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Top Notch Unit 8 Score

1. Listen to the conversations.Use the context to infer which department the people are in.
( 5 points)
A Bags and accesories
B Shoes
C Sleepwear
D Hosiery
E Outerwear

2. Listen to the conversations.Use the context to infer which department the people are in.
( 5 points)
A Shoes
B Bags and accesories
C Outerwear
D Hosiery
E Sleepwear

3. Listen to the conversations.Use the context to infer which department the people are in.
( 5 points)
A Shoes
B Outerwear
C Bags & accesories
D Hosiery
E Sleepwear

4. Listen to the conversations.Use the context to infer which department the people are in.
( 5 points)
A Shoes
B Outerwear
C Bags & accesories
D Hosiery
E Sleepwear
5. Listen to the conversations.Use the context to infer which department the people are in.
( 5 points)
A Shoes
B Outerwear
C Bags & accesories
D Hosiery
E Sleepwear

6. B.-Listen to a store assistant helping a costumer, then answer the questions.( 6 points)

1.-How many times has the customer visited Everest Stores before?
A Once
B never
C a few times

7. B.-Listen to a store assistant helping a costumer, then answer the questions.( 6 points)

2.- Why is the customer buying a hat?

A because she's going to her sister's wedding.
B because she's going on vacation in New Orleans.
C it's not for her, but for her sister.

8. B.-Listen to a store assistant helping a costumer, then answer the questions.( 6 points)

3.-Why does she need a new toaster?

A Her old one doesn't work anymore.
B She needs a bigger one.
C Her children asked her to get one.

9. B.-Listen to a store assistant helping a costumer, then answer the questions.( 6 points)

4.-What will the customer get on the 4th

A floor? A small kitchen appliance and some
B information. A small kitchen appliance and a
C large one.

A small kitchen appliance and big items like fridges.

10. B.-Listen to a store assistant helping a costumer, then answer the questions.( 6 points)

1.-Why is she buying a DVD?

A For her sister's birthday present.
B Her daughter asked her to buy a DVD.
C As a present for her daughter's birthday.

11. B.-Listen to a store assistant helping a costumer, then answer the questions.( 6 points)

6.-Why does she decide to go to the 6th floor first?

A Because there's an escalator straight to the 6th floor.
B Because she has to buy something that is large and heavy.
C To get some more information.

12. Vocabulary
Select the word that matches to the meaning. ( 6 points)

1.-Socially correct.
A inappropiate
B conservative
C informal
D liberal
E formal
F appropiate

13. Vocabulary
Select the word that matches to the meaning. ( 6 points)

2.-With more rules for appropiate dress.

A innapropiate
B conservative
C informal
D liberal
E formal
F appropiate
14. Vocabulary
Select the word that matches to the meaning. ( 6 points)

3.-For everyday events when casual clothes are OK.

A inappropiate
B conservative
C informal
D liberal
E formal
F appropiate

15. Vocabulary
Select the word that matches to the meaning. ( 6 points)

4.-Without many rules for appropiate dress.

A inappropiate
B conservative
C informal
D liberal
E formal
F appropiate

16. vocabulary
Select the word that matches to the meaning. ( 6 points.)

5.-For special events when casual clothes are not OK.

A Inappropiate
B conservative
C informal
D liberal
E formal
F appropiate
17. Vocabulary
Select the word that matches to the meaning.

6.-Socially incorrect
A inappropiate
B conservative
C informal
D liberal
E formal
F appropiate

18. Grammar

Complete the conversation with the correct comparative adjective, or superlative.( 8


Erik: Hey, how are you? Welcome to Kuraburi.

Helen: I'm very sleepy but it's good to be here.
Jamie: How was your journey?
Helen: Long! It was 1(long) than the journey between Ranong and Phuket.

19. Grammar

Complete the conversation with the correct comparative adjective, or superlative.( 8


Jamie: Where are you from?

Helen: Scotland. It's a lot 2(hot) in Thailand than in Scotland.

20. Grammar

Complete the conversation with the correct comparative adjective, or superlative.( 8


Jamie :Scotland is one of the 3(cold) countries in Europe isn't it?

21. Grammar

Complete the conversation with the correct comparative adjective, or superlative.( 8


Helen: No it's not, but it is one of the 4(wet) .

22. Grammar

Complete the conversation with the correct comparative adjective, or superlative.( 8


Erik: Is your family in Scotland?

Helen: Yes. I have two 5( young) sisters and one 6(old) brother , they all live
in Scotland.
My mother and father live in Scotland too.

23. Grammar

Complete the conversation with the correct comparative adjective, or superlative.( 8


Jamie: Do they all have red hair too?

Helen: No! They've all got dark hair , aprt from my bother, he has the 7(light) hair in
my family.

24. Grammar

Complete the conversation with the correct comparative adjective, or superlative.( 8


Erick: well, are you feeling hungry?

helen: A little bit.
Jamie: Would you like some food?
Erik: There are a few restaurants in Kuraburi,they all have good food.
Helen: Yes, that'd be great.I know food is 8( spicy) here in Thailand.
25. Grammar
Complete the sentence using proper object pronoun

1.-A:What do you think of this blazer?

B: I really like

26. Grammar
Complete the sentence using proper object pronoun

2.-A: Can they gift-wrap loafers, or is that

ridiculous? B: Ridiculous? Why? They can gift-wrap

27. Grammar
Complete the sentence using proper object pronoun
3.-A: Can Alice wear these shoes to the party, or are they to casual?
B: I think they're fine. She can wear

28. Grammar
Complete the sentence using proper object pronoun
A: Are you going to pay for all those accesories with cash?
B: Yes. I don't have any credit cards.I don't like

29. Grammar
Complete the sentences using proper object pronoun
1.-A: I'd like to buy some running shoes for my son.What do you think they're OK?
B: They're nice. Buy for

30. Grammar
Complete the sentence using the proper object pronoun.

2.-I like this red windbreaker. I think is a good gift for my sister.Do you agree?
B: Definitely ! Let's get for
31. Grammar
Complete the sentence using proper object pronoun

3.-A: Did you give your dad your credit card?

Yes. I gave to


Read the following text and answer the questions. (4 points)
John tells us about his favorite places for shopping in London
When I visit London one of my favorite things to do is shopping! I really enjoy searching
for a bargain in the sales, and buying something new to wear on a Saturday night. I also like
doing window-shopping. It’s nice and it doesn't cost a penny! Sometimes I spend hours
just walking around a market and having a chat with my friends.
There are lots of different places to go shopping in London. One of the most famous
places is Oxford Street, but be careful, it gets too busy sometimes. If you want a more
relaxing shopping experience, go to Covent Garden. There you can have a cappuccino,
and watch some street theatre at the same time.
Some people like shopping in department stores. The most famous one in London is
'Harrods' in Knightsbridge, but for me, it's not modern enough, and it’s too expensive.
The best of all the big department stores is 'Selfridges' in Oxford Street. It's a shoppers'
paradise, nice clothes, and the prices? Well, at least I can look,
can't I?
If you go to London, you can’t miss Camden street markets. It's busy, exciting, trendy,
and there are lots of bargains! You can buy cheap jeans and cool second-hand clothes in
the morning and then get a tattoo and a body piercing later on! And
when you get tired of shopping, you can get some Chinese food for £2 or £3, sit
by the canal and drink a coke. What could be better?


Window shopping is .........
A free
B very expensive


One of the most famous places to go shopping in London is......
A Hyde Park
B Oxford Street
Harrods is ......
A too expensive
B not very expensive


In Candem town you can buy .....
A new clothes
B used clothes


Find the expression of words in the text that mean.

1.-Something very cheap


Find the expression of words in the text that
mean. It is free.


Find the expression of words in the text that

mean. Have a talk


Find the expression of words in the text that

mean. Used, not new.

Choose the correct answer.

When you go window-shopping, you......

A look at the windows of the shops but don't buy anything.
B go to buy windows
C spend a lot of money


Choose the correct answer.

What's the problem with shopping in Oxford street?

A it's too expensive
B it's crowded with people and you might get stressed.
C it's not modern enough


Choose the correct answer.

What is the most famous department store in London?

A Selfridges
B Covent Garden
C Harrods


Choose the correct answer.

Which of the following places has the cheapest prices?

A Candem
B Selfridges
C Oxford Street
44. Part 5 Writing

Write a letter or e-mail to a friend from another country who is coming to visit you, explaining
what to pack fro the trip.

You can use the questions as a guide to give infromation to your friend.
Is the weather cold or warm?
Is the culture conservative or liberal?
What kinds of places will you visit?

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