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New Star 1 Old Star 1 New Star 2 Old Star 2 New Star 3

Old Star 3 Wise man 1 Wise man 2 Wise man 3 Scribe

Herod Mary Joseph Gabriel Priest 1

Priest 2 Priest 3 Lawyer 1 Lawyer 2 Lawyer 3

Servant 1 Servant 2 Servant 3 Camel 1 Camel 2

Camel 3 Crowd x4

[All on stage sitting in the Twinkle Twinkle halves with Wise men in the middle.]

Wise man 1: Look at that star!

Wise man 2: What star where?

Wise man 1: Over this way, look it’s in the distance, but it still looks special

Wise man 3: If you’ve seen one star you’ve seen them all

Wise man 1: I have never seen one that bright before

Wise man 2: WOW! How have we never noticed that before?

Wise man 3: Let me see, well you’re right that must be a new one.

Wise man 1: It’s not on my chart.

Wise man 2: It must be marking something amazing!

Wise man 3: I have read about this in the scriptures,

Wise man 1: I’ve read that too, it announces the birth of a new King!

Wise man 2: We should follow it

Wise man 3: Yes let’s go, it will be a long journey though,

Wise man 2: We’d better take some precious gifts

OLD 1: Is that my favourite song I hear
[All sit, kneel down, kneel up or stand for song]
Song 9: New Star

Twin-kle, twin-kle, little star

How I won-der what you are. There’s a new star shining in the sky to-night,
A new star shining there with all its might
There’s a new star in the sky.

Twin-kle, twin-kle, little star

How I won-der what you are.
There’s new star shining in the sky to-night
And it’s lead-ing wise men to the Holy Light
There’s a new star in the sky.
Twin-kle, twin-kle, little star
How I won-der what you are. There’s new star shining in the sky to-night
Up above the world so high And it’s lead-ing wise men to the Holy Light
Like a diamond in the sky There’s a new star in the sky.

Twin-kle, twin-kle, little star There’s a star in the sky

How I won-der what you are That was placed there on high
And its mes-sage is clear
To all those far and near
For it’s tel-ling the world
The Mes-si-ah is here! The Mes-si-ah is here!

There’s a star in the sky

There’s a star in the sky
Twin-kle, twin-kle, little star
How I won-der what you are.

[All move back a bit and sit down Wise men stand in the middle.]

NEW 1: Who are those guys?

OLD 1: They are the wise men. But they can tell us themselves.

Wise man 1: We three kings of Orient are.

Wise man 2: Bearing gifts we traverse afar.

Wise man 3: Field and fountain, moor and mountain, Following yonder star.

New1: (interrupting) Wait a minute! Wait a minute! What are they saying?
OLD 1: It’s from an old song; about the three wise men. They are saying that they are three
kings from the east; and that they’ve got a long journey to take.

NEW 1: Oh, I get it! And they saw New Star! And they followed it… because they were wise
enough to know that it meant the Savior had been born.

OLD 1: That’s right! Listen… I think they are going to sing about it.

SONG: “WE, THREE KINGS OF ORIENT ARE” only to 29 seconds

[Put out sign “Jerusalem” and a chair for Herod to STAGE RIGHT]
[Front two rows go down their side stairs and sit on the floor in front of stage]
[Servants pass each Wise man their gifts, wise men wander around on the stage.]

NEW1: Oh, I like the kings. And look! They brought presents! Who are they for?

OLD 1: The gifts are for the Baby Jesus. They are Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.
Gold because Jesus is the King. Frankincense because He is the High Priest. And
Myrrh because of His Sacrifice.

[All stand to sing and dance]

SONG: “Three Wise Guys”

Three wise guys who study the skies are on a star-trek enterprise
Three wise guys are easily recognised; so they use a little disguise
Three wise guys have stars in their eyes; until the sun begins to rise
Three wise guys make no compromise; until they each present their prize
With them we are told they had Frankincense, myrrh and gold!

Three wise guys who study the skies are on a star-trek enterprise
Three wise guys are easily recognised; so they use a little disguise
Three wise guys have stars in their eyes; until the sun begins to rise
Three wise guys make no compromise; until they each present their prize
With them we are told they had Frankincense, myrrh and ..
Each of them, we’re told was courageous and bold and with them we are told
They had Frankincense, myrrh and gold

[Herod sits on chair stage right, crowd and scribe stand near him pretending to chat, priests
and lawyers behind the backdrop curtain, Bethlehem sign near backdrop left, everyone else
sit down on sides on the hall floor]

[Wise men, servants and camels slowly go down left stairs, walk in front of stage then go up right
stairs while stars are talking]
NEW 1: Hey! Where are they going? Bethlehem’s over there! (Calling out to 3 Kings)
Hey, Fellas! You’re going the wrong way! The baby’s over there!

OLD 1: They are going to Jerusalem, to the palace, to look for the King of the Jews.

NEW 1: But why? The baby is in Bethlehem. Over there! He was born in a stable!

OLD 1: They went looking for the baby king in a palace. But they didn’t find Him there.

NEW 1: Who did they find?

OLD 1: Well, unfortunately, they met an evil man named Herod, HISSSS who was the local
[Herod stands.]

Wise man 1: Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?

Wise man 2: We saw his star in the east.

Wise man 3: And we have come to worship Him.

[HEROD and the CROWD look worried and whisper back and forth.]

OLD 1: When Herod heard all of this he was greatly distressed and all of Jerusalem with him.
He called in the Jewish chief priests and the teachers of the law.
[Each character runs on in turn to say their line]
HEROD: Chief priests come here now!
PRIEST 1: I’m here my king.
PRIEST 2: I’m here my king.
PRIEST 3: Me too.

HEROD: Where are my lawyers?

LAWYERS: We are here my king.

LAWYER 1: Don’t sign anything!
LAWYER 2: I need to read it first!
LAWYER 3: Always read the smallprint!

[Scribe leaves crowd to stand near Herod reads from scroll]
SCRIBE: The Baby is in Bethlehem in Judea. For this is what the prophet has written…

“But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judea, are by no means least among the rulers of
Judea; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people.”

HEROD: Go to Bethlehem and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find Him, come
and tell me, so that I may come and worship Him too.

OLD 1: So the Wise Men went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of

them until it stopped over the place where the child was.

[Herod, crowd etc go down stairs, moving chair and sign behind curtain. Wise men, servants

and camels stand across stage. Everyone else stand in the 4 groups in front of stage on floor]

Song Nine: [3 wise men, 3 servants and 3 camels sing as a group.]

All: Where will they find a place for the night

Somewhere to rest ‘til dark turns to light
They are three wise men, they have now come
Looking for God’s own son

3 Wise men etc We have travelled very far

We have followed the guiding star
We have treasure to present
Gold and myrrh and frankincense
When we find him, we will bring
Our precious gifts to the baby King
Of gold and myrrh and frankincense
Gold and myrrh and frankincense
[Wise men etc go down right stairs during next verse]
All: They have travelled very far
They have followed the guiding star
They have treasure to present
Gold and myrrh and frankincense
When they find him, they will bring
Their precious gifts to the baby King
Of gold and myrrh and frankincense
Gold and myrrh and frankincense
[Mary and Joseph with crib center stage, singers sit where they are hall floor in groups Gabriel

behind left curtain]

[Wise men etc walk across to bottom of other stairs]

OLD 2: When they reached the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the
child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.

Joseph: Mary … you are never going to believe this! There are camels out there and men dressed
in beautiful clothes.
Mary: They look like kings!

[Wise men give gifts to Mary and Joseph and say their line]

Wise man 1: I have brought you gold, fit for a King

Wise man 2: I’ve brought you frankincense, a precious perfume
Wise man 3: I bring myrrh as I see you will go through great suffering to save your people

OLD 2: Then they gave him their gifts and went back to their own countries. But having been
warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they went home a different way.

[Wise men etc go down left stairs and join their group on the floor. Mary and Joseph go to sleep]

NEW 2: Why didn’t they go back to see Herod?

OLD 2: Because Herod didn’t really want to worship Jesus. He wanted to destroy him!

NEW 2: That’s horrible!

OLD 2: (seriously) Yes, it was.

[Gabriel walks slowly towards Joseph]

NEW 2: What happened to Baby Jesus?

OLD 2: An angel was sent to warn Joseph in a dream.

GABRIEL: Take your precious family away to Egypt as soon as you can, where they will be safe.
OLD 2: They escaped into the night before Herod found them.

[Gabriel walks slowly away, Joseph wakes Mary up and all go behind left backdrop]
[Nazareth sign on right stage remove Bethlehem sign]

NEW 3: That’s wonderful! Is that the whole story?

[Mary and Joseph slowly cross stage to Nazareth as Old star speaks]

OLD 3: There is a little more… When it was safe to return, the child Jesus and His Family
travelled back to Nazareth where he was raised. Jesus was the Son of God and He did
all of the things that were prophesied about Him. He lived a perfect life and died on a
cross for all sin, and rose again to live forever. Now He sits at the right hand of God
the Father, and one day He will come to judge the world.

NEW 3: That’s amazing! And how do you know all of this?

OLD 3: Oh, I saw it all, from up here in the sky; for you see, I am the New Star that
appeared that night.

NEW 3: Really!? You are the New Star? But you are so old.

OLD 3: So is the story, over 2000 years old… But it is still as true today as it was on that very
First Christmas. And that’s why we still celebrate Christmas today.

NEW 3: That’s amazing! Thank you for telling me the story. I think I will shine a little
brighter now that I know all of this.

OLD 3: Well, you know what King David said:

[Each group stand in turn to say their lines and remain standing]

Group 1: The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Group 2: Day after day they pour forth speech;

night after night they display knowledge.

Group 3: There is no speech or language where their voice

is not heard.

Group 4: Their voice goes out into all the earth,

their words to the ends of the world.
NEW 3: Yeah! Well said!! Hey, is that the same King David?

OLD 3: Yes. King David, the ancestor of Joseph, the one who was born in Bethlehem, all those
years ago.
NEW 3: Wow, I like that guy. He has a real way with words.

NEW 3: Okay… So… What now?

OLD 3: Looks like it’s time for another song.

[Front line go up left stairs and line up at the back standing on stage

Line 2 go up right stairs and kneel up high in front of them

Line 3 up left stairs and kneel down

Back row up right stairs and sit on front of stage]

“SILENT NIGHT verse 1”


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