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Nama Kursus:
Pengajaran Kepelbagaian Pelajar / Teaching Diverse Learners
1 Course Name:
Kod Kursus/
KPD 4033
Course Code:

Synopsis: This course aims for teacher trainees to be aware and make themselves ready to teach in a class of students of different ability. This course will put
emphasis on analyzing the diversity among students and taking this analysis to plan teaching. This course will also analyses content so as to produce
learning experiences that is aligned with the student’s diversity and still fulfill the requirement of the curriculum. Understanding the analysis will enable
teacher trainees to plan diverse modes of delivery. Effectiveness of the teaching of the diverse learners will evaluated with teacher build assessing
instruments. Furthermore, teacher trainees will be guider to operationalized appropriate corrective and enrichment measures.

Nama Staf Akademik/

3 Abu Bakar Bin Yusuf
Name(s) of Academic Staff:
Semester dan Tahun/
4 Semester 1 Tahun / Year 1
Semester and Year offered :
Nilai Kredit / Credit Value :
5 3

Prasyarat (jika ada): TIADA
Prerequisite (if any) :

Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus : Pada akhir kursus para pelajar akan dapat: (contoh) – menerangkan prinsip asas imunisasi (C2, PLO1)
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) : At the end of the course the students will be able to: (example) - explain the basic principles of immunisation (C2,PLO1):

CLO1 Menganalisis dan menilai kecenderungan kepelbagaian pelajar berdasarkan budaya, etnik, jantina, persekitaran dan pencapaian dalam bilik darjah (C2, PLO 7)

Analyze and evaluate tendency in students diversity based on their culture, ethnic, gender, environment and classroom achievement (C2, PLO 7)

CLO2 Mengaplikasi struktur ilmu dan pedagogi (pengajaran dan pembelajaran) supaya selaras dengan kepelbagaian pelajar (C6, PLO 1)

Apply knowledge structure and pedagogy (teaching and learning) to be in line with student diversity (C6, PLO 1)

7 CLO3 Membangunkan pelan pengajaran dan pembelajaran untuk kepelbagaian pelajar. (A3, PLO 3)

Develop teaching and learning plans for student diversity. (A3, PLO3)

CLO4 Menginovasi cara-cara mengajar dan menaksir berasaskan kepelbagaian pelajar (P3,PLO 5)

Innovation on teaching methods and assessment are based on student diversity (P3, PLO 5)


Pemetaan Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus kepada Hasil Pembelajaran Program / Mapping of the Course Learning Outcomes to the Programme Learning Outcomes

Course Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Outcome PLO PLO PLO PLO PLO PLO PLO PLO PLO PLO PLO PLO Teaching Methods Assessment
s (CLO)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

CLO1 Modul Latihan Modul Latihan

✔ Perbincangan

CLO2 Simulasi dan Demonstrasi

✔ Kuliah Interaktif
Peperiksaan Akhir

CLO3 Pembelajaran Berasaskan Projek JSK dan RPH

✔ Kuliah, Modul
Perbentangan JSK, RPH dan
Lapotran projek

CLO4 Modul Latihan Forum

✔ Perbincangan


Tunjukkan perkaitan antara CLO dan PLO dengan menanda “/” pada kotak berkaitan. / Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and PLO by ticking “/“ the appropriate
relevant box.
(Deskripsi ini mesti dibaca bersama dengan Standard 2.1.2, 2.2.1 dan 2.2.2 di Area 2 - muka surat 16 & 18 / This description must be read together with Standards 2.1.2 ,
2.2.1 and 2.2.2 in Area 2 - pages 16 & 18)

Hasil Pembelajaran Program:
PLO1: Mengetahui ilmu pendidikan dan pedagogi dalam pendidikan.
PLO2: Berfikir secara kreatif dan kritis.
PLO3: Menguasai kemahiran teknikal dan mengajar di institusi pendidikan.
PLO4: Berkomunikasi secara efektif dan boleh bekerja dalam pasukan.
PLO5: Memberi respon terhadap isu-isu semasa dalam bidang pendidikan
PLO6: Menggunakan teknologi pendidikan dan ICT dalam pengajaran.
PLO7: Menjalankan penyelidikan.
PLO8: Mengamalkan profesionalisme, nilai, sikap dan tingkah laku beretika.
PLO9: Cekap mengurus maklumat dan berkebolehan belajar sepanjang hayat.
PLO10:Menjalankan aktiviti keusahawanan berkaitan profesion bagi meningkatkan kemahiran penyampaian ilmu.
PLO 11:Menjalankan tanggungjawab sosial.

Programme Learning Outcomes:

PLO1: Knowing the science and pedagogy in education.
PLO2: Thinking creatively and critically.
PLO3: Mastering technical skills and teaching in educational institutions.
PLO4: Communicating effectively and can work in a team
PLO5: Responding to current issues in the field of education.
PLO6: Using educational technology and ICT in teaching.
PLO7: Conducting research.
PLO8: Practicing professionalism, values, attitudes and ethical behaviours.
PLO9: Efficient in managing information and is capable of lifelong learning.
PLO10: Carrying out entrepreneurial activities related to the profession to improve knowledge delivery skills.
PLO11: Carrying out social responsibility.

*Untuk Kursus Universiti Sahaja / For University Courses Only:
Pemetaan Hasil Pembelajaran Kursus kepada Hasil Pembelajaran Institusi / Mapping of the Course Learning Outcomes to the Institutional Learning Outcomes

Course Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO)

Outcome Teaching Methods Assessment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8






Tunjukkan perkaitan antara CLO dan ILO dengan menanda “/” pada kotak berkaitan. / Indicate the relevancy between the CLO and ILO by ticking “/“ the appropriate
relevant box.

Hasil Pembelajaran Institusi *Senat Kali Ke-162 Bil. 1/2018 (30 Januari 2018)
ILO1: Menyampaikan ilmu bagi pembentukan insan yang berakhlak, berdaya saing dan berdaya tahan sesuai dengan aspirasi negara.
ILO2: Menguasai kemahiran teknikal termasuk penggunaan teknologi pendidikan dan ICT.
ILO3: Mengamalkan profesionalisme, nilai, sikap dan tingkah laku yang beretika.
ILO4: Menjalankan tanggungjawab sosial serta peka terhadap isu-isu semasa dan global.
ILO5: Berkomunikasi secara efektif, berkeupayaan memimpin dan boleh bekerja dalam pasukan.
ILO6: Cekap mengurus maklumat dan mampu belajar sepanjang hayat.
ILO7: Berfikir secara kreatif dan kritis serta berupaya menyelesaikan masalah.
ILO8: Menguasai kemahiran pengurusan dan keusahawanan.

Institutional Learning Outcomes *Senat Kali Ke-162 Bil. 1/2018 (30 Januari 2018)
ILO1: Deliver knowledge for the development of human beings who are ethical, competitive and resilient in accordance with the aspirations of the state.
ILO2: Mastering technical skills including the application of educational technology and ICT.
ILO3: Practice professionalism, values, and ethical attitude.
ILO4: Carry out social responsibilities and be aware of current and global issues
ILO5: Communicate effectively, be able to lead and work in teams.
ILO6: Efficient in managing information and capable for lifelong learning.
ILO7: Think creatively and critically and able to solve problems.
ILO8: Mastering the skills of management and entrepreneurship.

Kemahiran yang 1. Kemahiran merancang, melaksanakan dan mentaksir pengajaran.

boleh dipindahkan
(jika berkaitan):
2. Kemahiran mentafsir dan menterjemahkan pengajaran kepelbagian pelajar menerusi dokumen kurikulum dan pentaksiran serta rancangan
Transferable Skills
(if applicable):
3. Kemahiran mengurus maklumat & kemahiran kerja berpasukan.
10 (Skills learned in
the course of study
which can be
useful and utilized
in other settings)

Pengagihan Jam Pembelajaran Pelajar / Distribution of Student Learning Time (SLT)

CLO* Teaching and Learning Activities

(please tick (√)) Guided Learning (F2F)
Week Course Content Outline Guided Independent SLT
Learning Learning





L T P O (NF2F) (NF2F)

Analisis pelajar
Perbezaan latar belakang sosio budaya
• Jantina
• Etnik
• Famili
• Individu/ kumpulan

✔ ✔ 1 2 1 3 7


2 Perbezaan latar belakang psikologi

• Kebolehan kognitif
• Tahap kesediaan
• Kelajuan penerimaan
• Motivasi dan konsep kendiri
• Gaya belajar/ gaya kognitif

✔ ✔ 0 3 5 8

3-4 Analisis isi kandungan – pengetahuan dan kemahiran

• Struktur ilmu (konsep, istilah, teori, prosedur dsb)

• Jensi-jenis kemahiran (proses) contoh menulis, bereksperimen, menganggar
✔✔ 2 4 2 4 12
Urutan isi kandungan (pengetahuan dan kemahiran)
• Jadual penentu kandungan

5 Analisis cara mengajar 1

Kerangka pelan pembelajaran abad ke 21

1. Penulisan hasil pembelajaran
2. Penentuan kaedah mengajar
3. Penyediaan latihan pelajar dan pengelompokan
4. Pentaksiran
5. Pemulihan, pengayaan dan pengukuhan ✔✔ 2 1 1 5 9

6 Analisis cara mengajar 2

Mentafsir sukatan pelajaran
-Penggabunjalinan kemahiran
-Penulisan hasil pembelajaran

✔✔ 1 2 1 4 8

Analisis cara mengajar 3
-Penentuan kaedah mengajar

✔✔ 2 4 2 5 13

Analisis cara mengajar 4

9-10 -Penglibatan dan latihan untuk pelajar
untuk pentaksiran
• Jenis latihan
• Aras kesukaran dan diskriminasi
• Aras pembimbingan
• Aras pentaksiran

✔✔ 1 5 5 11

Analisis cara mengajar 5

Pemulihan, pengayaan dan pengukuhan

✔ 1 5 5 11

13 Pengurusan dan pengajaran pelajar kebolehan istimewa (gifted) dalam pelbagai bidang
contoh matematik, bahasa, pendidikan seni

✔ ✔ 1 2 1 2 6

Pengurusan dan pengajaran pelajar bilazim (disruptive)


✔ ✔ 1 2 1 2 6


Total 91

Continuous Assessment Percentage (%) F2F NF2F SLT

1 Modul Latihan 20 1 7 8
2 Mereka bentuk dan mempertahankan pelan pengajaran JSK dan RPH mengikut aras secara kumpulan 20 1 7 8
3 E-Forum 20 1 7 8
4 0
5 0
6 0
Total 24
Final Assessment Percentage (%) F2F NF2F SLT
1 Peperiksaan Akhir 40 1 4 5
2 0
Total 5
**Please tick (√) if this course is Latihan Industri/ Clinical Placement/ Practicum/ WBL using 2-weeks, 1 credit formula GRAND TOTAL SLT 120
L = Lecture, T = Tutorial, P = Practical, O = Others, F2F = Face to Face, NF2F=Non Face to Face
*Indicate the CLO based on the CLO’s numbering in Item 8.

Mengenalpasti keperluan khas atau

sumber untuk menyampaikan kursus
(cth: perisian, nursery, makmal
komputer, bilik simulasi dll) /
Identify special requirement to deliver
the course (e.g: software, nursery,
computer lab, simulation room, etc):

1. Arends, R. I. (2009). Learning to teach. (9 th ed.). Boston: McGraw Hill.
2. Bloom, B (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectiuves. Handbook 1: Cognitivr domain pp 62-88
3. Eggen, P & Kauchak, D. (2007). Educational Psychology: Windows on classrooms. 7th Edition. Pearson.
Columbus OH
4. Heacox, D. (2002). Differentiating instruction in the regular classroom. Free spirit publishing. Minneapolis, MN.
5. Lasley, T.J. & Matczynski, T.J. (1997). Strategies for teaching in a diverse society: Instructional Models.
Wadsworth Publisher, Belmont CA.
6. Maker, J. (1982). Curriculum development for the gifted. Rockville, MD: Aspen Systems Corporation.
7. Moore, D. (2005). Classroom teaching skills. 6th Ed. McGraw Hill. Boston CN
8. Nunley, K.F. (2002). Differentiating the High School Classroom. California: Corwin Press.
9. O’Brien, T. & Guiney, D. (2001). Differentiation in Teaching and Learning, Principles and Practice. London:
Rujukan / References : 10. Tileston, D.W. (2004). Learning, memory and the brain. Corwin Press, Thousand Oaks, CA
13 (include required and further readings, 11. VanTassel-Baska, J. (1992).Planning effective curriculum for gifted learners. Denver: Love Publishing.
and should be the most current)

Maklumat tambahan lain /

Other additional information :


Disediakan/ Dikemaskini oleh: Disemak oleh:

Prepared/ Updated by: Checked by:

Tandatangan: Tandatangan:
Signature: Signature:

Jawatan: Jawatan:
15 Designation: Designation:
(Penyelaras Kursus/ Course (Ketua Jabatan/ TDA&A/Dekan)
Coordinator) (HOD/Deputy Dean (A&I)/ Dean)

Cop Rasmi: Cop Rasmi:

Official Stamp: Official Stamp:

Tarikh: Tarikh:
Date: Date:


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