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5 reasons to


If you say that someone has dusted himself or herself off or dusted himself or herself down,
you mean that they have managed to recover from a severe problem which has affected
their life.

This guy fell over on the way to the stage - ouch! Did he sit and cry at the embarrassment ?
No, he 'dusted himself off' and made the best of it.

Here are 5 great reasons for you to DUST YOURSELF OFF TODAY :

There is a Japanese proverb that says, “fall seven times, stand up eight”. As hard as it can be
to rally yourself when you feel as though you’ve failed, it’s important to remember that your
failures don’t define you. Those seven times you’ve fallen are not what makes up your
character--it’s the fact that you stood up again that makes you who you are. LIKE THE MAN

It can be really difficult to remember just how good you really have it. If you’re reading this,
you likely have access to resources and tools that much of the world does not. This doesn’t
mean that your suffering is meaningless or silly, just that you already have a lot to be
thankful for. Try to look at the big picture of your world and not just the failure you are
focusing on - over all I bet you have it good and you need to remember that 🔥 🔥 🔥


Read this book by Ekhart Tolle. He teaches that feeling terrible is due to regretting the past
or fearing the future. If you focus on what you are doing right now, those things are
impossible. So, read the book and stick to the here and now and you will understand it's
power 🌈🌈🌈


Albert Einstein said that, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb
a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Maybe you’ve failed at something
because you’re a fish trying to climb a tree. Maybe you’ve failed for a greater purpose, or
maybe this failure is showing you where you need to change. Look at it differently and
maybe failure is actually what you need, what is right, what will ultimately make you 🚀🚀🚀

Sometimes you fail, sometimes you don't get what you want, sometimes it's not all roses -
true? Once you accept that you cannot have the ups without the downs, you realise that,
"this too shall pass". When bad stuff happens to me, I like to 'lick my wounds' for a while
and then, like the brilliant footballer, Harry Kane, I 'GO AGAIN'. Do this too - YES, YOU 🙏 🙏
Wow, I have given my all to this little piece on 'dusting yourself off'. I hope that I have not
failed in my goal to help one person 😀 😀 😀

Have a blessed day and help someone today too !!! 🍒

Peace 🙏 and Love ❤️x

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