becoming more widely
acceptable to majority of people expecting to benefit from it.
a. Consistency c. Impact
b. Idea or Innovation d. Trendsetter
6. The Government retain the mandatory face shield policy came following health experts’
recommendation to “triple” precautions against the virus.
a. Reflect on your own c. Identify the opportunity
b. Be well informed d. Explore the social media
7. It is the easiest way to categorize a trend.
a. short-lived c. invisible
b. long-lived d. long-run
8. It does not immediately fade but rather develops a growing interest among people and stay as part
of culture for a longer time possible.
a. Consistency c. Impact
b. Idea or Innovation d. Trendsetter
9. With the use of internet, children are getting addicted to online games
a. Idea b. Innovation c. Consistency d. Impact
10. Distant learning is s new trend in the field of education where students nowadays can learn
and interact with some of the global teachers.
a. Idea b. Innovation c. Consistency d. Impact
11. One of the elements of trend is driven by a basic human need on that is catalyzed by new
a. Idea b. Innovation c. Consistency d. Impact
12. This characteristic has a long staying power for a long period of time
a. Duration of time b. acceptability c. cultural basis d. transmissibility
13. A trend is rooted on the people’s cultural traditions, beliefs, and values.
a. Duration of time b. acceptability c. cultural basis d. transmissibility
14. It is the means or technologies used to communicate to a large number of people.
a. Print Press b. Mass media c. Movable Type d. Mass Communication
15. A trend makes considerable influence or impact. Social networking has become an encompassing
trend that tends to influence behaviors of online users. What element of trends is described in the
a. number of participants c. longevity
b. dynamic d. consequence
16. These early thinkers made a considerable discussion about parts of the whole.
a. Plato and Aristotle c. Plato and Socrates
b. Plato and Galileo d. Plato and Confucius
17. Which of the following perspectives advocates an action to address environmental problems?
a. Anthropocentrism c. environmentalism
b. Biocentrism d. ecocentrism
18. Sustainable development carefully foresees what is in store for the future of the present
generation. Which of these statements is NOT related to sustainable development?
a. Humankind must use up all-natural resources.
b. Resources must be conserved for other people.
c. Natural resources must be used wisely and efficiently.
d. Human activities must not negatively impact the environment.
19. It refers to items in which frequency are changing overtime.
a. Linear b. exponential c. emerging patterns d. damped
20. You got the SMS alert that parking space is available near your block. Name the technology
a. Smart Parking b. Smart School c. Smart Shaming d. Smart Tool
21. Which of the following is an example of block chain technology?
a. Digital Currency b. Google Meet c. Paytime d. RazorPay
22. . It is a generally accepted principle that there is the cause for everything that happens.
a. Cause b. consequence c. causality d. emerging patterns
23. Learn new things and online courses.
a. Cause b. consequence c. causality d. emerging patterns
24. Exaggerated/negative self-image.
a. Cause b. consequence c. causality d. emerging patterns
25. It is a kind of logical thinking that addresses the problems or issues by breaking it into its
component parts.
a. intuitive thinking b. analytical thinking c. strategic thinking d. emergent thinking
26. Strategic Thinking, involves additional sensors to perceive and get aware of information from
a. Fact b. Bluff c. Maybe d. It depends
27. It is the kind of thinking that helps one understand reality by perception or intuition without logic
or analysis
a. intuitive thinking b. analytical thinking c. strategic thinking d. emergent thinking

28. Which of the following terms that refers to the ability to understand or know something because
of a feeling rather than a fact?
a. Perception b. imagination c. intuition d. conscious mind
29. Intuitive thinking also refers to "quick and ready insight". The quick and ready insight has
something brought by experiences.
a. Fact b. Bluff c. Maybe d. It depends
30. You may see who is a person or how they he or she is without them having to say anything.
a. Psychic Intuitive Thinking c. Spiritual Intuitive Thinking
b. Emotional Intuitive Thinking d. Mental Intuitive Thinking
31. Sometimes you tend to seek for a quick solution/s to a problem.
c. Psychic Intuitive Thinking c. Spiritual Intuitive Thinking
d. Emotional Intuitive Thinking d. Mental Intuitive Thinking
32. This works best where the observer has the same experience in the particular situation.
a. Perception b. imagination c. intuition d. conscious mind
33. ..
34. ..
35. What is social network mapping?
a. A tool for visualizing social connections and relationships between individuals or groups /
b. A tool for creating new social connections and relationships between individuals or groups
c. A tool for measuring the effectiveness of social programs in a community
d. A tool for promoting social media engagement and activity
36. What is the role of community engagement in solving problems using social network mapping?
a. To ensure that all stakeholders are involved in the process
b. To promote transparency and accountability in the process
c. To encourage collaboration and communication between stakeholders
d. All of the above /
37. How can intuitive thinking be applied in social network mapping?
a. By identifying patterns and trends in social connections and relationships /
b. By brainstorming creative solutions to community problems
c. By conducting data analysis to identify key stakeholders and relationships
d. By promoting collaboration and communication between stakeholders
38. Why is intuitive thinking important in solving community problems?
a. It allows for more efficient and effective problem-solving
b. It helps to identify creative and innovative solutions to complex problems
c. It helps to establish clear and measurable goals for problem-solving
d. It ensures that all stakeholders are involved in the problem-solving process
39. What are some potential benefits of social network mapping?
a. Identifying key stakeholders and their relationships
b. Encouraging community engagement and collaboration
c. Facilitating communication and information sharing
d. All of the above /
40. It is a phenomenon that aims to link the international community to promote social, cultural and
political interconnectedness for the common good.
a. Trends b. Networks c. Operations d. Globalization /
41. What does ASEAN stand for?
a. Association of South Eastern Asian Nations
b. Association of Southern East Asian Nations
c. Association of South East Asian Nations /
d. Association of South East African Nations
42. One of the disadvantages of Globalization is __?
a. Failing economy will have a domino effect on its trading partner in another country. /
b. Wealth and power are not concentrated in the hands of small group
c. Introduction of international products and brand makes way for the business domination of
smaller countries
d. There is no way to communicate with the manufacturing counties
43. What are some positives of globalization?
a. Cheap sneakers and clothes
b. Cheap electronics
c. Answer a and b /
d. None of the above
44. One of the advantages of Globalization is __?
a. Allows developing and underdeveloped countries to never catch up with developed nations.
b. Outsources by companies to provide jobs and technology.
c. Demotes social justice and human rights among states.
d. Consumer goods cost more
45. Which of the following is a positive effect of globalization on the environment?
a. Increased pollution and depletion of natural resources
b. Improved environmental regulations and awareness /
c. Decreased biodiversity and ecosystem health
d. Increased greenhouse gas emissions and climate change
46. What are some negatives of globalization?
a. Workers are exploited in sweatshops
b. Pollution and deforestation
c. Low wages for factory workers in Asia and Africa
d. All of the above /
47. Which of the following is a negative effect of globalization?
a. Widening of the income gap between rich and poor /
b. Increased political instability and conflict
c. Decreased access to education and healthcare
d. Improved working conditions and labor rights

48. What is offered by our country as it participates in Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit?
a. Collaboration b. Interconnectedness c. Cooperation d. Progress
49. One of the success indicators of APEC 2015, was the meeting between government leaders,
investors, and inventors. What action was fulfilled in that meeting that later served common
a. Cooperation b. Collaboration c. Ingenuity d. Hospitality
50. The globalization phenomenon gave Filipinos opportunity to showcase their innovations as
exhibited in APEC 2015 held in Manila. What action was presented by our government in
international community in hosting such economic event?
a. Cooperation b. Collaborationc. Ingenuity d. Hospitality
51. In studying trends, which part of the following is analyzed one by one?
a. Parts b. Whole c. Analysis d. Primary Identity
52. What part of a trend is the completeness of parts and its components?
a. Parts b. Whole c. Analysis d. Primary Identity
53. What is your Primary identity?
a. Name b. Year and Section c. Address d. occupation
54. Somebody in the class said that “Andyan na si Ma’am!” and everybody took their sits without
being told. What norm is reflected in the situation?
a. Values b. Attitude / c. Belief d. Gender
55. What describes an expected weather condition in a specific place at a particular time?
a. Weather b. Climate c. Climate Change d. Greenhouse Effect
56. What kind of problem is climate change?
a. Political problem
b. Economic Problem
c. Environmental problem
d. Social problem
57. In the pattern of production and consumption, which among the following product negatively
affect climate change?
a. Cattle Raising
b. Plastic manufacturing
c. Waste segregation Unit
d. Renewable energy Sources
58. Which of the following actions can individuals take to reduce their carbon footprint and
contribute to solving the problem of climate change?
a. Driving alone instead of carpooling or ride in a public transport.
b. Reducing meat consumption and choosing plant-based meals.
c. Turning on lights and electronics all the time
d. Buying new clothes every week
59. Which of the following renewable energy sources can individuals support in order to reduce
their reliance on fossil fuels and combat climate change?
a. Solar power. b. Wind power. c. Geothermal power. d. All of the above.
60. Which of the following lifestyle changes can individuals make to reduce their environmental
impact and contribute to solving the problem of climate change?
a. a. Choosing to buy products made from sustainable materials. b. Recycling and
composting. c. Conserving water by taking shorter showers and fixing leaky faucets.
d. All of the above.

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