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E  The Open Mind

Pro–Con Debate: Viscoelastic Hemostatic Assays

Should Replace Fixed Ratio Massive Transfusion
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Protocols in Trauma
Kevin P. Blaine, MD, MPH, FASA,* and Roman Dudaryk, MD†
See Article, p 21

Major trauma patients at risk of traumatic coagulopathy are commonly treated with early clotting
factor replacement to maintain hemostasis and prevent microvascular bleeding. In the United
States, trauma transfusions are often dosed by empiric, low-ratio massive transfusion proto-
cols, which pair plasma and platelets in some ratio relative to the red cells, such as the “1:1:1”
combination of 1 units of red cells, 1 unit of plasma, and 1 donor’s worth of pooled platelets.
Empiric transfusion increases the rate of overtransfusion when unnecessary blood products are
administered based on a formula and not on at patient’s hemostatic profile. Viscoelastic hemo-
static assays (VHAs) are point-of-care hemostatic assays that provided detailed information
about abnormal clotting pathways. VHAs are used at many centers to better target hemostatic
therapies in trauma. This Pro/Con section will address whether VHA guidance should replace
empiric fixed ratio protocols in major trauma.  (Anesth Analg 2022;134:21–31)

ACT = activated clotting time; AUC = area under the curve; CA5 = clot amplitude at 5 min, an early pre-
dictor of the maximum clot firmness; CFT = clot formation time (ROTEM); CT = clotting time (ROTEM
and Quantra); DOAC = direct-acting oral anticoagulant; EXTEM = extrinsic pathway ROTEM; FCS =
fibrinogen contribution to clot stiffness (Quantra); FIBTEM = fibrinogen ROTEM; FP-24 = liquid
plasma frozen after 24 hours of collection; INR = international normalized ratio; INTEM = intrin-
sic pathway ROTEM; ISS = Injury Severity Score; iTACTIC = implementing Treatment Algorithms
for the Correction of Trauma-Induced Coagulopathy; K = kinetic time (TEG); LI = lysis index
(ROTEM); Ly30 = percent clot lysis at 30 minutes (TEG); MA = maximum amplitude (TEG); MCF
= maximum clot firmness (ROTEM); MTP = massive transfusion protocol; NSAID = nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drug; PBM = patient blood management; PCC = prothrombin complex concen-
trate; PCS = platelet contribution to clot stiffness (Quantra); PROPPR = Pragmatic Randomized
Optimal Platelet and Plasma Ratios; PT = prothrombin time; PTT = partial thromboplastin time;
R = reaction time (TEG); ROTEM = rotational thromboelastometry; rTEG = rapid TEG; TEG =
thrombelastography; TEG FF = TEG functional fibrinogen; VHA = viscoelastic hemostatic assay

emorrhage is the leading cause of preventable for empiric, fixed ratio massive transfusion protocols
death in major trauma1–4 and often requires (MTPs).7–9 However, viscoelastic hemostatic assays
large volumes of blood products for resuscita- (VHAs) are increasingly available at many trauma
tion and correction of coagulopathy.5,6 Both American centers and offer readily available, patient-specific
and European guidelines include recommendations coagulation data to guide trauma resuscitation. VHAs
From the *Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine,
might even replace ratio-based transfusions.10 The
Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon; and †Department of following Pro-Con discussion addresses some argu-
Anesthesiology, Perioperative Medicine, and Pain Management, University
of Miami Health System/Ryder Trauma Center, Miami, Florida.
ments in favor, and in opposition, to the replacement
Accepted for publication July 12, 2021. of fixed ratio transfusions by VHA-guided MTPs.
Funding: None.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. BACKGROUND
Reprints will not be available from the authors. Trauma patients with severe hemorrhagic shock are
Address correspondence to Kevin P. Blaine, MD, MPH, FASA, Department at risk for developing trauma-induced coagulopa-
of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Oregon Health & Science
University, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, UH-2, Portland, OR 97230.
thy,5,11,12 a complex and multifactorial syndrome of
Address e-mail to microvascular bleeding that cannot be controlled
Copyright © 2021 International Anesthesia Research Society surgically.11 Trauma-induced coagulopathy does not
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000005709

January 2022 • Volume 134 • Number 1 21

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VHAs in Massive Transfusion for Trauma

always correlate with abnormalities of conventional PRO: VHAS SHOULD REPLACE FIXED
laboratory parameters.13 For example, a patient on TRANSFUSION RATIOS IN MTPS IN TRAUMA TO
chronic warfarin with an international normalized REDUCE OVERTRANSFUSION
ratio (INR) of 1.2 would be hemostatically normal Despite widespread adoption, the literature sup-
by standard laboratory definitions,14 while a trauma porting fixed ratio MTPs in trauma remains objec-
patient (presumably not on warfarin) with an INR of tively weak,56–59 lacking prospective data and reliant
1.2 might have coagulopathic bleeding.15 The exact on retrospective studies that are critically limited by
molecular mechanisms underlying trauma coagu- survivorship and selection biases.58–60 The Pragmatic,
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lopathy remain to be characterized fully, with several Randomized Optimal Platelet and Plasma Ratios
postulated pathways which are not mutually exclu- (PROPPR) trial, often cited as the highest-level evi-
sive: thrombomodulin and activated protein C,16–19 dence for fixed ratios, was nonetheless a negative
pathologic fibrinolysis,20–22 and endotheliopathy.23–26 trial—“1:1:1” was not better than the modestly less
There is consensus that coagulopathy treatment stringent “1:1:2” ratio for mortality or for 34 of 35
requires prompt (within 1 hour) replacement of pro- planned secondary end points.61 We lack rigorous
coagulant hemostatic mediators to preserve coagula- prospective data supporting ratio-based MTPs.
tion and thrombogenesis.27 Balanced resuscitation with reconstituted blood
For this discussion, the “usual care” therapy for implies that transfusion of blood product combina-
hemorrhage in trauma implies fixed ratio, compo- tions approximates whole blood. The reality is that
nent-based MTPs, such as the “1:1:1” or “1:1:2” (2 cold-stored products differ substantially from freshly
units of red cells, 1 unit of plasma, 1 donor’s worth exsanguinated blood. Donated red cells and plate-
of platelet) concept. This notion hypothesizes that the lets are older62,63 and metabolically quiescent.40,63 In
hemorrhaging trauma patient benefits from a com- plasma, clotting proteins do not equally survive the
bination of blood products that approximates whole freezing and thawing process. Plasma processing
blood (such as by alternating between administering typically destroys 30% to 50% of factors VIII and X.64
1 unit of red cells, 1 unit plasma, and 1 donor’s worth Fibrinogen especially demonstrates poor freezer-sta-
of platelets or fraction of a platelet pool), which would bility; thawed fresh frozen plasma contains fibrino-
thereby correct any deficiency in clot mediators.28 In gen concentrations of only 157 to 191 mg/dL.32 As
the United States, fractionated blood products com- this concentration approximates the threshold of 150
monly include plasma, platelets, and cryoprecipi- to 200 mg/dL proposed for acquired hypofibrino-
tate.29 Some European centers have more experience genemia in trauma,7,65,66 plasma is unlikely to replace
with prothrombin complex concentrates (PCC) and fibrinogen and may even lower circulating levels in
fractionated fibrinogen.30 When fractionated products some patients by dilution.66,67 Due to ex vivo protein
are used, this concept has been called reconstituted C activity after 6 hours at room temperature, thawed
blood31,32 or balanced resuscitation.31–34 A few centers plasma and liquid plasma frozen after 24 hours of
have experimented with cold-stored whole blood in collection (FP-24) are depleted in factors V, VII, and
trauma,35 and rigorous outcome data are enthusiasti- VIII.68 Factor V is concerning as it is the clotting factor
cally anticipated. most commonly reduced in severe traumatic coagu-
Generally, liberal blood product administration in lopathy.17,18,69,70 Reconstituted whole blood should
nonhemorrhage and nontrauma situations have not perhaps be considered “approximated whole blood,”
been shown to improve outcomes36–38 and may even instead.
harm some patients.36,37 Red cell transfusions do not While fixed ratio MTPs in trauma lead  to liberal
seem to improve oxygen carrying capacity39–41 and
transfusion habits, most other realms of periopera-
storage conditions may worsen oxygen delivery.42–44
tive medicine have adopted more restrictive transfu-
Plasma transfusions predispose patients to trans-
fusion-associated lung injury,45–47 and may worsen sion practices. The patient blood management (PBM)
coagulopathy by diluting some coagulation factors movement has sought to reduce the transfusion of
and fibrinogen.48–50 Pooled platelets and cryoprecip- all blood products, while emphasizing preoperative
itate are produced from multiple donors and expose optimization, restrictive transfusion triggers, and
patients to a high antigen load with debatable effi- pharmacologic agents.71,72
cacy in the setting of hemorrhage.51–55 Many PBM practices are useful in trauma care.
It remains uncertain whether trauma patients uni- While preoperative optimization is generally unfea-
versally benefit from fixed ratio MTPs. Given the sible, transfusion-sparing techniques have already
lack of high-quality evidence to support ratio-based been adopted. Examples include mechanical tam-
transfusion, it may be time to consider alternative ponade and tourniquets,7,73–75 permissive hypoten-
approaches to diagnosing and treating coagulopathy sion,7,76–78 avoidance of hypothermia and acidosis,7,76,79
in trauma. the early use (<3 hours of injury) of antifibrinolytic

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E  The Open Mind

agents,7,76,79–81 early and aggressive calcium supple- Hemosonics Quantra (Hemosonics). Cartridge-based
mentation,7,79 and cell-salvage devices.82 PCCs83–86 and devices offer more measurement consistency, faster
recombinant fibrinogen87 may also be used to rapidly results, and greater point-of-care ease of use. Hence,
augment clotting proteins. VHAs have emerged as an ideal compromise that
Perhaps the cornerstone of intraoperative PBM recognize the complex pathological bleeding states in
is the tolerance of abnormal laboratory results.88 major trauma, while reducing excessive fractionated
In many (nontrauma) operative scenarios, simply blood products.
delaying red cell transfusion until the hemoglobin The blood-sparing effect of VHAs is well recog-
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reaches 7.0 g/dL,88,89 or the INR reaches 1.5,90 can nized. Meta-analyses, although predominantly from
have a tremendous impact on the total amount of studies in cardiac surgery, have consistently shown
blood that is transfused without increasing mortality. that VHAs lead to less blood product use, with great-
In the setting of trauma, conventional laboratory est reductions for plasma (typically ~50% reduction)
results are limited by slow reporting and inaccuracy. and platelets (typically ~25% reduction). These meta-
While most clinicians expect a turnaround time of 20 analyses have shown little or no effect on blood loss,
minutes for stat laboratories drawn in the emergency cryoprecipitate use, or antifibrinolytic therapies.98–103
department (ED),91 one study reported a mean turn- Admittedly, VHAs have not been shown consistently
around of 45 minutes for an urgent prothrombin time to improve mortality,98–100,103 especially when com-
(PT)/INR result, with substantial variability between pared to usual care or clinician judgment,101 although
sites; reporting delays >60 minutes were not uncom- neither has reduced transfusion rates been shown
mon.91 In the hemorrhaging patient with acute hypo- to worsen survival. VHAs are an intervention that
volemic anemia, the hemoglobin measurement may increases the value of care by reducing resource con-
take hours to reflect the circulating red cell mass.92 sumption without worsening patient outcomes.
Although PT/INR cutoffs have been proposed to Most VHAs are whole blood assays. Unlike tradi-
diagnosis traumatic coagulopathy in some studies, tional clotting times (like the PT) which use purified
no formal threshold has been defined. INR cutoffs of plasma, VHAs simultaneously measure multiple clot-
1.2 or 1.5 have been shown to yield too many false ting axes, and return useful data.12,104 For example,
positives without correlating with hemorrhage out- thrombin generation is correlated with the latency
comes.13 The partial thromboplastin time (PTT) and period between reagent activation and the initiation of
activated clotting time (ACT) are insensitive markers a fibrin clot; this can be measured as the reaction time
of mild and moderate coagulopathy, with sensitivities (R) for TEG, or the clotting time (CT) for ROTEM and
estimated at only 50%.93,94 While more accurate, the Quantra. The standard 4-channel ROTEM offers the
turnaround time for a gold standard complete blood option to separate both the intrinsic pathway (INTEM)
count (to obtain a platelet count) and Clauss fibrino- and extrinsic pathway (EXTEM) CT,105 providing
gen assay can exceed 60 minutes or even 100 minutes additional information as to which clotting pathways
at some centers,95 outside the “Golden [One] Hour” are deficient. Admittedly, the rarity of isolated factor
time limit for optimal resuscitation. Modern point- VII deficits in trauma70,106 and the extremely rapid
of-care technologies allow for rapid measurement of kinetics of tissue factor reagents107 limits the EXTEM
blood gases, lactate, and even coagulation times (eg, CT for guiding plasma transfusion,12 though the same
the i-Stat Coagulation, Abbott Laboratories, Abbot challenge is present for the PT/INR. VHAs using con-
Park). Besides suffering from the same diagnostic tact activator agonists are thus preferred in trauma to
limitations as their laboratory-based counterparts, diagnose deficient clotting factors.12
point-of-care INR values are less accurate.96 Rapid While not helpful to diagnose clotting factor defi-
base deficit and serum lactate are loosely correlated ciencies, tissue factor VHAs (like the EXTEM or the
with hypoperfusion generally and do not diagnose Rapid TEG) are nonetheless important adjuncts that
coagulopathy.92 In sum, traditional laboratory test- facilitate reporting the remaining VHA parameters
ing has limited value in the diagnosis of traumatic without the need to wait for slower, contact activa-
coagulopathy. tor results108–110 (Table  1). One of the most helpful
VHAs have emerged as a solution to the challenge results in trauma is the estimate of total clot strength:
of laboratory diagnosis and treatment-monitoring of the TEG MA, ROTEM MCF, and Quantra PCS, which
trauma-induced coagulopathy. VHAs been used in are thought to approximate platelet count (with some
trauma since the 1990s.97 Older VHA platforms, like contribution from fibrinogen).111,112 These parameters
the TEG 5000 (Haemonetics Corporation) and ROTEM do not differ between tissue factor and contact activa-
Delta (Instrumentation Laboratory), are gradually tor agonists.110 While the gold standard measurement
being replaced by the new generation of cartridge- remains the standard platelet count, with area under
based units, including the TEG 6S (Haemonetics), the the curves (AUCs) for maximum amplitude (MA) and
ROTEMsigma (Instrumentation Laboratory), and the maximum clot firmness (MCF) generally reported

January 2022 • Volume 134 • Number 1 23

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VHAs in Massive Transfusion for Trauma

Table 1. Example of a VHA Interpretation Algorithm, From the iTACTIC Trial126

Treatment TEG ROTEM
Clotting factor replacement (4 units of plasma) rTEG MA ≥65 mm, and rTEG ACT >120 s EXTEM CA5 ≥40 mm, and EXTEM CT >80 s
Fibrinogen supplementation (4 g equivalent, either TEG FF MA <20 mm FIBTEM CA5 <10 mm
cryoprecipitate or fibrinogen concentrate)
Platelet transfusion (1 platelet pool) rTEG MA minus TEG FF MA <45 mm EXTEM CA5 minus FIBTEM CA5 <30 mm
Tranexamic acid (1 g) Ly30 >10% LI30 <85%
Abbreviations: ACT, activated clotting time; CA5, clot amplitude at 5 min, an early predictor of the maximum clot firmness; CT, clotting time; EXTEM, extrinsic
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pathway ROTEM; FIBTEM, fibrinogen ROTEM; ITACTIC, implementing Transfusion Algorithms for the Correction of Trauma-induced Coagulopathy; LI, lysis index;
Ly30, percent clot lysis at 30 min; MA, maximum amplitude; TEG FF, TEG functional fibrinogen; rTEG, rapid TEG; VHA, viscoelastic hemostatic assay; TEG, throm-
belastography; ROTEM, rotational thromboelastometry.

from 0.7 to 0.8,112–114 VHAs are reliable as indirect indi- a thrombocytopenic patient without clotting factor
cators of thrombocytopenia. A single (industry-spon- deficiencies. Thus, there is no need to transfuse large
sored and authored) study reported an AUC of 89.5% volumes of blood products expectantly, according to
for thrombocytopenia using the Quantra PCS,115 a fixed ratio recipe. VHAs may not reduce blood loss
which may prove more reliable. VHAs measurements or improve mortality, but nor do they worsen these
including the TEG Ly30 and ROTEM LI can esti- outcomes, and they undeniably reduce transfusions,
mate fibrinolysis and potentially identify the hyper- which is a benefit by itself. The time has come for
fibrinolytic phenotype in trauma.12 There is no other VHAs to replace fixed ratio algorithms in MTPs in
point-of-care test for fibrinolysis. The recognition of trauma.
hypofibrinogenemia by the measures of clot forma-
tion kinetics (kinetic time [K] for TEG, clot formation CON: VHAS ARE INACCURATE AND MISLEADING,
time [CFT] for ROTEM, alpha angle for both, fibrino- AND SHOULD NOT REPLACE FIXED RATIO
gen contribution to clot stiffness [FCS] for Quantra) is TRANSFUSIONS
less certain in trauma than in cardiac surgery,113,116,117 The enthusiasm around VHA use in trauma relies on
although specialized VHA assays including the TEG the accuracy of these assays to measure procoagulant
Functional Fibrinogen and ROTEM FIBTEM have the pathways, though correlation with any gold standard
potential to improve diagnosis.118 Such diverse infor- measurements and with clinical outcomes has been
mation is helpful to target blood product therapies. lacking. Even if VHAs reduce transfusions, if the
Critics occasionally point out that VHA clotting tests are inaccurate or misleading, they should be not
times can be slow to provide useful information. codified into transfusion protocols. There are other,
Abnormal clotting times (beyond the reference limit) safer ways to reduce transfusions, such as provider
are reported as longer than traditional clotting assays. education.
To register an abnormal result, the user must wait >10 The clinical performance of VHAs in trauma has
minutes (or >600 seconds) for a TEG R, >204 seconds been unimpressive. We have already discussed the
for an INTEM CT, and >164 seconds for a Quantra CT, lack of a mortality benefit in meta-analyses. Among
while only >40 seconds for a PTT and >14 seconds all the small trials included in these analyses, there
for a PT. These limits are deceptive because they do is only 1 study121 that has suggested a mortality ben-
not include specimen processing. The centrifuge time efit for VHA-guided protocols in trauma. The statis-
alone will add 15 to 20 minutes to the conventional PT tical effect in this industry-supported trial was small
or PTT.119,120 Cartridge-based VHAs systems can ini- (P = .049) and the fragility index (the number of sur-
tiate analysis within moments, thus avoiding transit, viving patients who would have had to die to over-
processing, and reporting delays. Furthermore, when turn the statistical result) was <1, which (combined
real-time remote display software is used, clinicians with 11 patients excluded from analysis and 8 patients
can view the developing VHA tracing while the test from the control arm that actually followed the exper-
is still in progress, providing instantaneous (albiet imental protocol) strongly suggests that the trial
incomplete) results automatically. To initiate hemo- result could not be replicated and so should not be
static therapies within 1 hour, VHAs are thus the relied on as the sole evidence to justify VHA use. The
only platform that can consistently return laboratory recent, much anticipated, implementing Transfusion
results fast enough to inform treatment. Algorithms for the Correction of Trauma-Induced
With a personalized clotting profile, VHAs may Coaguloapthy (iTACTIC) (Viscoelastic Haemostatic
reduce blood transfusions by guiding treatment Assay Augmented Protocols for Major Trauma
toward only those pathways that are disordered. Haemorrhage) randomized trial of VHA-guided
Providers can thereby avoid unnecessary transfusion, trauma transfusion protocols versus fixed ratio pro-
such as (for example) by withholding plasma from tocols modified by conventional coagulation testing

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E  The Open Mind

showed no difference in clinical outcomes.122 While the World Health Organization,135 a hemoglobin level
there was no difference in total blood product use, the of 11.0 g/dL is anemic for adults; however, few prac-
VHA arm saw higher transfusion rates for platelets titioners today would aggressively treat that value
and cryoprecipitate, a finding which has been reported with transfusion. For coagulation, there is good rea-
in other studies of VHAs in trauma123 and suggests son to suspect that the variation for VHA results in
that the VHAs may only reduce unnecessary plasma the healthy, hemostatically competent human popu-
use when compared to 1:1:1 controls. Secondary anal- lation does not necessarily match the manufactur-
yses of VHA data from iTACTIC have not yet been ers’ suggested range.114,136–138 For example, race,139,140
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published, but one potential explanation for VHA’s sex,138–141 age,138,142 pregnancy,139,140,143 type of collection
lack of effect is their poor sensitivity for coagulopathy tube,134,138 alcohol intoxication,141,144–146 physical activ-
in trauma. VHA results are frequently “normal,” even ity,147 health status,139,148–152 and operator116 all affect the
when coagulopathic bleeding is evident. One study of results in healthy adults. Site-specific reference ranges
major trauma patients found that 29% of MTPs were are commonly broader than manufacturer ranges136,137
activated in patients with normal VHA results, and and the adoption of wider ranges alone results in
that VHAs were normal even in most patients (66.7%) less transfusion136,137,153,154 with the consequence of
with exceptionally severe trauma (Injury Severity even lower sensitivity. For VHAs, it remains uncer-
Score [ISS] >30).124 In the PROPPR trial (which used tain which threshold values predict coagulopathy, or
TEG), while the incidence of major hemorrhage (>10 indeed if those clinically significant values are compa-
units of red cells in 24 hours) was 36.8%, prolonged rable across different patients or situations (including
R times were seen in just 2.6%, and shortened MA in trauma). Expanded reference ranges will only worsen
15.0%, of patients at ED presentation.125 VHAs exhibit VHA sensitivity by creating more normal results.
an unacceptably high false-negative rate. Except for unfractionated heparin, VHAs fail to
Studies examining the diagnostic utility of VHAs detect therapeutic anticoagulation.155–161 VHAs are
commonly use INR and PTT cutoffs as a control or insensitive to warfarin anticoagulation.159,161,162 Direct
standard test for coagulopathy.126–128 Such study thrombin inhibitors prolong R and CT (though not
designs should be disregarded from this discus- necessarily beyond the manufacturer’s upper refer-
sion; if any other laboratory test were truly a “gold ence limit),155 but with a paradoxical prolongation
standard,” then (by definition) those tests should be of MA and MCF that complicates interpretation.160
used instead of VHAs. Comparisons to clinical out- While blood fully anticoagulated by Xa inhibitors can
comes, including blood transfused, blood loss, or prolong R and CT relative to a patient’s baseline, only
mortality, are less commonly reported, but show low rarely will anti-Xa action alone be sufficient to increase
sensitivity and high specificity.126,129 For traumatic those times outside the reference range,155,161,163 and so
hemorrhage and massive transfusion in particular, VHAs cannot be relied on identify trauma patients
sensitivity estimates range from ~30% to 70% (>90% anticoagulated with direct-acting anticoagulants.
would be preferred), while specificity range ~80% to Future VHA modifications (eg, by using ecarin or
100%.69,126,128,130,131 Although thrombin generation can dilute tissue factor agonists) may yet improve diag-
be impaired by deficiencies of most clotting factors, nostic accuracy for DOACs.164
R and CT results are more sensitive to reductions in Standard VHAs do not detect antiplatelet agents.12
some factors (eg, VIII and IX) than others (like V or There is interest in the specialized TEG Platelet
X),106,132 such that 2 patients in need of factor replace- Mapping assay (Haemonetics) in trauma patients.165
ment may have different R and CT results depending Currently, Platelet Mapping does not hold a US Food
on the relative levels of individual factors, ensuring and Drug Administration indication to diagnose plate-
that some coagulopathies will be missed. VHAs can- let dysfunction; Platelet Mapping is approved only to
not be counted on to catch all patients in need for inform the dose antiplatelet agents only in patients
hemostatic therapies. with a known baseline MA.166 There is wide variation
A related problem is the lack of a clinically defined in the Platelet Mapping results for normal (untreated)
reference range. The manufacturer’s suggested humans that encompasses all values from 0 to 100%
VHA reference ranges are based on the distribution “inhibition,” such that a true diagnostic range cannot
within a normal population133 and reflect healthy be defined.167 Even insignificant levels of nonsteroidal
patients under ideal conditions. These ideal condi- anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)168 and common
tions include venous blood drawn by a 21-gauge (or genetic polymorphisms169 can confound results in
larger) needle under minimal tourniquet pressure patients with normal platelet counts.170 In trauma, the
that is incubated for 30 minutes in a citrated tube,134 ability of Platelet Mapping to detect microvascular
all of which may be impossible during trauma. It is bleeding has been disappointing. One study showed
a mistake to assume that values outside the reference that Platelet Mapping actually increased transfusions
range constitute pathology. For example, according to with no improvement in hemostasis or mortality.165

January 2022 • Volume 134 • Number 1 25

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VHAs in Massive Transfusion for Trauma

VHAs are not unique in their inability to detect func- It is appropriate as well to continue studying
tional platelet disorders. At present, outside of a few the role of VHAs (if any) in trauma resuscitation.
specialized centers, there is no reliable blood test to Conceptually, a laboratory assay that can rapidly
detect most common antiplatelet agents in trauma identify specific hemostatic treatments simultane-
patients without a previously known medication ously is very appealing, but our current VHAs are
history. insufficiently accurate. Serious, potentially disquali-
Since VHAs cannot be relied on to provide compa- fying, limitations need to be considered when inter-
rable and meaningful results, they should not take the preting VHA results. In particular, the lack of a clearly
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place of usual care in massive transfusion. VHAs are defined reference range and clinical benefit in trauma
insensitive and inaccurate tests that are biased toward (beyond blood-sparing) is a testament to need for
negative results, and so miss many clinical coagulop- ongoing prospective research in this area. For exam-
athies. Protocolized adherence to a VHA algorithm is ple, VHA modifications that improve selectively for
therefore likely to under-treat hemorrhaging patients. some assays might be compelling. VHA reagents
Until VHAs can be made more accurate, they should could be added to include dilute agonists, ecarin,
not replace fixed ratio MTPS and their use in trauma factor-selective agonists (eg, snake venoms), or selec-
should remain adjunctive only. tive pathway inhibitors (eg, antifibrinolytics). Future
VHA platforms might process samples by (for exam-
KNOWLEDGE GAPS AND DIRECTIONS FOR ple) titrating to the patient’s serum calcium or pH, or
FUTURE RESEARCH by filtering red cells to analyze just the platelet-rich
VHAs have been enthusiastically adopted into plasma fraction. Finally, it is not clear that VHAs are
trauma practice based on clinical experience rather even the correct platform. Novel coagulation tests, yet
than evidence that they improve outcomes, with to be developed, may hold even greater sensitivity for
the important exception of reduced blood product coagulopathy of trauma.
use. Blood-sparing is an important objective and
well-supported, and perhaps should be consid- CONCLUSIONS
ered as a primary outcome in future clinical trials. Empiric, fixed ratio MTPs have been adopted widely
Conversely, VHA results are extremely variable in for use in trauma hemorrhage, but VHAs are now
healthy patients, and evidence-based treatment available as adjuncts for MTPs and might be con-
cutoffs need to be empirically derived. At least sidered to replace ratio-based transfusions. The Pro
VHAs have not been shown to worsen care over argument is that VHAs reduce transfusions without
fixed ratio MTPs. increasing adverse clinical outcomes. The Con argu-
Further investigation of optimal fixed ratio MTPs ment is that VHAs are still unreliable and inaccu-
is also much needed. The “1:1:1” paradigm entered rate to diagnosis traumatic coagulopathy (Table  2).
wide clinical practice with weak scientific support. Clinicians and researchers should expect the science
The only well-designed prospective trial (PROPPR) of trauma resuscitation to continue evolving, espe-
did not answer the question  of efficacy. A state of cially if future diagnostics and hemostatic therapies
equipoise about transfusion ratios remains. There is become available. E
an ongoing need for prospective studies of different
transfusion strategies in trauma. DISCLOSURES
Name: Kevin P. Blaine, MD, MPH, FASA.
Contribution: This author helped research the material, write
and edit the manuscript, and approve the final draft.
Name: Roman Dudaryk, MD.
Table 2. Summary of Pro and Con Arguments Contribution: This author helped research the material, write
Pro Con and edit the manuscript, and approve the final draft.
There are limited high-quality data There is no evidence that This manuscript was handled by: Richard P. Dutton, MD.
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January 2022 • Volume 134 • Number 1 31

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