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The United States of America is a harbor of hope for all, a nation blessed with liberty, justice,
and opportunity for all people. Adherence to the principles of our nation’s founding civic
documents, including the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution,
secures these blessings for future generations. Our nation’s founding principles are built on
dependence on Nature’s God and His Laws (see the Declaration of Independence). As stated on
America’s currency, “IN GOD WE TRUST.”

The Oklahoma Advisory Committee on Founding Principles encourages the Oklahoma State
Department of Education to keep its public instruction grounded in what it means to be a citizen
of Oklahoma and the United States of America.

Our Founding Fathers believed morality and virtue are required for this nation’s citizenry to be
capable of self-rule and the promotion of the common good. We agree.

The formation of morality and virtue in students is integral to the work of public education.
Maintaining this nation’s founding principles is a gift to students in aiding their intellectual
growth and development of civic identity.

A few years ago, an outdoor marquee at an Oklahoma City public school proclaimed: “Do what
is right, not what is easy.” We agree.

The Oklahoma Advisory Committee on Founding Principles recommends that the Oklahoma
Department of Education:

1. Enforces the existing state statute, Oklahoma Statutes Title 70, Section 11-101.2,
whereby each school in each Oklahoma school district shall begin every school day with
a minute of silence. This shall be a full minute and not only the commonly referred to
“moment.” Prior to each day’s minute of silence, each school in each district must
announce over the school’s public address system the following purpose for the minute of
silence: “We now pause for a minute of silence in which students and teachers may use
this minute to reflect, meditate, pray, or engage in any other silent activity.” This pattern
may be followed for significant school functions throughout the academic schoolyear.

2. Requires that each classroom of each school in Oklahoma school districts displays a
durable poster or framed copy of the Ten Commandments in a prominent location.

3. Requires a Western Civilization course for graduation as part of the curriculum in each
school in each Oklahoma school district to strengthen the heritage which was integral to
the nation’s founding and western culture, as well as to foster gratitude and informed

Implementing these recommendations will help create a society of free, virtuous, and
flourishing citizens.

Implementing these recommendations will help restore society to its origins as a free,
virtuous, and flourishing citizenry.

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