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Applied Data Science


3. Methodology and Data Visualization

Methodology and Data Visualization
3.1 Methodology: Overview of model building, Cross Validation, K-fold cross validation, leave-1 out, Bootstrapping.
3.2 Data Visualization: Univariate Visualization: Histogram, Quartile, Distribution Chart
Multivariate Visualization: Scatter Plot, Scatter Matrix, Bubble chart, Density Chart Roadmap for Data Exploration

1. What is the purpose of model building in data science? L1
The purpose of model building in data science is to create a mathematical representation of a real-world
phenomenon or problem. These models are constructed using various algorithms and techniques to enable
predictions, classifications, or other forms of analysis on new or unseen data.
Overall, the goal of model building in data science is to use data to gain a deeper understanding of the world
around us, and to use that understanding to make better decisions and solve complex problems.
2. What are different methods used for cross validation? L1
Cross-validation is a technique used in machine learning and model evaluation to assess the performance and
generalizability of a predictive model. Here are some commonly used methods for cross-validation:
1. K-fold cross-validation
2. Stratified K-fold cross-validation
3. Leave-One-Out cross-validation (LOOCV)
4. Repeated K-fold cross-validation
5. Monte Carlo Cross-Validation
6. Time Series Cross-Validation
3. Describe the concept of bootstrapping and how it can be used in model building. L2
Bootstrapping is a resampling technique in statistics that can be used in model building to estimate the
variability of a statistic or to assess the accuracy and robustness of a model. It involves creating multiple
datasets, known as bootstrap samples, by randomly sampling observations from the original dataset with
replacement. Each bootstrap sample has the same size as the original dataset.
Here are some ways bootstrapping can be used in model building in data science:
1. Model Performance Evaluation
2. Model Selection and Hyperparameter Tuning
3. Model Validation and Uncertainty Estimation
4. Feature Importance and Variable Selection
5. Resampling for Imbalanced Datasets


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Applied Data Science

4. Explain the concept of cross-validation and why it is important in model building? L2

Cross-validation is a technique used in model building and evaluation to assess the performance and
generalization ability of a machine learning model. It involves partitioning the available dataset into multiple
subsets, commonly referred to as "folds." The model is then trained and evaluated multiple times, with each
fold serving as a validation set while the remaining folds are used for training.

Cross-validation is important for several reasons, some are as follow.

1. Performance Estimation
2. Model Selection
3. Hyperparameter Tuning
4. Avoiding Data Leakage
5. Explain the concept of overfitting and how cross-validation helps to prevent it? L2
Overfitting is a common problem in machine learning where a model performs exceptionally well on the
training data but fails to generalize well to new, unseen data. Overfitting occurs when the model captures the
noise and random fluctuations in the training data instead of the underlying patterns, making it less useful for
real-world applications.
Cross-validation is a technique that helps prevent overfitting by evaluating the model's performance on a
separate validation set. By repeating this process using different validation sets in each iteration, cross-
validation helps detect if a model is overfitting to the training data by measuring its ability to generalize to
new data.
Cross-validation also helps to prevent overfitting by enabling the use of regularization techniques, such as L1
or L2 regularization, dropout, or early stopping.
6. What are the differences between stratified k-fold cross-validation and regular k-fold cross-validation, and
in what situations would you use each method? L4
Regular k-fold cross-validation:
Regular k-fold cross-validation involves randomly partitioning the dataset into k equal-sized folds without
considering the class distribution. Each fold is used as a validation set once, while the remaining folds are

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Applied Data Science

used for training. This method is commonly used when the dataset is well-balanced and has a similar
distribution of classes across the entire dataset.
Stratified k-fold cross-validation:
Stratified k-fold cross-validation is specifically designed to address the situation where the dataset has
imbalanced class distribution. It ensures that each fold has a similar distribution of target classes as the whole
dataset. The class proportions are preserved in each fold, meaning that each fold has approximately the same
percentage of samples from each class as the original dataset.

Differences between stratified k-fold and regular k-fold cross-validation are:

Handling Class Imbalance:

Stratified k-fold cross-validation is particularly useful when dealing with imbalanced datasets, where one or
more classes are underrepresented compared to others. By preserving the class distribution in each fold, it
ensures that all classes are adequately represented during training and evaluation. Regular k-fold cross-
validation may result in some folds lacking representative samples of certain classes, leading to biased
performance estimates.
Performance Evaluation:
Stratified k-fold cross-validation provides a more reliable estimate of model performance, especially in
situations with imbalanced classes. It ensures that the evaluation is representative across all classes, giving a
more accurate assessment of how well the model generalizes to unseen data. Regular k-fold cross-validation
can yield biased performance estimates if the class distribution is uneven.

When to use each method:

Regular k-fold cross-validation is appropriate when the dataset is balanced, and the class distribution is
similar across all classes. It is commonly used in scenarios where each class has a sufficient number of
samples, and class imbalance is not a concern.
Stratified k-fold cross-validation is recommended when dealing with imbalanced datasets or situations where
the class distribution varies significantly. It helps ensure that each fold represents the class proportions of the
entire dataset, enabling fair evaluation and preventing bias towards majority classes.


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Applied Data Science

In summary, regular k-fold cross-validation is suitable for balanced datasets, while stratified k-fold cross-
validation is preferable for imbalanced datasets or when the class distribution is a critical factor in the
evaluation process.
7. How do you determine the optimal number of folds to use in k-fold cross-validation, and what are the
trade-offs involved in choosing a larger or smaller number of folds? L5
The choice of the optimal number of folds in k-fold cross-validation is usually determined by balancing the
trade-offs between variance and bias in the model's performance estimate. A smaller number of folds results
in higher bias but lower variance, while a larger number of folds leads to lower bias but higher variance.
To determine the optimal number of folds for k-fold cross-validation, one can perform a nested cross-
validation process, where an outer loop of k-fold cross-validation is used to estimate the model's
performance, and an inner loop of cross-validation is used for hyperparameter tuning. By repeating this
process for different values of k, one can evaluate the trade-offs between bias and variance and choose the
optimal value.
In general, a small number of folds (e.g., k=5) is preferred when the dataset is large, as this results in a faster
training time and a more stable estimate of the model's performance. However, a larger number of folds
(e.g., k=10) is recommended when the dataset is small, as this helps reduce the variance of the performance
estimate and provides a more accurate evaluation of the model's generalization ability.
The trade-offs involved in choosing a larger or smaller number of folds are:
A smaller number of folds results in higher bias, as the model is trained on a smaller subset of the data. This
can lead to an overestimate of the model's performance, especially if the dataset is small or if the data is not
representative of the population.
A larger number of folds results in lower variance, as the model is trained on more diverse subsets of the
data. This can help reduce the risk of overfitting, especially if the dataset is small or if the model is complex.
Computational Cost:
A larger number of folds increases the computational cost of the cross-validation process, as more models
need to be trained and evaluated. This can be a significant consideration if the dataset is large or if the model
is computationally expensive.
In summary, the optimal number of folds in k-fold cross-validation depends on the size of the dataset, the
complexity of the model, and the computational resources available. A small number of folds may be
appropriate for large datasets or when computational resources are limited, while a larger number of folds
may be necessary for small datasets or complex models.


Learn Fundamentals & Enjoy Engineering – Prakash Parmar

Applied Data Science

8. What is bootstrapping, and how can it be used as an alternative to k-fold cross-validation for evaluating
model performance? L5
Bootstrapping is a resampling technique that involves repeatedly drawing random samples from the original
dataset with replacement to create multiple new datasets, each of which is used to train and evaluate a
model. It is a statistical technique that can be used to estimate the uncertainty of a statistic, such as the mean
or standard deviation, by creating multiple estimates from different samples of the data.

Bootstrapping as an alternative to k-fold cross-validation

In the context of evaluating model performance, bootstrapping can be used as an alternative to k-fold cross-
validation to estimate the model's performance on unseen data. Instead of partitioning the data into k-folds,
bootstrapping randomly samples the data with replacement to create multiple training and testing datasets.
For each bootstrap sample, the model is trained on the training set and evaluated on the testing set. The
process is repeated multiple times, with each sample resulting in a different estimate of the model's

Bootstrapping has several advantages over k-fold cross-validation, including:

Better Handling of Small Datasets:
Bootstrapping can be useful for small datasets where the number of samples is limited, and k-fold cross-
validation may result in overly small training or testing sets. By creating multiple random samples with
replacement, bootstrapping can provide a more stable estimate of the model's performance.
More Robust Performance Estimate:
Bootstrapping can provide a more robust estimate of the model's performance by creating multiple estimates
from different samples of the data. This helps to reduce the variance of the performance estimate and can
provide a more accurate assessment of the model's generalization ability.
Simpler Implementation:
Bootstrapping is a simpler technique to implement compared to k-fold cross-validation. It involves randomly
resampling the data with replacement, which can be achieved using a single loop, whereas k-fold cross-
validation requires nested loops and can be more computationally intensive.

However, bootstrapping has some limitations, including:

Potential for Bias:
Bootstrapping can be biased if the original dataset is skewed or has an imbalanced distribution. Resampling
with replacement may result in the same samples being included in multiple bootstrap samples, leading to
overestimation of model performance.


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Applied Data Science

Computationally Intensive:
Bootstrapping can be computationally intensive, particularly when the dataset is large or when the model is
complex. It requires creating multiple random samples and training and evaluating the model for each
sample, which can be time-consuming.

In summary, bootstrapping is a useful resampling technique that can be used as an alternative to k-fold cross-
validation for estimating the model's performance on unseen data. It has several advantages, including better
handling of small datasets and providing a more robust performance estimate. However, it can be biased and
computationally intensive, and the choice between bootstrapping and k-fold cross-validation depends on the
specific characteristics of the dataset and the modeling problem.
Data Visualization
9. What is the main purpose of data visualization? L1
The main purpose of data visualization is to visually represent data in a graphical or pictorial format to
facilitate understanding, interpretation, and communication of information.
Data visualization aims to uncover patterns, trends, relationships, and insights that may not be apparent from
raw data or numerical summaries alone. It leverages the human visual system's ability to process and
comprehend visual information more effectively than textual or tabular representations.
The key purposes of data visualization are:
1. Data Exploration
2. Pattern Recognition
3. Communication and Presentation
4. Decision-Making Support
5. Explaining Complex Concepts
10. What are advantages of data Visualization? L1
Data visualization offers several advantages that make it a valuable tool in data analysis and decision-making:
Advantages of data visualization include:
1. Enhanced understanding of complex data.
2. Efficient communication of information and insights.
3. Improved decision-making through visual insights.
4. Increased productivity in data analysis.
5. Facilitates collaboration among stakeholders.
6. Helps identify data errors and improve data quality.


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Applied Data Science

11. List some examples of univariate visualization techniques? L1

Univariate visualization techniques focus on visualizing and analyzing a single variable at a time. Here are
some common examples of univariate visualization techniques:
A histogram displays the distribution of a numerical variable by dividing it into bins or intervals and showing
the frequency or count of observations within each bin. It provides insights into the data's shape, central
tendency, and spread.
Bar Chart:
A bar chart represents categorical or discrete data by displaying bars of varying heights or lengths, where
each bar represents a category and its height or length corresponds to the frequency or count of that
category. It is useful for comparing different categories or groups.
Pie Chart:
A pie chart displays the proportions of different categories as slices of a pie, with each slice representing a
category and its size representing the proportion or percentage of the whole. It is suitable for illustrating
relative proportions or composition.
Box Plot:
A box plot (or box-and-whisker plot) provides a summary of the distribution of a numerical variable by
displaying its quartiles, median, and potential outliers. It gives insights into the data's central tendency,
spread, and skewness.
12. What are the different types of multivariate visualization techniques? L1
Multivariate visualization techniques are used to explore and visualize relationships between multiple
variables simultaneously.
Here are some examples of multivariate visualization techniques:
Scatter plots:
In scatter plots, multiple variables can be represented by the x-axis, y-axis, color, or size of the data points.
This allows for visualizing relationships between multiple variables simultaneously.
Bubble charts:
Bubble charts are similar to scatter plots but use bubbles of different sizes to represent data points. They can
be used to display relationships between three or more variables, where the x-axis, y-axis, and bubble size
can each represent a different variable.
Heatmaps display a matrix of data using colors to represent the values of different variables. They are useful
for visualizing patterns and relationships in large datasets, particularly when there are multiple variables or

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Scatterplot matrix:
A scatterplot matrix, also known as a pairs plot, displays scatter plots for pairs of variables in a grid format. It
allows for a quick overview of the relationships between multiple variables in a dataset.
3D plots:
3D plots can be used to visualize relationships between three continuous variables. Common types of 3D
plots include scatter plots, surface plots, and contour plots.
Tree maps:
Tree maps display hierarchical data using nested rectangles, where the size and color of each rectangle
represent different variables. They can effectively visualize hierarchical structures and the relative proportions
of variables within each level.
13. Explain the difference between univariate and multivariate visualization techniques? L2
The main difference between univariate and multivariate visualization techniques is that univariate
techniques are used to analyze a single variable, while multivariate techniques are used to analyze multiple
variables. Univariate techniques are useful for understanding the distribution and characteristics of a single
variable, while multivariate techniques are useful for exploring the relationships between variables and
identifying patterns in complex data sets.

Univariate visualizations are useful for:

1. Exploring the distribution and characteristics of a single variable.
2. Identifying patterns, outliers, and trends within a single variable.
3. Understanding the frequency or count of categorical variables.
4. Comparing the values or frequencies of different categories within a variable.
Multivariate visualizations are useful for:
1. Exploring relationships and dependencies among multiple variables.
2. Identifying correlations or associations between pairs of variables.
3. Understanding patterns or clusters among multiple variables.
4. Visualizing the distribution of data across multiple dimensions or categories.

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Applied Data Science

14. How can data visualization help with identifying trends and patterns in a dataset? L2
Data visualization can be a powerful tool for identifying trends and patterns in a dataset. By creating visual
representations of data, patterns and trends can be more easily identified and understood. Here are some
ways in which data visualization can help with identifying trends and patterns:
Scatterplots are useful for visualizing the relationship between two variables. By plotting each data point on a
two-dimensional graph, patterns such as clusters, trends, and outliers can be easily seen.
Line graphs:
Line graphs are commonly used to show trends over time. By plotting data points on a graph with time on the
x-axis and the variable of interest on the y-axis, trends and patterns can be easily identified.
Heatmaps are useful for visualizing patterns in large datasets. By using color to represent values, patterns
such as clusters, gradients, and hotspots can be easily identified.
Bar charts:
Bar charts are useful for comparing data across different categories. By plotting data on a graph with the
category on the x-axis and the variable of interest on the y-axis, patterns such as trends and outliers can be
easily seen.
Box plots:
Box plots are useful for visualizing the distribution of data. By plotting data on a graph with a box
representing the interquartile range and whiskers representing the range of the data, patterns such as
outliers and skewed distributions can be easily identified.
15. Explain what a scatter plot is and how it can be used for data analysis?
A scatter plot is a type of graph used to visualize the relationship between two quantitative variables. Each
point on the plot represents an observation with a specific value for each variable. The x-axis represents one
variable, and the y-axis represents the other variable.
Scatter plots can be used for data analysis in a variety of ways, including:
Identifying patterns:
By examining the scatter plot, patterns in the relationship between the two variables can be identified. For
example, the plot may show a positive or negative linear relationship, a curved relationship, or no
relationship at all.
Detecting outliers:
Scatter plots can help to identify outliers, which are observations that fall far from the pattern of the other
observations. Outliers can have a significant impact on the relationship between the two variables and may
need to be further investigated.

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Assessing correlation:
The strength of the relationship between the two variables can be assessed by examining the scatter plot. If
the points on the plot form a tight cluster, it suggests a strong correlation, while a more dispersed pattern
indicates a weak correlation.
Identifying groups or clusters:
In some cases, the scatter plot may show distinct groups or clusters of observations, which may indicate that
there are underlying subgroups in the data.

Overall, scatter plots are a valuable tool for analyzing relationships between two quantitative variables. They
can provide insight into patterns, outliers, correlation, and groups or clusters, allowing for a deeper
understanding of the data.
16. Explain any 7 data visualization technique with their use cases.
Line Chart:
Line charts are commonly used to display trends over time or to show the relationship between two
continuous variables. They are ideal for visualizing data with a clear chronological or sequential order, such as
stock prices, temperature variations, or sales trends over different time periods.
Use case: Analyzing sold items over months to identify patterns.

Box plot
A box plot, also known as a box-and-whisker plot, is a data visualization technique that displays the
distribution of a continuous variable. It provides a summary of key statistical measures, such as the median,
quartiles, and potential outliers.
Its use cases include comparing distributions, detecting outliers, analyzing variability, comparing distributions
over time, and visualizing data symmetry and skewness.


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Applied Data Science

Bar Chart:
Bar charts use rectangular bars to represent the magnitude of different categories or discrete variables. They
are effective for comparing values across categories and visualizing frequency distributions.
Use case: Comparing sales performance across different product categories in a retail business to identify the
top-selling products.

Scatter Plot:
Scatter plots display the relationship between two continuous variables. Each data point represents an
observation, and the position on the chart represents the values of the variables being compared. Scatter
plots are useful for identifying correlations, clusters, or outliers in the data.
Use case: Investigating the relationship between a person's age and their income to determine if there is a
correlation between the two variables.
Heatmaps use colors to represent values in a matrix, allowing for the visualization of relationships and
patterns between two categorical variables. They are effective for highlighting clusters, identifying high or low
values, and detecting patterns in large datasets.
Use case: Analyzing customer preferences by visualizing product purchase patterns across different
demographics and regions.


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Pie Chart:
A pie chart displays proportions or percentages of a whole by dividing a circle into slices. It is useful for
illustrating the composition or distribution of categorical data.
Use case: Showing the market share of different competitors in a specific industry.
Geographic Map:
Geographic maps visualize data on a geographical or spatial scale. They use color-coding or symbols to
represent data points in specific locations. Geographic maps are useful for analyzing regional variations,
identifying hotspots, and understanding spatial patterns.
Use case: Mapping the prevalence of a disease across different regions to identify high-risk areas and plan
targeted interventions.


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